Takes the Purple Stars. Beret "Purple stars" Knitting of a beret with a jacquard pattern

One size fits all

You need

Yarn (77% cotton, 15% Kashmir wool, 8% polyamide; 175 m / 50 g) - 50 g each white, pink, blue and red; set of knitting needles No. 4; circular needles No. 4.5, 40 cm long.

Patterns and schemes

Front surface

Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.
In circular rows, knit all loops with the front ones.


Alternately, 1 front red thread, 1 purl white thread.

Decorative decreases

5 sts knit together with the front one with a tilt to the left, the loop with the marker is in the middle: remove the loop with the marker and 2 previous loops, as with knitting, knit 2 stitches together with the front one, then pull the removed loops through the knitted ones.

Decorative additions

On both sides of the marker from the broaches, knit 1 faces. crossed loop.

Jacquard pattern

Knit in a circle according to the above pattern, repeating the rapport of 18 loops.

Knitting density

22 p.x 28 p. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with front stitch with needles No. 4.5.

Completing of the work

On stocking needles No. 4, dial 90 points with crossed double red thread. Close the row and knit in a circle for a punch-bar of 2.5 cm = 6 p. rubber band.

Then go to circular knitting needles No. 4.5 and continue to work with the front satin stitch with a white thread. In this case, mark each 10th point with markers = 9 marks.

In every 2nd p. from the strip on both sides of the marks, perform 4 times 1 decorative increase = 162 p.

After 10 p. start the jacquard pattern from the plank, for this, repeat the width of the rapport of 18 sts 9 times.

After 37 p. jacquard pattern, mark each 18th p. = 9 marks with markers and continue the work with the front satin stitch with a white thread, while in the 1st p. in the marked places, perform 1 decorative decrease = 126 p.

Then go to the stocking needles and repeat the decrements 3 more times in every 2nd p. = 18 p.

Pull off the remaining loops with a working thread, fasten the end of the thread.

Photo: magazine "Verena" №2 / 2017

I so wanted to get a knitted beret that I knitted as many as 3 pieces in two weeks)) And they all turned out to be jacquard. To be honest, I have no idea how it happened, but I'm starting to suspect that jacquard is still a drug. CAUTION: Addictive!

If you are not afraid of the mess in the apartment, an unfed cat and a husband, then feel free to start knitting berets with knitting needles (2017 allows you to wear these hats, many celebrities in berets are confirmation). The first in the "Autumn with Drops Design" column was the "PURPLE STARS" knitting needle.

As you already understood, these berets are related to the models from the Garnstudio website. There are quite convenient diagrams and a completely understandable description. However, as in most cases, my density differs from that stated in the description, so I have to do my own calculations and often the whole product looks completely different.

In the first part of the article, I provide a translation of instructions from Drops Design (as far as the Google translator allowed me to do this). In the second part of the article - mine takes with knitting needles, a description of the work in rows. At the end of the page you will find a VIDEO MK on how to knit a beret.

Original description: Candy Lane by DROPS Design

Model No. y-799, yarn group B.

Sizes: S / M-M / L.

Head circumference: 54 / 56-56 / 58 cm.

Needles: # 3 or # 4 for density 21 stitches NS 28 Rows by 10 cm. Knitting needles can be used circular on a fishing line or cable, and to form the crown, go to hosiery.

How to knit takes with knitting needles: diagrams and a detailed description for 2 sizes

This jacquard beret for women is knitted in a circle. To begin with, 104-112 P are typed on the needles number 3. Next, knit 3-4 cm with an elastic band 2: 2. After that, it is worth switching to knitting needles number 4 and performing 1 P with front loops. Then you need to use scheme A.4 and perform 13-14 pattern repeats. THE SAME DENSITY SHOULD BE OBSERVED AS WHEN KNITTING THE PATTERN.

When the canvas is 156-168 P wide in the places indicated by arrows and numbers, you should begin to reduce:

In the Row with an arrow and number 1: Cut 24 stitches evenly. For size S / M: knit 5th and 6th and 6th and 7th stitches in turn. In size M / L: every 6th and 7th loop. Remains 132-144 loops.

In the Row with an arrow and number 2: bind off 22-24 sts. Knit every 5th and 6th loops together. There remains 110-120 P.

In the Row with an arrow and number 3: bind off 26-24 sts. For size S / M: knit 3rd and 4th stitches together. In size M / L: every 4th and 5th loop. It remains 84-96 P.

In the Row with an arrow and number 4: cut evenly 20-28 P. For size S / M: knit 3rd and 4th stitches together. In size M / L: in turn the 2nd and 3rd and every 3rd and 4th loop. Remains 64-68 P.

When scheme A.4 is knitted, you should continue to reduce P in the following order:

  • P exactly, then P, in which cut evenly 16-17 P. Knit together every 3rd and 4th loops.
  • Repeat the first step 3 times. At the same time, in each new P with a contraction of P, you need to cut the 2nd and 3rd loops, then the 1st and 2nd loops.
  • When 16-17 sts remain, knit 1 r exactly.
  • Cut R rows, knit every 1st and 2nd stitches together.
  • When there are 8-9 Ps left, cut the thread, thread it through the remaining loops and pull it tight. Fasten the tail.

The finished beret, knitted with jacquard pattern, will be 21-22 cm high.

Knitting beret with needles: my version

After knitting, I found out that:

  • The density of the elastic is 14 x 10 cm. Knitting needles # 3.
  • The density of the main fabric is 16 P X 10 cm. Knitting needles No. 3.5.

The product required 89 grams of yarn.

I performed the calculations for a head girth of 55 cm. I decided that the beret, the scheme of which I liked, would "sit" on the head better if the belt was about 52 cm. forehead.

So at 52cm I cast 72 sts (52 x 14/10 = 72 sts). Locked knitting into a ring.

Knitted with needles # 3 an elastic band 2: 2 to a height of 3 cm, and then proceeded to knit the pattern.

At the same time, I switched to the needles number 3.5. Used the scheme A.4. It turned out that I just had enough loops to form 9 rapports. The beginning of the row was marked with markers.

Strictly following the scheme, I knitted up to the P, which is indicated by the arrow and the number "1". On the needles 108 P.

To understand in which places to perform the reduction, you need to divide the total number of Ps in the row by the number of Ps to be reduced. For example: 90: 18 = 5. This means that every 4th and 5th stitch should be knit together. Then every 5th loop will contract.

This is where the abbreviations start:

В Р with an arrow and №1: It was necessary to close so many Ps so that the remainder was a multiple of 6! This is important as the following jacquard pattern has a 6-P rapport.

She cut 18 loops evenly. I knit every 5th and 6th stitch together. Remaining 90 P.

В Р with an arrow and №2: closed 18 P. I knit each 4th and 5th loops together. Remaining 72 loops. The multiplicity of the remaining Ps does not matter.

В Р with an arrow and №3: It is necessary that the number of remaining Ps be a multiple of 12!

I closed 12 P. I knit each 5th and 6th loops together. Remaining 60 P.

In P with an arrow and # 4: evenly cut 12 P. Knit together every 4th and 5th loops. Remaining 48 P.

On this I finished knitting according to the scheme A.4. Then I cut the loops in this order:

  1. P, in which I knitted every 4th and 5th loops together.
  2. P without abbreviations. Formation of colored dots: 1 R purple, 1 R blue.
  3. P without abbreviations.
  4. P, in which I knit every 3rd and 4th loops together.
  5. P, in which I knit every 3rd and 4th loops together.
  6. P, in which I knit every 3rd and 4th loops together.
  7. P, in which I knitted every 1st and 2nd loops together.

The remainder of P was pulled together with a needle and secured.

The finished beret, knitted with jacquard pattern, is 23.5 cm high.

The described instructions will perfectly complement the video on how to knit beret with knitting needles. The video is posted at the bottom of this page, as well as on the Anna and Spitsy channel on You Tube.

By the way, look at the photo of the first version of the crown. I knitted it according to the description from Drops. This is how important the correct calculations are, taking into account the specific yarn and density.

By the way, I just got carried away with jacquards, so in future publications you will see interesting and original patterns for knitting colored ornaments.

I decided to devote a separate post to bilateral berets. I doubt that in the near future I will stop knitting them, because I live in a cold climate, I like to change hats often and I don't have much free time to check out some ideas. It is very convenient to check them on beret hats, it seems that I received answers to my questions and there was a useful and necessary thing ...

I will not write about the technique of double-sided jacquard, many different publications are devoted to this both on the Internet and on the pages of magazines. I can only say that there are two different ways of knitting double-sided jacquard - two threads at the same time and one (alternately with each thread).

The second method is described in detail in "Verena" No. 4, 2014.
I tried it, this method seemed to me not rational, so I knit with two threads at the same time and I really like to use double-sided jacquard in decoration.

At first it seems that the row is knitted terribly slowly, but gradually you get involved. I knitted my first beret for more than a week, now I can handle it in a couple of evenings :).

This post will be basic. It will change periodically as questions are received.
Beret testing Autumn paisley showed that some points that seemed self-evident to me raise questions.

If you've never touched double-sided jacquard before, it's best to start with hats and berets because:

  1. V You will see the result of your efforts pretty quickly and it will be very warm.
  2. NS There is always one front side in front of the eyes, there is less chance of straying from the scheme.
  3. NS But there is no knitting skill of double-sided jacquard and there are problems with thread tension, gnarled loops will only be on one side.
  4. R The figure on the "seamy side" is formed without visible effort, almost by itself.
  5. NS When knitting not in a circle, for example, problems arise with edging. Not always and not from any yarn, they turn out beautiful and graceful, which sometimes greatly irritates knitters and makes them refuse to knit double-sided jacquard.
  6. M You can use a beautiful prickly yarn (kauni or dundagu) and not make a bunch of movements to soften it, just knit the headband from a yarn that is comfortable for the forehead and ears.
Yarn selection.

For starters, I suggest choosing a familiar and well-tried yarn, with the same characteristics on each side. It so happened that three berets, a favorite poncho and a dress are tied from Merino 160 , so this is my proven yarn, and the leftovers must be put somewhere ...

If you plan to use different yarns, keep in mind that it is easier to control the thread tension in the face layer (hereinafter LS). To make it easier to adjust the tension of the loops during the subsequent wash, it is better to choose a more plastic yarn for the back layer (hereinafter referred to as IS). As a last resort, a thin thread of mohair or angora can be added to the IP so that the unevenness of the loops "drowns" in the fluff.

most often done by knitting loops from the crossed broach of the underlying row. The main thing is not to forget to do them in both layers at the same time!

This is how the rows look like with increments in close-up.

Decreases I like to fit into the pattern.
It is important to pay attention to the slope of the loops (to the right or to the left), not only in the front layer, but also in the purl. I have not yet decided which ones I like best, I continue to experiment.

Closing the loops
I close the LS and IC hinges separately in each layer with a needle. LS loops first,

then, turning the takes on the other side, into the IS.

Pull the loops tightly, fix the thread, thread the ends.

Berets can be washed and simply laid out on a flat surface, can be pulled over the base.
Usually, I thread a thin knitting needle into the edge of the beret, pull it together and leave it to dry completely.

If you are not satisfied with the size and want to stretch it - I use a circle cut from cardboard with a slightly larger diameter than I take myself. I stretch my wet takes on cardboard andI leave it like this until it dries completely.

I had several main questions to which I answered myself:
Is it possible to knit a double-sided beret using the one-sided jacquard beret pattern? You can, but only if you plan to take it later, because it will turn out to be gigantic.
The scheme for this beret was shortened, the needles were thinner, and nevertheless it turned out to be 39 cm in diameter and had to be rolled for a long time to the desired size!

It is much more likely to get a double-sided beret using a jacquard hat pattern. If you want to get straightaway the necessary thing, rather than bandaging several times, it is better to use the cap / beret descriptions for the double-sided jacquard.

Which yarn is best not to use?
If you plan to wear the hat / beret with two sides out alternately, it is best not to use silk yarn. Despite the pleasant tactile sensations and sufficient density of knitting of the elastic, the beret will slide on the forehead and slide over the eyes. Retracting the elastic will not solve the problem.

In this beret there is coral - angora, white - alpaca on silk (40% silk). Most often worn with the white side out, coral is suitable only if there is a support in the form of a high tail.

What combination of yarn is suitable for not very warm hats?

Day & Night... One side is warm, the other is thin mohair, giving lightness and elusiveness of the pattern, blown and shapeless, looks like a hat.

One size fits all

You need

Yarn (77% cotton, 15% Kashmir wool, 8% polyamide; 175 m / 50 g) - 50 g each white, pink, blue and red; set of knitting needles No. 4; circular needles No. 4.5, 40 cm long.

Patterns and schemes

Front surface

Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.
In circular rows, knit all loops with the front ones.


Alternately, 1 front red thread, 1 purl white thread.

Decorative decreases

5 sts knit together with the front one with a tilt to the left, the loop with the marker is in the middle: remove the loop with the marker and 2 previous loops, as with knitting, knit 2 stitches together with the front one, then pull the removed loops through the knitted ones.

Decorative additions

On both sides of the marker from the broaches, knit 1 faces. crossed loop.

Jacquard pattern

Knit in a circle according to the above pattern, repeating the rapport of 18 loops.

Knitting density

22 p.x 28 p. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with front stitch with needles No. 4.5.

Completing of the work

On stocking needles No. 4, dial 90 points with crossed double red thread. Close the row and knit in a circle for a punch-bar of 2.5 cm = 6 p. rubber band.

Then go to circular knitting needles No. 4.5 and continue to work with the front satin stitch with a white thread. In this case, mark each 10th point with markers = 9 marks.

In every 2nd p. from the strip on both sides of the marks, perform 4 times 1 decorative increase = 162 p.

After 10 p. start the jacquard pattern from the plank, for this, repeat the width of the rapport of 18 sts 9 times.

After 37 p. jacquard pattern, mark each 18th p. = 9 marks with markers and continue the work with the front satin stitch with a white thread, while in the 1st p. in the marked places, perform 1 decorative decrease = 126 p.

Then go to the stocking needles and repeat the decrements 3 more times in every 2nd p. = 18 p.

Pull off the remaining loops with a working thread, fasten the end of the thread.

Photo: magazine "Verena" №2 / 2017

Descriptions of knitting hats:

For caps size 54-57:

you will need 30-50g of multi-colored yarn of the desired colors and 50g of yarn of the main color for the elastic and the base of the cap, you also need knitting needles No. 2 and 3.
Elastic: 1 front, 1 purl or 2x2
Completing of the work: dial 100-130 stitches with the main thread and tie 2-4 cm with an elastic band, continue with the front stitch according to the selected color jacquard pattern.For the crown, decrease the loops in every second or third row, as shown in the diagrams. At the end, pull off the remaining loops, sew a seam. Make a pompom from yarn and fasten it on the crown, you can also use a fur pompom or without it.

For those hats for which there is no description, you can take as a basis the descriptions of those that will be below and knit the jacquard pattern that you like best.

Beanie from DROPS

Warm stylish hat with knitting needles for women, made of woolen yarn of medium thickness. Knitting hats is carried out in a circle from the bottom edge. In knitting, jacquard patterns are used, the patterns for which you will find in the description.

Dimensions (edit)

One size
Head circumference: 54/57 cm

Materials (edit)

DROPS KARISMA yarn (100% wool, 50 g / 100 m) 1 skein of pink each, black and gray, stocking and circular needles 3.5 mm, circular needles 3 mm

Knitting density

22 sts and 30 circles = 10x10 cm (3.5 mm)

Description of knitting hats for women

Note: All circles are shown in the pattern diagrams.

How to perform decreases: subtract 1 point on each side of the center. 3 loops in scheme A.5, shown in the diagram. Start with the first stitch before pattern A.5, knit 2 sts together. gray thread, 1 p. black thread, 1 p. gray, 1 p. black, remove 1 p. as persons., 1 p. p. with a gray thread, stretch the removed one through the knitted = 2 p.

On knitting needles 3 mm, dial 104 and knit 1 circle of faces.p., then perform 6 circles with an elastic band 1x1 (1 person.p., 1 n.p.), switch to needles 3.5
mm and continue according to the scheme А.4, after 1 vert. rapport cap height 4.5 cm. Then knit a trace. in the following way: * 5 points according to the scheme A.5, 21 points according to the scheme A.6, repeat from * in a circle only 4 times. In the circles marked in the diagram A.6, perform reductions (see description above), repeat the circle of decreases in each 2nd circle a total of 3 times and then in each circle 7 times. On the remaining 24 loops, knit 2 sts together. to the end of the circle, cut off the thread and stretch its end through 12 sts on the knitting needle, tighten and secure from the inside out. sides. Hat length 24 cm.


Warm set with knitting needles for women, knitted from woolen yarn of medium thickness. The set consists of a beret, the description of which is calculated for two sizes, and a shirt front. Both items are made in the same style and are connected according to the jacquard patterns described in the description.

Dimensions (edit)

Beret: S / M - M / L
Head circumference: 54/56 - 56/58 cm
Dicky: one size
The circumference at the bottom edge is 93 cm, at the top - 53 cm.Height 30 cm

Materials (edit)

DROPS KARISMA yarn (100% wool, 50 g / 100 m) for a beret 1-2 skeins of light beige, for a shirt-front - 3 skeins; 1 skein of all colors indicated on the diagram for the beret and shirt-front; stocking and circular needles 3 mm and 4 mm

Knitting density

21 sts and 28 rows = 10x10 cm in knit stitch on 4 mm needles

Description of the beret with knitting needles

On knitting needles 3 mm, dial 104-112 stitches with a light beige thread and knit 3-4 cm with an elastic band 2x2 (2 persons, p. 2) in a circle, then perform 1 circle of persons. and in the next. circle to continue knitting according to the pattern of pattern A.1, repeating horiz. rapport 13-14 times per circle. During knitting, the number of loops will increase to 156-168. In the rows marked with an arrow, it is necessary to reduce the uniform number of loops: A, B, C = 22-24 sts, D = 24-26 sts. 64-68 sts remain on the needles, continue knitting according to the pattern and then knit with a light thread gray trail. In the following way: * 1 circle of persons.p., then perform another 1 circle of persons.p., evenly subtracting 64-68 p., repeat from * 2 more times = 16-17 p. In the next. knit in a circle 2 sts together. on all loops, cut off the thread and pull its end through the remaining loops, tighten and secure from the inside out. sides. The height of the beret is 21-22 cm.

Description of shirt-front knitting for women

On knitting needles 3 mm with a light beige thread, dial 290 sts and perform 1 circle of faces, then continue with an elastic band 2x3 (2 faces, 3 out). After 3 cm, subtract in every second section from the inside out. 1 p. = 261 p., then repeat the decrease at a height of 4 cm already in other sections = 232 p. Continue knitting with a 2x2 elastic band and after 5 cm switch to 4 mm knitting needles. Run 1 circle of persons.p, evenly subtracting 36 p. In the next. circle to continue knitting according to scheme A.2, repeating horiz. rapport 14 times per lap. After 1 vert. rapport according to the scheme on the needles 112 p., follow the next. circle with a thread of light beige color of persons.p, evenly adding 16 sts. = 128 sts. Go to 3 mm needles and knit 5 cm with an elastic band 2x2. Close the loops according to the pattern.


Warm multi-colored mitts with knitting needles, made of woolen yarn of medium thickness. Knitting mitts is carried out in a circle according to the scheme given in the description. Description calculated for one size.

Dimensions (edit)

One size
Circumference: 20cm
Length: 24cm

Materials (edit)

DROPS KARISMA yarn (100% wool, 50 g / 100 m) 1 skein of light beige and all colors indicated in the pattern diagram, 3 mm and 4 mm stocking needles

Knitting density

21 sts and 28 circles = 10x10 cm in knit stitch on 4 mm needles

Description of mitts with knitting needles

Note: mitts are knitted in a circle from top to bottom.

On knitting needles 3 mm, cast on 52 sts with a light gray thread and knit in a circle of 2.5 cm with an elastic band 2x2 (2 persons.p., 2 N.s.), switch to 4 mm needles and perform 1 circle of persons.p., Evenly decreasing 4 p. Continue knitting according to pattern A.3, in the marked circle with 1 arrow, evenly subtract 4 p., 2 with arrow - another 4 p. = 40 p. After the last. circle according to the pattern, complete 1 circle with a light gray thread, adding 4 sts evenly, switch to 3 mm needles and knit 2.5 cm with an elastic band. Close the loops according to the pattern.

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