What to do to keep things from fading: washing secrets. Washing secrets: how to wash correctly, some useful tips for washing How to buy a thing that does not fade

It would seem that what could be easier than tossing things into the washing machine and turning it on.

However, even here there are secrets that will help improve the quality of washing, preserve laundry and keep the washing machine from breaking.

Secrets of proper washing

Secret # 1 - never load all things in one pile. Sort out large and small items, then load some and then others. This will keep the balance in the drum, and therefore avoid machine vibrations and poor spinning.

Secret # 2 - sort the laundry to avoid color problems. Moreover, without fail in this order: first white, then light, then blue and green, and finally red.

Secret number 3 - protect the pump draining the water from the machine. To do this, carefully check all pockets before washing and clean them of small items and various debris.

Secret # 4 - if you want your colored items have not lost their color, then do not use bleach.

Secret # 5 - calculate the amount of powder strictly according to the instructions on the package... Excessive powder is harmful to both the clipper and your laundry. You can increase the portion of the powder in two cases - if you have high hardness water or if you have to wash heavily soiled laundry.
Unfortunately, almost every housewife is faced with the fact that after washing on dark linen, white spots, streaks or white grains are observed. There may be several reasons for this: you went too far with the powder, or the powder itself turned out to be of poor quality, since it contained particles that are poorly soluble in water.
Your actions: clean the laundry with a clothes brush (since secondary rinsing may not always be effective) and in the future try to use liquid detergent for such products.

Secret # 6 - regularly clean the heating element in your washing machine, this will avoid lime deposits on it and extend the life of the device.

Secret # 7 - be sure to check if there are any loose buttons... If there is, cut them off, then sew them on. Fasten the buttons and close the zippers to protect the drum from damage.

Secret # 8 - all linen must be turned out, then you will save things from quick wear and loss of color.

Secret # 9 - use a different spin mode for each type of laundry... For silk and wool, about 500 turns, about 800 for most items, and over 1000 turns for towels, sheets, etc.

Secret # 10 - so that the things you love to wear last as long as possible, try to strictly adhere to the recommended temperature regime... It is better to set the temperature below the specified limit rather than higher. Moreover, colored laundry, as a rule, fade from washing at high temperatures, which is completely useless for you.

Secret # 11 - with it should be remembered and. Turn the jeans inside out and close the zipper before washing. Do not twist denim. And the temperature for washing such things should ideally be no higher than 40 degrees.

Secret # 12 - with it should be remembered and rules for washing jeans... Turn the jeans inside out and close the zipper before washing. Do not twist denim. And the temperature for washing such things should ideally be no higher than 40 degrees. - If you are dealing with wool, choose the appropriate washing program (as a rule, all modern washing machines have a program for washing woolen fabrics at a temperature of 30-40 ° C, which also provides for a gentle spin).

Secret # 13 - so that the woolen garment remains fluffy and soft after washing by touch, use special products or simply add a little glycerin to the rinse compartment.

Secret # 14 - comply with the loading rate... It is better not to return the laundry than to shift and disable the washing machine and wash the laundry poorly.

Secret # 15 - choose the correct washing program. You can read about the recommended programs in the instructions for the washing machine. For example, for washing mixed and synthetic fabrics, a program for washing heavily soiled cotton laundry at high temperatures is hardly suitable. As a result, you are provided with deformed things and a spoiled mood. There are special programs for delicate fabrics, silk and wool

Secret # 16 - choose the right washing powder. I think there is no need to remind that powder for hand washing is not suitable for automatic washing machines due to irregular foaming. For colored laundry, do not use powder for washing white laundry, because it contains bleach. For woolen and delicate fabrics, there are special powders and gels.

Secret # 17 - do not use the washing machine as a basket for dirty laundry me: you run the risk of getting mold not only on the walls of the machine, but also stains on your clothes.

Symbols that you can find on your products

Can be machine washed at a temperature not exceeding 30 °
Can be machine washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 °, normal mode
Can be machine washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 °, gentle mode
Can be machine washed at a temperature not exceeding 60 °
Can be machine washed at a temperature not exceeding 60 °, gentle mode
Can be machine washed at a temperature not exceeding 95 °, gentle mode
Only hand wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 °

Do not tumble dry
Iron up to 100 °
Iron up to 200 °
Iron up to 300 °

Our mothers and grandmothers coped with washing clothes quite easily without using expensive powders and bleaches.
Not all housewives can afford any expensive detergents.

Therefore, the experience of the older generation can help us to successfully cope with many of the problems that washing our clothes asks us.

Here are some simple tips:

When preparing to wash, you must first sort the linen... Heavily soiled items (kitchen towels, rags, overalls) should be washed separately. Small and large items - separately, light underwear should not be mixed with items made from dark and fading fabrics. When sorting things, do not forget to remove foreign objects from your pockets - handkerchiefs, lipstick, pins, pencils, etc. Nice buttons, buckles, fading trims are better to rip off, otherwise they may deteriorate.

What fabrics can be washed? Let's check ...

If you are going to wash a thing that is very dear to you, do not be lazy before you start washing, check Does the fabric shrink... To do this, you need to take a small flap (if the product is purchased ready-made, cut a piece from the side seams). A piece of cardboard is cut to its size. The flap is kept in warm water for about half an hour. After drying, they are placed on cardboard to see if the fabric has shrunk. If she "sits down" and this is very critical, and you cannot do without washing. then before washing you will have to open the hem, as well as some folds of clothes, pleated.

To check color fastness of colored fabrics, heat a strong soap solution, place a flap of fabric in it for 10 minutes, rub it lightly, rinse in cold water and leave in it for 20 minutes, after which the flap is wrung out and dried in the sun or with an iron. If the water has not stained and the color of the fabric has not changed, the product can be washed without fear of ruining it.
Another method is also known. A flap of tissue is soaked in a concentrated solution of ammonia (you probably have it in your home medicine cabinet), and if after rinsing and drying the color of the flap has not changed, then there is no doubt about the durability of the color.

How to wash so that things do not fade?

To products made of cotton fabrics did not fade you must first soak them in salt water. Then rinse in cold water, wash and dry as described above.

There is one more remedy preservation of the color of cotton fabrics- soak a cloth for 10 minutes in cold water mixed with turpentine (1 tablespoon of turpentine per 2 liters of water) and wash in cool water with soapy water. Pour some vinegar while rinsing.

Colored items do not fade when washed in the machine, if you add 2-3 tablespoons of salt

Knitted items do not shed during washing if you soak them in cold water, after adding a little vinegar. And to rinse jerseys should be in water, into which a spoonful of glycerin was previously added.

Clothes brown, beige, cream colors After washing and rinsing, you can hold it for a few minutes in the tea brewing solution, after checking on the tip of the belt or the remaining piece to see if the shades match. The desired shade can be achieved by changing the strength of the brew.

To brighten things up in blue and red, add a small amount of baking soda to the rinse water - a teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water. .

To freshen up the coloring black fabrics, dissolve a pinch of salt in the final rinse water.

When rinsing red and blue fabrics pour in a little vinegar pink- ammonia: paints retain their brightness better this way.

Colored linen will not fade if it is soaked in salt water for a few minutes before washing, adding 2 teaspoons of salt to 1 liter of water, and then washed in soapy, salted water at room temperature. After that, they should be well dried and only then ironed from the inside out.
And in order for the colors to become brighter during the washing process, 2 tablespoons of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar per 5 liters of water must be added to the soaking solution.

If the color of the woolen garment is fragile, it must be soaked before washing in a detergent solution (according to the previous recipe), adding 1 teaspoon of ammonia (per 10 liters of water); wash after soaking quickly (at a temperature of 35 degrees).

How do I restore the color of my clothes?

To restore the color of the fabric, lost under the action of any acid, the stain is poured with a small amount of ammonia to neutralize the acid, then moistened with chloroform - and thus the original color will be restored.

Burnt green or black pattern refresh by rinsing the cloth in a solution of alum.

If cotton fabrics (chintz, satin) in blue tones, as well as dark silk after washing, rinse in very warm, almost hot salty water (3 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of water), this will also refresh the colors.

To give glitter tulle curtains AFTER washing for 2 hours, soak tulle in warm water with salt (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Then rinsed and hung. Tulle shines and shimmers when the sun's rays fall through the window.


Very delicate and dilapidated items can only be washed by hand.

Colored laundry is not recommended to be soaped... Wash it in soap suds or water and detergent.

Clothes made of cotton and linen fabrics can be washed using laundry soap with washing soda, and things made of woolen, silk and synthetic fabrics- baby and liquid soap. If you add a teaspoon of turpentine to the water, you will need less soap for washing.

Poplin, Damascus, white pique can be washed at high temperature, from natural silk, synthetics, wool- it is forbidden.

Products from chemical fibers do not rub or twist. They should be washed more often without waiting for heavy soiling.

Helpful tips for washing

If the laundry is not too dirty and worn out, the ideal option would be to wash without boiling and friction. Just soaking is enough. But this method should not be used too often, since the solution used contains substances that, due to frequent use, can damage the fabric. For the solution you will need: 30 liters of water, 400 grams of soap scraped with a knife, 2 tablespoons of ammonia and / or turpentine. The resulting solution must be whipped by hand until foam is obtained, put linen into it, close the basin or boil with a lid and leave for 10 hours. Then you should rinse things thoroughly two or three times.

If you need to wash very "washed" cotton linen, soak it for a day in a solution containing 2-3 tablespoons of detergent for washing cotton fabrics and the same amount of turpentine per 10 liters of water.

There is another way: you can soak things in a warm (30-40 degrees) solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Handkerchiefs easier to wash if you soak them for 2 hours in cold salted water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

White socks, knee-highs they are perfectly washed if they are pre-soaked for 1-2 hours in water to which boric acid is added (1-2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

Hard cotton socks will become softer if you soak them in water with ammonia for 1 hour before washing (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Darkened tulle curtains wash better if soaked in warm salted water before washing.

Cotton lace before washing, soak for 1-1.5 hours in cold salted water and only after that wash.

To be good bleach white wool, before washing, they are soaked for 2 hours in a solution (room temperature) containing 2 tablespoons of detergent per 10 liters of water.

If thing fell over, before washing, it can be soaked for 0.5-1 hour in a solution containing 3 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of turpentine and 1 tablespoon of cologne per 10 liters of water.
By the way, things with matted wool can be washed in the water left after soaking the beans.

Matted knitted rinse the product in water, in which add 3 tablespoons of ammonia for every 10 liters, and leave it in this solution for a day. After that, rinse the product several times in warm water, wrap it in a terry towel, and then dry it on the table.

To terry robes and towels were soft and fluffy, they can be washed and boiled in salt water.
Or, after a regular wash, before drying, you should hold terry items in slightly salty water, then remove, squeeze and do not rinse again.

The collars and cuffs of men's shirts are most often dirty.... To get rid of these stains, wash your shirts in about 90 degrees water and use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with the detergent.

If you are going wash a pleated skirt, then before washing, stitch it with a free seam along the folds, using a thin thread and a needle. It will be much easier to iron then.

Before as wash clothes from mohair, add some glycerin to the water. And if possible, use a special detergent for washing such things.

If you add very little vinegar to the washing water, then the arrows on the trousers will last much longer.

Heavily soiled handkerchiefs should be soaked in a salt solution (one tablespoon per bucket of water).

Milk can help deal with fresh ink stains.

To prevent buttons and jewelry from coming off the clothes during washing in the washing machine, you need to button your clothes and turn them inside out.

The linen will smell good b, if you put remnants of toilet soap in the water for boiling.

If you are going dry washed linen e in the cold, add some vinegar to the rinse water. The linen will acquire a pleasant shine, and most importantly, will not freeze to the rope... You can also wipe the rope itself with a cloth dipped in a warm solution of baking soda or salt.

After rinsing woolen and silk wrap things in a dry cotton cloth (sheet, towel, etc.), and then carefully straighten them, lay them out to dry.

Products from staple fabrics it is not recommended to dry in the sun - they will lose color.

Thin lace underwear do not fasten with clothespins - it may be damaged at the clip.

If you starch the bedding, so that the starch does not give an unpleasant shine on the fabric, add a little milk to the solution.

Starched bed linen, and even more so the tablecloths, when they dry out, must be ironed. And so that the starch does not stick to the iron, I sprinkle the bed linen not with plain water, but with saline solution (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water).

For removing hot iron marks from white linen and cotton fabrics the yellowed area is soaked in cold water, and then wiped with a solution of bleach (1 teaspoon per 1 glass

And one more important rule: only clean linen should be ironed... Because if there is at least one small speck on it, which you do not even suspect, then the iron will help to reveal it. Thus, both the thing and your mood will deteriorate.
Based on materials from women-empire.ru, hwww.omar.ru

Original post and comments on

I remember the time when my grandmother started her laundry in winter. She often had to wash on a washboard, boil clothes in a large tub. Of course, she didn't spend the whole day at the trough - she had a washing machine. But I still, with great surprise, remember those moments when she, having loaded the washed laundry on a wheelbarrow, carried him to the river. The Slyudyanka River originated in the Sayan Mountains and flowed into Lake Baikal. And she rinsed this pile of clothes in the icy river, which did not freeze in winter only because the current was too fast. But this clean linen had such a fresh smell, from which one could go crazy.

Living in an "Italian" courtyard, of which there are a lot in Tbilisi, where a tap with water is in the courtyard, and I had to rinse my clothes in ice water. Of course, the Georgian winter cannot be compared with the Siberian winter, but it was also unpleasant work.

I have been living in a comfortable apartment for a long time and have an automatic washing machine. And modern detergents perfectly cope with any dirt. But even when washing in an automatic machine, linen, shirt collars or kitchen towels are not always washed. I have my own methods that I use to get snow-white lingerie as a result.

Nowadays there are many colored knitted sets for bedding or “wrinkled” fabrics. It is easy for the hostess to wash such linen and it is possible not to iron it, but I have almost all bedding sets in white. Before washing, I usually turn on the rinse program, and only after that I fill in the powder and wash at a temperature of 60 degrees, sometimes at 90 degrees, usually this is enough to make the laundry snow-white.

Light-colored, their collars and cuffs get dirty quickly, especially when a man wears a tie all day, works at his desk, with papers and deals with a computer. If the shirts are simply loaded into the washing machine, then traces will remain on problem areas, which are even more manifested under the influence of the iron. Before putting the shirts in the car, I soap and rub the collars and cuffs a little with a soft brush, and then, without rinsing, I send them to the wash.

Kitchen towels must be periodically pre-soaked in bleach, and only then subjected to intensive machine wash at high temperatures.

And here is a very interesting old one way to bleach linen time consuming but worth the effort. It is necessary to peel and cut four onions, grate 25 grams of laundry soap, one hundred grams of sifted wood ash, pour all this with one liter of white table vinegar. Mix and boil, pour into a basin and soak laundry in this solution for 10-12 hours, then rinse and wash it.

Discussion: 10 comments

    As they say - patience and work ... Powders are so low-quality (regardless of cost) that you can't do without little tricks. Having tried all sorts of things, today I buy the cheapest, but at the same time I take an expensive bleach. In combination, these tools allow you to keep white linen white, but it comes out much more economical!

    To answer

    What about bleaching in a solution of laundry soap and potassium permanganate?

    To answer

    White items for permanent use, especially tea towels, are the best way to keep them clean at all times. I mercilessly soak it in a chlorine-containing product for twenty minutes, then dump it into the car and boil it in it. The main thing is that there are no pictures, stripes that can fade.

    There is a drawback: things wear out faster. But I wear less.

    To answer

    Oh yeah! This is an eternal problem, especially if you have a small child who always gets in somewhere and is constantly getting dirty with something. Sometimes the hands just give up in despair when you have to change the child's clothes for the eleventh time and organize the next wash. White laundry soap and a brush help me, though not always. And now, with horror, I look forward to summer - I don't even want to think about what stains I will remove from children's clothes.

    To answer

    And let them wear out, I'm tired of them, they used to make good fabric, strong. It's a pity to throw it away, but I want a new one)))

    To answer

    There is no way without secrets. 100% proven way to remove greasy stains. Pour liquid dish soap over the grease stain and the item into the washing machine. There will be no trace of the stain.
    When removing other stains, I never rely on powder - only a stain remover.

    To answer

Everyone is familiar with the situation when colored clothing, when soaked, loses its color and becomes dull. Young housewives, faced with a problem, begin to wonder how to wash a thing so that it does not fade or become unusable.

How to properly prepare clothes for washing

The basic rule of washing is sorting things. Do not load everything into the drum.

  1. White laundry should always be washed separately.
  2. Black can be combined with gray and dark blue.
  3. The yellow material can be washed with an orange cloth, and a pink one with a red one.
  4. Blue clothes can be scrolled in a typewriter along with green ones.
  5. Avoid putting variegated items with solid colors into the drum.

Take a closer look at the label on your T-shirt or T-shirt. There are recommendations for caring for the thing, do not violate them. Another condition is how to wash colored things so that they do not fade, they need to be sorted by material. Linen is perfectly washed together with cotton, synthetics with silk, but a woolen jacket needs to be tidied up separately from everything.

Checking if the thing is shedding

New clothes often lose their brightness when they are soaked for the first time. How to wash a colored item so that it does not fade? First, check the strength of the paint on the fabric. Pour cool water into a bowl, immerse the product there and leave for a quarter of an hour. If the water is no longer clear, the paint must be cured before washing.

Fill a bucket with water, dissolve half a glass of salt and soak colored laundry for an hour. Vinegar is sometimes used instead of salt. Add 2 large spoons of the product to 10 liters of liquid.

If you got a poorly dyed cotton, you can wash a thing from it so that it does not fade by soaking it in a special solution:

  • measure out 50 ml of turpentine;
  • add it to a five-liter bowl of water;
  • stir and put a cloth in the liquid for half an hour.

Don't worry about the specific smell. It will disappear completely during normal washing.

Powder selection

To wash colored items, get the right powder so that they do not fade. You can use an all-purpose product to keep the fabric bright. These powders are usually marked with color.

There will be no questions about how to wash so that nothing fades if you use liquid gels. Their structure enhances color and maintains brightness. Do not forget to purchase separate powders for black and colored products, designed for these colors.

The main thing is not to soak fading clothes in bleach, and give up stain removers. Poorly dyed fabric will not withstand such exposure and will lose color.

How to wash shedding clothes

Don't ask yourself how to wash your laundry to prevent it from shedding. To do this, follow some recommendations.

  1. Be sure to wash in cool water. On the display of the washing machine, select a temperature regime of no more than 40 degrees. Good powders are excellent at destroying dirt and do not need high heat. The exception is washing light-colored cotton or linen bedding and towels.
  2. If you suspect the material will stain the water, a surefire way to wash clothes to prevent them from shedding is to use special dye-trapping wipes. They are produced by Dr. Beckmann. For colored material that is prone to shedding, you need to put 3 napkins in the drum along with the clothes and start the delicate mode. The wipes will absorb the dye and keep your garments clean and vibrant.

To prevent the linen from fading, it is necessary to wash it, twisting it at low speed. For delicate items, it is advisable to use a laundry bag. In it, the fabric is less deformed and curled.

How to wash a jacket

Many people are worried about how to wash a jacket that fades. It is better to put such a thing in order manually.

  1. Fill a basin with cool water, pour in the right amount of washing gel, soak your outerwear and wash quickly.
  2. When rinsing, add enough vinegar to make the water a little sour.
  3. Try to wring the garment well and hang it on a hanger to dry.

The denim jacket is machine washable. Turn it inside out, close the zippers, buttons and set the delicate setting at low temperature. Dry flat on a towel. If the denim stains the water heavily in the first few washes, this will not greatly affect the brightness of the jacket.

How to buy a thing that does not fade

To do this, you need to be careful and choose the right thing when buying. Which fabric does not fade when washed? Resistant to discoloration:

  • polyester;
  • Jersey;
  • smooth jersey.

High-quality cotton and other dense materials also shed less.

Sometimes you can tell if the fabric is shedding by touch. Crumple it in your hand. If it “crunches” a little, it signals that extra paint has been spent on dyeing it. This means that when washing, there are many chances that the clothes will shed.

The label has a lot to say. When it says a warning about turning the garment inside out when washing or washing it in cold water, the fabric is most likely poorly dyed.

On a note

If you purchased an item and it fades during the wash, try returning it to its original color.

  • To do this, chintz, cotton and other natural fabrics must be washed with powder and rinsed in hot water with the addition of a few tablespoons of salt.
  • Ammonia will help pink clothes. For rinsing, you need 3-4 drops of the product per liter of water.
  • The color returns to the blue and red fabric after contact with the soda solution. Stir a spoonful of baking soda in two liters of water and rinse the item.
  • The color of the black material can be restored in salt water.

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by The Wild Mistress's Notes

All women know how to wash, but, probably, few people like washing. Of course, the easiest way is to hand over the laundry to the laundry, only every housewife knows that no one will wash her best anyway. And not everything can be washed in the laundry, you understand yourself. Like any business, washing has its own secrets. Washing secrets are simple enough, but how often do we follow these rules? And then we sadly consider a faded T-shirt or a matted jumper.

So what are the secrets of a big wash?

Removing stains

Before starting the wash, inspect each item carefully to make sure it is free of stains. If there are any, do not despair, this trouble can be helped, especially since before washing it is imperative to first remove stains:

Chocolate stains on woolen and silk items can be easily removed with warm aqueous ammonia

Traces of grass are removed with a solution of warm water, alcohol and ammonia in a ratio of 3: 2: 1

If a child smudges the shirt with a felt-tip pen, place a piece of cloth on the back of the stain and wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in denatured alcohol. Caution, a few drops are enough!

Lipstick traces are reduced with bread dipped in ether

A fresh sweat stain can be removed with an aqueous solution of ammonia, and for old stains, use white vinegar.

To remove stains from coffee, tea and wine: soak a thing in warm water, rub the stain with laundry soap and leave to soak, wash after a while. Repeat if necessary.

Preparing clothes for washing

Look through all things, if there are ripped seams or torn places on the clothes, linen, fix them before washing so that they do not suffer even more during washing.

Store contaminated laundry in a dry, ventilated place to prevent the formation of mold or unpleasant odors. Check pockets and remove all of them before washing. Bed linen - duvet covers and pillowcases - turn inside out before washing and gently brush dust off the corners. Darn woolen items, if they have holes, before washing, sew over the edge of the buttonhole so that they do not stretch out. Before washing, sew a skirt with folds with a thin thread with large stitches - then it will be easier to iron it.

Sort all items for washing by type of fabric (cotton, linen, natural silk, rayon, woolen, synthetic fibers), color and degree of soiling. When sorting colored items, separate items with fragile dyes before washing so that they can be washed without high heat and without alkalis. Immediately put aside velvet, plush products that have the sheen of natural silk - they can only be cleaned. Thin knitwear falls off during washing, so it is recommended to either wash them by hand, without twisting in lukewarm water, or dry clean them.

Selection of detergents and detergents

Choose detergents and detergents strictly for the intended purpose (types of fabrics, washing method) and be sure to follow the requirements for use and dosage indicated on the packaging. Do not mix detergents and detergents for different purposes and compositions, in order to save money, combine the residues or want to increase the washing effect: the result may be the opposite of the expected - the product will suffer.

If you want to additionally treat the laundry with soap when washing, then do this after removing the synthetic detergent. If you are allergic to a particular detergent, check your reaction before use and choose a detergent that does not work on you. Use an all-purpose detergent or soap for hand washing. Do not wash by hand with detergents and detergents for cotton and linen fabrics and products containing enzymes - they are irritating to the skin.

Loading the laundry into the washing machine

For the correct loading of the laundry into the washing machine, it is advisable to know the approximate weight of some types of dry laundry. This information can be found in the description of your washing machine. Soaking in a specially prepared solution is recommended for heavily soiled laundry, especially for soiled with protein (blood, milk, eggs) and starchy substances. Detergent for washing or washing powder for soaking is put in two times less than for washing. Make sure that the temperature of the washing solution does not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise protein contamination will become difficult to remove.

You need to load the washing machine wisely so that things do not intertwine during washing, forming a heavy lump. Otherwise, the drum will turn with great force, which may lead to breakage. Mix large and small items. Sew the opening to prevent them from stuffing into the duvet cover. If the machine vibrates while spinning the laundry, this is a sign that the motor cannot handle the load. Then reduce the amount of laundry to be wrung out. An immense amount of detergent deteriorates the quality of washing and harms not only the laundry, but also the washing machine itself, since an increased concentration of alkali increases the wear and tear of both plastic and even metal parts. Do not use bleaches with chlorine components in the machine.

The higher the spin speed, the faster the clean laundry dries, the less hard salts remain on it and the softer it becomes. However, at too high centrifuge speeds, the machine's wear life is reduced and the laundry becomes worn out faster. For normal spinning, it is enough to have a centrifuge making 800 rpm.

Loose zippers, hooks and poorly sewn buttons can damage the machine. Despite the fact that this rule is written in all instructions, few of us check before washing whether the accessories on the clothes are in order.

Rinse after washing

When rinsing things by hand after washing, you need to know that if you wring out the laundry thoroughly after each rinse, you can reduce the number of rinses. Products made of silk and synthetic fibers are not twisted between rinses, but slightly wrung out. Cotton and linen products are rinsed for the first time in hot softened water to completely dissolve the remains of soap or powder, the second and third times in warm water, and subsequent times in cold water. Woolen products are rinsed only in warm water (not higher than 40 degrees) with the addition of ammonia. Finally, add a little vinegar to the water to strengthen the color. Between rinses, woolen items are not twisted, but carefully wrung out. If it is winter outside, and you dry your laundry after washing outside (loggia, balcony), add a handful of table salt to the water for the last rinse so that the laundry does not freeze.

(To be continued)

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