How beautiful it is to give strawberries to a girl. Strawberry bouquet: rules and tips for making

Festive themed bouquets have gained incredible popularity - compositions of flowers and, at first glance, completely foreign objects - food and drinks, or various accessories - are in fashion. They can be both comic and sophisticated and luxurious.

Thanks to this trend in floristry, even such a banal gift for a man by February 23 as socks can be decorated in an unusual way - for example, they make the most gorgeous roses that can be combined with beer and roach and packed into an original bouquet that will amuse your loved one.

The unique bouquet enchants with its original design and technique. Especially if it contains non-standard materials. Do you want to surprise those present and charm the hero of the occasion with your gift? Make a bouquet of fruits. Fruit composition is a successful combination of pleasant emotions with useful properties of a present.

For example, you can make a simple bouquet for your beloved woman at home with your own hands, where you can hide a box with a cherished wedding ring. Or a New Year's citrus bouquet with champagne for mom, or a bouquet of sweets and nuts with good wine for your spouse. Or with sweets, bananas and pomegranates - for children. Even from dried fruits, if you try, you can come up with and make a gorgeous bouquet!

Below is a small micron: descriptions and pictures, how to make it all up, how to fix it, etc. And of course, examples of finished works.

Unique bouquet enchants with original design and technique

A delicious bouquet is a relatively inexpensive and edible gift, during the preparation of which you can taste the ingredients. The play with the colors of fruits and berries in conjunction with the ideas of creating a bouquet will captivate children, and the extraordinarily charming frame and wrapper will attract the attention of adults with exquisite simplicity.

From threads

You will need:

  • Large dishes with a rounded bottom, a shade is ideal;
  • PVA glue, scotch tape;
  • Cling film;
  • Brightly colored woolen or acrylic yarns;
  • Handle masking tape;
  • The wire is hard.

How to do:

  1. Place the dishes upside down. Cover the surface with plenty of cling film. Fix with tape.
  2. Starting from the bottom, alternately glue the thread in random order, without going beyond the film. In the process, take into account the nuance - the higher the walls of the future frame, the less stable it will be.
  3. After the first layer of thread, we form a rim of wire according to the principle of more, then less. We make the base of the wire rim for the handle of the bouquet, pulling the wire up.
  4. Wetting well with glue, make the second layer of thread in an arbitrary order. In the process, we focus on the wire clamps of the frame - they must be well hidden under the thread.
  5. Be sure to leave a place at the base for fruit skewers.
  6. After drying thoroughly, carefully remove the frame.

Such a framework is useful for light compositions consisting of several small fruits, berries in combination with flowers and leaves.

Gallery: a bouquet of fruits (25 photos)

Made of metal

You will need:

  • Thick wire;
  • Pliers.

What to do:

  1. Wrap a ring around the wire several times. You can use a wooden shovel handle as a wrapping device. Fix the wire, bring the end through the inner side of the base, leave it for the handle.
  2. We make a large circle of wire, fix the circle with the base by winding wire around them, put each piece on the handle.
  3. Make five to six windings with the same lengths of wire.

The frame will withstand voluminous fruit bouquets containing products of different densities. You can use colorful wrapping paper for cover. By the way, from the remaining pieces of wire, make improvised skewers, wrapping them with green satin ribbon or paper of the appropriate color.

From dough, foam or floral sponge

The frame is very convenient when forming a gift in a basket, box or net. The main material allows you to make fruit compositions in the shape of a heart, a pyramid and other non-standard shapes.

The main material allows you to make fruit compositions in the shape of a heart, pyramid and other non-standard shapes

To make a foam or sponge frame, shape the base to the desired shape using a sharp object. The dough is mainly used for small light fruit bouquets consisting of small fruits.

Before you start creating a fruity masterpiece, you should know:

  1. In the composition, pick fruits and berries of the same density.
  2. Whole fruits and berries keep their appearance longer.
  3. For a bouquet, take only ripe fruits, without visible external and internal damage.
  4. Products of a soft consistency do not last long on skewers, so a harder base must be strung under a juicy berry or fruit. For example, place a piece of apple on a skewer under the strawberries.
  5. Do not overload the weight of the fruit on the frame.
  6. When weaving bunches of grapes into an edible bunch of grapes, weave the grape twig to the skewer with ribbons.
  7. To impart a spicy unusual taste to composite products, fruits are pierced with small doses of alcohol.
  8. A grape berry will help to hide the tip of a skewer sticking out of the product.
  9. Fruit compositions of slices must be wrapped in cellophane, since products used in sliced ​​form tend to weather or darken in slices in the open air. During the first two hours, such a bouquet loses its appearance, becomes dull.
  10. Candies in colorful packaging are an original decor for bouquets. Take a couple of chocolates on skewers and decorate the free niches of the bouquet with them.

How to make a bouquet of fruits (video)

DIY whole fruit bouquet for beginners

The composition is already attractive because the integrity of the ingredients used preserves a presentable freshness and a neat appearance. We take fruits at random, observing a neutral color scheme.


  • Iron frame decorated with yellow thread;
  • Apples, bananas, tangerines, lemons, peaches, apricots;
  • Iron skewers;
  • Decor for decoration;
  • Wire, rope.

We take fruits at random, observing a neutral color scheme

How to do:

  1. We string each fruit on a skewer. We take apple pieces as a base for soft fruits.
  2. Decorate the middle of the frame with gift paper.
  3. Insert the skewers into the base evenly distributing the weight of the products. It is best to do it symmetrically - four apples on the sides, one banana between them, decorate the middle with peaches, small tangerines, apricots. The basis of a delicious flower will be small round lemons.
  4. As a decor for a bouquet, you can choose flowers of the appropriate tone - chamomile, roses.
  5. Secure the handle well with a rope.

How to make an edible bouquet of berries step by step master class

Large decorative leaves used in flower bouquets to give visual volume are very suitable for the main frame of such a work. Branches of berry trees, such as cherries, are also suitable for decoration. Choose the leaves used in the composition intact, with clear veins and rich color.


  • plums, grapes, strawberries;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Wrapping paper;
  • Basket;
  • Branches of currants, cherries, grapes.

How to do:

  1. Since the berries are a less heavy composite material, we take a floristic sponge as a basis. Attach the sponge to the bottom of the basket. Close the sides with wrapping paper. Fluff the edges of the paper with scissors.
  2. Place berries on wooden skewers, strengthening them from below with apple pieces. Divide a bunch of grapes into twigs, attach each to a separate skewer, wrap with ribbons or paper.
  3. Stick one by one into the sponge - the base of the skewer, monitor the balance of the weight of the composite components.
  4. When the basket is full, we decorate the bouquet with branches with leaves and flowers between the berries.

To give the bouquet a more presentable-official look, you can make a frame from the corresponding cobweb threads without adding wire. Such a base will replace wrapping paper.

Making flowers from fruits

Sliced ​​fruit bouquets are truly a masterpiece of fruit art. Since it is not easy to keep such bouquets fresh, making requires skill and trained movements of the master. You can learn how to make exquisite compositions, but you need to train carefully and improve your imagination.

Pineapple pulp. Sufficiently juicy and pliable product. You can cut flowers with cookie cutters.

Apples. Using a curly or ordinary knife, we cut out a peony. Cut the petals not to the end of the base. Then wet the apple and drizzle with lemon juice.

Sliced ​​fruit bouquets are truly a masterpiece of fruit art

Grape. Berries look very harmonious as a base - a mug for chamomile from plum wedges. You can also string several berries separately on a separate skewer.

It is not at all difficult to make a treat strawberry in chocolate with your own hands. Moreover, pleasure is obtained not only by tasting the dessert, but also from the magical aroma of berries, chocolate, and spices in the cooking process.

The sweet dish is prepared using both dark and milk chocolate. Adults usually prefer dark varieties, children prefer light creamy chocolate. Cooking time - no longer than 20 minutes.

Would need:

  • 250 - 300 grams of strawberries - peeled, washed and necessarily dried on a towel, otherwise the chocolate will not stick to the berry;
  • 100 - 150 g of high quality dark or milk chocolate;
  • icing sugar, vanilla, cinnamon (to taste).

How to cook:

  1. Break the bar into pieces and melt the chocolate, adding sugar and spices (optional).

Method 1. In a ladle in a water bath at an approximate temperature of 40 - 55 ° C. Do not allow too much heat, or the delicacy will begin to burn. Never use aluminum cookware - the mass will turn gray. Make sure that the boiling water does not reach the bottom of the container.

Method 2. On an open fire. Put the pieces of chocolate in a container with a thick bottom and keep the dishes on very low heat, stirring constantly to avoid graininess (even after removing the dishes from the stove). To make the dessert sweeter, you can add powdered sugar to taste. This additive is especially important if the strawberry is sour or dark chocolate is used.
Method 3. You can use a regular microwave, turning it on to the maximum. After 60 seconds, open the “oven”, stir the mass and turn it on again for 30 seconds. Repeat until the chocolate mass acquires the desired viscosity.
Features of melting chocolate:

  • Chocolate does not withstand high temperatures, moreover, sweet dairy varieties melt at a lower temperature. For chocolate with a high cocoa content, a higher heating temperature will be required.
  • Do not add hot product to water - it will make the mixture too watery. It is better to pour in warm fat milk, cream or softened (but not melted) butter in a teaspoon. All foods must be warm, otherwise the mass will curl up and grains will form in it.
  • Do not put a lid on dishes with a melting mass, or the water settling under the lid will begin to drip down.

2. Dip the berries into a slightly cooled and thick chocolate sauce, placing them on wooden skewers. Then lay gently on parchment paper or a fine wire rack. To keep the chocolate flowing evenly, it is best to place the berry sticks vertically into the holes of an inverted colander, into a glass, or sticking them into a piece of styrofoam.

3. Chill the dessert in the refrigerator so that the chocolate thickens and “grabs” even more.

4. Remove the berries from the refrigerator one hour before serving, otherwise they will not be so tasty. You can serve dessert directly with skewers, so that it is convenient to take the berries from the plate. Or put each chocolate-covered strawberry in a paper basket.

Master class with coconut flakes

Chocolate-covered strawberries with coconut flakes turn out to be especially tasty if the dessert is prepared not just with melted chocolate, but with chocolate-creamy ganache. In this case, almost berry sweets with a thick tasty coating are obtained.

The most convenient and reliable method for making light ganache is to melt chocolate with cream in a water bath.

Main products:

  • strawberries (clean and dry) - 2 cups;
  • coconut flakes - 50 - 100 grams;
  • white, milk or dark chocolate (but not bitter) - 100 - 150 g.
  • cream 30% - 100 g (for dark varieties of chocolate), 200 - 250 g - for milk, 300 - 350 g for white;
  • sugar (preferably powdered sugar) - to taste.


  1. Put a pot of water on fire. Choose the right size for the dishes - a bowl or ladle with food should be firmly attached to the edges of the pan.
  2. Break up the chocolate in a bowl and pour non-cold cream over it.
  3. After boiling water in a saucepan, reduce heat and place a bowl of food on top.
  4. Constantly stir chocolate with cream, achieving a homogeneous, thick, shiny mass without lumps. Add sugar if necessary.
  5. After removing the bowl from the pan, cover it with cling film so that no foam forms on top (like on jelly) and cool slightly.
  6. Using wooden sticks or toothpicks, dip the berries into the ganache and then into the coconut flakes and set them vertically or at an angle for final hardening. Refrigerate.

Tip: You can pierce the berry with a skewer at the base and dip it completely into the chocolate mixture, you can - only the tip. Sometimes strawberries are carefully pierced from the top, and dipped only halfway into the ganache. Then the red strawberry will "peep" out of the chocolate base.

How to make in white chocolate

Strawberries in white chocolate are an equally tasty and healthy treat that looks very airy. Due to the lack of cocoa, it is best for children, especially if they ask for sweets before bed.


  • strawberries - 200 - 250 g;
  • white chocolate - 100 - 150 g;
  • vanilla, orange peel (to taste).


  1. Peel, rinse and dry the berries.
  2. Dissolve pieces of white chocolate in a water bath over low heat. You can add fat (not cold) cream (25 - 33%) to the cooking process in the proportion: 1 part chocolate to 2 parts cream (in grams).
  3. Immerse berry by berry in warm chocolate mass. If you want an exquisite bitterness, sprinkle with orange peel, then set to cool.

With mascarpone cheese

Mascarpone cheese will add a special “creaminess” to the strawberries with chocolate.

To make chocolate-covered strawberries with mascarpone, you will need:

  • strawberries - 300 - 400 g;
  • mascarpone cheese - 150 - 200 g;
  • dark chocolate - 2 bars;
  • fat cream - 100 - 150 ml;
  • friable cookies (like Jubilee) - 1 pack;
  • spices and icing sugar to taste;
  • butter - 50 g.

How to make dessert:

  1. Melt the chocolate with spices and put to cool on the table under cling film.
  2. Crumble the cookies or crush them into powder.
  3. Mix softened butter with cookie crumbs. For adults, you can add a few teaspoons of liquor, rum or brandy to the mixture.
  4. Place the cookie mixture on the bottom of a wide glass or bowl, without leveling.
  5. Dip half of the strawberries in warm chocolate and set on skewers to "freeze".
  6. Beat the other half of the berries with a blender with mascarpone and cream, adding powdered sugar, if necessary. You can mash the berries with a fork and mix with cheese and cream until you get a creamy enough (like fatty sour cream).
  7. Put mascarpone mixed with strawberries on the cookies in each bowl and on top of it chocolate-covered berries. Chill the dish in the refrigerator.

You can make a dessert with mascarpone by cutting out the middle of the berries and stuffing them with cheese, whipped with the strawberries removed. Then dip the stuffed berries in hot chocolate and then chill.

Step by step preparation with liqueur

Strawberries with chocolate and liqueur are a magical treat for adults, which is simply impossible to refuse.

Main products:

  • large berries (washed, peeled and dried) - 300 g;
  • creamy liqueur, strawberry, chocolate - 50 - 100 ml;
  • white or dark chocolate - 100 - 150 g;
  • sugar (or powdered sugar), if dark chocolate is used - to taste;
  • spices and herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the chocolate over low heat, in a steam bath or in the microwave. Add to it, if desired, powdered sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, red pepper (on the tip of a knife).
  2. Cool slightly so that the mass becomes warm, and not scalding.
  3. Pour liquor into the chocolate mixture (no more than 2 - 3 tablespoons) in a teaspoon, making sure that the mixture does not become too liquid. Alcohol should not be cold.
  4. Fill a pharmacy syringe with liquor and carefully introduce alcohol into each berry with a thin needle, piercing it.
  5. Dip the strawberries and liqueur into the melted chocolate using a wooden skewer, place in the cold to thicken the chocolate layer.

Bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries

To make a luxurious fragrant bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries with your own hands, you will need:

  • large berries - 300 - 400 grams;
  • 100 grams of black and white chocolate;
  • optional: liqueur, ground nuts, orange peel, coconut and
  • favorite spices;
  • powdered sugar and food coloring - for decoration.

Making a bouquet:

  1. Those who own the skill of carving, or simply want to give originality to the creation, with a sharp knife can cut petals on a strawberry in the form of a rosebud. But even from whole berries without cuts, the bouquet will turn out wonderful. For an adult, you can add a little liquor, brandy or rum to the berries.
  2. Prepare melted chocolate - a bowl of white and a bowl of black.
  3. Chop each berry on a skewer and carefully immerse it in the warm chocolate mass in whole or in part.
  4. Place the skewers with berries in a glass or an inverted colander, sprinkle with nuts, coconut shavings, poppy seeds, zest if desired and cool.
  5. The bouquet will turn out to be especially beautiful if, after a layer of chocolate has solidified on the strawberry, you decorate the berries using melted chocolate of a different color, pouring it into a culinary bag and pouring it in a thin stream.
  6. How long does chocolate covered strawberries last when kept in the cold? Unfortunately, not for long. Chocolate berries covered with cling film are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days. A longer period will affect the quality of the berries. They may become watery or simply deteriorate.

A bouquet of fruits is an original decoration of a festive table, a delicious delicacy and an unusual gift, a worthy replacement for traditional flower arrangements. It is a picturesque bunch of beautifully cut fruits that match in shape and color. The bouquet can also use greens, candies or toys if it is intended for a child. In addition, creating a fruit bouquet with your own hands is a very interesting activity that can turn into a hobby for the whole family if you connect children to the culinary creativity. A bright and stylish dessert will surprise guests and decorate any meal.

Secrets of making fruit bouquets with your own hands

Even a novice culinary specialist will easily understand how to make a fruit bouquet with his own hands if he uses our instructions.

Cooking fruits for a spectacular bouquet

To create bouquets, you will need any berries - for example, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, melon, grapes and all the fruits that you or the hero of the occasion like. The fruit should be beautiful, ripe, without stains and damage, and most importantly - not too juicy, otherwise the pieces will not stick to the skewers. Naturally, fruits need to be well washed, dried and peeled (when it comes to pineapple and citrus fruits), seeds and stalks, so buy seedless grapes to facilitate the process. It is best to cut the fruit just before serving so that it does not darken and retain its attractive appearance, and if this is not possible, sprinkle it with lemon juice, which will preserve the natural color of the fruit. By the way, banana darkens anyway, so it can be used in fruit bouquets only if glazed.

For more preservation and a pleasant gloss, pieces of fruit and berries can be dipped in an acidified gelatinous solution of water, lemon juice, gelatin and a small amount of cognac. After curing in the cold, you can make a second layer of jelly.

When stringing pieces of fruit on skewers, sometimes sharp tips are visible, which can be covered with halves of grapes. Grapes are also used to support larger elements such as pineapple flowers. If they slide down the skewer, they need to be strengthened with grapes by placing the berries under the "flowers". If you are preparing a bouquet for an adult, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the grapes with a syringe - for piquancy and an unforgettable taste. Fruit pieces are also sometimes soaked in wine or spirits.

Devices for beautiful slicing

You can beautifully cut fruits with an ordinary knife, as well as using a slicer, a slicer knife for curly cutting vegetables and fruits, special graters, a Thai knife for cutting patterns and other devices for carving. The stores sell universal and multifunctional kits, where there is a whole arsenal of knives for creating embossed ornaments on fruits, as well as a variety of die cuts for removing the core of fruits, seeds and pulp from citrus fruits.

There are kitchen tools that help you carve flowers, petals and animal figurines from fruits - it all depends on the designer's idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe culinary specialist. To work with pineapple, for example, metal cookie cutters with sharp edges are used, and melon balls are formed with an ice cream spoon. Curly pieces of fruit are strung on long wooden skewers - one by one or several pieces, depending on your imagination.

Choosing a vase for a fruit composition

Fruit bouquets are usually served in a wide and low vase or basket, into which a soft base is placed, into which fruit skewers are stuck. It can be a piece of tight dough, a head of lettuce, or an "oasis" for flowers, from which the base is cut in the shape of the container. Such an "oasis" can be bought at any flower shop, the most important thing is to cover it with cling film so that this material does not come into contact with the edible elements of the composition. When drawing up fruit bouquets, you can do without a base, using tall vases and very long skewers.

If you decide to use a transparent vase, hide the unaesthetic dough or "oasis" at the bottom of the container by wrapping the base in a beautiful napkin. Grapes can be strung on the lower end of wooden skewers placed in a high transparent container, and then the bottom of the container need not be covered - the bouquet will look stylish and unusual. You can do it even easier - put a vase or glass on a napkin, lift its edges and tie it around the container with a bright ribbon.

Additional decoration techniques

To create fruit bouquets, vegetables, flowers, herbs, sweets, chocolate, cookies, toys, ribbons and bows are often used. Such compositions are created for weddings and other holidays. Often, chocolate glaze is used, into which pieces of fruit are dipped on skewers, then they are air-dried using a special stand.

Before glazing, the berries can be soaked for 10 minutes in cognac or rum, rolled in powdered sugar and only then dipped in chocolate icing. Try dipping some of the fruit in white chocolate and some in dark chocolate, for a very original look. After dipping fruits and berries in the glaze, they are often sprinkled with coconut, poppy seeds, chopped nuts or other powders, only this should be done immediately, until the glaze has frozen.

A very beautiful fruit bouquet is obtained, in which pieces of fruits and berries are decorated with patterns made of chocolate, cream or fondant - such patterns can be made using a cornet, a paper cone-shaped tube.

When composing a bouquet, evenly alternate long and short skewers, different shapes and shades, so that the bouquet looks harmonious. The gaps between the elements of the bouquet and wooden skewers are covered with greens, so the composition looks more natural.

A miniature fruit bouquet looks very stylish on one skewer for decorating cocktails, juices, compotes, jelly and fruit drinks.

DIY fruit bouquets: step by step instructions

At the master class on making fruit bouquets, you will see how simple and beautiful fruit bouquets are created, which are then formed into a single composition. So, we will learn how to make a fruit bouquet with our own hands step by step.

For a bouquet you will need: large pineapple with greenish spots on the skin. Such fruits are denser and do not fall apart in a bouquet, round seedless grapes, strawberries, oranges, green and red apples, lemon juice, grapefruit, lettuce, long wooden skewers for barbecue, flour, water, salt, vegetable oil for unleavened dough ...

Instruments: sharp knife, slicer, basket, long wooden skewers for kebabs, cookie cutters or carving tins.


1. Wash the fruit well.

2. Knead a stiff dough, similar in consistency to plasticine, so that the skewers are held firmly in it. Let the dough sit under the towel for a while.

3. Form a ball of dough and place on the bottom of the basket.

4. Cut the pineapple into slices about 1.5 cm thick and cut flowers and hearts out of them with molds.

5. Place the pineapple flowers on the skewers paired with the grape, which will become the heart of the flower.

6. Pierce pineapple hearts with skewers not across, but along.

7. Cut green and red apples with a knife or slicer, sprinkle with lemon juice and place on skewers.

8. Place 5-6 grapes on each skewer.

9. Slice orange and grapefruit into slices and rings right in the peel and place them on skewers as well.

10. Stick the strawberries on skewers without removing the green tails - they will give the bouquet a more interesting look.

11. Assemble the fruit composition by inserting the skewers into the dough, experimenting with their length.

12. Decorate the free space between the skewers with lettuce leaves.

Fruit carving bouquets are short-lived, so you will have to eat them as soon as possible, and usually this is not a problem, especially if there are many children in the house. And so that the luxurious fruit compositions "live" before tasting, after cooking, sprinkle them with ice water mixed with lemon juice. A DIY fruit bouquet master class will teach you the basic rules of how to create stylish and mouth-watering fruit compositions, and you can use these techniques to prepare your own unique compositions. Show your imagination and let your festive table always look spectacular!

It is very pleasant to receive flowers as a gift, but unoriginal, but a strawberry bouquet will surprise and be remembered for a long time. Such a gift is perfect for any celebration. He will emphasize imagination, attentiveness, deep respect of the donor.

Preparation and selection of ingredients

Strawberries are one of the most delicious and favorite berries. It was mentioned in their treatises by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks several centuries before our era. The ancient Romans considered its fruit to be a symbol of love for its red color and heart-like shape. Since the restaurant business began to develop actively, there was a need for beautiful fruit slices. This is how the art of carving appeared, and strawberry bouquets became one of its directions.

Strawberry bouquet has such positive aspects as:

  • beautiful and bright;
  • unusual;
  • aromatic and pleasant to the taste;
  • romantic;
  • useful.

Making a strawberry bouquet yourself is not difficult at all. Children can be involved in the process, they will be interested. A masterpiece is born literally before our eyes. To make the bouquet flawless, you need to responsibly prepare for work: find suitable strawberries, collect the necessary tools.

In addition to the usual knife, Thai is used to create fruit patterns. For the base of the bouquet, take a floral sponge, foam, napkin or plastic dough. Wooden skewers and toothpicks are used as fasteners. The composition can be decorated in gift paper.

The choice of strawberries will determine the triumph or failure of the fruit bouquet. Fruits are picked up dry, low-yield varieties, they must be dense, symmetrical, of the same size. Then the berries are washed and dried. Sometimes a bouquet requires green stalks, so you shouldn't pick them off right away.

If the tails fall off easily, it means that the strawberries are overripe and are not suitable for the bouquet.

Fruit bouquets can be stored for some time, knowing little tricks and observing the temperature regime, but it is better to give a fresh composition, which means that it should be made before handing it to the hero of the day or serving.

Manufacturing technology

There are different ways to make fruit bouquets. They are presented in vases, baskets, boxes, decorated paper. Methods of preparation of the composition often depend on the form of packaging. Strawberry bouquets are often decorated with different types of glaze. Berries decorated with glossy sugar fudge, black or white chocolate look delicious. Fruits last longer in the glaze, they will reach the addressee fresh. It is worth considering the recipes for the glaze first.

  • Chocolate frosting. A bar of any chocolate must be melted in a water bath, add 40 g of butter or a little milk. The presence of oil will give the glaze a shiny look, but it will take a little longer to set. Milk increases the viscosity of the chocolate faster and makes it less nutritious, which is also fine.
  • Colored glaze. You will need white chocolate for this type of fondant. After melting the tile in a water bath, it should be divided into two parts. Add milk diluted with red food coloring into one half. The result is a beautiful pink frosting. The prepared berry is dipped in colored or white fondant. On top, the dessert can be decorated with any pastry sprinkle. Then the strawberries are placed in the freezer for 10 minutes to harden the glaze.
  • Icing. This is a traditional fudge and is easy to make. Four tbsp. tablespoons of water are thoroughly mixed with a glass of powdered sugar. The viscosity is adjusted by adding water or sugar. Then the mixture is heated over a fire with constant stirring. The glaze temperature should be about +40 degrees. Sugar fudge can be made colorful and more appetizing by adding dyes and flavors.

Important! A pastry pencil may be needed to decorate extravagant bouquets. Manufacturing is simple: you just need to roll up a funnel of parchment paper, pour the glaze into it, cut off the tip and you can decorate the berries. The smaller the corner cut, the more beautiful and graceful the pattern on the strawberry.

With flowers

Strawberry bouquet

You can make a strawberry composition with your own hands, you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions. To create a beautiful bouquet, you will need the following components:

  • 20-25 ideal strawberries;
  • 20–25 rosebuds, the size of strawberries;
  • wooden skewers;
  • twigs of plants;
  • gift paper;
  • decorative tape.

It is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the large dense berry together with the stalks. The buds of the roses should be the same size as the strawberries, and the stems of the flowers should follow the length of the skewers.

The following actions are carried out in stages:

  • each berry should be carefully strung up to the middle on a skewer;
  • further, skewers with strawberries are installed in a circle, forming a symmetrical bouquet;
  • rosebuds are gradually introduced, and green twigs are installed on top;
  • when the composition is assembled, it should be securely fixed, decorated with decorative paper and beautiful tape.

Important! A small container in which it is fixed and decorated with paper will help to facilitate the design of the bouquet.

Chocolate and strawberry bouquet

To create a composition, you should pick up and rinse a large dense berry, dry it with a paper towel. Melt a chocolate bar in a water bath. In order for the berries to stick more securely on the skewers, their tips need to be dipped in melted chocolate. Then carefully string the strawberries and put in the freezer for a few minutes. Having taken out the berries on skewers from the refrigerator, you should carefully dip them in chocolate (white, black or colored).

You can decorate with any pastry sprinkle and send it back to the refrigerator. When the chocolate has hardened, the bouquet should be beautifully formed by placing the skewers on a plastic dough base (mixed with a lot of salt). Reinforce the structure with wire. The created bouquet is wrapped in kraft paper and decorated with a ribbon. You can add green twigs or flower buds to such a composition.

Strawberry heart

This is the most original and delicious gift for your beloved halves. Such resourcefulness, sophistication and attention will not leave anyone indifferent. To create a strawberry heart, you will need the following components:

  • large strawberries;
  • compact rosebuds;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • floristic sponge;
  • wooden skewers;
  • wire;
  • ribbons.

The cooking process includes the following steps:

  • soak a heart-shaped sponge in water - such an oasis will fix the roses and prolong their freshness;
  • the stems must be trimmed so that they can enter to the middle of the sponge;
  • line half of the heart tightly with roses;
  • then drape the sides of the composition with lettuce leaves and secure them with pins; fix all this with wire and decorate with tape;
  • in the second half of the heart, insert skewers in even rows into the oasis and string strawberries on each of them.

With sweets

To create a composition of sweets, you need to prepare strong large strawberries and round chocolates. String berries and sweets on skewers. Skewers with sweets will be located in the center of the composition; they should be fixed with tape. Place strawberries in the outer circle and secure. Wrap the formed bouquet with foil, decorate with mint leaves, wrap in gift paper.

With other fruits and berries

Strawberries go well with any fruits and berries. It is easily combined with strawberries, garden blackberries, cloudberries. The fruit and berry composition can be arranged in a basket or a round box (sold in flower shops). At the bottom of the container should be laid out foam wrapped in foil. Form a base on it - slices of any suitable fruit (rings of pineapple, apples, and others).

The base must be pierced with skewers and toothpicks, creating a cone shape. For this, large skewers are installed in the center of the composition, the subsequent rows are "drowned" a little, then they switch to shorter toothpicks. Strawberries need to be strung on the prepared fasteners. You can make a small composition in a mug, on the bottom of which, put half an apple or orange as a base. As you can see, the art of carving can be mastered at home, it is enough to have imagination and hard work.

You will learn more about how to make a bouquet of strawberries with your own hands in the following video.

How to cover strawberries with chocolate?

To cover the berries, white, milk, color and black bitter chocolate are used. Strawberries look good in sugar fondant too. The process of making a strawberry dessert is not complicated at all. You need to melt the chocolate bar to a stringy state. Put the washed, dried strawberries on wooden skewers and completely dip in the prepared glaze. When the fudge has hardened, the berry can be dipped again in a different color of chocolate. You will get a beautiful two-layer dessert.

Using a cornet, a white fondant pattern is applied to the black frozen chocolate. The color can be reversed. Patterns from colored glaze look good. Berries look peculiar in different dressings (ground nuts, coconut, cocoa). Strawberries on a skewer, dipped in chocolate, still half-frozen, should be carefully dipped in the sprinkling and allowed to dry. To achieve a spicy taste, berries on skewers can be held in cognac for 10 minutes, then sprinkled with powdered sugar and dipped in soft chocolate.

Important! Berry bouquets are beautiful and varied, they are prepared with flowers (chamomiles, roses), with sweets (sweets, marshmallows), in company with other fruits (strawberries).

Small strawberry bunch

For a small composition, you will need about a dozen large beautiful strawberries, plant leaves, skewers, wire, floral sponge, craft paper. It is necessary to prepare a sponge according to the size of the bouquet, cut off the excess parts with a knife. It will serve as the base for the skewered strawberries. But fasten one half of the skewers with the leaves of the flowers with a wire and string the berries. String the other half of the strawberries onto loose skewers. The composition is beautifully set and fixed on the sponge.

Skewers with leaves should be arranged along the contour of the bouquet. Wrap the finished composition in Kraft paper, decorate with a ribbon.

Little tricks

Little tricks can help you create strawberry bouquets.

  • To get the best strawberries in chocolate, you need to prepare a container of ice water. The chocolate should be melted in a water bath, but never overheated. First dip the berry in melted chocolate, and then dip it in cold water for 20 seconds. Moisture can be blotted off with a towel.
  • Berries will last longer if you dip them in a gelatin solution. To do this, the gelatin must be insisted in cold water until it swells, then heated in a water bath and add lemon juice. Strawberries should be dipped in a cooled, but not yet "set" solution.
  • In addition to gelatin, the berry lasts longer in any fondant (sugar, chocolate). Chocolate-covered strawberries can be decorated with patterns of colored glaze, sprinkled with nuts, coconut flakes.
  • Strawberries on a skewer will hold on tightly when backed up with a grape underneath. To make the berry bouquet look even more unusual, it can be built in a hat box, lining up the strawberries in a beautiful slide.

Beautiful examples

Millions of strawberry bouquets have been collected and many of them are not alike. Some companies release their compositions and give them names. But in most cases, bouquets are born spontaneously, everyone can realize any creative imagination. Berry Bouquet company gives beautiful names to its products.

  • Fruit bouquet with a charming name "Love Story" intended for beloved halves, it helps to express the depth of romantic feelings. Dessert with a volume of 25x30 cm is designed for two lovers. Strawberries, grapes and pineapple will provide an ecstatic harmony of taste.

  • Composition "Strawberry Night" contains selected berries in the form of hearts, some of which are glazed with black bitter chocolate. The bouquet is complemented by a dark shiny blackberry. A wonderful mysterious night with a strawberry-chocolate flavor scares and beckons with its magnificence.

  • Bouquet "Chocolate happiness" will really make its owner happy. Milk chocolate covered strawberries with grated almonds and hazelnuts will allow you to enjoy every bite of an extraordinary dessert.

  • Composition "Illusion" consists of 38 selected berries. Milk chocolate and sugar powder complement the unforgettable strawberry flavor.

  • Five-kilogram bouquet "Big Love" able to feed not only the newlyweds, but also everyone, to touch this great all-encompassing feeling. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries are truly a whole berry bouquet. White, milk chocolate and coconut flakes complete the perfect harmony of happiness.

  • Composition "Raspberry Paradise" surprises with a balanced taste of strawberry, raspberry and white chocolate. Pleasant mint notes add spice to the bouquet.

Everyone wants to receive a gorgeous strawberry bouquet as a gift. If loved ones do not know about our desires, you can make a chocolate-berry composition yourself and surprise them with an exquisite surprise.

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