How to make a makeup scar at home for Halloween. Halloween makeup - how to do it at home How to make sewn lips for Halloween

Despite the fact that the tradition of celebrating Halloween in our country has appeared recently, this cheerful and a little creepy holiday has managed to gain great popularity among young people. To have a good time, you should not only choose a suit, but also think over the makeup.

To create the image of a zombie or a risen dead man, you need to learn how to make artificial scars and open wounds. Halloween wounds made by professional make-up artists look very realistic. If you wish, you can learn how to do such a make-up yourself.

To give the "wound" a natural look, it is worth using professional makeup. Special kits designed to create makeup for this holiday are very convenient, they include not only paints, but also various accessories - linings, artificial blood, etc. It is possible to make a wound on Halloween using the usual cosmetics that almost every girl has in her arsenal.

If this is your first experience, then you should not undertake complex makeup, it is better to limit yourself to a relatively simple option - a cut or a scar. Let's consider how the creation of this makeup goes in stages.

To make an artificial wound on the arm, you must first prepare the materials. Depending on the complexity of the idea, you may need:

  • PVA glue, even better if you have silicone glue for gluing false eyelashes;
  • food coloring in red and blue;
  • decorative cosmetics or make-up: foundation, blush, shadows (it's good if you have a large professional palette);
  • sharp knife;
  • brushes, cotton swabs and tampons, sponges for applying tonal means;
  • food gelatin, two-layer napkins or toilet paper (white), plasticine.

If you want to make Halloween makeup even more scary, you can stock up on a plastic fake razor or shards of "glass". These things can be fixed in the wound to make it look realistic and intimidating.

V important! Never try to use real blades or glasses! Using these items to create makeup can cause serious injury!

Next, you need to think about how to protect the surrounding area from the appearance of stains. Furniture should be covered with paper or plastic wrap. In order not to damage your makeup when changing clothes, it is recommended that you first put on a suit before starting your makeup.

Read also: How to get the right makeup for brown eyes and red hair

If the "cut" is on the body, then you need to think about protecting the suit from staining, although if a little artificial blood gets on the clothes, then the image will benefit (of course, if you use your own suit, and not a rented one). In the event that the "wound" is planned to be located on the face or on the neck, then to protect the clothes it is enough to put on an apron.

Step two: create faux leather

A cut is damage to the skin. Naturally, we will try to keep our skin intact, so when creating an open wound for Halloween, you need to create an artificial skin.

To make a realistic Halloween laceration, you can use different methods:

  • Glue for eyelashes. This is a fairly simple option and can be used to simulate small cuts or burns. The glue is applied to the skin at the site where the wound is planned to be made. If bubbles form on the surface, it's okay, the glue wound will look even worse. Now you need to sit quietly for a while, waiting for the glue to dry. To make things go faster, you can use a hair dryer, but you need to dry with cold air, otherwise the glue will spread.
  • Glue and paper. If a voluminous wound is required, then additional fillers should be used. For example, toilet paper or napkins. To create an imitation of skin, it is better to use eyelash glue or diluted PVA glue. It is easy to make a wound from napkins. You can glue the napkins directly to the skin, but then the makeup will be difficult to remove, it is more convenient to use double-sided tape. It is necessary to cut a blank from the adhesive tape, which will be slightly larger than the "wound". On top of the tape, you need to glue several layers of napkins soaked in glue. The more layers are glued, the more voluminous the "wound" will be. Then you need to make a cut with a knife or a toothpick, cutting through the layers of napkins. If you use a toothpick, the edges will be uneven, torn. Now it remains only to paint the wound with paints and stick it on the skin.

Read also: How to create light Halloween makeup

  • Plasticine. The easiest option that can be done at home is to make an imitation of plasticine leather. Use flesh or white material. It is necessary to form a "sausage" of the required length and volume and fix it on the skin. The disadvantage of this option is fragility. To keep the wound better, it is worth fixing the plasticine "sausage" on double-sided tape using glue. To simulate a cut, you need to cut the plasticine. The workpiece needs to be painted, and covered with matte colorless nail polish on top so that the plasticine does not wrinkle.
  • Gelatin. If you plan to insert artificial glass fragments or a blade into the wound, then you need the material to be strong enough. In this case, it is worth making an imitation of leather from a mixture of glycerin and gelatin. It is necessary to mix powdered gelatin with water and let it swell. Then pour glycerin into the mixture (all ingredients are taken in equal volumes). Take a tile or flat plate and heat it slightly in the oven to keep it warm but not hot. The gelatin mixture must be heated in a microwave oven for 10-30 seconds, depending on the power of the oven. It is important that the gelatin is completely dispersed, but the mixture does not have time to heat up to a boil. Now you need to get the heated tile out of the oven and apply gelatin on it in an even layer. It is better to work with gloves so as not to get real burns. Cool the tile a little and put it in the refrigerator until the gelatin is completely solidified. After that, you can make cuts on it, insert objects into it. You can fix the "wound" on the body with double-sided tape.

Want to prank your friends with a realistic scar? Or create a terrifying image of the hacked victim of a maniac on Halloween? Then you should definitely devote a few minutes to our article. A simple step-by-step instruction will tell you how you can simply draw a scar or wound using ordinary improvised tools and makeup.

How to make scars with makeup

The more realistic the makeup, the more believable the whole image. Therefore, the scar must be made voluminous, with traces of blood and cuts. To create a natural scar, you will need:

  • theatrical makeup (can be replaced with decorative cosmetics);
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes and nail file;
  • alcohol and cotton wool;
  • sculptural plasticine (you can try to replace it with the usual one);
  • hand cream and powder;
  • red nail polish.

First, decide where the scar will be. It is best to choose an area on the face or neck, because there it is most convenient to apply makeup on your own and at the same time it will be perfectly visible to others.
We offer you step-by-step instructions for creating a scar or scar at home.

  1. Use a cotton swab with alcohol to thoroughly degrease the site of the future wound.
  2. Take a small piece of plasticine and form a thin sausage.
  3. Using a nail stick, join the workpiece to the skin. To do this, gently spread the clay, leaving a small bulky bump in the middle. The unevenness of the plasticine should be smoothed out with hand cream.
  4. To remove the boundaries between the skin and the scar, process the edges of the plasticine with PVA glue and let it dry.
  5. Then, powder the entire scar thoroughly.
  6. Use makeup to color in the scar. Its color depends entirely on your imagination. We recommend using natural pinkish reds.
  7. Use a file to form a notch on the workpiece. Use a darker shade of makeup to paint the edges. You can also draw veins.
  8. Fill the wound with nail polish to simulate clotted blood.
  9. Ready!

What Halloween look can you create with scarred makeup?

Firstly, multiple scars made using this technique can be applied not only to the face, but also to the whole body, which expands the range of possible images. Second, horrific wounds and scars are part and parcel of nearly all All Saints' Day fancy dress costumes.

If you don't want to bother too much with the costume, then you should choose for yourself the role of a zombie or a victim of a maniac. Movie fans can choose from popular films like Harry Potter, The Joker or Edward Scissorhands. Scars on the wrists will help to create the image of a suicide, and a cut throat - a deceased.

Pirates, robbers, maniacs and other wicked personalities also wear scars and scars. Girls will suit the image of a militant Amazon or the heroine of Japanese legends - a Woman with a Scar Kutisake Onna.

In recent years, in our country, Halloween is celebrated on a large scale, of course, American holiday traditions, such as "begging" for sweets, have not taken root in our country, but schoolchildren and adults are happy to take part in costume parades and parties, so on the eve of the holiday they are worried about a few moments - and Halloween makeup that must be unique. With your own hands, you can create a unique look, complementing it with eccentric accessories and jewelry.

Women want to be beautiful every day, so every day they do natural makeup, hiding small imperfections of the skin of the face, but there is only one day when the rule applies - the worse the better, and this happens on the eve of All Saints Day. For those who do not want to spend money on going to a professional, you can perform a simple Halloween makeup at home... The right makeup is a must to complement your outfit, so the first step is to tailor a suit or buy it from a store that has a wide variety of characters to choose from. You can transform into any terrible monster - become a zombie, vampire, Dracula, skeleton.

Halloween makeup

Even those women who know how to do beautiful everyday makeup can face certain difficulties when they decide to make themselves Halloween makeup at home conditions. If you have never applied special makeup on your face before, then it is advisable to first test for the reaction of the skin, otherwise, instead of horrible makeup, you can get a terrible allergy, and your whole face will be covered with red spots and itchy. A small amount of cosmetics must first be applied to the wrist, and after an hour you can see the reaction, if the skin remains unchanged, then you can start performing festive makeup.

DIY Halloween makeup you need to start doing it only when you are already wearing a suit, especially if your dress has a narrow throat, otherwise you can then erase some of the makeup with the material and you will have to start all over again, but already under time pressure.

Beforehand, the face must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. The next step is to attach to the face those objects that should change its shape, you can attach warts or make a false nose, recently, false scars are a particularly popular technique.

Next, the whole face must be covered with foundation paint, the color of which must be chosen depending on your character. Usually the face is made pale, for the image of a skeleton or a vampire, so they cover it with white paint. If you are a dead bride, apply blue, and if you are the devil, apply red.

Use a sponge to apply foundation, but a brush will help you give your makeup texture where it needs to be. To make the eyes stand out, you need to take dark shadows, you can buy the most inexpensive dark shadows in the store, and they will do their job. You will also use dark shadows if you need to highlight some areas on the face, for example, sunken cheekbones or eyes. You can apply shadows with a thin brush or a special sponge.

The eyeliner can help you draw themed drawings, such as a spider web on a cheek or a spider.

When you apply paint on your face, you need to apply the final layer - baby powder, for this we will use a large blush brush. Thanks to the powder, the paint will not smudge.

Halloween makeup at home

We have covered the main points, how to make up for halloween, however, each stage has its own characteristics, which should not be forgotten that the makeup turned out not only bright and thematic, but also durable and lasted throughout the whole party. Applying each layer, the next should be started only after the paint has completely dried. To speed up this process, you can use a hairdryer by setting it to the "cold air" mode.

The most popular version of the image for a holiday is a vampire, it is chosen by both girls and guys. In order for the image to be complete, it is necessary make up for Halloween at home, and for this you should properly whiten your face.

You can apply white paint over large areas with a sponge, but for narrow areas, use a thin brush. You can also do with improvised means to create a white mass, for this, mix equal amounts of flour with starch and add a little water. Stir the mixture until it becomes a pasty mass. Add three drops of glycerin to the finished mixture and mix again. If your cream is very thick and dense, you can add a couple more drops.

To choose Halloween makeup, photo can be viewed on the Internet, but first you need to decide on a suit, and only then choose the appropriate makeup. If your appearance is frightening, then your face should be sinister, but there are also cute, good-natured characters that you can dress up in on the eve of All Saints Day, for example, if you chose an angel or fairy costume, then the makeup should be natural pastel colors. Such images are especially suitable for school children. Also popular are various fantastic characters with a bright, catchy face, for example, elves. But the Witch always has a white face and black, as if drowned, eyes.

Halloween makeup: photo

Not only girls are puzzled how to make Halloween makeup at home but also guys, because they also want to stand out at the holiday party. Of course, guys on their own are unlikely to cope with even the simplest make-up, and they will definitely ask their friends for help. Men's makeup should be very simple so that they can handle it on their own. Most often, men stop at simple characters with a white face and dark eyes. You can also easily complete the image of the Joker, but for this you need to carefully draw an ominous smile.

We agree that not everyone has the opportunity to buy a special make-up kit with which to create Halloween makeup, video there are a lot of master classes with various options on the Internet, for example, you can do it.

The blush and foundation can be made independently from improvised products, for example, to make a bronzer, they use cornstarch, which is mixed with cocoa and ground cinnamon. Add additional ingredients little by little and stir thoroughly, the amount of ingredients is at your discretion until the desired shade is achieved. You need to add a couple of drops of essential base oil to the mixture, you can add a couple of drops of vodka, thanks to these additives, the bronzer will hold better.

Dark shadows can be created with activated charcoal, the powder is easily applied to the eyelids with a damp brush. You can also make an eyeliner on your own: mix equal amounts of coconut and cocoa butter and add half a spoonful of activated carbon powder.

Light makeup for Halloween

Children can do light makeup for Halloween for example, schoolchildren will love the zombie image, which is very easy to make. It is necessary to apply concealer around the eyes, also apply it around the lips, which will create the effect of pallor. The upper and lower eyelids should be covered with matte dark shadows, and they should also be applied with a large brush to the cheekbones.

Using a soft black pencil, draw vertical lines on the lips that would resemble seams. Girls can turn into a bright kitty: they need to decorate their eyes with luminous shadows or multi-colored pencils, and draw a small circle on the tip of their nose with a black pencil. Moving from the nose, you need to draw a mustache on both sides. The tips of the antennae must be decorated with sparkles, it is convenient to apply them with a cotton swab.

You can create with the whole family, even preschoolers can do a light make-up, because they will watch the whole process with great interest and also want to become a part of this colorful holiday.

The vampire image is simple Halloween makeup for girls and for a guy that way, you can come with your pair in similar themed costumes as the main characters of the popular Twilight movie.

First, with a black pencil, you need to draw two lines that will go from the outer corner of the eye. Then you need to fill in the space between the lines: apply a white base on the face to remove the shine from the face and whiten it. To create a pale, painful look, you can blend gray, brown and pink eyeshadow and apply it to the chin, cheekbones, eyes and nose. A sinister look can be given to the look by drawing in the eyebrows with a black pencil.

Complete the look with artificial fangs, which will leave a bloody smudge in the corner of the mouth.

When preparing for the party, be sure to prepare souvenirs for your friends, for example, it will become a stylish present with an ominous poem inside.

Halloween face makeup

Individual elements and accessories are of great importance in your festive look, even a boring suit can be complemented by performing a bright halloween makeup... For example, a simple, bright dress can be complemented with "candy sponges", for which you need colorful Easter sprinkles. First, you need to apply the base to the sponges, and then sprinkle with multi-colored crumbs.

The eyes in this look can be painted with bright shadows: make the transition from crimson to yellow.

When the makeup is thought out and the elements for its creation are prepared, you should think about home decor or additional accessories to your look. To keep your hairstyle from looking boring, you can wear a bright wig or dye the strands with tonic, which will be washed off immediately after the party.

It can complement your hat, you can fix it on a hoop using additional decorative elements, make bows from satin ribbons or a base from bright tulle. A simple hat can be made out of cardboard and then decorated with any color material.

Remember that after a party, when you return home, you need to wash your face thoroughly, and a regular makeup remover will help you wash off the paint. Make sure that cosmetics do not get into your eyes, so you need to wash it off from individual areas using a cotton pad.

Ugly scars, bruises, black circles under the eyes, pale skin ... - it seems that makeup for a Halloween party can only be done by professionals. However, if you wish, you can create it yourself at home. We share ideas and advice.

For a memorable and vivid make-up on All Saints Day, it is not necessary to graduate from professional make-up courses or sign up for a beauty salon in advance. It is enough to have basic drawing skills and suitable cosmetics (for example, face painting). Armed with inspiration, free time and patience, you can create the desired look yourself. Here are some practical tips to get you started:

  • When choosing a character, it is better to refuse from technically complex, cinematic make-up right away: to create them, you need some experience, professional cosmetics and a lot of time. In addition, under too thick a layer of cosmetics, it will be difficult for your skin to breathe during the entire holiday party. Therefore, it is worth preferring technically simple, but effective and bright makeup.
  • Before using special cosmetics for makeup, it is worth checking it for allergic reactions by applying a little on the inside of the wrist. If after an hour the allergy does not appear, then cosmetics can be safely applied on the face. But before you do make-up, it is better to put on a suit, because then parts of the clothes can ruin the makeup, and everything will have to start over.
  • In order to keep the makeup on your face longer, you can use a special makeup fixing spray. Instead, a good old baby powder will do, which is lightly applied to the face after the end of the make-up.
  • If you plan to attach additional details to the skin that emphasize the image (warts, false nose, scars, chin, etc.), then this must be done before applying the foundation. It is advisable to dry each of the layers of makeup thoroughly, for example, with cold air from a hair dryer or fan.
  • It will not be superfluous to draw the intended image first on plain paper in order to clearly imagine the order of drawing lines and paints, and at the same time train your hand and remember the main stages of makeup. Let's take a look at the most successful and uncomplicated methods of makeup for Halloween.

Perhaps this is one of the simplest makeup tricks that can be used to create various Halloween looks. The sewn-up mouth will easily become part of the makeup of a skeleton, a monster doll, a zombie, a ghost, or an independent thematic feature. The trick can be done in a number of ways. The simplest: on a white base, draw vertical seams across the lips with black eyeliner.

For reliability, real threads will come in handy. But first, the eyeliner marks the points above the upper and lower lips. On top of these points, eyelash glue is applied, with the help of which pre-prepared small sections (no more than 3 cm long) of the thread are fixed. To keep them better, they are fixed on top with liquid latex.

2. Revived doll

Everyone imagines the image of a scary doll in their own way. But the easiest way is to create makeup for him, focusing on the eyes and lips. With a layer of white pencil, the eyes are enlarged. Having abundantly outlined the resulting eye line with a black pencil, you need to glue large false eyelashes along it.

Natural eyebrows are hidden under a layer of makeup base and bleached with powder. Two bold black stripes are drawn on top of them. If desired, you can add tears, a sewn-up mouth, or streaks extending from the eyes or lips with black eyeliner. The look is complete with abundant pink blush on the cheeks and bright lipstick.

3. Sinister clown

Due to the increased popularity of bloodthirsty clowns in movies, these characters are increasingly appearing at Halloween masquerades. If you want to try it on yourself, then first you should draw on your face the usual clown makeup, and then correct some of its details, giving the image the necessary accents. The asymmetry technique works especially well: for example, one eye with the help of black shadows and eyeliner can be made large and irregular by adding a colored lens. Or smear one of the corners of the mouth with red lipstick, depicting a bruise.

A very simple option: abundantly emphasize the eyes with black shadows and stretch the lips with bright red lipstick on a white background.

4. Vampire grin

One of the most sought-after and lovable characters in many masquerades is the vampire. He is chosen by both female and male representatives. It is important to remember that the surface of the face in this makeup should be almost flawless, smooth and pale.

In addition to false fangs and deathly pale skin, it is necessary to emphasize the eyes and, of course, the mouth with the remnants of the blood of the vampire victim. Black eyeliner, lipstick and lip liner in bright red shades, the lightest powder possible.

5. Bloodthirsty zombie

It is rather difficult to create a professional make-up of the corpses who have risen from the graves. You can hardly do without layers of artificial leather, blood, additional linings and special cosmetics. But for a home make-up, the task can be simplified a little. To emphasize flaky, flabby skin, you need to apply light powder over the liquid makeup base, or, conversely, apply makeup paint over the powder or powder base. The skin decomposition effect will help to show blurred transitions of shades of red, white, gray, black and green.

The easiest way to demonstrate the bloodthirsty nature of makeup is to use artificial blood. If it was not at hand, there is a simple homemade recipe: pour the grated fresh beets with water, boil, adding a spoonful of sugar and vinegar for color saturation and density. You can safely decorate a costume and make-up with such a mixture. For example, draw a bloody wound on the forehead, smear the mouth and neck area with artificial blood. Finish the look with black under-eye circles and cloudy insert lenses.

6. incoming veins

They can complement the makeup of different images, but such veins look impressive on their own. You need to stock up on black and white eyeliner, black eyeliner, black and silver eyeshadow. To begin with, a wide layer of eyeliner and dark shadows is created around the eye line. The silvery liquid shadows in the inner corner of the eyes and under the lower lash line will give the look a special expressiveness. Then up and down from the eyes using a black and white pencil, you need to carefully draw the thin lines of the veins. Black lipstick and eyebrows will complete the look.

Veins can be drawn not only on the face, but also on the neck and other open areas of the body.

7. Pale skeleton

The make-up of the skeleton assumes accentuated geometry and strict lines. From the entire palette, two colors will be used: black and white. It is enough to highlight the black eye sockets, the tip of the nose and the corners of the mouth on a bright white base. Instead of carefully drawing the jaw, you can use the "sewn-up mouth" technique. It is logical to continue the makeup in the neck area, emphasizing the line of the spine.

In a suit, it is original to use two T-shirts - white over black, or vice versa. But first, on the T-shirt, which will be on top, you need to cut lines that mimic the human skeleton.

8. Mysterious ghost

A frightening girl from a well, a lone keeper of an abandoned house or the ghost of an old witch ... - these images will also be appropriate on the holiday of All Saints' Day. Unlike zombies, make-up is much simpler here. On a white or pale gray base, accents are made on the eyes, black eyebrows and lips. You can create the effect of bruises under the eyes with the help of shading black eyeliner or eyeliner. The look will be complemented by colored lenses of blue, black or dull gray shades.

9. Unbuttoned face

This is a real trend among fans of scary makeup. Thanks to the neatly glued zipper to the face, the effect of unbuttoning skin is created, from under which exposed muscles peep out. To begin with, you should choose a zipper that fits your face and determine which part of the face will be bloody and which will be normal. Then, using a special glue made of mastic or liquid latex, you need to attach a zipper to your face and seal its fabric edges with napkins.

On the part of the face that will be bloody, red face painting is abundantly applied. To add texture, this is done with a sponge or napkin. Artificial blood is dotted on top of the paint and some dark colors are added to make it more convincing. With the help of a zipper, you can open only a small part of the face: for example, one eye or just the mouth.

10. Swamp Witch

It is quite easy to get the image of a witch - you just have to enhance the dark shades in the makeup of the eyes and mouth. But often on traditional Halloween masquerades there is an image of a swamp witch, which differs from the usual one by the presence of green skin. To create such a make-up, you will need to use green aqua paint on the entire face and neck (and ideally on all open areas of the body) as a basis. Above it, the eyes, eyebrows and lips are outlined in black or purple. If desired, a wart can be added to the nose.

The "two-faced" makeup will look original when the face is divided into exactly two halves: normal and painted green. Dark purple lips and eye shadow will be able to unite both parts of the face. On a flesh background it is better to use green shadows, and on a green one - purple.

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