Felt fairy tales for kids and useful tips for moms from kati moseychuk. Labyrinth from felt bun Tales from felt patterns

Dear friends, we present to your attention a master class that will help organize a finger theater for kids with the participation of characters from the Russian folk tale "Teremok" or even make an amazing interactive book.

You can make finger puppets out of felt. Exactly how, the master Ekaterina Moseichuk, the author of the blog "Miracle Workshop", will tell and show you fabulous deeds.

All the characters from the series "The First Tales by the Hands of Mom", on which I carry out joint tailoring, are universal. They can be sewn for a developing book, a rug, for playing flannelgraph and on fingers. This master class is dedicated to the characters of the Teremok fairy tale.

List of materials:

⦁ felt (Korean hard, eco-polyester, 1.2 mm thick);

⦁ sewing threads;

⦁ for muzzles: acrylic paints (you can use permanent markers) or sewing threads (muline);

⦁ Velcro (hard part - hook);

⦁ scissors, sewing machine;

⦁ hot glue or Moment Crystal glue.

You will also need character patterns. You can download them from the link:

Important! The characters are finger-like, it adds a little work, so I save time on the design of the faces - I draw them.

If you will be embroidering the faces and lines of the body, do this before stitching the details. Drawing the body, especially with a line, is not required.

The silhouettes of the characters are also understandable. The choice is yours!

Pay attention to the following nuance: the seamy part is not cut out immediately, or it is cut out with allowances along the entire contour (it serves as the basis on which the front parts are sewn, and then the excess is cut off).

This nuance and many other subtleties encountered by beginners in felt are described in my free tutorials.


To make the hare, and especially its ears, neat, we will sew the detail of the white insert on the gray base. After that we will attach the torso pattern and circle it with a disappearing marker. If the ears have moved out somewhere, we correct the pattern ourselves. Marker!

Cut out the detail. Sew the Velcro on the seamy base.

Fold the details with the wrong sides inward. Insert the upper legs between the parts. We determine the location of the paws by trying on with the muzzle!

We make a line from one lower paw through the top and return to the other paw. We fix the threads well at the entrance of the finger.

Ears can be stitched, or you can leave one layer. The felt from the seamy side has not yet been cut off completely, since you can still sew on the head, and then cut it off.

Sew on the muzzle. And we cut out the hare without damaging the ears and paws.

It remains to draw a muzzle. Comparing the hares in the VK group, I came to the conclusion: there should be a minimum of “make-up”. Take the gray thread. And don't go for a thick black mustache!

And also, I like to connect the hare's legs with glue and give him a carrot.


We sew Velcro on the seamy part. We put the front part on the purl base, insert and fix the tail, at the end of which a knot is tied, which is inserted between the parts.

We make a line along the contour of the main part of the mouse, that is, we sew the front part of the body to the base.

We sew the muzzle along the contour of the head so that the ear remains without lines. We carefully cut out the mouse.

It remains to glue the ear, draw the eye and, if desired, the mouth and teeth.


Let's cut out the details. Sew Velcro on the front side of the seamy part. With a contrasting thread and a straight stitch, we draw a drawing on the front part of the body.

We also sew the tail by sewing on the base. The details are small, it is more convenient to sew them with parchment.

And the white tip can also be glued at the end of the work.

We connect the main parts with the wrong sides inward, not forgetting to insert the tail and collar. The stitching starts under the tail, goes over the top, and ends on the front foot.

We sew the head. We start sewing from the lower jaw, walk along the neck and when we reach the second ear, we will stop so that the needle remains in the lower position (if the functions of the machine allow).

Insert the jaw and continue stitching along the contour of the head detail.

It remains to tie and hide the strings in the thickness of the felt, cut off the excess and finish drawing the eyes, nose and angry eyebrows.


Let's cut out the details. Sew Velcro on the front side of the seamy part. Sew the belly and muzzle on the front part.

We sew the details with the wrong sides inward. Cut out and finish drawing the eyes and nose. If your bear is made of dark felt, the eyes most likely need to be emphasized with circles of white felt or paint.


Sew Velcro on the front side of the seamy part. With a contrasting thread and straight stitch, we draw a drawing on the front part. It is convenient for me to go from the paw down to the tail to the left and, returning along this line, further along the entire tail.

We fold the details with the wrong sides inward and make a line from the neck along the paws to the tail line, where there will be an entrance for the finger.

We insert the collar. And we go with a line from the face, above the collar, around the head and to the tail, to the place at the entrance of the finger.

It remains to cut the fox, put the collar and the tip of the tail on hot glue.

You also need to draw the eyes (carefully watch the location) and the tip of the nose.

Maybe you will think: why did I not go over the collar with a line? Because I don't like this dark stitching on the collar, and changing the thread is much more troublesome than later taking all the characters and other elements and glueing small details to them.


Let's cut out the details. Sew a button to the seamy part.

Let's shape the mouth of the frog. For the mouth, just take a piece of felt larger than the pattern. Place under the part and sew along the contour of the mouth. Then correct the look from the wrong side.

Sew on the torso, and then the head detail.

We cut out the toy. Behind - as along the line in the photo.

It remains to draw the eyes.

So that is all! These characters can live in such a fabulous Teremka-tree, which you see in the photo.

There is a sleeping place in Teremka - a burlap in the form of a pocket. There is a pocket for supplies, there is a chest of drawers with dishes.

Some of the small characters can be accommodated in the so-called attic - at the top of the tree under the cover of the stump.

You can add a stove, as in the photo with Magpie-Beloboka.

To depict the breaking Teremok, you need to unfasten the zipper on the side, and then, while fastening, repair it.

You will find these and many other interesting ideas in the series of my master classes "First fairy tales by the hands of a mother".

Do you want to create a miracle for your child? Email me: [email protected]

Also join my VKontakte group.

Educational toys for a child. Motor skills. From felt


The turnip tale carries a huge developmental potential! In addition to the well-known finger theater, you can play a fairy tale with flat Velcro toys. They can be made of paper or, like mine, of felt.

In addition to the repetitive plot, which remarkably develops memory, attention, speech, what else does the “Turnip” fairy tale teach?
ordinal (first, second, etc.),
adjectives denoting size (large, small, larger, smaller)
develops spatial representations (right, left, in front, behind, etc.)
you can build many activities based on her storyline!
The toys are made of felt with Velcro on the back. You can play on a carpet, carpet, in a soft book made of special fleece (which clings to Velcro) and just on the table.

All toys are made of felt: turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse.

Grandfather planted a turnip and says:
- Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!
The turnip grew sweet, strong, big, big.
My grandfather went to tear the turnip: pulls, pulls, cannot pull.
A mouse for a cat
Cat for the Bug,
A bug for a granddaughter
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather,
Grandfather for a turnip -
Pull-pull - and pulled the turnip.


Pets are the favorite topic of children, especially cats and dogs. This set contains 16 toys: a fence, a bowl, a cat, a dog, a cow, a goat, a pig, a lamb, a horse, a chicken, a nest with an egg, a chicken, a rooster, a duck, a goose, and a mouse. The toys are made of felt with Velcro for attaching to a carpet printer or a fleece book.

The lexical topic “Pets” involves the study of body parts, the way of movement, who eats what and how he speaks, word formation (name it affectionately, one-many, etc.), the compilation of phrases, sentences, stories.

Wild animals

Wild animals is a continuation of the collection of felt toys with Velcro for carpet printers. Nine toys: a Christmas tree, a tree, an owl, a bird, a bear, a wolf, a fox, a hare, a hedgehog.

The main characters that we study in this lexical topic.
Who eats what?
Who lives where?
Name it affectionately?
Whose tail?
Whose head?
Whose paws?
All these questions help to expand the vocabulary of children, develop grammar.
Due to the fact that toys can be manipulated, made up of scenes, hidden behind trees, etc., activities become more interesting for children.

Inhabitants of hot countries

Inhabitants of hot countries is one of the lexical topics that a speech therapist works on with children. Children enjoy playing with toys on a carpet printer or in a soft book. Toys can be manipulated, moved on the play surface, play and educational situations can be created.

There are 8 representatives in the collection of inhabitants of hot countries:
Giraffe, crocodile, monkey, hippo, elephant, parrot, lion and zebra.

There is Velcro on the back of each toy. Toys can be sewn either on a typewriter or by hand.

Developing toy "Harvest".

A traditional autumn theme in any kindergarten is "Vegetables and Fruits".
What kind of toys are there to teach children these concepts. In pedagogical universities, there are legends about children who think that bread grows on a tree, and even have no idea what ketchup is made of. I also pay a lot of attention to this topic.

Surprisingly, often simple things, such as vegetables and fruits, seem so obvious to parents that they forget to tell their children about them. This is how the amazing words “tomato juice, butter jam, apple pie,” etc. appear in the speech of children.

A set of 17 vegetables and fruits with Velcro, I supplemented with a basket in which you can harvest.

Sort items by color, taste, shape, general terms (vegetables, fruits, berries). The toys are also great for playing on a carpet, carpet, in a soft fleece book.

Eight vegetables: tomato, cucumber, onion, eggplant, cabbage, beets, peppers, carrots.

Nine berries and fruits: plum, cherry, strawberry, apple, pear, lemon, orange, apricot and banana.

What can you do?
arrange by color and remember the taste;
arrange into groups: vegetables, fruits, berries;
play the 4th extra;
magic bag;
play in pairs (if 2 sets);
cook jam, and discuss what it is. (For example, from a plum? ... if only not creamy.);
making juice, salad, soup pies ...;
discuss where it grows: in trees, bushes or beds; what's in the ground, what's on the ground;
play the store;
and many, many more useful and interesting things!


New book "Secrets"

Openable book for little explorers. Poems are riddles specially composed by us with the wonderful Natalia Drum for curious kids.

Developing felt book "Secrets".

Often parents of toddlers complain that the child cannot look at the pages of books for a long time, they do not even have time to read the text. And this is quite natural. A child from one to three years old is at the stage of subject-manipulative activity. He still does not know how to observe, consider. He learns most of the world through interaction with him. What actions with a regular book are available to him? That's right, flipping! So it turns out that in a book he is most attracted by the ability to turn the pages. Listen, analyze, consider - all this children need to be taught.

If the child is not a passive listener and viewer, but an active participant in the lesson, then it is easier to retain attention and the result is better. Books with interactive elements (windows, toffees, sensory areas, etc.) help the baby learn to consider, hold attention, develop perception, thinking and fine motor skills. It was for such children that this developing book of their felt with secrets was created. Another big plus is that such a book is harder to tear, it can be washed.

The book includes poems specially created by me and Natalia Drum for children from 1 to 3. They are great for kids who are just learning to speak, listen to books and look at pictures. Each rhyme is both a riddle and an exercise for onomatopoeia. The simplest words: meow, co-co, zhzhzh, can be repeated over and over again while reading a book. The pages are waiting for the opening. What's under the tree? Mushroom! And the hedgehog is in a hurry to find him. Who is hiding there in the foliage? Page by page, the child learns to look at images, gets to know the world around him, remembers new words and prepositions!
We develop thinking and speech, perception and memory, as well as tactile sensations and fine motor skills!

"House" - New Year's calendar

New Year's holidays are getting closer! And it's time to start keeping an "Advent calendar" or a calendar of an upcoming holiday, a New Year's calendar. There are tons of great examples of calendars on the Internet!
I wanted to make my own.

My felt calendar is only 7 days long. Traditional calendars are designed for a month, but I cannot imagine that the baby will survive such a long time. A weekly calendar is perfect for young children. You can wait for New Year or Christmas.

So, in front of you is a house with 7 pockets:
A door with a button, a pocket in the porch;
A window on a button with a pocket in the wall below;
Velcro attic window;
Large gift box;
Small gift box;
Herringbone with side pocket.

Very small sweets or chocolates are placed in these pockets, and you can also put notes with surprise words or stickers, pictures.

Finger Theater "Ryaba Hen"

Felt toys for the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" will help you organize a home theater, develop a child's speech in a playful way.
The simple text and storyline of the tale allows you to play even with the smallest. All the characters are well known to kids: grandmother, grandfather, chicken and mouse. If the baby does not speak yet, he will be able to imitate the characters with simple sounds: pipi, coco, boo!
You can play both with toys on your fingers and with independent flat toys. The egg can be hidden in a chicken. The hut book will help to play out the plot. Children will love opening the door, looking through the window, ringing the bell. The book will serve as an excellent decoration for a fairy tale and games on everyday topics from the life of a Russian village.
The chicken Ryaba finger theater and the little book hut serve not only to develop the child's speech, but also to develop fine motor skills: we unfasten and fasten the button on the door, tie and unfasten a bow, put toys on fingers, show movements in the text of the fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a Ryaba chicken.

The chicken laid an egg, but not a simple one, but a golden one.

Grandfather beat and beat - did not break, woman beat and beat - did not break.
The mouse ran, waved its tail: the testicle fell and broke.

The grandfather cries, the woman cries, the chicken clucks:
“Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman. I will lay another egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one. "

Domino is one of the simplest and most affordable educational games for preschoolers. There are a large number of variants of this game: classic with dots, with paired themed pictures, verbal, etc.
Sensory Dominoes are a great game for developing tactile perception, color perception, attention and thinking.

The child is faced with the difficult task of distinguishing circles that are close in color, but different in texture. During the game, visual and tactile analyzers are used. With this domino, you can learn not only the basic colors, but also get acquainted with the shades. The colors are very close, but different, and you can discuss with your child which color is lighter or darker.

The rules of the game "Sensory Domino" are that you need to find circles of the same color and texture, build a chain of dominoes. The cards are distributed among all participants in the game, a row is laid out in turn. The one who has no cards left wins.

For babies under 3 years old, it is good to use a simpler type of domino game. Consider cards, study different textures, build a snake in different directions.
This domino has 16 cards to play, which include a set of four primary colors: red, yellow, blue, green; and four types of fabric: felt, fleece, imitation leather, cotton. Domino base is felt.

Such a “Sensory Domino” can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. The most important condition is the difference between the material in texture and the similarity in color. It can be felt, fleece, velvet, oilcloth, leather, fur, corduroy, silk, cotton, etc. The basis of the cards is felt. But cardboard can also be used as a basis, then the cards do not have to be sewn and you can simply glue them together.

To make the game "Domino" we need:
different materials for the cards and felt or base paper.

Cut out 2 rectangles 6cm by 11cm. One rectangle with two holes 4 cm in diameter.

Cooking rectangles 5cm by 5cm from different fabrics.

The number of elements can be any. The main condition is that there should be 2 elements for each type of fabric. Pay attention to the distribution of sensory elements so that you can lay out the cards in sequence.

We spread two types of fabric on a rectangle and cover it on top with a detail with round holes

We sew the card along the perimeter and along the contour of the circles.

We make the desired number of cards and play.

Christmas decorations

What's new year without a tree? And what is a tree without toys?
For many parents, it is a big problem to decorate a Christmas tree, but observe safety rules. It is for such children's Christmas trees and holidays that felt toys are perfect. Traditional bells, balls, gifts and funny animals will decorate the New Year's guest and invite the holiday into the house.
Making Christmas decorations with your own hands is pleasant and interesting!
Use a pattern of toys for 30 rubles.

Clothespin games.

It is widely known that the development of fine motor skills contributes to the development of speech. There are a huge number of games and toys for the development of fine motor skills, but in fact, any finger actions are already useful. The development of small movements of the fingers contributes to the maturation of speech zones in the cerebral cortex. When the baby performs conscious movements subordinate to a specific goal, he learns new techniques, the speech function also develops.

The development of speech through fine motor skills is an indirect result. Self-care skills directly depend on the level of fine motor development. It turns out that when we teach a kid to eat, wash hands, dress, button up, tie shoelaces, we not only adapt him to life, but also contribute to the development of speech. Clothespins are a household item that perfectly develops coordination, the strength of the fingers, prepares the child for writing. You can help your mother by hanging clothes, you can decorate the room with pictures by attaching them with clothespins to a string, or you can play with clothespins.

Clothespin games are very useful. They develop fine motor skills, prepare the child's hand for writing, and contribute to the development of speech. Plain clothespins are great for playing games, leaving room for the imagination! I have collected the most popular foundations for playing with clothespins: a cloud, the sun, a tree, a hedgehog, a spider, and little men and made it out of felt. You can come up with interesting stories with these toys. Clothespin after clothespin, word for word and the result is a game.

Rainy morning.

The children sat at home and waited for the sun.

The rain is over, you can go for a walk.

How many interesting things can be found in the forest!

Spider, hedgehog ...

Who else lives in the forest?

The basics are also made of cardboard, pieces of linoleum or other dense material go great. The templates can be downloaded. I made them for small decorative wooden clothespins (3.5cm), to play with ordinary clothespins, it is enough to enlarge the pictures by 2 times.


Developing felt toy for children. Will teach to unfasten and fasten buttons, Velcro.
A locomotive and carriages with buttons on which you need to fasten the wheels. In each window there is Velcro on which the driver and passengers - animals are attached.

Assemble a steam locomotive together with your child to make the funny train take the animals for a walk. Who will be driving today? You can swap toys, change passengers.

We develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, speech, learn to follow simple instructions.
This train is also an irreplaceable toy for teaching literacy. Dividing words into syllables, sound-letter analysis are complex exercises that require repeated repetition and consolidation. It is much more interesting to do this in the game. Each carriage can correspond to a sound, letter or syllable. A similar task can be found in almost every ABC book, but playing with a toy is much more attractive than looking at a picture.

How many syllables are in the word RY-BA? Our train with two carriages starts its journey.
Let's add the CI syllable! And already there are three carriages on the train, and RY-BA-KI are going.
How many wagons do you need to take a cat away?
You can play with the locomotive on a table or attach it to a carpet printer.

Make a train for your child or students.

tatiana lybina

""Fairy tale on an apron "Kolobok" "from felt.

Theatrical activity brings variety to the child's life, gives him joy and is one of the most effective ways of corrective influence on the child, in which the principle learning: learn by playing.

I bring to your attention such a theater, for its implementation will need:

-felt(brown, yellow, green, gray, orange, white, red, blue)

Calico fabric (green)

Satin ribbon (2.5-4cm width, 1.5-2m length)

Threads with a needle, glue, gun, ruler, chalk, Velcro

Sequins, beads

1. First we make a pattern apron, tuck the edges and stitch.

2. From a satin ribbon we make ties on apron. The apron is ready.

(house, trees, sun, clouds, hemp, paths, grass).

4.We transfer them to the fabric and cut them out.

5. Sew all fabric patterns to apron.

6. Sew on or glue the Velcro on apron where the characters will be fairy tales... I sewed two Velcro near the house there will be grandmother and grandfather, one Velcro in the window will be there bun, one Velcro behind the tree, trees, on the stump and near the stump. On the path (about every 2.5cm) we sew the Velcro on it will roll bun.

7. Getting started making heroes fairy tales... I'll show you using the example of sewing a bear for fairy tales "Kolobok".

8. We also make a pattern on paper.

9. Transfer to fabric and cut out.

10. We embroider the necessary elements and glue the eyes and nose from black felt.

This is how we got a bear.

11. And this is how all the heroes look like fairy tales.

12. Ready-made apron.

This is how I got it fairy tale.

I wish you creative success.

Related publications:

Collaboration with children 5-7 years old. We made such a pendant with children for the 8th of March. goal: development of design skills, skill.

Master class for teachers on the topic: Making a theater on an apron with your own hands The purpose of the master class. Formation of teachers' ideas.

I bring to your attention do-it-yourself crafts from felt and tin cans that are not difficult to make. It took me to make pencil holders.

Materials and tools: Soft felt 1mm (white, blue) Needle and threads in contrasting shades. Glue "Moment" Scissors Filler (synthetic winterizer).

I have two children and I made two owls for each of the group for the exhibition of autumn handicrafts from natural material. To make them for me.

Everyone knows the fairy tale "Kolobok", and our felt finger theater will help you and your kid play this fairy tale. You can play with children from 2-3 years old. First, you will have to tell you more, and then your baby will be able to tell a story on his own. Finger theater dolls made of felt will help not only to entertain the child, but also to spend time with benefit. Such finger "theater games" develop speech, imagination, and coordination of fingers. This is real finger gymnastics.

All the "actors" dolls of the Kolobok finger theater are made of felt. Felt is a very easy-to-use material. Sewing dolls from it is a pleasure! You can do this job in one or two evenings. Of course, three-year-old children are unlikely to be your serious helpers. If your child is already six or seven years old, then he will not only be happy to play finger theater, but can also take part in its production.

Let's make a kolobok. First, cut out two circles out of yellow felt. On one of them we embroider a muzzle, we make eyes from beads. Sew our kolobok along the edge with a buttonhole stitch, leaving a hole for the finger.

How to make other puppets for the Kolobok finger theater you can see in detail:

Hare, fox, wolf and bear in a fairy tale

Often mothers, having sewn dolls, are at a dead end - and what to do next? How to play? Below we will give a variant of how to play the fairy tale "Kolobok" with the help of the finger theater made of felt. This is a canvas where you can add any notions and fantasies.

You put Grandfather and Grandma on your fingers with one hand and start telling a fairy tale:

“There lived Grandfather and Baba. They wanted to bake bread. And in the house - a rolling ball. But Grandma thought and thought and came up with a broom in the barn (“sweep” the other with one hand with the child), scraped the bottom of the barrel (“scratch” the palm of the other with the fingers of one hand), scooped up flour and baked the Kolobok ”(put a doll on the baby's finger- Kolobok). "The gingerbread man was hot, and Granny put it on the window to freeze" (blow on the "hot" gingerbread man). "The gingerbread man was lying on the window, then he got bored and ran away" (the child imitates how the gingerbread man "runs", for example, turns his hand left and right). He ran along the path, ran and met a hare. Further Kolobok talks with a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox. The child is for Kolobok, and you are for everyone else. Do not hesitate, speak in a rough "bear" and sugar "fox" voice! Your baby will like it! At the end of the tale, when the chanterelle is a bun "Oh, and I ate it!" Of course, you can switch roles later. A five-year-old child can play a performance of the finger theater "Kolobok" completely independently. There will be a one-actor theater. You will only have to admire and applaud loudly.

Elena Verbitskaya

Dear colleagues!

Let me introduce you to my "Book of Fairy Tales"!

One of my hobbies is toys from felt... In my opinion felt- This is the most successful material for sewing toys. It keeps its shape well, does not wrinkle, the edges do not need processing. Moreover, it is bright and pleasant to the touch. The most important thing for kids! How easy and affordable to sew a toy from felt, I'll show you on the example of sewing a girl-granddaughter for the fairy tale "Turnip"

First, we make a pattern on paper.

Then we transfer it to the fabric and cut it out.

We make eyes from beads, we embroider eyebrows and mouth with threads. Sew a shirt and a sundress along the contour.

It turned out such a girl!

The book itself consists of one spread with felt base... For fairy tales, only the scenery changes. Trees and houses are flat and easy to hold in the book, and the figures of people and animals are double, that is, you can play with them both flat and as finger.

For children, I have already sewed such fairy tales.

"Three pigs"


"Zayushkina hut"

"Ryaba Chicken"

And for "Teremok" there is a separate house!

Some heroes take part in several fairy tales.

I'm not going to dwell on this! After all, when you see joy, gratitude in the eyes of children, you get such a charge of positive emotions that you simply cannot stop the flight of creativity and continue to delight your children with more and more surprises!

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There is something magical in anticipation of the new year. Every year at this fabulous time, I want to make a small miracle with my own hands. My daughter and I.

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