Traditions of Maslenitsa: a holiday by day of the week. Monday meeting - the first day of Maslenitsa 1 day of Maslenitsa

Approximately 50 days before Easter in Russia began to celebrate Maslenitsa, Monday is a meeting of this fun holiday. He opened a week of folk festivities dedicated to the Winter Wires and Meaning the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday that had a deep meaning for Slavs. His origins go back to the cult of the Sun - the main deity in Slavic mythology. The Maslennitsa personified the cold winter, with which our ancestors sought to say goodbye as quickly as possible. During her wires, the peasants asked for the gods of favorable weather and good harvest. And in order to arrange the heavenly shine, baked pancakes. They were a kind of sacrifice to the gods, reminding the sun on form and color.

The church tried to eradicate the pagan traditions from the consciousness of people, but the usual of the ancestors turned out to be stronger. Therefore, the priests had to accept. Farewell to Carnival passes annually at the end of February on the eve of the Great Post. In Orthodoxy, the days of the celebration of the Wire Wires began to be called cheese.

Today, the carnival week has become merry folk guides, devoid of religious or mystical meaning. But before celebrating the end of winter, it was accepted strictly at the initial order. Every day even had its name.

Everyone in the village, from Mala to Velik, knew what rules exist for each family member on a specific day of the carnival week.

Preparation for the beginning of the celebrations

Despite the fact that the first day of the carnival was Monday, it was started to prepare for the holiday at the weekend. On Saturday, children were collected by Napti and met the female returned from the fair, whether the carnival was brought. If the answer was negative, the owner of the carriage could slightly beat the lapties.

The day before Maslenitsa was called "meat Sunday". From morning to evening, relatives and neighbors went to visit each other, inviting the upcoming winters of winter. Mass seven-day walkings were considered time to strengthen family bonds, especially if the pair was recently married. Therefore, the visits of relatives on both sides were mandatory.

Today it is customary to call the carnival is wide, and in the old days in Russia, the entire festive week was divided into 2 parts. Narrow carnival included the first 3 days of the festivities: Monday - "Meeting", Tuesday - "Pigs", Wednesday - "Landca". It was a kind of preparation for basic activities.

The wide carnival began with the "fracture" on Thursday, continued with "turbulent in the evening" and "clarifier gatherings" on Friday and Saturday and ended with the "kiss". So called Sunday, the 7th day of the festivities, in which the final farewell happened to the carnival.

Traditions to meet Maslenitsa in Russia

In the 1st carnival day, it was allowed to sleep longer than the usual one. Slavs believed that a long sleep was a good sign for the future harvest. After the awakening of all family members, everyone fell for her job. The hostess of the house began to prepare the dough so that the furnace pancakes, and from the very morning the whole village was filled with unique flavors. There were several main rules for the meeting of Maslenitsa:

  1. The first pancake was always given to the poor, so that they remember the departed relatives. The peasants believed that the deceased had a certain power over the elements, so they tried to give tribute to the deceased people and ask them in such a way good weather conditions for the future harvest.
  2. Children helped adults what they did on Monday to Maslenitsa - a large straw doll, dressed in a female outfit. The scarecrow the carnival of the kids drove into the sleigh through the streets, having stood in all at home and chatting funny songs. In every courtyard, the kids were taken to give pancakes.
  3. Maslenitsa had to watch everyone. Even old and weak people tried to get out at least on the porch to meet an unusual guest. There was belief that the one who would not meet Maslenitsa will soon die.
  4. The daughter-in-law from the morning went to the parent house the furnace pancakes, and in the evening, the swells came to visit their shuts to taste the treat and plan a festive week.
  5. On the first day of the carnival, riding with ice slides began. But on Monday, only children could take part in this cheerful entertainment. They hooked the perky songs and chastushki, in which the carnival was glorified and the coming offensive spring. The meeting passed noisy and fun. It was believed that both the carnival celebrate, such a harvest: the loudest songs, the longer the flax in the fields.

Adults did not participate in winter fun. They were engaged in the latest preparations for the upcoming Maslennaya "Pleasses": Men completed Balagans for performances, puppet theaters, poured the ice slides and created snow towns, and women prepared delicious treats and, of course, the main dish - pancakes.

Each hostess sought to show himself the most skillful craftswoman and surprise relatives and friends with her culinary talent.

Pancakes were served with sour cream, with various types of jam and honey, with salted fish and meat.

Monday preceded the main carnival festivities, but despite the fact that the whole day was in concerns about preparing for the upcoming holiday, in the evening youth rode a swing, sang songs, joking and noted the meeting of the carnival was quite noisy and joyfully. Closed the first-day solemn events. Traditional fisting battle.

How are Maslenitsa meet today?

Traditions celebrate the carnival week have been preserved today, but lost their sacred meaning. Strict observance of the rites of the Spring and Wires of Winter has been preserved only in small villages distant from major cities.

The first day of the carnival no longer has that clear routine, which existed in the old days. Only pancakes that bake in each house remain unchanged, and also offer in shopping tents to all those who participate in folk festivities in the squares and in the parks of megacities.

In the 1st day, they still make a doll from the girlfriend, dressing it in old women's clothing, plant on a long past and installed where folk festards pass. The whole week is stuffed in one place, it is not caring from home to the house, as before, but simply burned on the last day of the carnival, saying goodbye to winter.

In some localities, the custom is still preserved to walk on houses, sing the carnival songs and get a coin and sweets instead. But in big cities, this tradition has practically disappeared.

In many families, Maslenitsa do not meet at all, but they begin the bake pancakes and treat friends and acquaintances closer towards the end of the festive week. Everywhere wide passenger walks are held only in forgiveness Sunday - the last day before the great post.

Cellular from the times of ancient Russia is celebrated with a very big sweep, and she was previously timed to the period of the spring equinox. With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the holiday did not disappear, but moved to the rank of Orthodox, nevertheless, the essence did not change it. In Orthodoxy, this week began to be called cheese or cheauceous. Now the carnival is passed by the holiday and depends on the date of the beginning of Easter. Maslenitsa is the eve of the Great Post.

Maslenitsa is observed over a whole week and personifies the completion of winter, the beginning of the spring and the arrival of long-awaited warm days. Every day carries its traditions and rites formed for many centuries and transmitted from generation to generation.

The festive week always starts from Monday, who is called the meeting. According to the old and good tradition, the inhabitants of all villages and rural settlements wake up later than the usual, because the longer you sleep in the carnival Monday, the more the crop will bring you nature.

From the first day of the carnival in all kitchens, moms and grandmothers began to bake pancakes - the main symbol of the holiday. Air or thin, ruddy, with filling, jam, fruit, berries - pancakes for a whole week filled the house with an aroma of an approaching holiday.

Now damn is the most important delicacy throughout the carnival week. In ancient times, he also performed the main gift for the pagan god Yaril (the Old Slavic God God). Golden and hot pancake resembled the sun, that is why he was carried as a gift to Sunny God. Sunny pancake - Sunny God.

The first carnival day for children opened a whole week of games and fun. The kids began to cook straw scarecrow, dressed up him, and, with merry dancing and dances, went with him in neighboring houses. It was necessary to visit every yard.

As they say, "others see, show yourself." The guys not only showed his creation, but also entertained the owners dancing, jokes and dances. In response, the guys worshed pancakes. Another of the ancient customs was made to bypass the courtyards, and loudly call Maslenitsa: "Maslenitsa come!".

At the end of the trafficking, the kids went to walk: ride ice rolled, play snowballs, sculpt a snowbabo.

When the children went through the courtyards, they collected old not necessary clothes. Having gathered a lot of not necessary clothes, they went to the hill and built fires. These were very small bonfires, which were called "Maslenka". This action was popular in all villages and villages. Small burning fires gave their highlight to this holiday.

Let me remind you that the holiday of Maslenitsa came to us from our ancestors - the ancient Slavs. In times of paganism, when people believed in spirits, numerous gods and brought them victims and alms. It was on this that the first damn it was necessary to give in need so that they remember the dead.

Our ancestors believed that the souls who had gone were managed by nature, could cause rain or drought, to increase the fertility of the soil and actually harvest himself. Therefore, on the first day of Carnival "Meeting", residents of the villages appealed to their ancestors with a request for a good crop.

Walking on the carnival is always big, noisy and fun. And whatever everything went with a bang, adults did not rest on the first day, but they prepared the village for the upcoming holiday. Cleared the main square of the village, where the scrocers will perform, formated slides from which everyone will ride.

Be sure to broadcast suspended swings. There was belief that the higher you swing on the swing, the higher the plants will grow. Put tables for treats. In general, preparation was in full swing.

The construction of a snowy ice hill was not only entertaining. Previously, people believed that the high-speed descent not only captures the spirit and brings joyful fun, but helps to wake up the life of man after a long winter.

Skating from the hill was one of the main entertainment, the slides were necessarily decorated - hanging flags and lanterns along the descent. To descend from the slide, we used sleds, wooden troughs, skins or icycaps.

In after lunchtime, adults joined the guys. The first day of the carnival passed with ringing songs and noisy walking, descending from the ice sludge and gathering at a party. In addition to pancakes, the evening feast prepared a variety of treats.

When a girl grown up in the house, then Mom taught her stove pancakes in compliance with all traditions and rules. It was done so that she grew up a good mistress. Delivered milk, wheat flour, chicken eggs and sugar, prepared a pancake dough and tinted pancakes alternately. Already the next year, the girl herself baked pancakes and treated close and friends.

Girls on older, already married, on this day they returned to the parental house to bring order there and help prepare for evening feasts. In the carnival Monday, the matchmaker gathered in the same house, covered the table, sobbed by pancakes with honey and discussed the coming celebration.

If the girl was not married, then the carnival week was considered the most suitable for the matchmaker. Our ancestors believed that families, the birthday of the Maslenkaya week would be fruitful and prosperity.

One of the carnial traditions of the accomplice was burning in the house furnace versa sprigs. Versere is a plant resembling juniper, eternally green coniferous shrub. The smoke of the burned alley, fured baked pancakes and the whole house. It was done so that the pancakes in the house would not be burned, and the house itself was protected from evil spirits and the evil eye.

For guys there were their traditions, such as the taking of a snowy city. Initially, it was necessary to build a snowy city or ice fortress. Part of the guys were supposed to defend their home, and the second part of the guys took this fortress by storming. The defender had to defend themselves with snowballs, and sometimes even belly.

After the appearance of the village of Maslenitsa, many centuries passed, but the tradition of meeting the carnival exists in our time. The modern world also made his mark on this holiday. For example, in major cities, the scenes for the festive concert are elevated in honor of the carnival. Pre-holiday fairs are held, on which they organize the holding of people's games or conduct contests. Opened "trade" and "rolling" rows. Even launch an evening salute.

How not to look, the most cheerful carnival day is Monday ("Meeting") - the pancakes were found from the nest, honey beer drank. And be sure to be positive emotions and a good mood!

In 2018, Maslenitsa comes on February 12. Do not forget to meet this Monday fun and zadorny, with lush pancakes or lace pancakes with delicious fillings. Open your heart to the holiday and good luck will accompany you throughout the year.

Maslenitsa is one of the oldest holidays preserved in a modern calendar since the times of pagan Russia. People's memory will choose a lot of passenger rites, rituals and gadas.

IN2018 g. maslenicthe week will last from February 12 to February 18.

It is curious that the Maslenitsa's popular Christian came once a good tradition from the pagans. The bake pancakes is the symbols of the Spring Sun and accomplish the outgoing winter was kind, almost a holy ritual.

And the fact that Maslenitsa began just after the parent day, says that the pancakes baked and in memory of the gone parents and ancestors. The first pancake, which is usually obtained by a com, it was customary to set separately, as if for the deceased. Despite the fact that the Slavs became Christians over the centuries, the celebration of the carnival remained. Well, well, if there is a reason to remember relatives and fun to spend time with friends and loved ones.

Maslenitsa lasts six days in a row and ends for forgiveness Sunday. In each day there are their customs and traditions, to know which is useful and interesting.

Waffold on the eve of Carnival.

If you were exaggerated praised or envied, and maybe they said something thin, and you assumed a person, read this charm on the eve of the carnival.

He will protect you from a possible negative for the whole year.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Master Madam and you, Four Evangelical: Luka, Mark, Matvey and John theologian.
Save and save me (name), woe from duma duma.
From the devilish cast, from the secret cramming, from the evil eyes and the blind eyes,
From the eye of envious, who hears and who does not hear,
Who sticks out loudly and who donos writes, Alatyr-stone lies in one place,
Does not hear, does not see either a knock or sound. Not afraid, none of anyone.
So I would have any sound, the knock and the word did not touch.
I did not want anything about any damage. The words are not reckless, not to report.
Neither first in the genus nor the latter. Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

Every day has its name:

Monday - meeting,

Tuesday - Blash,

Wednesday - Nakompa,

Thursday - ramp

Friday - daffs evening,

Saturday - Zolovkina gathering,

Resurrection - Wires, farewell, forgiveness day or kiss.

The initial day of the carnival was called -"a meeting".

In many families, pancakes begin the oven from Monday.

On the eve in the evening, when the stars appear, the older woman in the family goes to the river, the lake or the well slowly from others and calls for a month look out the window and pour on the pione:

"Month you month,
Gold your horns!
Look in the window,
Side on Para!»

The first pancake on Monday did not eat, left for the shower of the deceased; He was taken out on the porch with the words:

"Our honest lateness, here for your shower blinks!" - Or gave it to the poor so that they pray for the rest.

On this day, Maslenitsa stuffed out of the straw, they put on it with old women's clothes, they embarked on the pole and singing with singing on the village. Then the carnival was put on a snowy mountain, where the sleigh riding began.

Rode from the mountains all the days of Maslenitsa.

Typically, Russian carnial envelope was also riding on top of the songs, with jokes, additives, kisses.

Most of all attention and honors turned out to be newlyweds. They leveled "on people" in painted sleigh, caused visits to everyone who walked from them at the wedding.

In all urban areas are massive walking, and in the royal time the king himself opened this holiday.

On this day, it is customary to go to the matchmaker to visit the pancakes, and the daughter-in-law should have time and home to help, and you have to come to the parents to come in advance to cover with covering on the table.

In general, today the many nuances of passenger traditions are preserved. For example, if the young people live the first year and this is the first joint Maslenitsa, it means that it is on Monday that Monday should come to the mother-in-law and teach a young mistress to make first-class pancakes. But, nevertheless, traditions to visit and generously treat it.

Washer from the sorcerer in the 1st day of the carnival.

On the first day of the carnival, a conspiracy was read, which helped get rid of the effects of evil witch charity:

"You, witches, branded devils, when you calculate the stars in the sky and the sands in the sea, then you can harm me, my house and my people."

On the first day of the carnival, salt had salt at the window sill, at the entrance door, and on the last day the salt was swept away. So from home all evil spirits.

From this day, the egg shell is considered healing and is not thrown away, but is going to treat.

Second day of Maslenitsa, Tuesday - "Blash".

Previously, this day was devoted to the newlyweds. On the same day, riding from the mountains on sledding began. Who did not have them, rolled out on the cargoes. The carnival walking began.

Tuesdayit is customary to walk and have fun, arrange massive games, sing a chastushki and play friends.

Wires of winter are worthy of adequately - on the streets there are competitions on snowy castles, contests for the construction of ice palaces and all sorts of snow fun.

However, it's not easy way to have fun youth - on this day, girls on the issuance carefully follow the young idle guys, and the guys are watching the girls. Couples in love that are created on this day will live a long and happy marital life.

In the old days in Russia, the carnival not only walked and having fun, but also gadal.
That's where the time was "to look into your mouth" to your beloved and find out what the character of your future husband is. After all, it is not for nothing that they choose her husband on the pancakes, and his wife is on pie.

Chose her husband on pancakes .

Pancakes with caviar prefer real men. Such and the house will be intact, and the farm is sturdy, and the wife and children are shovel-dressed. But gentle words and kisses are not waiting for him - all the strengths of such a farm. Yes, and in general - love proven by affairs, and not in words.

With red fish eat pancakes "Intelligents" - the word in the peasant world is almost abusive. Thoughts and feelings of such a person too far broke away from the sinful land. And in the afternoon, at night, this person is treated in the clouds, demanding from the beloved understanding of their great ideas and unrealized projects. And the fact that the hut glance was that the cattle of the hay is not surrounded - this is a "low life." Lee, poet, about seats to take care ...

Pancakes with cottage cheese eat good, good and soft-hearted people. Such a few necessarily needs a battle bat, which will command in the house and manage the farm. And a loving husband with pleasure all its teams will perform.

Pancakes with sour cream, despite their tasty, eat only persons with a "double bottom". Such a hubby will agree to all and with the costly half, and with a cute mommy, and with the neighbor Vasya.
He has only one opinion about what is happening - that he heard the latter. These are humane people, intense. They seek to boot up for everyone and everyone, to all please.

Pancakes with butter eat husbands tender and affectionate. True, I saying 100 times for the day by saying the spouse that she is the only and unique, and 200 times smacking it into the cheek, they consider their responsibilities to their family fulfilled. There will be no love and responsibility to prove any deeds of your house and on household. Yes, after all, it is to say, things are not love, they only interfere with kissing-tolerate so for the handle to hold.

Pancakes with sugar eating lovers of kids. The main thing in their love is not the quality of the education of a separate child, but a large number of babies in the house. And his wife will have no time to shoot the eyes, and it seems to be all around proved that you are a man. But than feeding and what to wear them is the tenth thing.

Pancakes with boiled boiled eggs eat the most unpleasant husbands. And the company will sit in the company, hanging the nose, with an acidic expression of the face.
And at home will be stuck about and without reason. In short, bore. There are no big practical harm from such, father and men's duties perform. Not at the venue of the soul and heart, but because "so necessary", "so accepted." So live with such a treasure in general, you can and even all my life. Just remember then there will be nothing wrong, nor good.

But the pancakes with jam love the "first guys on the village." Such can both go to the city - "on earnings", and to visit a neighbor-widow. True, the money in the house is found, and his wife will not leave his attention and caress. And incurring on someone else's girls, still returns to the family. That's just such a loving wife often meets not kisses, but grasp.

Chose a wife on cakes.

By the way, the nature of the future spouse can be judged by what pies it treats guests.

Big pies - Couples and piers - delivers a little lazy little.
But the pies are also different.

Large "lapties" make girls greedy - like a cake ate, yes after another, they will not reach out.

Small, neat for the host, who and the house will support the order, and her character is glorious, dying, to the eldest respectful.

Pieces curtail up the bake those girls who have all their thoughts and feelings "on the face are written." These are frank girls, sincere, but, in modern language, for the most part - extroverts.

Cakes curtains down the young ladies are quiet, like the ohut, in which devils are found. Said "yes", nod to nod, and will do it all the same in its own way. Such can and flew in secret, if only everything was awesome.

Round cakes or cheesecakes (with any stuffing) love the furnace of household clubs (in the very good sense of the word). And over her husband, and over the kids will be bothering from morning to night. And the hostess they are good. That's just to make her husband in bed for them the same thing that a bunch of linen to latter or a grain of threshing.
In general, labor service.

All sorts of pretandeils and vehicles bake are bright, romantic, but unreliable. All in their hands they burn, but often burns. Just in the husband of the soul did not have a chayale - and now the grasp is caught. Life with such is a solid adventure. And not always pleasant.

Triangular pies (like Eastern Khachapuri) love to do ham and imagined. It just would stand out something, and what - it does not matter.

But if you came to visit your beloved, and on the table a dish with a variety of cakes?

Comfort yourself with the fact that your cute is a versatile personality, everything in it is a bit and in moderation.
And most importantly - she is a good mistress.

Wednesday - "Landca".

On Wednesday We must certainly come to the mother-in-law on pancakes. And no excuses are accepted! The mother-in-law, in turn, is glad to try for a son-in-law and suits a rich table, on which pancakes with various fillings - with anchochka, jam, honey. The table should also be rich on drinks and other treats. On this day, the family is going at the table, praises the mother-in-law and her culinary abilities.

In all houses covered lush tables. A numerous tents opened on the street, where hot bobcs were sold (drinks from water, honey and spices), Kanenic nuts, honey gingerbread.

On the third day of the carnival, which is celebrated this week, it is customary to treat the sounds. At the same time, feed the son-in-law used to be quite unprofitable, since the traditions of pancakes were baked and small and large, and milk, and with caviar, and with herring.

As a rule, non-native youth and adults are actively connected to riding from the mountains and horses. Do not ride on the top three in the carnival only babies and old people who have no longer out of the house.

A whole range of passenger customs was aimed at speeding up the weddings, promote idle youth to find a couple.

Riding young couples, on the presentation of ancestors, should help the wake of the Earth from the Winter Sleep. Artificial Ice Mountains symbolized the earthly womb in which a new life was originated.

Young women traveled around the village and hung up wooden pads for the fact that they did not want to marry, and they, in turn, tried to pay off their sweets and pancakes.

The special attitude was to those young couples who got married this year: they had to participate in skiing, appear in the best outfits, publicly kiss.

Thursday - "Razgulay". On this day, it was customary to organize famous fist fights, taking specially built snow fortresses.

Thursday on the passenger week was considered a day to read the god Veles (Volos) - a patron of livestock. Because on this day, before bakeing pancakes for the family, baked pancake pancakes for their cormal-cow. Having a cow so pancake, read prayers and conspiracies.

Thursday was very responsible for the owner, because only in St. Musdise (this Christian saint replaced the god of Veles) it was necessary to travel around young horses.

On Thursday Wide walking is continuing, everyone gives each other gifts, and children rush to collect. In the city, however, no one else quit, but this kind tradition is preserved in the villages and villages. The streets can carry the scarecrow to Maslenitsa, all at the bottom. Scarecrow is made of everything that is at hand - straw, old things, festive decorations. On the feet you need to actively and fun singing songs so that everything in the family is good.

Friday is an interesting day. Day of terchy evening.

The hazard, which were actively treated pancakes from the mother-in-law, should now invite home and cover the table. Moreover, the mother-in-law needs to be invited personally, and the more active and gentle the son-in-law will call, the more beloved it will be.

And so that everything looks beautiful and festively, on this day all the relatives of both sides are going, and everyone see how the son-in-law meets and richly treats his beloved mother-in-law.

True, this custom was very peculiar. The curiosity was that the confused mother-in-law was obliged to send everything necessary for baking pancakes to the house to the house: a frying pan, a drawak and even a tub, in which the dough was kneaded.

A number of passenger customs was aimed at speeding up the weddings, promote young people in finding a couple.

Not forgotten about okoldov.

On Saturdaywires, Skylinka (Zolovka - Sister's husband) The young daughter-in-law invited her husband to visit his husband.

Interestingly, the word "Zolovka", as it was believed, comes from the word "evil", as the sisters of her husband treated the daughter-in-law ("there was no bit from where") incredulously and wary - remember, at least Russian folk tales.

If Zolovka was still not married, then she convened to visit and their unmarried girlfriends. If the sister of her husband was already married, then the daughter-in-law invited the birth of married and with all the train delivered guests to Zolovkov.

The newlywed daughter-in-law was to give up his sink gifts.

On Saturday, the ashes of burned stuffed need to scatter in the fields - for a rich harvest in the fall. On this day, the final farewell passes with the winter and all rejoices the arrival of a new sowing season.

Seventh day - Forgiveness Sunday. On this day you need to prepare for the great post and purify the soul and body. We certainly need to worship and ask for forgiveness from everyone. The latest carnival bonfires flare out again, around which the people sings the song and burns the straw.

On Sunday, there were carnival wires. The youth in the sleigh with the chucks of Maslenitsa traveled around the village and the Golishitsa with songs to the darkness.

Late in the evening, in the morning, the stuffed stuffed in the morning. As a rule, the carnival bonfire was burned out the highest representatives of the village community or those young people who were "lucky" last Cupal night "Find" Fern flower.

According to legend, it was in him that a life-giving energy dying for the winter of the Sun remained. Therefore, the carnival bonfire was always bred at the highest place near the village, that is, as close as possible to the Space Luminaries, to "return" to him lost strength.

Maslennic cacebones- This is also a memorial rite, as they served as a kind of invitation of dead ancestors to a rich dinner on the eve of the post.

Happened \\ ' turning \\ 'spirits for a whole year ahead. And after a straw scarecrow will burn in the fire, the ashes scattered around the field and snapped into the snow in order to wake the sleeping land and return the ability of new origin. Always a lot of people gathered at the Maslenic Campfire, there were fun, playing players.

The funny tradition of carnival wires is a burning pancakes. Be sure to throw damn in the fire, to say that the carnival leaves, and then stain soot as much as possible.

Do not forget about the deceased relatives. On Sunday you need to visit their graves and leave pancakes there. And after a severe and fun day, the final tradition is the bath. In it, you need to get across the soul, weching by the brooms and the next day to celebrate the Great Post.

On the last day of Maslenitsa - on Sunday - at the table sat seven times, by the number of weeks in the great post. In the evening, the family was in full force for the last time before the post of passing themselves with food of animal origin.

After dinner from the table, nothing was removed, everything left was covered with a white tablecloth, and then sheep the skin of the fur to the top. All this was done so that in the family for a whole year there was no quarrel and disagreements.

On the eve of the Great Post, seeking to cleanse from all sinful, people asked each other for forgiveness.

The rite of forgiveness occurs in the evening, after dinner.

Turning to each other, people said:

"Forgive me, please, if you are to blame for you."

In some families, the next rite made the next Sunday. In the evening, all family members sat in the house around the table. The head of the family was sitting on a separate chair.

Each of those present households in turn came to his father, bowed to his feet and asked for forgiveness for all the bad deeds last year (for insulting, incontinence, curses, disobedience, drinking, malicious actions).

After the forgiveness asks the smallest in the family, everyone held their places, and the middle of the house (rooms) went out father, bowed to each other and also asked for forgiveness for his sinful actions.

For the same purpose, in front of the sunset on this day, they went to the cemetery, left the pancakes on the graves and put themselves to the dust of their relatives.

Even on this day they tried less drink alcohol.
It was necessary to meet the spring with a clean conscience and body, so at the end of the carnival everything went to the bath.

For a farewell Sunday you need to fall asleep until midnight, then in the morning you will easily wake up.

Signs for Maslenitsa:

First of all, the carnival is the time to remember the departed. And the first pancakes baked on Monday of the passenger week are dedicated to the ancestors. To knead the dough and the bake of the pancakes should be in silence, going through the families of their relatives, remembering their words and actions. The first pancake is impossible: it should be turned on the street for birds.

According to the ancient reference, Ptahi, having shook the treat, flew into heaven and ask the Lord for you and your loved ones. And in the evening, collect the whole family for the meal. This will strengthen family bonds and will give you a reliable protection of the ancestors.

Divination on Carnival:

Dumpnings can be spent by inviting friends. Make different stuffs: Sweet, salty, sharp, fresh, in a few pancakes, put on the dry bean. Roll pancakes and lay out on the dish. Each of the sitting at the table chooses one by one - the stuff will tell you that he is waiting. Sweet - to joy, sharp - to a turbulent life, salty - to serious work, fresh - to life without change. And the bean - to monetary luck.

Another divination on the carnival was carried out not on pancakes, but on the cake: in this way you can withdraw whether your cherished desire will be fulfilled. Bake the cake, cover the napkin, let it cool.

Take a knife, plunge it into holy water, wash the napkin, which was covered with a pie, with the words:

"Like a water with a knife, so from home thin. Eat Piers royal and boyars. Friendly pie, open me a zone. "

Now sprinkle the pie holy water and stick a knife into it. If the knife remains straight - the change to wait early. If you lean in your direction - the desire will come true if you do not interfere yourself. If the knife deviated from you directly or right - it will not come true. If the knife rejected to the left of you - everything is fine, wait for the dream. If the knife falls - to failure.

How to protect yourself from the decline and damage to the carnival:

On the oil week you can spend a ritual of cleansing from the negative, the evil eye. To do this, it is necessary to blind snowball, undressing, stand up in a basin and rushing yourself with snow from head to legs (from head to feet), reading a plot:

"Passion, passion, leave, poured out of the slaves of God (name). From the rivest head, from the rheetic heart, from the white body, from red blood, from a pure abdomen, from hand, out of the legs, from lived, from the elderly. I'm not expelled by the evil eye, and the Mother of the Most Holy Mother of God with his angels, the archangels, keepers and patrons for all by the day, at all time, from now on and before the century and forever! Amen!"

Water in which the snow will turn together, pour at the crossroads.

Conspiracy against Maslenitsa envious:

For a whole year to protect against the envious, on the eve of the carnival, on Sunday, read the conspiracy three times:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mother of God Mrs. and you, four evangelists: Luka, Mark, Matthew and John theologian. Save and save me (name), wubble and from the Duma dashing, from the devilish disturbing, from the secret shooting, from the evil eyes and the eyes of the blind, from the eye of an envious, who hears and who do not hear whoever knocks out aloud and who reports. Alatyr-stone lies in one place, he does not hear, does not see nor the knock, nor the sound is afraid, none of anyone. So I would not touch me, knock and the word did not touch anything about any damage. The words are not reckless, not to report. Neither first in the genus nor the latter. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy on wealth:

On Monday, following the last day of the carnival, forgiven Sundays, go to where a walk took place, and try to find at least a penny.

Having lifted it with your left hand, say:

"She went, yes, I found how I was (your name) for these money, so that I walked to me. As now many people were here in honor of the honest carnival, there would always have a lot of money. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Store the conspiracted coin to the next carnival. A year later, leave it where they picked up.

Conspiracy on Carnival for good luck:

Bake pancakes. Choose the most beautiful, with smooth edges damn.

Cut it in half, and then slowly move the halves from each other, uttering a conspiracy to attract good luck:

"As the sunrise with sunset does not come together, so all the troubles with me to miss.

There will be troubles from me far i will live enough and easy. "

Conspiracy on Maslenitsato attract profits and material wealth:

On the carnival you need all the old, unnecessary - burn. This is done - when they burn the fire and burn the scarecrow. If you live in the city, but you were lucky to go to the passenger week in nature - grab old, unnecessary things.

Divide the bonfire, throw the trash into it and say a plot:

"Old, unnecessary burning,

New good inviting.

Let all remorse leave.

Let the new profit bring.

Let it be unnecessary to the ash will turn

From ash, new luck will be revived! "

Cash conspiracy for passenger pancakes:

Fry pancakes and talk them for wealth material.

Conspiracy We read three times:

"The girl of the girl Marya went out, the girl Fedosya came out red, on the dawn in the early morning, the hair was broken.

The wheel was twisted, Mesilie Melt, worked the dough, these words said.

Clear Sunshine, Sveti, Spring to bring to us, hunger not Mori, bring the crop.

I (name), followed, was, those words heard, yes repeated, but he spoke three times.

To me, (name), Spring to call, and grief and mora do not know. "

Pancakes need to treat all homemade.

Conspiracy on Maslenitsa - how to increase revenues:

On the first Monday after Maslenitsa, come to the place where the folk walk took place. Go and look at the ground carefully - you need to find any coin.

Taking her left hand, tell me:

"Walked yes I found how I (name) went to these money,

So that money went to me.

As now many people were here

In honor of the Holy Maslenitsa,

So there always had a lot of money.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids.Amen."

Conspiracy on the carnival from the evil eye and damage.

You are sure that you have a slogony or damage to you, or the freezers appeared - do the ritual with a plot of Maslenitsa.

In the morning, on the first day of the carnival, become a face to the rising sun and say:

"From any evil carnival guarded,

All evil and thin will turn away.

On the first day, every evil eye from me to reflect.

On the second day, every damage from me will evaporate.

On the third day, an evil plot on pieces will break.

On the fourth day, the offenders will answer everything.

On the fifth day, evil thoughts in the dust will turn.

For the sixth day, my misfortune will stop.

At the seventh luck, yes, the strength to me will return. "

Repeat this plot at the dawn of every day of the carnival.

Conspiracy on Maslenitsa for the fulfillment of desires:

Conspiracy We read on Sunday on Carnival, before bedtime:

"Lighting, the star is clear according to the snowmobile,on the joy of the world to the Emirates,sorry by the fire with the Negasimy on the uteach Orthodox

You will drag, the star, in the house of the slave of God (name).

You are consecrated, the star is clear, my home is negascique.

Wish you hear mine(Treate your desire). Amen."

Crighted, bow and sleep lie down.

Conspiracy on Maslenitsafrom damage and bad words:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Master Madam and you, Four Evangelical: Luka, Mark, Matvey and John theologian.

Save and save me (name), woe from duma duma.

From the devilish disturbing, from the secret shooting, from the evil eyes and the eyes of the blind, from the eye of an envious, who hears and who can not hear who loudly kneads and who donos wrote.

Alatyr-stone lies in one place, he does not hear, does not see nor the knock, nor the sound is afraid, none of anyone.

So I would have any sound, the knock and the word did not touch.

I did not want anything about any damage.

Neither first in the genus nor the latter.

Key. Lock. Language.Amen."

Conspiracy of envy:

On Sunday, on the eve of the first day of Maslenitsa, in complete solitude, read the conspiracy, which will protect you from negativity for the whole year:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Master Madam and you, Four Evangelical: Luka, Mark, Matvey and John theologian. Save and save me (name), wubble from the Duma dashing, from the devilish disturbing, from the secret shooting, from the evil eyes and the blind eyes, from the eye of an envious who hears and whoever hears whoever hears aloud and who he wrote aloud. Alatyr-stone lies in one place, he does not hear, does not see nor the knock, nor the sound is afraid, none of anyone. So I would have no sound, knock and the word did not touch. I didn't want anything about any damage. The words are not reckless, not to report. Neither first in the genus nor the latter. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

The cleansing ritual is made on Sunday on Maslenitsa.

This ritual is made to return happiness, correction of karma.

Do not stand this rite to perform a healer, can take care of the patient's karma.

Better when everyone makes him alone.

Take the paper and write what the most disturbing you are: bad deeds, diseases, attitude to peace and people ... In short, then why would you like to get rid of. Roll the sheet into the tube and cut into 3 equal parts.

Prepare protective circles from the Thurspath Salt and Holy Water (between them a distance of 30 cm).

Before the circle of salt, read "Our Father", then crossed this circle and stand in front of the holy water.

You are reading the prayers of the "Virgin Virgo, rejoice" and "the guardian angel" and step over the circle of water.

In front of you in the last circle there should be 4 lit candles.

You read the 90th Psalm and in turn burning 3 pieces of the leaf, when they are burning, saying 40 times "Hallelujah!".

Then - mandatory observance of a 3-day post and a visit to the church, where you need to put 12 candles to any icons in one coming.

Clean Monday.

After the completion of Maslenitsa, the peasants went to the bath - ahead was "Clean Monday", the first day of the Great Post.

The last szvuk holiday is Saturday of the Great Post. On this day, it was customary to "Clean the Ten Maslenice": Stove Lean pancakes, with cannabis or sunflower oil.

After that, the passenger fun finally died.

How to double your income.

On the first Monday after Maslenitsa, come to the place where the folk walk took place. Go there, looking at my feet until you find any money (at least a penny).

Taking her left hand, tell me:

"Walked yes I found how I (name) went to these money,
So that money went to me.
As now many people were here
In honor of the Holy Maslenitsa,
So there always had a lot of money.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen."

And of course, special conspiracy pancakes:

Most of the original female works conjugate with the cooking are associated with the circle. Coast Circle. In a circle, clockwise (embonod's), it should be kneaded by the dough for pancakes. In a circle, oil is smeared - the oil is a piece of smalts. And of course, the skillful mistress in a circle will catch a pancake into a frying pan, thinly distributing the dough; And the tasty, the roasted pancakes will absorb all her love.

Maslenitsa is a good reason to handle food itself, which is both tasty and magical. During the kneading dough, it is necessary to bore all sorts of good wishes, addressed to Healthy and to the gone, to the strength of the kind and to the good spirits of the house. Words can be arbitrary.

There are folk risks, which were used when baking pancakes.

, Maslenitsa will come, sufficient health will bring.

Blocks bake, light - sun expect. "

But you can come up with my words of wishes.

Money pancakes.

When you bring the dough to pancakes, throw cinnamon in it! After all, it is long known the property of cinnamon to attract money. Cinnamon brings success, prosperity, attracts good luck. The aroma of cinnamon is very attractive for money!

When you mix the dough, tell me:

"Money dough to monetary pancakes. Who pancake eats, he gets much money. "

After you bake pancakes, be sure to fill their family members, and especially from whom your material well-being depends on.

Pancakes attracting love.

They must be bakeed on Tuesday. After all, Tuesday - pleasing, idle guys on this day looked at the brides, and girls of the grooms. Therefore, on Tuesday and you need to bake a "love" pancakes! These pancakes must be necessarily a sweet filling! Get the dough in any way, and when you fry, say:

"We offer pancakes, I attract love."

And be sure to treat your friends and relatives of our own production on the carnival week. Since ancient times it was believed that all those who would be generous to pancakes this week, Spring gives well-being and prosperity.

The sayings are preserved about the Russian carnival:

* Do not live, and Carnival, not all Cottle carnival, there will be a great post.

* Maslenitsa walks seven days.

* Maslenitsa jersey, the money of the confirmation.

* This carnival goes, damn yes honey carries.

* Milicia asking us about Maslenitsa with their good, with honest belly,

* Malanya woven on Maslenitsa, thought he wondered to marry and Togo Malania did not know that the carnival, and a little hangover after the Raduchitian,

* Maslenitsa of the shareholder, the money of the subservit,

* Afraid of Carnival bitter radish, yes paired turnip,

* After Maslenitsa - the great post, and for passionate - Easter,

* Even with yourself to lay, and carnival spend

* To whom Maslenitsa, and solid, and we are verbal and passionate!

* Was the yard of Maslenitsa, and did not go to the house,

* Without pancakes -not carnival.

* In a forgiven day, as for Easter everyone kisses.
But, walking, "Still, you need to remember about the upcoming post."

There are advice on this subject:

"Oilles not per century is given."

"Piru and Guliai, Baba, on Maslenitsa, and about the post remember."

Maslenitsa precede weeks wearing names: Solid, pestry, omnivores.

The recent weeks are called the last weeks before posts; They follow the weeks omnivorous. The week is going for a solid.


"What is the pesting of such and Maslenitsa",

"If there is a good weather on omnivorous, then the carnival will be heat,"

"What is omnivorous weather, such and carnival",

»Rainy weather on Sunday in front of Maslenitsa - to the crop of mushrooms",

"Thaw with frosts for forgiven day - crop mushrooms",

"What is the day of Maslenitsa red - such this in the spring of wheat."

During the days of Maslenitsa, people were giving themselves pancakes and other disasses. It is the Russian pancakes that were a symbol of this holiday, which the Red Sun is reminded. Pancakes baked with endless diversity: wheat, oat, buckwheat, fresh and sour dough.

That's how the people said about pancakes:

* Damn it is not a wedge - the belly will not split.

* Tetushka Varvara,
Mother sent me:
Give frying pan and a skip,
Mucica da female.

* Water in the furnace,
Wants pancakes oven.

* Where pancakes are here and we.

* Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like wheels in spring.

On the last day of the carnival noted its wires.

On this day, in the morning, there are care of children - snowbaby to loose, to squeeze in sanka, but to scroll with ice.

Maslenitsa is one of the oldest Russian holidays. The pagan by origin, Maslenitsa peacefully "saved" with the religious traditions of Christianity. From a week of farewell to the winter, the holiday has become a week before the great post - 7 days of rest, fun and satisfying food.

Each of the days of Carnival, which this year will last from March 4 to March 10, has its name and purpose. "The first regional" says what and where to do from Monday to Sunday on the passenger week.

Monday opens the so-called "narrow carnival" - the first half of the week. These days work is permitted by housework.

The first day of the carnival is called a meeting. There are, according to custom, matchmakers, everything is happening in the home of the daughter-in-law. From the morning they are sent to his parents, and in the evening, the mother-in-law with mother-in-law come for her, at the same time negotiating the place of general walking.

On Monday, the construction of snow cities, swings and feces for a mass holiday ends. From straw and old clothes Mastery of the stuffed carnival, which is carried by the streets on the sleigh.

On the same day they begin the furnace pancakes. The first should be supposed to give poor neighbors so that they, without having to prepare pancakes, remembered the deceased.

Tuesday is called a ray. Guys and girls will get acquainted on this day, ride a slide, go to each other for pancakes. Parents are actively encouraged: the youngsters are customary to match on the passenger week, because the wedding for the great post the church prohibits. In case of good luck, the wedding is played on a red hill - the first Sunday after Easter (in 2019 the Red Gorka falls on May 5).

Landscape is the third day of the carnival week and the last day of the "narrow carnival". On this day, the mother-in-law meets the son-in-law and his friends with a rich treat, and herself watches the passing feast. In the taste of the beasts of the son-in-law, it is possible to determine its character. It is believed if a man stretches for pancakes with a salty filling, his character is difficult. Lovers of sweet soft and affectionate.

On Wednesday, you can eat pancakes plenty.

Thursday, or ragble, - the first day of "wide carnival". On this day it's time to stop shopping work and start a walk.

And the young, and the old go outside to ride the sleigh, watch the fist fights, the battles for the snowy cities, or become their participants, gentle. On this day, the ritual fires harness and jump through them.

Friday is called forests in the evening. On this day, a man meets mother of his wife. It is relying to officially invite. The mother-in-law comes into his house with girlfriends. At the table - songs, fun, good advice on family life.

True, the treats at all the audience prepares a wife.

Daughter of Cola, sisters of her husband, falls on Saturday. He is called Colakina gathering. On this day, a woman should call the relatives of her husband to themselves, the main one of which is sister. If she is unmarried, then it is necessary to invite into the house and unmarried friends, if Viedanna in the church, family people should be next to her. All guests treat pancakes, and Zolovka is handed a nice gift.

The last day of the carnival week is the wires. On Sunday, the scarecrow the carnival on the sleigh is carried in the field. This is called the "carnial train". Then the scarecrow burns - this is a "funeral". The ashes dispel in the fields so that the year was fertile. From that moment on, the winter should go, giving way to the right of solar and warm spring.

With the arrival of Christianity, the carnival facilities became known as for forgiveness Sunday. On this day, it is customary to commit a sorry in the temples, to ask for each other forgiveness for all the offenses of the past year. In the evening, like on Monday, commemorate the departed, if possible, visit the cemetery.

Observe all the traditions of the pancake week fun and tasty. But so that the carnival was joy, and not in a burden, you need to eat in moderation and choose only the right pancakes. How to do it, read

"Meeting of Maslenitsa" - occurs on Monday. In 2018, the "meeting of the Maslenitsa" will have to be on February 12.

People finish the latest preparations, completing swing and various slides. A mandatory attribute of events - scarecrow from straw, dressed in women's clothing and attached to a stick, put in the middle of the streets. The hostess, meanwhile, "sang" in the kitchen, bakeing gentle pancakes, because it is on the carnival, they are so delicious that it is impossible to break away. The first baked pancake is never eaten - they give a nourishment or put outside the window, in memory of the dead. In the evening, everyone is going, behind a common table, noting the beginning of the festive week and making up a plan, further events
Approximately 50 days before Easter in Russia began to celebrate Maslenitsa, Monday is a meeting of this fun holiday. He opened a week of folk festivities dedicated to the Winter Wires and Meaning the arrival of the long-awaited spring.
Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday that had a deep meaning for Slavs. His origins go back to the cult of the Sun - the main deity in Slavic mythology. The Maslennitsa personified the cold winter, with which our ancestors sought to say goodbye as quickly as possible. During her wires, the peasants asked for the gods of favorable weather and good harvest. And in order to arrange the heavenly shine, baked pancakes. They were a kind of sacrifice to the gods, reminding the sun on form and color.
Details about the festival of carnival read.
The church tried to eradicate the pagan traditions from the consciousness of people, but the usual of the ancestors turned out to be stronger. Therefore, the priests had to accept. Farewell to Carnival passes annually at the end of February on the eve of the Great Post. In Orthodoxy, the days of the celebration of the Wire Wires began to be called cheese.

Today, the carnival week has become merry folk guides, devoid of religious or mystical meaning. But before celebrating the end of winter, it was accepted strictly at the initial order. Every day even had its name.
Everyone in the village, from Mala to Velik, knew what rules exist for each family member on a specific day of the carnival week.
Preparation for the beginning of the celebrations
Despite the fact that the first day of the carnival was Monday, it was started to prepare for the holiday at the weekend. On Saturday, children were collected by Napti and met the female returned from the fair, whether the carnival was brought. If the answer was negative, the owner of the carriage could slightly beat the lapties.
The day before Maslenitsa was called "meat Sunday". From morning to evening, relatives and neighbors went to visit each other, inviting the upcoming winters of winter. Mass seven-day walkings were considered time to strengthen family bonds, especially if the pair was recently married. Therefore, the visits of relatives on both sides were mandatory.
Today it is customary to call the carnival is wide, and in the old days in Russia, the entire festive week was divided into 2 parts. Narrow carnival included the first 3 days of the festivities: Monday - "Meeting", Tuesday - "Pigs", Wednesday - "Landca". It was a kind of preparation for basic activities.
The wide carnival began with the "fracture" on Thursday, continued with "turbulent in the evening" and "clarifier gatherings" on Friday and Saturday and ended with the "kiss". So called Sunday, the 7th day of the festivities, in which the final farewell happened to the carnival.
Traditions to meet Maslenitsa in Russia
In the 1st carnival day, it was allowed to sleep longer than the usual one. Slavs believed that a long sleep was a good sign for the future harvest. After the awakening of all family members, everyone fell for her job. The hostess of the house began to prepare the dough so that the furnace pancakes, and from the very morning the whole village was filled with unique flavors.
About the recipes of delicious pancakes on the carnival read.
There were several main rules for the meeting of Maslenitsa:
- The first pancake was always given to the poor so that they remember the left relatives. The peasants believed that the deceased had a certain power over the elements, so they tried to give tribute to the deceased people and ask them in such a way good weather conditions for the future harvest.
- Children helped adults what they did on Monday to Maslenitsa - a large straw doll, dressed in a female outfit. The scarecrow the carnival of the kids drove into the sleigh through the streets, having stood in all at home and chatting funny songs. In every courtyard, the kids were taken to give pancakes.
- Maslenitsa had to watch everyone. Even old and weak people tried to get out at least on the porch to meet an unusual guest. There was belief that the one who would not meet Maslenitsa will soon die.
The daughter-in-law from the morning went to the parent house the furnace pancakes, and in the evening, the swells came to visit their shuts to taste the treat and plan a festive week.
- On the first day of the carnival, riding with ice slides began. But on Monday, only children could take part in this cheerful entertainment. They hooked the perky songs and chastushki, in which the carnival was glorified and the coming offensive spring.
- The meeting passed noisy and fun. It was believed that both the carnival celebrate, such a harvest: the loudest songs, the longer the flax in the fields.
- Adults did not participate in winter fun. They were engaged in the latest preparations for the upcoming Maslennaya "Pleasses": Men completed Balagans for performances, puppet theaters, poured the ice slides and created snow towns, and women prepared delicious treats and, of course, the main dish - pancakes.
Each hostess sought to show himself the most skillful craftswoman and surprise relatives and friends with her culinary talent.
Pancakes were served with sour cream, with various types of jam and honey, with salted fish and meat.
Monday preceded the main carnival festivities, but despite the fact that the whole day was in concerns about preparing for the upcoming holiday, in the evening youth rode a swing, sang songs, joking and noted the meeting of the carnival was quite noisy and joyfully. Closed the first-day solemn events. Traditional fisting battle.
How are Maslenitsa meet today?
Traditions celebrate the carnival week have been preserved today, but lost their sacred meaning. Strict observance of the rites of the Spring and Wires of Winter has been preserved only in small villages distant from major cities.
How to guess for Maslenitsa read.
The first day of the carnival no longer has that clear routine, which existed in the old days. Only pancakes that bake in each house remain unchanged, and also offer in shopping tents to all those who participate in folk festivities in the squares and in the parks of megacities.
In the 1st day, they still make a doll from the girlfriend, dressing it in old women's clothing, plant on a long past and installed where folk festards pass. The whole week is stuffed in one place, it is not caring from home to the house, as before, but simply burned on the last day of the carnival, saying goodbye to winter.
In some localities, the custom is still preserved to walk on houses, sing the carnival songs and get a coin and sweets instead. But in big cities, this tradition has practically disappeared.
In many families, Maslenitsa do not meet at all, but they begin the bake pancakes and treat friends and acquaintances closer towards the end of the festive week. Everywhere wide passenger walks are held only in forgiveness Sunday - the last day before the great post.

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