A fun wedding script for a small company without a toastmaster. Wedding script for toastmaster Modern script for wedding

Recently, a new trend has appeared - the organization of a wedding event without observing ancient traditions, during which a significant amount of time is devoted to fun game contests and competitions.

This means that in preparation for the celebration, funny and modern wedding scenarios for the toastmaster are prepared in advance. During a wedding in this format, it is required to involve the newlyweds and guests in a fun and exciting game celebration - an interesting show that will remain in the memory of all participants of the holiday for a long time.

Scenario with contests

The greatest celebration of a young family is considered to be the Day of Registration of the Marriage Union.

The format of the wedding has a wide range: from a modest student party to a grandiose large-scale celebration. It all depends on the wishes of the bride and groom, national traditions and, of course, on financial capabilities. Without exception, all newlyweds dream of their wedding to be a real joyful festive event filled with fun, laughter, jokes, songs, interesting contests, dances.

To do this, even during the preparation of the wedding, it is necessary to draw up an interesting scenario according to which the wedding host will be able to competently and cheerfully hold the event, observe the customs and traditions of everyone.

According to the modern style, the wedding can be conditionally divided into several parts:

  1. The beginning of the wedding. The wedding party begins with a solemn part. Young spouses at the festive wedding table accept congratulations and gifts from all participants in the wedding celebration.
  2. Main part. During the second part, a fun entertainment program is held, full of numerous fun contests, funny competitions, play theatrical scenes with the participation of newlyweds and wedding guests. There are also funny song competitions and, of course, active dances.
  3. The final part. In the final part, romantic wedding rituals are held: lighting candles at home, sand ceremony, tying a scarf, throwing a wedding bouquet by the bride and other interesting rituals. At the end of the wedding, guests are offered a delicious dessert - a wedding cake.

If you are planning a wedding with a large number of young people who are not interested in boring old traditions and want to have fun, you can offer one of the options for an interesting scenario with the participation of a presenter or toastmaster.

The wedding begins with the words of the toastmaster: “Attention, our dear guests! Now we will see an amazing and beautiful couple - our beautiful bride and groom are approaching us. Let's greet our newlyweds with thunderous applause! "

The bride and groom approach the toastmaster and stand in the center of the wedding hall. The toastmaster continues: “Good afternoon (calls the names of the bride and groom)! We are starting your wedding party. Please accept our congratulations on your entry into a legal marriage.

Congratulations on the birth of a new young family (names the names of the young spouses)! "

The presenter recites the following short congratulatory poem:

“Our dear newlyweds! Let's now come to the closest ones - your parents. In the hands of your mothers you see a symbol of prosperity - a ruddy and lush wedding bread, a symbol of your home well-being and prosperity. I suggest that the bride and groom come up to their parents and break off a piece of the wedding loaf for themselves. "

The newlyweds come up and break off a piece of bread from the sides.

"Dear guests! What conclusion can be drawn from the young pieces of a loaf broken off? Now you can understand who is a big food lover in a young family or who will be the main one in the family!

Now, salt your pieces of wedding bread with salt. Do not spare salt, salt as much as possible! With love and a gentle look, look affectionately at each other, make an exchange of pieces and feed each other diligently! Dear guests!

Pay attention to how carefully they feed each other, they don't want to be hungry! " A friendly laugh is heard in the hall. Toastmaster invites guests to go to the wedding hall and take a seat at the wedding table. While the guests are sitting down, the host says the words: “Dear guests! Please do not hesitate, today we will have fun, taste delicious treats and raise toasts in honor of the most beautiful couple.

I suggest that the gentlemen take care of the beautiful ladies so that the glasses and plates are not empty. "

The wedding participants fill their glasses. The words of the presenter are heard:

“Dear newlyweds! Today, on this wonderful wedding day, the most significant event took place - you united your destinies and united your life paths. From now on, you are no longer the bride and groom, but the real spouses - husband and wife. Let me congratulate you on behalf of all the guests of the wedding with this step and with a legal marriage! "

“Dear (the name of the groom, the name of the bride)! What a joy to see a happy couple in love! Everyone knows that the greatest happiness in life is confidence in mutual love!

Our newlyweds have such great happiness. We raise our glasses for this happiness.

Our first toast is to our lovely newlyweds, to your happy family life! "

While the participants at the wedding table are trying festive dishes, the toastmaster invites the guests to meet, congratulate the young and give them gifts.

The presenter approaches each of the guests, introduces himself and offers a microphone for congratulations.

After congratulations and presenting gifts, the toastmaster proposes to hold a quiz about the newlyweds: “Dear bride and groom! Now we will hold a quiz among the guests on the knowledge of the history of your acquaintance. Guests must answer questions, and young people are asked not to prompt the correct answers.

  1. The first prize is an air kiss from our beautiful bride. A question to the audience - who is the bride according to the horoscope? “Answer: Taurus.
  2. The second prize - a strong male handshake of the groom - will be awarded to the one who answers the question: what kind of sport does (name of the groom) prefer. Answer: sambo.
  3. The third prize is the kiss of our bride. Question to the guests: what are the favorite flowers of the bride? Answer: roses.
  4. The fourth prize is a three-time kiss from our groom. What is the groom's favorite sport at the wedding today? Answer: A unique opportunity to have a drink with our fiancée for brotherhood.
  5. The fifth prize for the bride and groom is the opportunity to give each other a hot kiss if they give the correct answers to the following questions: Question to our bride: What dish does the groom like best? Question to the groom: What long-running TV series (name of the bride) has been watching since childhood and will not be able to watch it to the end?

After the end of the comic quiz, the presenter offers to refill the glasses and taste the dishes of the festive treat. After a while, the host announces a parenting competition.

“Today the bride and groom have a new status“ Husband and Wife ”. In connection with this joyful event, the changes also affected their parents. We invite dads and moms of newlyweds to learn their new statuses. "

He addresses the groom's mother: “Our dear mother, you are no longer just a lady, but a mother of a wonderful bride. Will never frown, our ideal .... (guests continue in chorus - mother-in-law! ").

The following words are an appeal to the bride's mother: “Now you have a new son - your wonderful wonderful son-in-law! Be simpler with your son-in-law, as befits .... (mother-in-law!) "

The master of ceremonies proposes a toast to the parents of the bride and groom: “I propose a toast to the closest people - to the parents. It was these people who surrounded you, young people, with their selfless love and care, were your faithful support and support. Let's raise our glasses in their honor and thank them for raising such wonderful children, our groom (name) and bride (name)! "

The clinking of glasses sounds. After a snack, the time comes for mobile fun contests.

The master of ceremonies proposes to hold a dance competition with the following words: “I invite all wedding participants to the dance floor so that our couple in love will have a pleasant training in our“ Academy of Kissing ”.

  1. The first lesson is "The King's Kiss". We invite the bride to sit on an imaginary throne (offers a decorated chair). Here she is - our queen! The groom is her subject, who must kiss the hand of his queen. " (The groom must go down on one knee and kiss the bride's hand) The toastmaster invites the guests to applaud the young people for the first lesson.
  2. The second lesson is "Caucasian". The presenter asks the groom to imagine himself as a horseman standing on one mountain (puts a chair in front of him). Dzhigit shouts to his bride: "I love you!" Mountain Echo (groom's witness) repeats this phrase. The bride at the foot of the mountain (chair) shouts in response "I love you!" In conclusion, the groom and the witness perform incendiary lezginka. The groom goes to the bride and kisses her.
  3. The third lesson is "Cossack". The bride is a wonderful farmer, and the groom is a Cossack. Galloping into the farm, sitting astride a dashing horse (witness), goes around his bride in a circle three times and kisses her on the go.
  4. The fourth lesson is “Graduation” or “Wedding Kiss”. The guests stand in a circle, in the center are the newlyweds. The guests chant "Bitter!", The bride and groom kiss, and the guests count how long their kiss lasts.

After this competition, the host announces the first dance of the newlyweds, which begins the dance program with the participation of all wedding participants.

When the guests get a little tired of fast dances, the host proposes to hold a popular competition "Guess the gender of the future firstborn of the young."

The master of ceremonies announces: “We all know that a happy young family is a family with little children. Dear friends, let's all work the magic together and order the first-born for the young spouses - a daughter or a son. I invite witnesses to be bankers and offer them bags to collect money for the baby.

Whoever collects the most money in his bag, a baby of this gender will appear in the family. "

While the money is being collected and counted, the host asks funny questions, and the guests quickly answer:

“I invite our bankers to announce the results! Witnesses, announce the amounts collected. Now you can make a statement: in the family (names the common surname of the young people) will be the first to be born (names the gender of the child). I propose the following toast to the health of the firstborn.

It doesn't matter what gender the first child will be, the main thing is that he be healthy and strong. Let's raise our glasses to love! "

Script without contests and traditions

Thinking over the format of a wedding, modern brides and grooms often think about giving their main festive event a special individuality and holding a wedding in their own style without contests and adherence to ancient traditions.

Typical scenarios consist of numerous competitions, in order to participate in which the toastmaster has to persuade the wedding guests. Young people of today are perplexed by contests for carrying an apple between their legs or kissing different parts of a neighbor's body.

In order to conduct an interesting and spectacular wedding without competitions and without observing obsolete ancient rituals, it is important to correctly compose the script of the wedding event in advance.

The following order of the wedding celebration is proposed:

  1. Each of the future spouses, with the help of close friends, prepares for the wedding in their home.
  2. The groom with close friends goes to meet the bride at her house. When the bride meets the bride, the groom brings a wedding bouquet and words of love as a gift.
  3. The bride's house offers light snacks and drinks. The first photo session is being held.
  4. The bride and groom with close friends, witnesses and parents go to the place of registration of the marriage union. The visiting ceremony is considered a great alternative to the usual ceremony in the official registry office.
  5. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds go for a walk and a photo session.
  6. From the walk, the newlyweds arrive at the place where the wedding banquet will take place. Guests and relatives form a living corridor through which the young go to the hall. On the way, the newlyweds are showered with fragrant petals of multi-colored roses and greeted with words of congratulations.
  7. Congratulations from the parents are heard.

The groom with the bride and invited guests enter the wedding hall, filled with the sounds of wedding melodies, and sit down at the festive wedding tables.

Toastmaster pronounces the following congratulatory words:

A beautiful song on a wedding theme sounds in the background. The participants in the celebration begin the wedding banquet.

After a while - after the guests have had a snack, the host invites them to congratulate the young spouses and give wedding gifts:

“Let's congratulate our young (the names of the bride and groom) on the most solemn birthday of the new family - on the Wedding Day! Today the closest friends, parents have gathered here and from the bottom of their hearts give you their congratulations "

The host takes turns approaching each wedding participant and giving the floor for wishes.

After congratulations, the toastmaster announces an invitation to fill the glasses and continue the festive meal.

  1. The master of ceremonies announces the start of an entertainment program: "Today, real magicians have come to congratulate our young people, who will be happy to entertain our guests with their wonderful and even magical numbers."
  2. After the performance of professional artists, the toastmaster invites professional dancers to hold dance master classes with the subsequent involvement of guests in their dance program.
  3. Those wishing to be photographed are sent for filming to the decorated photo zone.
  4. The toastmaster announces the dance of the young: “We invite our dear newlyweds to their first wedding waltz. Now they are no longer bride and groom, but husband and wife. Now our wonderful couple will spin in a slow dance of a waltz, and let the wonderful sounds of music envelop them with their magic veil! And we will love to admire the happy couple in love! "
  5. The sounds of the waltz are replaced by rhythmic fast music, the wedding participants join the young and a kind of wedding flash mob begins.
  6. The wedding ends with cutting the wedding cake. The presenter pronounces the words:

The wedding celebration ends with a fire show or touching ceremonies of launching Chinese lanterns into the sky with a lit candle inside.

This video will show you how to write a wedding script:

So in a new way, without observing the well-established traditional rituals and competitions, you can hold an interesting wedding celebration. The modern entertainment industry and their own creative approach allow young people to make a real fascinating spectacle out of a wedding.

Welcoming the guests, the host thanks them for accepting the invitation, introduces himself and informs everyone about the wedding procedure. Then he asks the guests to form a living corridor, holding bouquets of flowers over their heads; at regular intervals, he presents the guests with multi-colored ribbons of one and a half meter length. Guests must pull on these ribbons.
Immediately behind the entrance doors of the hall, the presenter spreads three decorative paper paths on the floor. One says "Matriarchy", the other - "Patriarchy", the third - "Advice and Love." The tracks are placed with the inscriptions down.
Young people are arriving. The host meets them.

Good afternoon, dear bride and groom, dear parents and witnesses! On behalf of all the guests, I congratulate the young people on the happiest and most joyful holiday in their lives - the holiday of love! May it last forever!
Expensive …. (calls the young by name)! Now you will walk along the honorary corridor, and the guests will gird you with colorful ribbons. May your family life sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, may there always be warmth, comfort and happiness in it! Welcome! Young people pass through the living corridor, enter the hall and stop in front of the paper paths.

Dear young people, at the beginning of your family life there are three paths in front of you. If you go one at a time, your wife will have a husband under the thumb, if you go the other way, your husband will become the head of the family, choose the third - peace and harmony will rule in the family. Choose your own path, your path of life.
To the music, the young walk along one of the paths, the presenter picks it up and shows all the guests an inscription. Young sit on chairs covered with towels. Nearby are witnesses.

And now, dear guests of the holiday of love, I ask you to prepare for the ceremony of congratulating the bride and groom.
Dear young people, if they will bring it to you - know how to write it down.
Dear guests, young people are asking for a glass of wine and a glass of beer. Accept the invitation, and give the young ones: on a awl, on soap, on a crooked spindle, on a spoon, on a bowl, on a stick, on a crush, on potty tires ... To the music, guests take turns congratulating the young.
The host introduces each couple or group of guests. Witnesses help place gifts and flowers. After everyone has congratulated the young, the musicians play a lyrical melody.

Presenter (against the background of music):
I ask our young people to come to the bowl of water and perform the "Ablution" wedding ritual. This custom came to us from the hoary antiquity. It means that the husband and wife should now divide everything in half. We ask the young, standing on the same rug, to wash their hands in one bowl and dry with one towel. The ritual "Ablution" is performed.

From now on, you have everything in common. You have to walk the same road all your life, supporting each other ... And now I invite the heroes of our celebration, respected witnesses and parents to take their places at the central wedding table.

Presenter (after the young people, their parents and witnesses have taken their places:
Dear guests! Our young people ask you for the festive table: to bite off bread - salt, chop a loaf, on bread - salt and on a good word, because the hut is red with corners, and the wedding - with pies! Guests are seated at tables.

I ask the guests to get ready for the first wedding toast!
Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding salvo in honor of the young couple.
I give the count: five, four, three, two, one…. hall! …. (The men open the champagne, pour it into wine glasses.)
I ask everyone to stand up and support me at the end of the toast.
With a salute of plug rockets
Crystal ringing
Helmet congratulations and greetings
To relatives of newlyweds.
May it always shine brightly for you
Happy dawn life
May it always be sweet to you
Well, today ... BITTER!
There is a wedding feast. (At each feast, the host makes three obligatory toasts).

Presenter (against the background of music):
The kind light of the parental home ... Wherever we are, wherever fate throws us, in days of joy and in days of adversity we are always warmed by the warmth of parental hearts ... Dear parents, please stand up and look at your children! This is the happiest and most solemn day in their life, and this is your day, for the joy of your children is your joy, the happiness of your children is your happiness, their health is your health.
For you, dear parents! There is a wedding feast.

Friends, please fill your glasses. I propose a toast to the most honored, most respected guests of our wedding.
Dear grandparents of the young people, please rise so that the whole wedding feast can see you.
Thy hands have labored for ten lives,
Your grandchildren were born under this sky.
You are getting old, your years are passing,
But your grandchildren grow up over the years.
And now the day has come when your grandchildren create a new family, as you once did. And in this family, as in a mirror, your youth and your happiness will be reflected. Years will pass, the grandchildren of your grandchildren will wish their children peace,
health, well-being, as you wish today ...
For you, grandmothers and grandfathers! Many summers!

There is a feast.

And now I invite the bride and groom to their first wedding dance. Let the melody, to which they will dance, always sound in their hearts, recalling this wonderful holiday of love and happiness. The dance of the young opens a dance program, to which all guests are then invited. In this program, you can envisage a dance of matchmakers, a dance of a son-in-law with a mother-in-law ...
Towards the end of the dance program, the presenter gathers the young parents near him, hands them bread and salt on a tray with a towel, and dads - each towel.

Leading (at the end of the dance program):
Dear guests, the hosts invite you to the table. Eat, eat, do not get bored. We have clean bread, sour kvass, sharp knife, cut it off smoothly, eat sweetly. Guests are seated at tables.

Dear bride and groom! On your wedding day, you are congratulated by loved ones - your parents, they congratulate you with bread and salt.

Mothers slowly approach the young and hand them bread and salt.

Bread - salt - a symbol of fertility, love it, value and respect the work of people, and may there always be bread on your table, and may it be in your heart, and your heart in bread. Accept your parents' gift and tell them a sincere "Thank you!" for the fact that they did not spare their efforts and raised you, brought you up to create a new family.

Fathers slowly approach the young and tie them (or simply throw them over their shoulders) embroidered towels.

Well, dear guests, bread and salt have been handed over. Now we need to find out which of the young people should be the head of the family.

The young bite or break bread. Witnesses look and determine: whoever has a larger share will be the head of the family.

Musicians play a march, guests sit at tables. The presenter brings out a bunch of balloons in which there are "tickets".

Now our young people, together with witnesses, will play a comic lottery: who has what to do in family life.
The bride and groom will take turns piercing the balloons, and the witnesses will unfold the tickets and read what is written in them.

A drawing of the "lottery of the young" is being held. To speed up the drawing, you can lay two "tickets" in one ball.
Ticket inscriptions:
1 To fix, plan, cut wood - I will do all this.
2 And if my friends call, then I will go to the restaurant.
3 I will be the owner of the house.
4 I will run around the shops.
5 I will read the newspapers.
6 Sewing and knitting is my destiny.
7 I will drive the car, but we will have to wash it.
8 I will wash the dishes.
9 Renovation of the apartment will be done by you.
10 I will iron the trousers.
11 I'll sit by the TV.
12 I'll chat with my neighbor.
13 I will wash the diapers.
14 I'll cook dinner.

Host (at the end of the "lottery" drawing):
May God grant our young people good luck and luck! May they only draw lucky tickets in their lives!
And again I propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom!
Dear young people!
How many bumps are in the field,
So many daughters to you!
How many stumps in the forest,
So many sons for you!
There is a feast.

And now I want to propose a toast that none of those present will refuse. This toast is in your honor, dear guests!
Our earth is rich not only with soulful songs and fiery dances, but also with the sun and warmth. And it became even warmer and sunnier at today's wedding from your smiles. The bride and groom, their parents thank you, dear guests, for accepting the invitation and offer a toast in your honor - a toast to the friendship with which our people are strong, for wealth is not wealth, strength is not wealth, brotherhood is wealth!

The presenter invites everyone to a dance program, at the end of which a sweet table should already be ready.
The wedding celebration is coming to an end. A variant of its completion is offered. After the dance program, guests sit at the tables. The presenter invites the young and their parents to his place, hands them a tray on which six candles are fixed: four for the parents' and two for the bride and groom. Musicians play a lyrical melody.

Presenter (against the background of music):
Dear ……… (calls the young by their first names)! now your parents will light their candles, and you will light yours from their candles. We want the sparks of the family fire that burns in the hearth of your parents, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, to burn with the fire of great love in the hearth of your young family!

The light goes out. Candles are lit. Young people and their parents, going around the guests, put candles on the central table, invite everyone to the sweet table, then say goodbye.

The young, accompanied by witnesses, step onto the carpet. The guests stand on both sides, building the "gate of happiness".


Music sounds festive today!
______________ with ____________ we congratulate,
May they always remain in their memory
The joy of first meeting and love.
Young people walk along the carpet, guests shower them with wheat.


Welcome! Welcome!
Dear newlyweds!
Your parents meet you, go up to them, bow to them for their affection, love, for raising and educating you, and today they bless you for a happy life.
Young people approach their parents who are at the end of their path and greet them with bread and salt (the groom's parents). The bride's father is holding two glasses of champagne on a tray, tied with a ribbon; mother of the bride on a platter - grain.


Dear young people!
According to the old Russian tradition, bread means prosperity in the house,
and glasses of wine so that you will be together all your life and not part.
May these glasses be inseparable together never,
For life, the bride and groom will be for many years!
For joy and happiness for many years, kiss the bread and accept the blessing of your parents.
The groom's parents bless the young. The mother of the bride sprinkles grain on the newlyweds.

Mother of the bride:

I will sprinkle rye on you,
So that your family is good
Sprinkle with wheat yar,
So that you are a friendly couple!


Now kiss your parents and drink the wine
without undoing the glasses.
Now everything is according to the law,
The marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing.
Let it be sweet and bitter across the sexes.
Dear parents, step aside and make way for your children.
Lovely and glorious newlyweds, go to the most honorable places of the wedding table.
Dear guests, we are seeing the young people off with music and applause.
Young: _________ and ____________!
Their witnesses: ___________ and _________!
Dear parents, we ask you to take pride of place
near their children. Music and applause sounds for you.


Glory to the grandmothers and grandfathers of the family,
And honor, and our respect for them,
So that happiness spreads out two wings to them,
So that their viburnum blooms forever.
Dear grandmothers and grandfathers, we also ask you to take places of honor only near your children. Thank you for coming to rejoice in the happiness of your grandchildren and children. Music and applause sounds for you.
And you, invited guests, welcome guests, on bread salt, on the word red, at a merry, sonorous feast pass.
Young people and guests sit at tables


Dear guests! Wedding is a long-term affair, so choose
a more comfortable place for yourself and a more cheerful neighbor, behind which
can be courted. However, do not forget to
and there was someone to take care of you.
The seating at the table will be as follows:
men - closer to the snack,
women - closer to drinking.
Every fifth will be a commander. His responsibilities include:
pour, pour, but do not forget yourself.
Now commanders, make some champagne!


Well, my friends, we are all already here.
Bride in wedding dress
The groom has long been in place
And faithful, as always, to the bride.
Friends are sitting at a feast next to
They follow the wedding ceremony.
Let us open the wedding
Say from everyone, so as not to forget ...
Dear ___________ and _________! (young)
You have a special day today,
One of the best days!
Both of you chose today
One path of a hundred paths.
To the sound of a crystal glass
Under a splash of boiling wine
Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you happiness and goodness.
May every day lived side by side
It shines with turquoise for you,
Then you don't need gold either,
And the stone looks like a star.
Live together, up to two hundred years old,
To the good envy of friends
There was love that you won't find
From year to year, everything is stronger!
We'll fill our glasses
And the first toast is ready:
We drink for the young, for happiness,
We drank.


Dear guests, while you are having a snack, I would like to inform you about the forecast of today's celebration.
To the music.


Today is expected:

Cloudy, wedding hurricane with champagne shower;
t ° above the table 40 °, the air is filled with family happiness;
There is fog in the head at night, in the morning it may become clearer;
We ask all of you to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk.
The first 3 glasses should be drunk by everyone, the rest will go without a special invitation!
After the 8th glass it is allowed:
ladies, restore hair and plaster;
gentlemen, take off your tie and unfasten the first top button ... (of course, shirts)
After the 18th glass, it is advisable to sing, but ... it is undesirable to elbow into the neighbor's plate!
If you're not relying on yourself, put a note with your home address in your pocket!
Dance only with another man's wife, leave yours to your best friend.
You cannot dance while standing, dance while sitting, but at the same time try not to step on your neighbor's hands!
Do not wipe your hands on the tablecloth, it is better to do it on the dress next to the lady sitting!
Put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor's pocket!
Remember: drink to the bottom, but don't lie down!
If you want to drink little by little, or a lot, but so that you don't forget the way to the bed!
Everyone can drink, you just need to know:
For what? When? and how much?


Lights, golden fireflies
We lit up with a bright light today.
Relatives to the young for a walk
And relatives, friends gathered.
We see cheerful faces here,
And all eyes are turned to the young,
And we, friends, want to turn
On this day, solemn to them:
Wedding witness:
You walk hand in hand together
From now on, there is only one road for you.
You were only the bride and groom,
And now the husband and wife have become.


Gold rings are put on
There is a seal in the wedding certificate,
Well, young spouses,
We wish you this day?
Wedding witness:
Happiness to you, friends - newlyweds,
Joy and the brightest days
You are family now, and by law
You both belong to her!


how did the word "family" appear?
Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him,
But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:
"Now I will ask you seven questions:
- Who will give birth to children, my queen?
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
- Who will bring them up, my goddess?
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
- Who will care for the grandchildren, my joy?
And Eve still answered: "I".
- Who cooks food, iron the linen,
Will he caress me, decorate my home? "
"I, I", - answered, inhaling, - "I, I".
This is how "FAMILY" was born.
Dear _______ and _________!
Peace, harmony and joy to you,
Happiness, bad weather are all in half.
Good smile, good wine,
Let the house shine with a good mistress.
A good husband, a good wife,
Let's drink to friendship, family happiness.
They drink. Fire is brought on a tray (dry alcohol burns in a ceramic bowl).


From our grandfathers a custom came to us
Bring fire to the newlyweds' house,
So that they light up the reliable and familiar,
The hearth of the family, a symbol of great love,
And so that his fire gave warmth and the light of love,
And in life, joint work,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy and interesting.
And the more beautiful your life will be, the hearth will flare up brighter!
Young people are handed fire to music and applause.


We raise a toast to you, to your love, to your happiness!
We drank.


Guests! We ask for silence!
You must accept the WEDDING REGULATIONS!


If you came to the wedding,
Dressed up, perfumed,
You are now none other than a private at the wedding!
Therefore, listen to the Wedding RULES, drink and eat between the lines!
If the wedding breaks out: "BITTER!"
Scream how much urine you have
At the Bridal Regulations, take a breath
Drink a glass and eat.
If they say a table toast,
Raise the glass at once!
Support the initiative with dignity
You can't drink - rest!
If a wedding song breaks out
You don't know the words - don't be shy.
Sing without words, the neighbor will pull up
Sing along - pull together!
If the dance suddenly starts
Go into the circle, get up boldly!
Know that everyone benefits from a shake-up
Don't know how, squat!
So, drink more, be sad less!
Do not hide the plugs! Do not eat flowers!
And do not be discouraged - you can hurt yourself a lot!
Guests! Brothers! What is happening!
Take a look at these faces!
Everyone has drunk and is silent, but the wine is bitter,
It's inconvenient to just shout
But in fact: BITTER! BITTERLY!…
Volleys of balloons. The guests are drinking while standing.


We give the word for congratulations to parents
bride and groom! You have lived for many years -
give them good advice! ...
Parents give advice.


Dear Parents!
There are tremendous changes in your life today,
allow us to present you with these Wedding Certificates,
I certify your new titles: SWEKRA, SWEET, TEST and MOTHER.


Listen to the Wedding Wedding Mandate Mother-in-law.
You blessed love
What did you know in advance,
What did you bring up your son,
His family is your family
And don't grumble now you're in vain.
Daughter-in-law son half,
So love her like a son.
Not all mistakes are noticed
If not, then everything forgives,
And there will be such a harmony in the family
That anyone would envy.
They say there is a lot of blood
Daughters-in-law spoil their mother-in-law,
But we hope that you
You will always be right
You will be fair
To this beautiful girl.
You have a daughter-in-law
It's not nonsense, it's not nonsense
See her left and right
And the bride and the queen.
You should be silent in front of her,
Do not grumble or lecture,
You are obliged to help in everything,
Bring, bring, send.


Do not pour, dear, combustible tears,
Do not regret your daughter before the deadline,
Her husband got the best
Of all modern husbands,
Of all the guys that you knew
He will be your best son-in-law.
Forget the fears you hid
Beginning to dance a waltz with him,
He's a nice guy,
Everything is agile and lively,
Not rude, not whimsical,
In short, he is an earthly angel.
You will find such a person, where you went,
And everything will not be lazy to him,
But provided that morality
You won't read every day.


Father-in-law - you are a father - a hero!
Be a mountain for your son-in-law!
Invite you to visit more often
Treat yourself to delicious beer!
It is proposed to wash new titles !.


Dear Parents!
You are a little sad today
Your children are leaving you.
But, probably, this is how it should be,
So that the hour of parting has come.
And how long have they timidly walked barefoot under the table
The clumsy, clumsy ones plowed the floor with their feet.
And today they are already quite adults
You had to part with your children.
Bitter, bitter for parents, bitter,
So that the children live happily!

Dear guests to our wedding, in spite of their age, the tortoise Tortilla has risen from the bottom of the pond to congratulate the young.
To the song, Tortilla the turtle rides in on an armchair.


Turtle song:
"Dragged on by brown mud
The smooth surface of an old pond
I was like ______ (bride) ____,
300 years ago.
Was naive and careless
_____ (groom) _____ - that look,
And then they decided
Create a new family ".
Oh, how wonderful you are!
Lovely, glorious newlyweds!
I want to give you this key. It's not easy.
You will open the door for them to life, where happiness will meet you,
love, respect and wisdom.
The turtle gives the key to the young.
May life always be your paradise
And you always have the key to it.
I wish you all the best
And do you remember my Wedding Wedding Order:
May it always be in life together
The sun will shine on you
May the whole century happen to you,
How to live on a honeymoon.
The turtle leaves.


Dear guests, I propose to raise your glasses so that this young couple will always be accompanied by peace, love, warmth and happiness!
Well, what about the guests, took the glasses
Together, cheerfully raised!
So that they have full happiness
The glasses must be drained to the bottom! ...
We drank. Break.


We ask everyone to sit down at the table and eat and drink!
Morgunov, Vitsin and Nikulin enter with the song.
We came to the wedding
To congratulate you
Sing with you, dance,
Treat all of you.
We wish you all happiness and good,
And now together we will all drink to the bottom.
It's not very bad to walk at a wedding,
But it's still better ... to drink 100 grams.
They treat the guests, dance and leave.


And now, dear guests, I propose to hear the love affair that was initiated against our young people.

"All rise, the court is in session!"

The prosecutor enters. The guests sit down, the young ones stand, the field business and the marriage code are read to the wife and husband.


Case No. 2507 is being heard
In the dock, a native
___________, currently residing at:
st. , - and a native of ________, currently living at the address: st. , ____________.
On the night of July 25, 1998, a citizen attacked a civilian woman. In turn …… .. tried in every possible way to cover up, for which she was sentenced to criminal liability under Article 187. But thanks to the excellent work by the police, this case was solved and brought to court. There were witnesses at the crime scene: ………. and ____________.
Question to _____________:
1. You do not deny that on the night of 25.07.1998 you were at the address: st. ________________?
2. Question to the witness:
3. Where did you find ______________ on the night of July 25, 1998?
4. Question to the Wedding Witness:
5. Have ______ and ___ been registered before?
The court makes its decision!
1. Sentence ___________ and __________ under Article 198 of the Criminal Code.
2. For life __________ give salary to _______.
3.Starting today, announce:
4.________ - husband,
________ - wife.
5. __________ bear the husband's surname for life.



To your honey month
Make it five years long
The code is somewhat harsh
It must be strictly observed.
This code is very old
But in the century you will not find
And for every new pair
He's good in his own way.
Make the room cozy
So that the husband, coming home,
I was absolutely satisfied
The furnishings and you.
Learn to cook deliciously.
Make a salad like this
So that there is a cabbage leaf in it
It looked like grapes.
Women are divided into 3 parts:
Body, thoughts and soul.
In every part there is a drop of happiness
Give it to your spouse slowly.
Always meet your husband with a smile,
Look into his eyes
Tell me about all the mistakes
Ask about all the cases.
And she herself, without laziness,
State your business
So that in a friendly exchange,
Radiate a stream of heat.
Don't drink, don't torture your husband,
For various cases,
You are a wife and you are a spouse
Not a rusty saw.
We stand for the fact that in the world,
There would be peace, not war.
Mean in your own apartment
You must observe the world.
But don't be completely simple
If we say - the husband is lazy,
You, removing only shavings,
Hit him sometimes.
But do not scourge him at once,
And not an empty phrase,
And by example and show,
Personal business acumen.
If with the opinion of a spouse
Sometimes I disagree
Be, like a twig, resilient
Don't say NO or YES.
Smile at him pleasantly
And cunningly keep in the shadows
Slowly, delicately
Turn the course of events.
But a little boring
So that a family paradise does not become,
You are always SMART and HOLY
Obey this code

MARRIAGE CODE (to husband)

To your honey month
Lasted 20-30 years,
The code is somewhat harsh
Remember, it's a big secret.
Sleep well after the wedding
Do not disturb your wife in a dream
And behave yourself
If the room is not the same.
Take care of your budget
And keep order.
Don't keep your money secret
Give everything to your wife.
And over the years, and with deeds
Do not forget about love
And my wife with my words
Call them dear!
If children appeared
And the hassle increased
Both are to blame
But give yourself more worries.
Wash the baby's diapers
Cook semolina porridge,
Do not spare your strength
Don't say harsh words.
Always be shaved, trimmed,
Neat and not fat
You will not be offended by your wife,
If you're going to be silk as canvas.
You must take care of your wife,
Bring hot coffee to bed
And slippers in time to serve.
Milk a cow a little light
Prepare dinner and lunch
Repair the iron and the tiles
Wash the apartment on Saturdays.
Make the beds in the morning
Wash diapers cleanly,
Shave off your mustache during the time,
Children to wipe their noses.
If you follow these tips,
You will be the best husband in the world!
The prosecutor leaves.


So let's drink to the good outcome of the field business and the marriage code.
Peace to all of you!


And here is Hymen himself - the ancient Greek God of newlyweds!

I see you are all gathered to congratulate the young.
But before congratulating you,
You must convince us.
That the best family
Created here, friends!
Tell me, __________, straight!
Weren't you drunk for an hour, having given consent to the marriage?
Once you decided not to back down?
Will you be faithful, won't you stop loving?
Lay it all out, don't be afraid!
Do you swear to us?

Oath of the bride

Do you swear, spouse, to protect and love your husband?
All my life with him to be friendly, affectionate?
Do you swear that at any cost
Will you be a good and faithful wife?
Do you swear lips on your husband not to blow,
Don't even let the wind blow on ________?
Do you swear to bake cheesecakes more often
Is it thicker to pour tea, but sweeter?
And in the afternoon, as she lays down with a newspaper,
Swear you won't swear for it!
Do you swear to squander your money

And if you borrow, then at least a dozen?

Well, and you, brave bridegroom,
Who was named _____________ in childhood.
Swear a hundredfold
As once Hippocrates,
That you will love your wife,
Will you always be faithful to her, do you promise it?


The Groom's Oath

You swear to be an exemplary husband
Intercessor, friend, faithful helper?
You swear to take care of her
Always kiss when leaving for work?
You swear to give all the money to your wife,
With advice to help where to put them?
You swear to eat her porridge without grimacing,
If the wife will put salt "in reserve".
Yes, things happen in life
Wife on stockings will wear out half a half.

You swear that your business is the side
She won't go to work when she is thin?
The oath was taken at a solemn wedding meeting in the presence of a large number of guests. One copy was handed out. To keep the document forever, to keep the oath.


I ask all guests to raise their glasses
Friends, acquaintances, relatives and friends
And to drink to the love and charm of our couple
For the happiness and health of the young! ...
We drank.


And now we start the show -
Presentation of wedding gifts.
Guests, kind congratulations,
Friends and elders guidance.

Stand up, young couple!
Close ones came to you, relatives,
Congratulate you, present your gifts,
Watch the wedding game show!

You, dear guests!
Do not put gifts together,
You can give flowers to the bride,
All congratulations, wishes to the groom,
Everything else is a miracle to the chest.
They enter, in Russian folk costumes, a man and a woman with a chest and a tray of cheese, with them an accountant with accounts.
Oh, empty, empty box,
There is no chintz and brocade in it.
Oh, you, father-in-law and mother-in-law,
Get presents.

Oh, you, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law,
I need to please my son-in-law
Take out your present
To put it in our chest.
Take the cheese, put it on the cheese, and say kind words to your children.
Parents say kind words and give a gift.
Oh, you grandmothers, grandfathers are cute,
Get out your wallets
For a car, for an apartment
The grandchildren need to scrape together.
Grandparents give gifts.
Oh, brothers and sisters,
Help the young
On stockings and blouses
You also need to put it.
Give presents.
Oh, you, guests, lovely guests,
What will you give!
For diapers, undershirts
Add to the young.
All guests are bypassed.
Here is a full, full box,
There are both chintz and brocade.
There were many congratulations here,
Let's shout: "BITTER!" from the heart.
We gave you gifts,
So that the chickens do not peck money,
To live more beautifully every year,
So that your house would be a full cup.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life,
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding itself, golden.


While the counting commission is summing up the results, I ask the young to come up to me.
Young wife
And beautiful and slender
She matches the groom,
The first dance of the young!

All guests do not lose heart
Until I drop - dance!
You went out into the circle of guests under the veil,
Blinded the walls with whiteness
Like a tender cherry blossom
She showered foliage on you.
The walls of the house turn white from you
How good is your wedding dress,
How are you dancing smoothly, weightlessly
You swim like a snow-white swan

Young people and guests are dancing. Break. Contests and games are held.


Danced, it's time to catch your breath
For bread - salt is taken!
Bread - eat salt
Yes, a kind word to listen.
Friends! Fill your glasses with wine
Let joy reign at our table!
We drank. The postman Pechkin drives in on his bicycle.
Hey! This is me - the postman Pechkin.
Can you tell me where the wedding is?
Postman Pechkin, you just hit it.
Who do you want?
Let's see. So-so! Valuable parcel post, telegrams, parcels.
Is reading.
Wedding. To the bride and groom. Only I won't give them to them, they have no documents.


No, no, postman Pechkin. This is how they got their wedding certificate today. We are all witnesses.
Well, if so, then I hand the parcel to the bride / with a saw /.
We give you a precious item
Hello spouse with this item!
The saw is not for wood - for a conjugal purpose,
They drank to her until the roosters crowed.
And in the morning he gets up, you drank again,
Then they made money.
If he doesn't like your dinner,
Take the saw instead of the delicious seasoning.
The husband will eat and only praise!
And you constantly try to cut!
And as soon as you show your subject,
The husband will affectionately say: "Dove, hello!"
And you, the groom, another parcel post / with an iron fist /.
We give you not chain mail, not a saber
You are not in a military battle, but at a wedding.
They will be useful to you forever,
So that your wife bows down to you.
You wear them, never take them off!
Otherwise, dear, you will be in trouble!
And you will dream of devils all night
If you take off your mittens.
Make your wife cook tasty
Yes, always fit with a mitten.
Caress with a prickly hand more often.
Happiness will flow like a river to you.
If you take your wife to manufactured goods,
Put mittens on goods
Mittens will serve you faithfully,
If you store them, you will be about!
And in this package is a bottle of champagne with the paintings of the guests present here. But you will open it when your firstborn is born.
Now hear the telegrams.
He reads out the telegrams and leaves.


So that the sun shines to the young
And there would be so much happiness in life
So that until the last days is enough
Let's shout in unison BITTER!
Yes, the young kiss sweetly, but in life you will have to share both grief and joy in half. Moreover, every family has a distribution of responsibilities.
Tell fortunes on a chamomile
Find out your roles.
Chamomile with responsibilities. The bride and groom take turns tearing off the chamomile petals and reciting their responsibilities.


I will love you dearly, But I will not forget to cut.
I will be the first in the kitchen in the morning, I will not forget to wash the dishes.
I will cherish and undead you, I will not forget to wash socks.
I will give all my salary, I will not forget to buy flowers.
I will cook delicious lunch, I will not forget a bottle of beer.
I will go to the theater with you, I will not forget to drive to the cinema.
I will not arrange a scandal, I will not forget beautiful words.
I will wash the diapers myself, I will not forget to walk with the child.
Obedient, kind, faithful I will, I will not forget to give gifts.
I will go shopping, I will not forget to wash the floors.
I will idolize you, And I will forget about men.
I will love you all my life, I will forget about women.

We heard that you can handle the responsibilities
in your life, and now you overcome the obstacle,
which will meet on your way.
Pull on the ribbon, the groom must carry the bride in his arms.


Great, just great!
And here is the counting commission, which will announce the result to us (announce).
But who will we give the family budget to?
Friends, we are out of order
If we do not solve the riddle,
Which of the newlyweds should be the head!
And, perhaps, we will find out
If we will treat them with a loaf.
Explain that bread must be broken, whoever is bigger is the head.


And now, as a sign of the unification of the two clans and your hospitality, treat everyone with bread.
But that is not all.
Let our young people know
Secrets of wedding ventures
That often the nests are empty
Storks bring children,
Or leave them in cabbage,
Or they bring it directly into the house,
So that there is no calmness, no sadness
It did not start in the house.
So that chicks are found more often,
Transforming your family,
As it used to be in Russia for a long time,
You must clean up the porridge.
Young people treat guests with bread and porridge.
And this wedding glass
We'll drink it all to the bottom
So that the husband is the best of husbands
And my wife is the best.
We drank.


While we were drinking, walking, dancing, having fun, Evgeny and Irina did not waste their time, they successfully completed the courses of the family-building academy.
And we want to present them with diplomas.
Bride diploma
This "diploma" was issued to a resident of the city, down the street, in house no. This paper claims to have taken a course in marriage and family sciences. During her studies, she showed the following knowledge:

Cooking - 5
Washing - 5
Family vision - 5
Laughing - 5
Humor studies - 5

This "diploma" claims to have been transferred from the department of girlhood to the department of the family life institute.
The diploma gives the right to become a mother-heroine in the future.
Bride and groom diploma
This "diploma" was issued to a person living in the city of ___________, down the street, in house no., Apt. No.
This document claims to have taken a course in Marriage and Family Sciences. During the training, he showed the following knowledge:

Earning money - 5
Telefootballhockeyball - 5
Fishing - 5
Computer love - 5
Scrubbing - 5

“Diploma” claims that he was transferred from the department of bachelors to the department of the family life institute and gives him the right to become a father in the future.
Handing over, drank.


Let's check how our young people know each other.
To the groom: recognize the bride by kissing (the groom is seated on a chair, three girls call, he is blindfolded; the bride always kisses).
Bride: Get to know the groom by the hands (five men).
Why are you guests laughing? Now we will check you too!
For guests: recognize your wife by the knee, by touch (they call one family and several girls, the girls sit on a bench in a row, legs crossed, the man is blindfolded).
Let's raise our glass to the one
Who became the chosen one
Eugene whose preferred beauty
And in whom I found a lot of merits.
We wish, Ira, to be always loved!
The union of hearts is considered indissoluble!
And let the husband report daily
That he does not like a soul in his wife,
That for him she is more beautiful than everyone,
For (name) - our bride!
We drank.


We have problems in life,
However, everyone cares about blood in life.
One openly, and the other furtively,
Simple feelings are friendship and love.
Love ... is there anything else,
That brought so much light to life.
She does not like boredom and peace,
Love is not just a feeling - a craft!
So let us drink to those who are waiting, forgetting that there are others.
Whom you can't help but love
For those who are forever dear
Only one eyes shine with love.
For the love that transforms life
That makes the heart beat again
For that love that conquers troubles,
We drink to true love !!!
We drank.


Young people ask to get up
They invite you to dance!
Shining with her beauty,
Our swan is young
Invites you to a round dance
All honest people are dancing.
Drank, break, games, contests.


We declare beauty.
Beauties under No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. (under construction)
So, let me introduce:
beauties # 1 - Marisabel (steps forward);
# 2 - Just Maria (steps forward);
# 3 - Manka Bond (comes out ahead).
But men will not forgive us if we spend without them. Poet / Women are divided into 3 parts: at the same time we will conduct "Man - handsome" under the title "Strength and Agility".
Let me introduce the participants:
handsome men # 1 - Arnold Schwarzeneger;
No. 2 - Sylvester Stoloni;
No. 3 - Damchik for you.
We announce the musical.
Participants dance a dance.
The girls invite the boys. The crucial moment has come.
Highlight the perfect match and award prizes.
In the role of beauties, disguised men, beauties - women; the perfect match is identified and prizes are awarded.


We ask everyone to sit down at the table,
And eat and drink!
Hey men, go to places
Don't forget your ladies.
Look at them:
How the groom is drawn!
And the bride is no secret
Bloomed like poppies.
Let the bottle spray with foam
Let him laugh with all his might
May in your family life
What you want will come true!
To make you newlyweds
We remembered this evening
So that bachelors, dudes,
The happiness of marriage is understood!
Kiss the newlyweds,
Let those kisses countless!
Otherwise, the poor invitees
And it is bitter to drink, and it is bitter to eat!
You got married today
Happy day in the world for you
Once you have lit a beacon of love,
Then let it shine for you all your life.
Our wedding night is coming to an end. For the solemn farewell of the young, I ask everyone to get up. We met the young people solemnly, let's celebrate them solemnly. Dear our witnesses, you are going to see the young,
Walk the earth happily
Carry love, songs and hopes,
And your radiant youth.
May Mother Fatherland be joyful and tender
Bless another family.
And today I admonish you young,
And in love with each other
We say: "Good luck, dear friends,
Be worthy of each other forever. "
We see off the young.
We continue the wedding together!
You are guests - guests,
Don't sit like hemp
Drink, eat, be merry.
How much the soul wishes.
Come back tomorrow by 12 o'clock! (second day)

2nd day

In the doorway there is a table at which the Opochmetologist is sitting,
Head Aibolit Pokhmelyaevich, Happy lover.
On the table are bottles of lemonade, vodka, wine, water, champagne.
On the bubble labels:

Lotteries for the second day

Potion of love
Potion of happiness
A potion for treason
Potion for indigestion
Headache medicine
Potion for 100 diseases
Separation medicine

Guests buy 100 grams, go to the hall, those who wish to buy wedding lottery tickets from the cashier.
When everyone gathered, invite them to the table, but the place of the bride and groom was taken by the "false bride and groom".
Ask the guests to buy out the place of the bride and groom. /
Good afternoon dear friends!
Another happy family has appeared. We express our hope and full confidence that this family will be beautiful, happy and kind all their lives.
Lovely ____________ and ______________!
We congratulate you on this solemn day,
Pour golden wine into glasses,
We wish everything to be in order in life,
So that there are no storms and everything is smooth,
So that you live together, love each other,
So that children are born, they bring joy into the house,
With the big word "WE" you will replace "I",
FAMILY means a lot in life.
So let's drink to a new young family, to their love!
We drank. Noodles are served, but there are no spoons.


The guests sat down, the guests are waiting:
Why don't spoons carry?
A gypsy woman runs in with spoons. The gypsy sells spoons.


Happens in a person's life
Especially memorable days
But among the days of any century
We remember our weddings.
Years, decades will pass
But they sacredly remember HE, SHE.
Happy their betrothal day.
HE is a husband now, SHE is a wife.
So let's drink to them!
To the health of the young!
For a family for a new one,
For a merry wedding!
We drank.


They say love is not verbose: suffer, think, see through.
This is all, in my opinion, conditional, we are people, we are not crucians.
And if you really want your head to spin with happiness,
Speak, people, speak the nicest words!
Wedding witness:
Both the groom and the young woman live for 100 years
No, not knowing troubles.
So that they respect each other,
To be loved, to help,
So that families honor the laws
And they loved their parents.
Wedding witness:
May your love not melt like smoke
You, husband, do not forget that you were born a man,
And the woman is your weak half.
Give her flowers, talk about love,
Take it harder for yourself.
Wedding witness:
Let the wife be affectionate, kind
She guards the family hearth.
Feed your hubby tastier,
Then you will enter stronger into his heart.
Wedding witness:
Let peace and tranquility settle in the family,
You will live to see your golden wedding!
May every day be lived in harmony,
And God forbid you to live such a life,
Which is like a good song,
And the song is not easy to put together.

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A wedding is a huge celebration in the life of every family. It is very important that this event is successful and fun. The success of the wedding in 99% percent depends on the correctly chosen and experienced toastmaster and only 1% on the mood of the guests and the weather outside the window. The original script will help to carry out all competitions and ceremonies at the highest level.

A ready-made original script for a fun wedding evening for toastmaster and presenters: words

A wedding is a special celebration that requires high-quality preparation and investment of great effort. This is especially true of the ability to find and organize a high-quality scenario that can diversify the event, involve all the guests present in the participation. The script must be cheerful and "fiery", full of many jokes, humorous poems, contests, songs and dances.

As a rule, the wedding evening is completely subject to the toastmaster. The master of ceremonies is the host at the wedding, who always takes the whole situation into his own hands. A correctly chosen toastmaster with good organizational skills is the key to an interesting and happy wedding.

toastmaster - host of the wedding event

An original and fun wedding script

Typically, a wedding has three parts:

  • Start (First part of the event)- this is a special introduction to the celebration, which includes congratulating the newlyweds and a solemn part, where each guest can congratulate the bride and groom at the set table, give them gifts
  • Main part (Second part of the event)- this period of the event is full of many interesting contests for guests and newlyweds with songs and moving dances
  • The final part (The third part of the event)- is necessary in order to lay a romantic note in the relationship. As a rule, in the evening, the newlyweds, if they wish, carry out their traditions and rituals of lighting candles, tying a scarf, and so on. It is not uncommon for a family to decide and order in advance an entertainment program for an event: a fire show, the launch of sky lanterns, and fireworks. This part also presents cake and desserts to everyone present.

The first part of the event

Meeting of the young after the official part of the wedding (painting):

The guests and the host of the event greets the young people in front of the doors of the restaurant or cafe where the wedding is taking place. If you wish, you can organize sprinkling the young with rice, rose petals and coins for the welfare of the future family.

The parents of the young are holding a loaf in their hands - a symbol of the family, which the bride and groom must bite off and soak in salt, treating each other.

Toastmaster recites poetry:

Warmth of sincere congratulations
Take you from us now.
There are many instructions today
You can hear in a good hour.

You are young, you are so beautiful
And joy shines in my eyes.
May you be so happy
How happiness is to dream only in dreams!

Wonderful loaf on a platter
Parents want to present to you.
Relatives, close people all,
Say the words of love.

And this bread is a guarantee of health,
It keeps a secret meaning inside.
He is a symbol of a lush feast,
He gives a colorful life!

You break off a piece
Having fed each other in full,
So that a son or daughter is born
And there was only a whim in the family!

Newlyweds must either bite off a piece of the loaf, or break it off. Having dipped in salt, they gladly treat each other, symbolizing this for themselves a happy life, prosperity in the family. After that, the guests applaud and follow the young people into the hall.

the ceremony of biting off a loaf at a wedding by young

After this ceremony, all guests are accommodated in the banquet hall at predetermined places. To do this, you should prepare in advance name cards or bombonnieres (gift wrapping with sweets, souvenirs and name plates).

The toastmaster invites the young to break the dishes for good luck. It can be a plate, or it can be a glass of champagne, previously drunk. This can be done in the banquet hall itself. However, it is worth agreeing in advance with the staff that they will be able to remove the broken glass after you.

Poems of the master of ceremonies:

Drain the glass to the bottom,
For happiness to enter your home.
So that from every window in the house,
Happiness tumbled.

Let it be like the sweetness of wine, in the family
There was the sweetness of carefree days.
And on a long bench in the garden
There were many of your children.

You break the glass on the floor
Do not regret breaking the glass!
Let that ringing sound for luck
Gives a lot of love and warmth!

The toastmaster should solemnly invite the guests to the table so that they can start drinking champagne and relax with smiles on their faces and joy.

Poems of the master of ceremonies:

Dear guests, do not hesitate
Take a seat at the table.
Be joyful, smile,
Treat yourself to holiday wine.

Lots of delicious treats
Only the chefs have prepared for you.
It will be fun and satisfying without a doubt
We will have fun until the morning!

The toastmaster invites each guest to solemnly fill their glasses. Guests sitting at the table fill their glasses and glasses with booze, or the staff of the establishment does it. It's time for the first toast. The first toast is read by the toastmaster, with this he opens the beginning of the event and sets the tone for the whole holiday.

Poems of the master of ceremonies:

Let's raise our glasses together,
For this glorious family!
I want this wedding to be
Happy so that my love

She was able to keep forever
Avoiding dirty linen and troubles.
So that two people in love
Emitting light to each other!

We'll drink to luck together
Well-being of the young.
So that all serious tasks
They decided in an instant!

So that the sun in life is daily
Entered their merry home,
So that every holiday is undoubtedly
Everyone gathered at the table!

Yes, be happy today
Yes, always be happy!
May your happiness be bright,
Let there never be quarrels!

toastmaster has full control of the situation at the wedding

Young people kiss each other. All guests drink their first glass to the happiness of the young. At this time, you can proceed to light snacks and salads, which have already been served. To create a festive atmosphere in the banquet hall, the toastmaster includes romantic music. Guests should have time to enjoy their food, but not gorge themselves until they are full, but only just satisfy the feeling of hunger. (7-10 minutes is enough).

The toastmaster continues to host the event. He congratulates the young. It's time to greet your young wife and young husband in a humorous way. This will surely cheer up both the newly-made spouses and the guests present.

Poems of the master of ceremonies for the young:

I want to tell you young people
That I saw quite a few couples.
But you guys are daring
And happiness shines in the eyes.

You have only one feeling in your hearts
We know him as love.
May it never be empty
Let the blood rage all your life!

May the young always be a spouse
Let the spouse be young!
Appreciate each other carefully,
After all, a husband to his wife is his best friend!

Now, you are in prestigious status,
The unit of society is the family.
Let everyday life and squabbles of personal life
You will never be reached!

Poems of the master of ceremonies for a young husband:

Appreciate your friends, your wife,
They are like gold, believe me.
When you see on the doorstep
Do not close the door to them!

Give flowers to your beloved
At least once every season
But it's better in a month to be beautiful
There was a spouse like a flower!

Praise the borscht, praise the cutlets,
Believe me, it will be better and more satisfying!
Love invaluable advice
Kiss, bring up children!

Don't forget about surprises
For the anniversary and just like that!
Take the whims easily
After all, you are a man - not a fool!

And everything will be more than rewarded to you,
Life will be full of delights.
And next to it will smile
Your happy wife!

Poems of the master of ceremonies for a young wife:

Love your spouse like a prince
In armor on a dashing horse.
And nothing that the horse is not young,
It is worth gathering dust in the garage.

Its more often you are in the "stable"
Let me repair your goods.
Then you are definitely soul to soul
You will exist for a hundred years!

Love football and beer with fish
After all, this is the beauty of being!
And at the hour when the game is on the field,
Let all your friends rush to your house!

Love his socks in sandals
Love pants "a la leotards".
Do not allow empty scandals
So that you only live peacefully.

You hug him more often
And every night before bed
Confirm: "With you, my dear husband
Incredibly lucky!

the toastmaster reads many pleasant words in honor of the young at the wedding

The master of ceremonies can present young people with certificates of honor or any other documents confirming their happy status (diplomas, medals, statuettes). Such small awards will remind spouses for many years what pleasant emotions they experienced at the wedding.

After the guests have rested a little and ate, you can proceed to congratulations. You need to know that the first congratulatory word belongs to the parents of the young. They can read their poems all together, or they can take turns. The main thing is to make them stand out from all the other guests. Congratulations for young people can be easily found on the Internet and written on a postcard so as not to forget them.

Poems of the master of ceremonies:

Parents are big people
They gave life and peace.
Today we will give them the floor
And thank you very much!

See your children on their own
They sit at the festive table
They became a wife and a husband,
Congratulate them with your toast!

Parents congratulate their children. After the poems and solemn congratulations of each parent, it is customary to drink again for everyone present at the event.

After the parents congratulate the newlyweds, the floor should be given to the rest of the guests from both sides. The order of congratulations should be something like this:

  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Dear aunts and uncles
  • Close relatives, sisters and brothers
  • Distant relatives, sisters and brothers
  • God-parents
  • Witnesses
  • Close and best friends
  • Family friends
  • Colleagues

Each congratulation can be accompanied by the presentation of a gift to the young. To do this, the toastmaster carries next to him a special box for cash gifts or helps to bring and transfer other gifts to the table of the newlyweds. If one of the guests is lost in words, is too worried or simply does not know what to say, the duty of the toastmaster is to help this person in any situation.

The toastmaster should always have a certain stock of beautiful words, poems and jokes that will help him brighten up any awkward situation.

Special attention should be paid to the congratulations of the witnesses for the newlyweds at the wedding. Friends can agree on a joint congratulation, or congratulate the young people each separately with poems or in their own words. After congratulating the witnesses, the toastmaster invites the young to the first marital dance, which ends the first part of the event.

Toastmaster's words:

Young are beautiful - no doubt,
So in love, tender and devoted to each other.
May the sun give you light every day of God,
May you be forever happy, spouses!

We invite yours to this dance floor,
Let the first dance bring rhythm to your life.
Glasses will be filled with wine and under our festive hum,
Let the bills-leaves fly from the tree at your feet.

It is customary to sprinkle the first wedding dance of the young with banknotes. This tradition attracts financial well-being and wealth to a young family.

wedding, holiday script

Second part of the event

The second part of the event is usually more fun and lively for all guests. It includes a large number of contests and entertainments of a humorous nature (contests and their descriptions are listed below). As a rule, an experienced toastmaster always focuses on the mood of the guests: he introduces the bored and less active to the participation, gives comic prizes and praises everyone for their efforts. Among these entertainments are:

  • wedding champagne auction
  • competition for determining the sex of the first child in a young family
  • numerous contests for newlyweds
  • contests to determine the most active, generous, dear guest
  • dance entertainment contests
  • stealing the bride
  • contests for newlyweds witnesses

entertaining part of the wedding, competitions from the host

Third part of the event

The third part of the wedding event is the final one, it includes several interesting stages:

  • The bride throwing her wedding bouquet is an integral tradition of any wedding celebration.
  • The groom throwing a garter is a tradition similar to throwing a bouquet for the bride
  • Draw-competition with a humorous note for the distribution of responsibilities in a young family
  • Ignition of the family hearth
  • The ceremony of removing the veil (at the request of each pair)
  • Cutting and tasting the wedding cake by the newlyweds and all guests
  • Gratitude from the young - beautiful words of gratitude from the newlyweds to the guests and parents present for organizing the wedding

wedding event, script

Poems for the toastmaster, beautiful words, ending the evening:

Our warm evening rustled like a beautiful wedding,
The candles went out and the lights were lit in heaven.
May it be that in a year I will meet again
They will survive on the anniversary of the young.

Thanks to music, smiles, mood,
Thank you, guests, for decorating the hall with yourself.
Let there be tears in my eyes and only from excitement,
From awe and joy in hearts.

Thank you two hearts for tied your life,
Give them more good and all sorts of benefits.
May happiness come on their heels
May fear never overtake them!

Cool funny comic script on the wedding day with contests and games for toastmaster

You can diversify the wedding celebration by including in it a lot of humorous scenes and words of the toastmaster, which can decorate the celebration and make it unforgettable. You can include several poems in the script, on the eve of a particular competition.

Poem for a toastmaster for a competition to determine the sex of the first-born in a young family:

Look, dear young ones,
Everyone is waiting for you to become winners soon ...
Not champions, not masters of sports,
And gentle and sensitive parents!

There is a competition for you, it is simple and clear to everyone:
In a matter of time, friends need to try
And in the moment while the melody is playing from the speakers
Collect bills from guests in bags and smile at them.

Poems of the toastmaster for the ceremony of throwing the bride's bouquet:

Beautiful bride - you can't take your eyes off:
Slender, sweet and apparently wise.
Lucky for the groom! Well what can I say!
Now it's time to pass the baton on to you!

Throw the bouquet, bride, do not spare flowers!
Let him fly and bring happiness to his girlfriends,
He will give them the long-awaited love,
Well, and a man that will decorate their life!

Poems of the toastmaster for the ceremony of throwing the bride's garter:

There is a wedding symbol with a good good meaning,
He brings joy and goodness to a lonely man,
He gives him a chance for the future whim of family life.
And a chance to find the other half.

And a bandage can become this symbol,
Her fiancé leaves and wishes only happiness.
So that life is beautiful as if in a fairy tale
And so that the wife was as beautiful as a fairy tale!

funny contests and ceremonies at the wedding

Poems to the master of ceremonies for the drawing of lots for the distribution of responsibilities in the family:

Family is hard work
Without days off and rest.
But there is a tender concern in her,
Divided in two.

There are a lot of responsibilities in the family,
They need to be clearly separated,
So that the husband is the very, very best,
It cannot be cut in any way!

The wife must be very gentle
To be able to cook like a chef.
Feed in full and only fresh
And passionate like a wild lion.

The husband must very regularly
Bring your salary home
And every holiday is regular
To give bouquets of roses.

But these are little things in essence,
In fact, we need to decide.
Who will be completely obedient
Well, who is given to steer.

For this I will now voice
Few great ideas.
Fate decides what's best
Whom to raise children.

Pull the lucky piece of paper
Don't be afraid to draw out the bad one.
May every day be more beautiful than another
The young will fill the family!

Poems for the toastmaster on the announcement of the solemn rite of ignition of the hearth:

It's time for a celebration
And the ignition of the hearth.
there is not a drop of witchcraft,
Goodness and happiness rules us.

Two kind glorious people
They have come together in one family forever.
The hearth will become a talisman for them
And life will protect them.

Parents will light the hearth
And they will become your faithful support.
With tears of joy in your eyes
The wave will cover new life.

Toastmaster poems for the cake cutting ceremony:

Oh, how beautiful the cake is today!
And how appetizing it is,
Every mouth present
Strives to taste it!

Come on, young cut
The first piece is for everyone's joy!
So that its taste is pleasant and fresh
Gave sweetness to relatives and friends!

More beautiful than roses in the world
There are no smoother cakes in the world!
And aunts on a diet
Forget the principles of diets!

Beautiful poems for toastmaster at weddings, poems with humor, funny poems

Wedding contests, what contests to organize for the young?

Some fun contests will make your wedding celebration more fun.

Contest "Write a booty"

For this competition, you can invite both friends and absolutely any guests to the center of the hall. You can ask each participant to stand on a chair and grasp the back with your hands, or you can simply leave it in a standing position (for safety reasons).

The task of the competition: write with the fifth point the word that the toastmaster will solemnly present to you. This word or phrase is written on a special card in advance. While the person of your choice will diligently output each letter with his booty, the toastmaster includes melodic and sexy music to create an atmosphere. The competition is very funny only because not every person can use plasticity and some movements are very funny.

Contest "My man is the most handsome!"

For this competition, the toastmaster should choose several pairs to participate, approximately five to six. To make the game more correct and understandable, men are seated on chairs, their women stand behind their backs. Each woman should be given a flesh-colored nylon stocking.

This stocking should be carefully and carefully pulled over the head of your beloved man. Then, at the behest of the toastmaster, all the women at the same time begin to pull the stocking up, trying to pull it off. This is done slowly. Of course, you won't be able to remove the stretched stocking, but those men's faces that change and deform under the force of stretching will make all the guests laugh, who will choose the winner of the competition.

Soap Drama Competition

For this competition it is necessary to invite two mothers, they are the ones who take part in it. Two bottles of soap bubbles will come in handy for the competition. Each bottle is given to mom. The toastmaster asks several questions to each woman, the answer to which is not words, but the number of blown balls.

This competition seems ridiculous because no one knows in advance how many balloons each mother can blow out, and all questions begin with the word "How many":

  • How much advice will you give young people for their future married life?
  • How much will you help the young financially?
  • How many times a day will you call young people?
  • How much preservation will you transfer for the winter?
  • How many times will you help me with repairs?
  • How many meat pies will you transfer?
  • How much will you add to buy a new car? etc …

Wedding games for wedding celebration, entertainment for guests

At the wedding, the toastmaster holds many funny games so that no guest gets bored. As a rule, an experienced presenter always knows which competition and where the place is: while the guests are tense or when they have already had a good drink. Relaxed behavior, festive mood and great potential make sometimes those present to behave unusually fun, which causes laughter from others.

Caterpillar wedding game

You can invite all interested guests to participate in this game. They should be asked to line up in one line. An experienced toastmaster will make sure that all guests are "mixed" in advance and will place men in turn with women. It is best if each person standing next to him was little acquainted with his neighbor.

Toastmaster gives pre-inflated balloons for the competition. These balls are placed between two people. At the command of the toastmaster, the caterpillar should move forward and go around the entire route planned in advance. The fun is that each person's hands should be on the previous person's shoulders. It is difficult to hold the ball in the dance and in movement, and funny movements will cause joy to the participants and everyone present.

"Funny clothespins"

For this competition, two young couples (or non-young) should be invited to participate. The meaning and purpose of the competition are very simple. Girls cling to all the clothespins, placing them in various places. The guys are blindfolded, while the guys “lose their sight” the toastmaster changes the location of the clothespins to a more intimate one: on the chest, on the priest, and so on.

This competition is ridiculous because the guys will look for clothespins where they saw them and accidentally bumping into them, they will feel the whole body of the girls. This competition is especially funny when people who are not close to each other participate. The team that collects the most clothespins wins.

In any competition, every experienced toastmaster should always know the measure and all the limits of decency so that the holiday does not turn into a bawdy party. A wedding is a place where there are many people of different ages and generations, and therefore one should always behave with dignity.

Video: "Wedding Games"

Fashion changes with every season, but there are things and values ​​that never lose their relevance. The love of chocolate is one of them. Chocolate is associated with happiness, romance and pleasure. The Svadebka.ws portal offers to fill the wedding celebration with hormones of happiness and presents a cheerful themed scenario of a chocolate wedding, completely ready for a toastmaster. The wedding script is written in the same style and includes themed games, modern contests and toasts for the presenter, which combine the concept of "chocolate".

Scenario of the meeting of the newlyweds for the toastmaster

A meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf can be carried out in a creative way and instead of the usual bread, prepare a chocolate heart. For newlyweds with a more traditional outlook, a loaf decorated with chocolate icing is a perfectly acceptable option. The first speech according to the scenario of the wedding for the toastmaster:

The moment has come when you put your hands and hearts together. The people most dear to you - your parents - are presenting the symbol of your sweet love today, so taste your first wedding chocolate. And we'll see who bites off more and becomes the head of the family.

After a symbolic ritual with a loaf, the newlyweds and guests are invited to the wedding table. Congratulations to the young people sound, according to the toastmaster's script, and then the guests learn that the wedding is themed.

Dear guests, today is the sweetest and most beautiful day for our lovers! We will plunge into the atmosphere of the chocolate wedding itself. This has its own pattern, because we are at the wedding of those people who will have everything(guests continue) ... IN CHOCOLATE!

Today we are waiting for a sea of ​​dances, competitions and entertainment. And so that the lovers have a chocolate mood all evening today, we will have fun to the fullest. All agree? Let the newlyweds now and always be sweet together! We shout together - SWEET!

Toasts for lovers

The feast can be made interesting by diluting it with original toasts and congratulations. And so that the reading of toasts does not turn into a monotonous lesson, we continue the script for the wedding with the addition of competitions from the host. The first of them is "The Sweetest Toast". Here, guests need to be smart and remember what the theme of the wedding is. A few unusual chocolate toasts are presented below:

So that everything in your life is wonderful, exquisite, sweet, tender! So that even black stripes in life are only made of chocolate! Let's raise our glasses for creating a new family!

Family life can rightfully be compared to a package of chocolates, because everything interesting is inside. Let's raise our glasses to the chocolate happiness of our beautiful couple, which will be created together with a variety of the sweetest fillings.

Chocolate, as a symbol of the union of two hearts, is desirable, sweet and attractive. It requires a responsible attitude to itself, if you heat it up too much, it will melt and burn, and if you manage to cool it down, you will get a multifaceted taste of pleasure and a pleasant crunch. Dear young people, enjoy each other, know how to influence each other's emotions, cool down in time and be guided by reasonable thoughts. Enjoy your chocolate life.

It is not necessary to make every chocolate-themed toast, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Table games for guests

A wedding is not only about toasts and dances. You can have fun at drinking games. The script for the wedding is diluted with funny and modern games with the participation of the toastmaster.

Savvy associations

Toastmaster's speech at the wedding:

Let's move on to the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" for a moment and recall the existence of the theory of the use of products and their influence on a person. From mustard - they are upset, but from onions - they are cunning. Let's start ...

Phrase options and answers:

  • from lollipops (freeze);
  • from port wine (spoil);
  • from cheese (raw);
  • from jelly (sour);
  • and from chocolate? (shock or get along)

Dear newlyweds, we sincerely wish you a shockingly excellent and harmonious life! Hooray!

Such a cognitive truth ... or a lie

Presenter's speech:

In order for everything in life to be in chocolate, you need to deal with myths and truthful facts about this product. Try to guess if this is true or false?

Chocolate facts:

  1. Chocolate is a vegetable. Answer: true. It is extracted from cocoa beans. Beans are classified as vegetables. So is the sugar extracted from beets. Therefore, chocolate is also a vegetable.
  2. The consumption of chocolate has a negative effect on the condition of the skin. Answer: false. Scientists have not been able to identify the connection between acne and chocolate.
  3. Chocolate makes you overweight. Answer: false. The carbohydrates from chocolate are instantly broken down and consumed first.
  4. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac. Answer: true. The famous Casanova drank cocoa every day.

Do you know a few chocolate facts about honeymooners? Add them to the list and the competition will become much more interesting.

Compliment to the bride

The essence of the competition is to compose a compliment to the bride for each letter of the word "chocolate". For example:

  • noisy;
  • adored;
  • creative;
  • crazy;
  • Darling;
  • active;
  • sincere.

Dance modern competitions for guests

After the first dance of the newlyweds, the dance program is considered open. It is very helpful at this stage to stir up the guests a little with dance contests.

Master class from toastmaster

The witnesses begin a dance program. After a while, they choose a pair of the opposite sex. The task is to recruit the maximum number of people. Toastmaster demonstrates a movement that must be repeated in pairs. Every movement to new music.

Examples of movements:

  • a sharp turn of the head;
  • swing leg;
  • partner's tilt;
  • change of partner;
  • tango stand and others.

Brazilian chocolates

The host introduces the volunteer dancers as a show of Brazilian chocolates. Their task is to dance in various styles. The winners are determined with applause. The music should be themed, so choose the "chocolate" tracks in advance.

Games and other entertainment

Several new games for guests can be a real boon for the toastmaster.

Holiday auction

By participating in contests, guests receive chocolate-colored paper hearts. They can be exchanged for fancy gifts.

Examples of lots and gifts:

  1. Romantic dinner for two in Italy (a pack of Italian spaghetti and two forks).
  2. Evening in the jacuzzi (bubble bath and scented candles).
  3. A million scarlet roses (a pack of decorative rose seeds).
  4. Exclusive painting from as yet unknown artists (rare autographed photo of newlyweds).
  5. An hour at the spa (massage glove and oil).

Demonstration of lots occurs after the buyout, which further fuels the interest of guests.

Let's guess at the firstborn?

Collecting money for baby rompers for a boy or a girl is a very touching sight, but a little outdated. We offer an original ceremony with the participation of the presenter below.

The host takes out a black box, and the guests guess what is in it.

On a negra to put
Bright jacket,
Admires the outfit
And in the heat it will melt.

A bar of Alenka chocolate appears from a black box.

Why is Alenka chocolate here?
The Year of the Child is waiting for you!
To whom the trials are prophesied -
Birth or upbringing?

The host continues:

Finnish scientists have proven that chocolate lovers give birth to the happiest babies. The love of our newlyweds for chocolate is enormous, so their child will be very happy. Who will be born? We'll figure it out together.

The flash mob begins. The host distributes a white or brown cap (symbolizing a girl and a boy) to the guests. Music plays, guests put on their chosen cap. The result is announced.

Home hearth with a hint of chocolate

Presenter's words:

Many of us choose for ourselves a charm in the form of pendants, coins and other items. But few people know that a pie can bring prosperity to a family. An ancient recipe passed down from generation to generation in the bride's family. The moment has come for the transfer from mother to daughter of the culinary family heritage.

The bride's mother takes out a tattered sheet of paper from the box (an alternative can be a recipe book) and gives it to her daughter.

Save it, young wife, for the time will come when you will pass this chocolate recipe on to your daughter. For comfort and warmth in your new family!

After that, the mothers light their candles and transmit the fire to the home of the newlyweds.

Seeing off newly-married spouses in an original way

The wedding script for the toastmaster is gradually coming to an end.

Concluding words of the wedding program according to the script for the toastmaster:

Cocoa is an indispensable ingredient for a drink of love. Let's present the newlyweds with our own chocolate mood cocktail.

Parents (witnesses) can prepare the cocktail.


  • grated chocolate;
  • milk;
  • whipped cream;

Dear parents, only your hands are capable of creating this divine drink, which will contribute to the stay of strength for the young and the manifestation of true feelings.

The parents mix the ingredients, pour the drink into a large glass and serve two straws to the young.

Save your sweet moments and be happy!

Other modern scenarios for a wedding, as well as a scenario for the second wedding day, you can find on our website www.site.

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