A story about a girl who died because of an innocent joke of her friends! Life stories of betrayals Somehow a friend went on.

I am married, have a child, and everything with us is the best. And I hope that due to my own life circumstances I will never have to write here. She herself would never be able to forgive treason - under no circumstances. And I'm not going to change either. But, oddly enough, in life I still had to constantly face this in the person of relatives and friends.

The first story happened long before I met my husband. I communicated in a large company of people whom I had known for many years. And there was a guy among us who had been courting one of my friends for 3 desperate years. They once met, but something didn't work out. And since then the thought did not leave him that she was his one and only, beloved woman. She was skeptical towards him, closer than a meter, even as a friend, she would not let him. And everyone was sure that nothing would ever happen between them.

But one day I found out that he still got his way. They almost immediately began to live together in her parents' house. Everything was fine, it developed rapidly, and after some six months he proposed to her. She agreed, but they decided to postpone the marriage a little. Every time we met with them, the smile did not leave their faces, they constantly looked at each other and held hands. Just the perfect love story.

Then one day she had to go to Kiev for the weekend. He could not go with her. And what do you think? This seemingly head over heels in love and the most devoted person in the world got drunk like a cattle that same evening, and by some stupid accident I was left alone with him in a closed car. We were going to visit the company. We still didn’t have time to approach, but we accidentally met him and his friend, whose car was, met earlier. This would-be driver locked us in a wheelbarrow, and he went home, supposedly for 10 minutes, to take some things.

I knew that nothing bad could happen. I have known this person for a very long time, and we have always had friendly relations. We drank a glass of beer, talked on different topics, and in the conversation I did not even notice how he threw his hand around my waist and leaned his elbows. Then there was a sheer nightmare. He pestered me so vehemently, and in a state of shock I jumped from him all over the car and only shouted: "Julia (the invented name of his girlfriend) will find out about everything." And he could only answer: "But Yulia is not here!"

I could not get out of the car. The only thing left was to threaten him that now I would start shouting very loudly: "Help, they are being raped!" And not far from the car sat some kind of group of women with children and a couple of men, it was already dark. He, without thinking twice, seemed to calm down. Thank God the driver came very soon after that. I immediately jumped out of the car and, saying goodbye to them, ran home. I didn't tell his girlfriend about anything, although now I understand what was needed. Nevertheless, a short time after this incident, they still broke up. He felt very bad, but she cooled down. "Well, it serves him right," I thought then)))

The second story was also a long time ago. On February 23, a friend invited me and a friend to visit her boyfriend. A friend then only recently broke up with a man with whom she lived for 2 years in a civil marriage. To say that Masha (a fictitious name) was very bad is to say nothing, but we just had to go to visit the place where her ex-husband lived very nearby. In general, they drank, ate, and talked. There were acquaintances and no. The last to come were two strangers to us, friends of the owner of the house.

One of them was a very arrogant and impudent type (let's call him Maxim). My pretty tipsy Mashenka almost immediately fell into a skirmish with him. They argued long and tediously with and without censorship. Somewhere in that moment, I had to urgently run home, and I learned everything that followed from the words of Masha. In general, having drunk very much, she went to wash with cold water, in order to somehow come to her senses. Without any warning, this same Maxim went to her bathroom - supposedly to talk. In general, he began to harass her, she resisted at first, and then succumbed. They had sex in another room, and by the time they finished, everyone had already dispersed, except for the owner of the house and, accordingly, his girlfriend.

Masha and our friend went to the balcony to smoke. And then she tells Masha that this same Maxim is married, and now his wife is giving birth to his first child in the maternity hospital, and she is tumbling with him. After this conversation, the two of them were “kicked out” into the street under the pretext that it was already 7 am, and no one had slept yet. We must disperse. This couple, leaving the house, went to drink a bottle of beer and talk. It turned out that he also knows Masha's ex-husband. We talked before. As a result, this Maxim himself admitted that he was married, and said that he had never cheated on his wife in his life and was not going to. Nevertheless, he would like her to become his mistress. She refused, condemning his act, and left. After, as I know, this Maxim was still trying to find her, to communicate. And he searched through me. But nothing came of it. Here is such a vile person caught.

The third story will be shorter. About my cousin (Anya, let's say), who could not decide between the two men she loved. She met both of them almost in the same month. With one she talked for a very long time, corresponded. And with another, a relationship began, and soon she moved in with him. She never stopped communicating with the first, and the second simply did not know about it.

One day they met with the first one, they just decided to talk live. We found a lot in common, liked each other, at least as people. They did not stop communicating, despite the fact that she had a boyfriend (or a common-law husband, if you like), and he, as it turned out, had a wife and two children. There was nothing between them until the moment when she had a serious quarrel with the guy and asked this married man for a little help to meet and just chat. It was night, he called a taxi for her to his office. And he rented a two-story office in the city center for work.

They met, talked, cried at their betrothed-mummers for each other and, in the end, slept. He was ashamed, disgusted, badly mentally after that, she too. Nevertheless, such meetings with them became more frequent and lasted at least a year. He did not want to leave his family, as he said that he loved children very much and was afraid that his wife would take them and leave. And she did not want to part with her common-law husband, as she said that she loved him. She said she loved both. In the end, it was over. They, apparently, plucked up some brains and mutually decided to stop such communication. I don't know about his wife, but her husband never found out about anything, and now they are still together. True, the relationship is not the same anyway.

The fourth story is about my friend, who changed men like gloves and cheated on each of them with her next man, and all this was always explained by the fact that she really fell in love! She fell in love like that every 2-6 months. But once she came across a man (military), from whom she in public in the city snatched good ... you know why. It was he who learned that when he was on business trips (short - from a week to a month), she cheated on him every time. And at least 3 people have confirmed this. He was already thinking about the wedding and children with her, collecting money ... And then such!

In general, the result: in public in the evening on an alley in the city center, he humiliated her with insults ("you are not a woman, but f * ck, slut, an animal"), broke her phone, in which he found at the same time confirmation of infidelity, tore her clothes, which she was, and pulled out a couple of hairs (he didn't want to stain his hands with beating, but she hit him a couple of times and tried to run away, so he stopped her).

These are my life stories. Don't cheat on your loved ones. Peace to all and love)

And so, somehow one girl went with her friends and girlfriends to a party in a cafe. Her friends conspired and made fun of her. They ordered a lot of drinks for her and the girl went, so to speak, to the toilet. Here it is! They put the cockroaches on the plate, as they wanted, but one friend said that this was not enough. And he offered to lock her in the toilet for 10 minutes. The acquaintances barely agreed and knew that it would not end well. Therefore, we decided to joke "take it easy". They will not close it in the toilet, they will simply change the signs. The fact is that on one of the booths it was written "For renovation". Familiar girls knew that a repairman would enter there and the girl would collide with him. But they were wrong, the shell was broken. The repairman did not enter the booth, but into the room, thanks to which the water in the cafe could, so to speak, "circulate" throughout the eatery. The repairman started to work. But then the pipe with boiling water broke - it burst! This was reflected in the sink as well. Hot water poured out of it. The room had already begun to flood. The "friends" heard the screams and thought that the repairman had just entered the girl. They started laughing. But when they came five minutes later, they saw that the door was open, and the girl was lying face down in the sink, all steamed. The next week, friends went to her funeral. There were a lot of people. Before that, a day ago, they had dinner in this very cafe ... One friend of the girl found her bag. There was nothing there. Only a note in blood: "Tell the truth or die." A friend said that she had read it. But her friends only laughed in her face. Well, about the funeral. They stayed at her funeral and did not say a word about their guilt. The next day, the staff saw all the crucified "friends" of the girl. And a message in blood "Thank you for being silent."

Cultural jokes

1. I look have you got your new jeans? Finally with a zip at the front!

2. Have you bought a new cap? It's high time to cover up this mess on your head!

3. Cool haircut! Did you bet?

4. What are you that nervous (angry, sad, displeased, etc.) today? Did not work out?

5. Cool blouse! Grandmother's?

6. I thought that there are only two troubles in Russia, but looking at you I understand that there are three of them!

7. Why are you looking at me like that? Hypnotizing?

8. You are so witty, does it hurt your forehead?

9. Why are all men such assholes? - Beee ... beee ... beee-spanyaaatiya!

10. How was your weekend good? -Yourself succeeded ...

11. Do you have a big one? -You will get tired of dying ...

12. Can I ask you one question? - Didn't you just ask him?

13. Why are you so angry? Did you fall off the broom?

14. In line: -Man, you will be the last? - Are you a girl? Of course I will! Why the last one?

15. Inconvenient - this is when I begged, but you shouldn't.

16. If God had a plan for you, he smoked it.

17. To your belly with cubes, more brains with balls!

18. It's time for you to get married, and you are still dating me.

19. You don't have to take laundry on the train. He lay down on one ear - covered himself with the other.

20. Ask Santa Claus for a new brain. He will still be useful to you, stsuko!

21. Only worms admire your inner world!

22. -Girl, why do you eat so much chocolate? Do you think it will help?
23. Call me more often. I am pleased to look at your missed one.
24. Thank you, everything was delicious, especially the bread.
25. You know, you are such a household ... like soap.
26. If I loved to pester people, I would have learned to be an obstetrician.
27. Girl, are you dressed like that or have you already started to undress?
28. If you were born in Korea, your name would be Gong Chen Ui.
29. - Hey you, raw material for photoshop ...
30. Do you want to guess what sign you were born under? Stopudovo, under a brick!
31. My friend fell and broke her chin, but it's okay, because she has a second one.
32. I see, I see. You are awesome! Only steel balls should be in the pants, not in the head. Moreover, they constantly visit you one after another.
33. What beautiful white teeth you have. Probably borrowed a denture from my grandmother?
34. Girl, how much do you weigh? Well, tell me at least the first three digits ...
35. If you were a little smarter, you would choose an interlocutor according to your mind. And now I would have a nice conversation with a garbage can.
36. Yeah ... not everyone bypassed Chernobyl.
37. Did you beat your head against the wall yourself, or did your parents beat you and you got used to it?
38. It seems that your parents were siblings ...
39. Do you have such a big belly or has the airbag deployed on it?
40. You obviously have a bear stepped on your ear ... And walked all over your face ...
41. You were the most beautiful on your birthday! Did you specially select guests?
42. It's time for you to find your prince ... Otherwise, only horses are walking with you.
43. And I see you are so funny! Are these the consequences of a traumatic brain injury? Or bad inheritance?
44. There are girls who you want to go up to, put your arms around your shoulder and say: "What weight are you fighting at, brother?"
45. I look at you and I understand that all scientists are lying ... Not all dinosaurs are still extinct ...
46. ​​I know why you are so angry and nervous. Your girl has a bigger cock than you.
47. After you, even pigs disdain to eat!

Hard lifts

1. To polish only hemorrhoids with your lips.

2. I'll pinch your nose with a cap.

3. You’ll puke my shit.

4. Your tongue only drive pubic lice.

5. Only knead shit with your tongue.

6. Only urine is filtered through your brain.

7. I'll spit out your brain through your ass.

8. I'll smear your eyes with shit.

9. With your mouth only to suck the worms out of the ass.

10. I will poke your zenki with a pussy.

11. I will fart into your nostrils so that your eyes fly out.

12. I'll push your ear membranes.

13. I'll put a plum on your nose with your buttocks.

14. Your face is only cow cakes to crush.

15. In your rotten backside only to breed maggots.

16. Only rinse your teeth with menstruation.

17. Your drilo ride only on a hairy motor scooter.

18. Bury your nose only dog ​​poop.

19. Your glands only tickle the scrotum.

20. With your fingers only figures from shit to sculpt ...


You are so smart, your skull does not shake you?

You are so smart, your IQ is not 150% by any chance?

You have such a mindset that at least hire a watchman!

Only a tapeworm can be interested in your inner world.

Someone has come down from the hill, probably your death is coming!

You will talk to me all your life with a soundtrack!

I look at you - so healthy and stupid, and I think: in your school, probably, only physical education was taught.

Rise of scum

I'll give you a compass. To always know where yuh.
Have you got your eyes knocked out with eggs in the 69th position?

[Verse 1, Feduk]:
Where did you come from?
Cool shorts are former Levis jeans.
Simple makeup;
You smell like the first lily of the valley - I won't rip you off.
Where did you come from? OU!
You smell like the first lily of the valley - I won't rip you off.

I thought about you and it started to snow.
The cold warms us, closer to the family,
Everywhere vanity is where we are not.
New texts, but not about you.

[Chorus Feduk]:

NS! Uh-uh!

Flakes fly upward, magic and light everywhere.
Are you alone here? Hi, let's go to the Planet Parade.
I will give you a warm scarf, there in the cold space -
And we meet the dawn wrapped in clouds.


[Verse 2 Feduk]:
New era of love, new life.
Choose something painfully familiar, but we don't know each other.
I want to kiss you again and again.
These cozy days, flakes are falling and we are with them.
Slowly melt like our kiss
All our dreams are slowly melting away.

[Chorus Feduk]:
Are you alone here? Hi, let's go to the Planet Parade.
I will give you a warm scarf, there in the cold space -
And we meet the dawn wrapped in clouds.

NS! Uh-uh!

Flakes fly upward, magic and light everywhere.
Are you alone here? Hi, let's go to the Planet Parade.
I will give you a warm scarf, there in the cold space -
And we meet the dawn wrapped in clouds.


About the song Feduk - Flakes are flying to the top

  • One of the authors of the sensational hit "Rose Wine" - Fedya Insarov presents a fresh piano-ballad called "Flakes are flying up". The composition is timed to coincide with the upcoming 8th March holiday, and is a kind of gift for all girls, but first of all, of course, for the female part of the Artist's fan base. Let us remind you that several months ago the Performer announced that he was working on new material, and it is obvious that this Work is only the beginning of spring releases. The lyrics are on our website!

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