Cleon Palm Oil - "Palm oil: my experience of using for skin and hair, why I refused to use it, who is suitable and who is contraindicated." Palm oil

Not so long ago, materials about the dangers of palm oil began to appear in the media, many publications even equated it with the strongest carcinogens and toxic substances. Let's try to figure it out, is this really so? Scientific research of palm oil and disputes about its benefits and harms do not stop until now, meanwhile this product is supplied in large quantities to some countries, including Russia, and is banned in others. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that in price palm oil is not much inferior to sunflower oil.

To begin with, you should clearly understand that palm oil is obtained from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm, you should not confuse it with palm kernel oil, which is squeezed from the seed of these fruits. These are two completely different products with different composition and properties. Edible palm oil can be found in many foods such as margarine, condensed milk, mayonnaise, confectionery, etc. (the list goes on and on). Technical palm oil is the basis of many cosmetics (soaps, creams, etc.), and is also used in industry.

What are the beneficial substances in palm oil?

Palm oil contains a large amount of vitamin A.

Palm oil contains vitamins A and E in such quantities that almost no plant product can compare with it. Everyone knows that vitamin A is very beneficial for the health of the eyes, skin and the whole body. Even the WHO has included palm oil in the list of foods recommended for the prevention of vitamin A deficiency, and this is justified, because the content of retinol in it is 15 times higher than in.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent premature aging of the body, is beneficial for the health of the genital area in both men and women, the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, palm oil contains vitamins D and K, as well as various trace elements.

This product contains plant analogues of the well-known coenzyme Q10. This substance is known to a greater extent thanks to advertising of cosmetic anti-aging products, and few people know that coenzyme Q10 is necessary for many vital processes. It promotes the production of energy in the body, is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, has a hypotensive, antiarrhythmic effect, fights against atherosclerosis, from the effects of free radicals and toxins, and is involved. And this is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of coenzyme Q10, almost no process in the body can do without it.

Palm oil contains small amounts of omega-6 and omega-9 polyunsaturated fatty acids, but their content is so low that this product cannot be used as a source of these substances for the body.

The use of palm oil for cosmetic purposes

Palm oil is widely used in the manufacture of soaps and cosmetics, and unlike the food industry, its benefits in this case are not so much in doubt. Due to the fact that this product contains vitamins A and E and coenzyme Q10, it is used in creams and masks for aging, dry skin. These substances nourish, moisturize and tone the skin, help smooth out fine wrinkles.

Palm oil is considered very useful for hair, it helps to restore its structure, eliminate dryness and increased fragility, it is recommended to use it for recovery after dyeing, perming, drying with a hairdryer and sunlight. Therefore, you should not refuse to use masks and hair balms, which contain palm oil.

The harm of palm oil

Monounsaturated fatty acids are the main subject of controversy in palm oil research: up to 65% of the acids contained in this product are palmitic (50%) and stearic (10-15%) acids. It is this fact that often makes us exclude all the beneficial properties of palm oil for the human body. Monounsaturated fatty acids, consumed in large quantities, can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis and thrombosis. In addition, palm oil is often found in foods that undergo heat treatment, during which the substances that make up its composition acquire carcinogenic properties.

Palm oil in infant formula

Special attention should be paid to palm oil as a component of infant formula. Studies have shown that about 25% of all fat in breast milk is palmitic acid, which is essential for the normal growth and development of a baby. Scientists were faced with the question of what can replace breast milk fats, because the composition of animal milk (cow, goat, etc.) is fundamentally different. That is why part of animal fats in baby food has been replaced with a mixture of vegetable oils, and palm oil is often the source of palmitic acid.

The palmitic acid contained in milk formulas is absorbed by the child's body much worse than the component of the same name, which is part of breast milk. Palmitic acid of plant origin binds with calcium, as a result of which insoluble compounds are formed in the intestine, which are subsequently excreted from the child's body. As a result, it turns out that children do not receive only the fatty acids they need, but also lack so much.

In addition, formulas containing palm oil can cause digestive problems. In young children (especially under the age of 1 year), there is an immaturity of the digestive system, and such milk formulas can aggravate this essentially physiological state. Children often have constipation or diarrhea, colic, profuse and frequent regurgitation.

The question arises, what should parents do, whose children are artificially or mixed feeding? To date, blends have been developed that do not include palm oil. In addition, some manufacturers use structurally modified palmitic acid, which is better absorbed, in the creation of infant formula. However, the production of such a product for baby food is expensive, which, of course, is reflected in its price.

Program "Is it or not" with Marina Kostyukevich on the theme "Palm oil":

OTS TV channel, the program "Before everyone else" on the topic "Palm oil: harm or benefit?":

Palm oil is cold pressed from the fleshy fruits of the red oil palm, which is grown in many tropical countries for a wide range of uses, both in cooking and cosmetology. Palm oil is rich in vitamin E, carotene, and other nutrients. This is what allowed cosmetic corporations to add valuable palm oil to the composition of cosmetics as a source of vitamins A and E.

Today, palm oil has gained immense popularity in cosmetology, since the vitamins contained in it have effective antioxidant properties, due to which the oil copes well with the consequences of poor ecology, poor nutrition and regular stress. With the constant use of palm oil, the process of age-related changes slows down, wrinkles disappear and even out, dryness, flabbiness and irritation decrease, the skin becomes velvety, smooth and taut.

In addition, palm oil protects the dermis from harmful UV radiation and is excellent for use in the open sun.

Home Uses of Palm Oil

The components of the oil have a positive effect on mature, dry, toned skin. Features of the product allow you to apply palm oil to the skin in the eye area.

Consider some nuances when using palm oil. This will help increase the effectiveness of palm oil.

  1. Palm oil is ideal as a cleanser for dry and thin skin.
  2. Gently wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in oil.
  3. A replacement for a night cream is an oil simply spread over the skin in an even layer.
  4. Palm oil makes an excellent nourishing mask.
  5. For lovers of oil mixtures, various combinations of palm oil with olive oil, grape seed oil, coconut, burdock or linseed oil are suitable.

Since palm oil has antiseptic properties, it can even be used on sensitive and delicate skin.

Homemade Palm Oil Beauty Recipes

The easiest and at the same time effective method of application is to gently apply palm fruit oil to the skin of the face. After half an hour, palm oil can be removed. Palm oil can also be added to professional masks and facial care products.

Palm oil cream

Palm oil can be used on your face as a homemade anti-aging cream. Also, the use of this cream will help protect the skin in winter.


  • 10 gr. palm oils;
  • 10 gr. shea butter;
  • 20 ml almond oil;
  • 4 drops of bergamot.

Heat viscous oils in a water bath, and then add drops of essential oils.

Palm oil mask recipes

Palm oil masks are great for aging, toned skin. Also, the tool will help improve the condition of young and problem skin. Using palm oil as a mask will restore turgor, restore a healthy complexion and significantly reduce flaking.

Palm oil mask for sagging skin

Palm oil for the face as part of a rejuvenating mask will restore skin tone, reduce age-related pigmentation and improve regeneration. After 30 years, it is recommended to carry out treatment courses of 10-15 procedures.


  • 20 gr. semolina;
  • 4 drops of lime oil.

Boil the semolina and add the viscous palm oil, then let it cool and add a drop of lime. Spread over the skin and cover with a warm towel. Remove after half an hour.

Palm oil mask for problem skin

The tool allows you to reduce inflammation and remove redness.


  • 6 gr. palm oil;
  • 20 gr. rice flour;
  • 1 aloe leaf.

Mix oil with aloe pulp and flour, spread on the skin and leave for half an hour. After removing the mask, wipe your face with chlorhexidine. Use no more than once a week.

Eye mask

The mask helps prevent the formation of wrinkles around the eyes.


  • 5 gr. palm oil;
  • 5 gr. fresh yogurt.

Mix the ingredients of the mask thoroughly, gently apply to the surface of the face. Leave it overnight, and after waking up, remove it with a damp sponge.

Palm oil mask for normal skin

Provides thorough hydration and nutrition. Supports the youthfulness of the dermis.


  • 10 gr. palm oil;
  • 20 gr. kaolin;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

Mix white clay with palm oil, add lemon juice and spread on the face, without affecting the area around the eyes and lips. It is recommended to apply the composition once every 3-4 weeks.

Palm oil mask for oily skin

Palm oil for skin will relieve the skin of inflammation, even out the top layer of the dermis and reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands.


  • 4 gr. palm oil;
  • 20 ml of tea infusion;
  • 4 aspirin tablets;
  • 15 gr. yeast.

Dilute a package of yeast with tea infusion, add acetylsalicylic powder and palm oil. Distribute the finished mask along the massage lines of the face. Keep it on for about 15-20 minutes.

Softening palm mask

Suitable for softening and nourishing rough skin.


  • 20 gr. palm oil;
  • 20 grams of fresh cottage cheese;
  • 6 drops of patchouli oil.

Soft fresh curd, whisk until smooth in a blender, add warmed palm oil and a serving of essential oil. Spread over the top layer of the epidermis and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then remove the mask and wash with cool water.

Palm nourishing mask for thin and dry skin

Suitable for severe irritation, peeling and excessive tightness. Replenishes the moisture deficit in the epidermis.


  • 10 gr. palm oil;
  • 10 gr. cocoa butter;
  • 30 glycerin drops.

Stir in palm oil and cocoa butter and add glycerin drops. Apply to the entire face and leave overnight. After waking up, cleanse your skin and wipe with toner. Use the mask at least three times a week.

Anti-wrinkle palm oil mask

Provides an excellent lifting effect, reduces expression lines and improves the face contour.


  • 10 gr. palm oil;
  • 20 gr. shea butter;
  • 4 drops of rose essence.

Heat palm and shea butter slightly, then add rose drops. Apply the mixture with a special brush. Leave on for 1 hour, then remove with a moistened cotton swab.

Refreshing palm mask

It will remove swelling and refresh after insomnia or a hard day.


  • 10 gr. palm oil;
  • 20 gr. oat flour;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Add the juice of fresh parsley leaves and lightly melted palm oil to the oatmeal. Spread the mixture on the skin and leave for 45 minutes.

Deep Cleansing Palm Oil Mask

Regular use will ensure effective regeneration and remove the top layer of dead cells.


  • 10 gr. palm oil;
  • 20 gr. dried chamomile;
  • 10 gr. natural coffee.

Dried pharmacy chamomile will need to be ground and combined with fresh coffee grounds and heated palm oil. Apply the composition to pre-steamed skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Organic cosmetics are still confidently holding their positions. Herbal raw materials seem to most consumers to be the best choice, plant extracts and vegetable oils are exactly what everyone wants to find on the label. In practice, however, a paradox has emerged. It turned out that for all their love for "green" cosmetics, most buyers are not going to seriously overpay for herbal creams. Manufacturers had to think about solving this problem.

At one time it seemed that a solution had been found - palm oil. This oil is cheap, good for skin and hair, and very promising for the development of new cosmetic ingredients - what more could you ask for? But, alas, something went wrong again, and today the trend “without palm oil” or “palm free” is gaining momentum. What is the reason for love and dislike for palm oil? Let's figure it out.

Unrefined palm oil

Unrefined palm oil is a real record holder for the content of carotenoids (antioxidants - vitamins E and A). Due to its high levels of carotenoids, this oil is orange in color and is also referred to as red palm oil.

Some manufacturers claim that red oil is made from a special kind of palm trees, but no, the trees are the same everywhere, just unrefined oil, or "virgin oil", is processed more gently to preserve vitamins.

The first pressing is always the most valuable, and red palm oil is actually a ready-made biologically active agent in a cream. It is an excellent antioxidant, nourishing and moisturizing agent that normalizes sebum regulation and enhances regeneration. Red palm oil is inexpensive and does not require special storage conditions, therefore, homemade masks for the face and body are very popular in some regions, especially during the beach period, because due to the carotenoids in the composition, the oil slightly stains the skin.

Refined palm oil

Yet a significant portion of palm oil undergoes refining, i.e. refining, bleaching and deodorization. The result is "vegetable fat", which, on the one hand, is much poorer in vitamins than red oil, but, on the other hand, is valuable for cosmetic chemistry in a different quality.

You will be surprised to know how many ingredients in your cosmetics are made from vegetable fat. Their share exceeds 20-30% of the final weight of any cosmetic product, be it a hair balm or a high-tech anti-aging cream. The impressive ingenuity of chemists, who can create complex substances from the simplest components of vegetable fat, provides cosmetics with thousands of necessary ingredients.

For example, cetearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, sodium laureth sulfate, and many other popular ingredients are sourced from refined palm oil, to name just the tip of the iceberg. Green preservatives, emulsifiers, detergents, emollients, moisturizing agents, some of the antioxidants (for example, vitamin E and some carotenoids), that is, almost all "screws and nuts" that are necessary to create a stable and beautiful emulsion are obtained from "vegetable fat »- palm oil. This is a huge industry that can only be compared to oil refining.

Myths about the dangers of palm oil

In our country, it is customary to treat palm oil as a cheap and unhealthy product, but this is not entirely true. The label of harmfulness to the oil stuck after fast food began to replace it with more expensive sunflower, rapeseed, corn and other oils.

On this wave, they started talking about the harmfulness of palm oil in cosmetics: it supposedly clogs the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe, etc. But all this is nothing more than myths. Palm oil affects the formation of comedones no more than any other vegetable oil, even the most expensive, such as argan. They have exactly the same comedogenic potential, and the lauric acid contained in palm oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, so this oil may even be useful for people with problem skin.

Also, the idea of ​​palm oil as heavy and carcinogenic is not true. Conversely, saturated acids from palm oil are degraded faster and better absorbed than animal fats.

Ecological problem

In fact, the main problem with palm oil lies in a completely different plane. Previously, the natural population of oil palms was sufficient to meet the needs of the food and cosmetics industry, but with the growing enthusiasm of consumers for vegetarianism and organic cosmetics, the pristine rainforests of Southeast Asia began to be cut down or mercilessly burned. And although this is prohibited by law, officials easily turn a blind eye to violations, making a profit for the budget.

In 2004, conservationists drew the world's attention to the problem of palm tree destruction. The emphasis was placed on the fact that the destruction of forests leads to a decrease in the population of orangutans. Animals deprived of a home do not have the opportunity to reproduce, and they simply die. The orangutan has become a symbol in the fight to stop consuming palm oil.

Well, pressure on emotions is a great way to stir up the public consciousness, but rarely a good guide to action. Boycotting palm oil or the growing trend of palm free, especially in cosmetics, is still the most dead-end option, there is nothing to replace palm raw materials. Today in cosmetics it is allowed to use palm oil, which has a certificate that it is grown on an artificial plantation that does not affect wildlife. However, one should not forget that even because of such plantations, forests continue to disappear, albeit on a smaller scale.

The appetite of society for natural resources is growing, and, wanting to be closer to nature in big cities, we ourselves are gradually destroying this nature. If we are not yet able to give up "natural palm" cosmetics, then we can at least deliberately limit its consumption. And stop panicking about the "chemical" ingredients on the cosmetic label.

Tatiana Morrison


Palm is a multifunctional cosmetic oil that can cope with vitamin deficiency of the skin, heals damage, gives pleasant hydration and freshness, softens rough and flaky skin, and helps to cope with age-related changes. It can be found on sale in two types - stone (palm kernel) or from the pulp of fruits (red palm). Both varieties are equally good for the skin.

The benefits of palm oil for the face

Obviously, the benefits of palm oil for the face are due to its chemical composition. First of all, it is worth mentioning the high content of vitamins A and E. To imagine how many of these vitamins are in palm oil face masks, suffice it to say that they leave far behind vegetables such as carrots or tomatoes.

It is vitamins A and E that contribute to the best hydration of the skin and the retention of the obtained moisture in the cells. In addition, palm oil contains a large amount of a very rare component Q 10, which protects both the skin and internal organs from aging. Not only palm oil face masks are also beneficial, but moderate consumption of it is also beneficial.

Of the vitamins, K and D can also be noted. The first of them perfectly relieves irritation and inflammation. Therefore, it is often used to treat skin problems or after various cosmetic procedures, such as mechanical or chemical peels. In turn, vitamin D stops the aging process, minimizes damage to the DNA structure.

Known face masks with palm oil and unsaturated fatty acids. In this regard, these procedures are best suited for owners of dry, sensitive or damaged skin. They are also suitable for combination skin. However, with skillful use, palm oil face masks will also be useful for oily skin.

Ways to use palm oil for your face

The oil can be liquid or solid and is suitable for pure application.

A natural mask made from pure oil can be applied to the face if the skin feels dry. The oil, which has a solid consistency, melts when applied to the face.

The oil is suitable for applying to the face skin at night, however, it is very oily, so you need to wait until it is completely absorbed.

If you have very dry or combination skin, you can use the oil on very dry areas.

You can add 1 teaspoon of palm oil to any cream. A special effect can be achieved when added to nourishing and moisturizing creams, which are intended for rejuvenation.

After applying the cream, you can feel discomfort in the form of tightening of the skin, in this case it is necessary to mix the oil with an ordinary cosmetic cream.

In addition to using palm oil for the face, it is also used in the process of making soap at home, it foams well.

The effectiveness of using this oil lies in the fact that all the vitamins contained in it are completely absorbed by the body and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Due to the high content of vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, palm oil has a moisturizing effect on the skin, protecting it from drying out and flaking, and also protects the skin from premature aging, from wrinkles and age spots associated with hormonal imbalances or excessive exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation.

Toning, softening, making the skin firm and elastic, palm oil is excellent for the care of aging, dry, flaky, rough, irritated, inflamed or sensitive skin.

For mature, fading, dry, flaky or rough skin, palm oil is recommended to be used instead of a night cream or as an emollient and nourishing face mask (in this application, palm oil is applied to the skin of the face, left for 10-15 minutes, after which excess oil removed with a paper napkin).

It is also useful to add palm oil to any home-made cosmetics designed to soften, nourish or moisturize the skin (before mixing palm oil with other cosmetic oils, it must first be melted in a water bath at a temperature not higher than 55 degrees).

Palm oil can also be used alone or mixed with olive or coconut oil as a home remedy to cleanse your face (this cosmetic is recommended for all skin types except oily).

Mask recipes

The main effects of palm oil on the skin include: moisturizing and softening the skin, naturally smoothing wrinkles, slowing down the aging process of the skin.

The ability of palm oil to prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on skin cells has made it possible to use this ingredient in the creation of protective creams and lotions.

Today, for many women, the presence of palm oil in a cosmetic product is a guarantee of its effectiveness and an indicator of the reliability of a cosmetic company.

Palm oil for aging skin

Women over 35 are advised to make nourishing and anti-aging palm oil masks. A piece of solid product is melted in a water bath, allowed to cool to a warm state, and then covered with a thin layer of the skin. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes. To reduce the depth of wrinkles, you can prepare an oil mixture: palm oil + vegetable oil + a few drops of essential oil (jojoba, patchouli, grape seed). This mixture is also suitable for sensitive skin, including around the eyes.

Palm oil mask

  • 1 teaspoon red palm oil
  • five drops of lavender oil
  • one protein

Mix thoroughly and apply on face for half an hour.

Vitamin mask for normal skin

For normal skin: Mix 2-3 tablespoons of any berry fruit or vegetable juice with 1 tablespoon of wheat or oat flour with 1 tablespoon of palm oil. Apply the prepared mixture to your face and after 15 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Mustard mask for dry skin

Mix 1 teaspoon of dry mustard with 1 tablespoon of palm oil and add a little boiled water. Apply the resulting mixture on your face for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After this procedure, be sure to use a nourishing cream.

Facial cleansers

Another way to use palm oil is as a facial cleanser.

This can be done in two ways: 1st - apply slightly warmed oil on a cotton swab, and wipe your face thoroughly with it.

And the second method is washing with palm oil. Yes, yes, just washing, just apply it when washing your face on damp skin (you can drop a small amount of oil into your hand and rub it all over your face, as you usually wash with another product), and massage it well.

Palm oil perfectly cleanses the skin, and, as mentioned above, has a saponifying effect.

Also for this purpose, it can be mixed in equal proportions with coconut and olive oil, which are also famous for their good and mild cleansing action.

If the pure concentrated oil is causing some discomfort, then it is best to simply add five grams of the product to a ready-made face mask that suits your skin type. Also, palm oil quite often replaces soap or foam for washing; for this purpose, you just need to apply it to the face area and lightly massage the skin, and then rinse off the remainder with warm water.

Storage conditions

Store palm oil in a cool, dry and dark place. At temperatures below + 18oC, palm oil hardens without losing its beneficial properties. Before using palm oil at an ambient temperature below +18 C, it should be warmed up in a water bath (at a temperature not higher than +55 C).

Palm oil softens the skin very quickly and very well. But it is important not to overdo it, a large amount of oil prevents the skin from breathing, this is an uncomfortable feeling. But I noticed that palm oil makes the hair somewhat heavier, prevents it from frizzing. Using palm oil for skin and hair, I realized that it really has an emollient effect, perfect for those with dry skin and dry, damaged hair. For women with normal skin, palm oil can be used instead of cream 1-2 times a week. For girls with oily skin, palm oil should be used sparingly and sparingly. For example, after burns. I didn't know that palm oil is used in cosmetology.

Olive oil works well if you have dry skin and more. Sea buckthorn oil for facial skin, application Sea buckthorn oil is a very healing oil.

The use of palm oil in cosmetology

The most beneficial and natural is red palm oil. To obtain it, a gentle technology is used, in which most of the nutrients are retained. Red palm oil has a sweetish taste and smell. Researchers have come to the conclusion that in the process of refining palm oil, beneficial substances are released from it. There is GOST R 53776-2010, which specifies the requirements for edible palm oil. This oil has the same benefits as red palm oil, but in much smaller quantities. This oil is five times cheaper than other types of palm oil. It differs from edible oil in its acid-fat composition.

Palm oil for the skin is of particular importance, because it is the first to experience all the consequences of unfavorable environmental conditions, unhealthy diet and constant stress. If they contain red palm oil, then their manufacturers are keeping up with the times and using the latest achievements of the cosmetic industry.

Is palm oil good for hair

Palm oil for the face as part of a rejuvenating mask will restore skin tone, reduce age-related pigmentation and improve regeneration. Stir in palm oil and cocoa butter and add glycerin drops. Apply to the entire face and leave overnight. After waking up, cleanse your skin and wipe with toner.

I started adding palm oil to creams recently, but I felt the effect almost immediately. For a long time I could not find a suitable cream for my dry skin - even the most oily creams did not last long. I began to enrich the creams with palm oil, and I was pleasantly surprised - the skin stopped peeling, the feeling of tightness and discomfort disappeared. I use palm oil in hair masks, but since they are very dry only at the roots, I apply the product only to the scalp. Palm oil also needs to be used regularly, but its price is much lower than that of the advertised care products, and it is more natural.

Palm oil has a beneficial effect on the skin not only on the face, but also on the body. It is enough to add the oil to a face mask or body scrub and use it as usual. For hair, palm oil can be added to a rinse. You can also add oil to day cream. Palm oil can be added to almost any nourishing and rejuvenating face mask, one teaspoon is enough. And then apply a warm mask on your face for half an hour.

It is possible to restore the youthfulness of the skin at home thanks to cosmetic procedures.

And the oil obtained from the seeds of this palm is called palm kernel oil. Palm oil has been used in Russia relatively recently.

Both palm oil and coconut oil are widely used in the food industry and cosmetology, but the two products differ not only in appearance, but also in composition. Both types of oils are made from the fruit of palm trees, but oil and coconut are different varieties of tropical trees.

Home use of palm oil for the face

Rather, when preparing the cream, the oil is added in a liquid state (or melted with the rest of the components in a water bath), and in the finished cream it already hardens and gives it the desired consistency. For washing or cleaning the skin, it is still good to mix it in equal proportions with coconut and olive oil, which are also famous for their cleansing effect. This oil cleansing is suitable for any skin, except for oily.

A natural mask made from pure oil can be applied to the face if the skin feels dry. The oil, which has a solid consistency, melts when applied to the face. You can add 1 teaspoon of palm oil to any cream. A special effect can be achieved when added to nourishing and moisturizing creams, which are intended for rejuvenation. In addition to using palm oil for the face, it is also used in the process of making soap at home, it foams well.

So is palm oil harmful or beneficial? Palm oil is prized for its linoleic acid content, but at the same time it is much less than other oils.

Palm oil is the strongest carcinogen. The harm of palm oil to human health has already been proven. You can buy or buy Palm oil in almost any pharmacy in your city.

Palm oil works very well for mature or dry skin. The special composition allows it to be applied to the skin around the eyes. We offer several universal recipes. Use palm oil instead of facial cleanser to cleanse your face. By the way, applying oil around the eyes is recommended only for those with dry and flaky skin. This option is not suitable for normal to oily skin.

Harm and benefits of palm oil: how can it be used?

The raw material for the production is the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm, the main habitat of which is the equatorial countries. The main suppliers of palm oil in the world are Mailasia and Indonesia.

Because of its saturated fat, palm oil (palm oil) is considered harmful to the diet, but due to its antioxidant properties, certain types of oil are used in skin and hair care.

Many Russians ask the question: "What is an exotic product made of?" Palm oil is obtained by pressing the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm, which grows in many tropical countries. One of the components of vitamin E, tocotrienol, of all vegetable oils other than rice, is found only in palm oil. This substance is a strong antioxidant and immunomodulator. It does not allow him to completely leave the body, therefore, excessive use of palm oil leads to the accumulation of toxins, blood clots in the vessels, and intestinal blockage. The greatest amount of nutrients is retained by red palm oil, as it is produced using gentle technology. Palm oil-based beauty products are ideal for moisturizing aging skin. It softens, nourishes and moisturizes. In cosmetology, ready-made creams and serums are enriched with palm oil, adding portions of the product to the means.

Eating palm oil or not, everyone decides for himself. We tried to give you some information. I don't want to eat palm oil! But you cannot argue with the state, therefore, whenever possible, products with palm oil should be avoided. Ordinary vegetable oil, there are worse oils, such as peanut, according to some indicators (peroxide value, that is, the content of antioxidants), olive and sunflower oils are worse. Refined oil is significantly inferior to it. Most likely, it is these oils that the whole world uses for making sweets and baking. Palm oil differs from cocoa butter only in price. But clearly more useful. True, the oil does not contain retinol, but carotene, and the harm from the oil can be no more than from carrots. Peanuts and peanut butter are the most harmful and hard to digest by humans, in European countries it is forbidden to feed fish with peanut bait, because it dies from indigestion.

Palm oil is used as an ingredient in spreads, margarine. In addition to harm to the body, palm oil is also more extensive damage. All of these points apply only to unrefined oil. During refining, most of the nutrients are removed from the product. Remember that masks are only applied to cleansed skin. Cosmetics or creams on the face clog the pores and prevent the penetration of beneficial substances from the mask inside. If the recipe contains juice or pulp of fruits or vegetables, then such a mask is usually liquid in consistency. To nourish and moisturize hair, various oils are often used in the composition of masks or enrich shampoos, balms and other products with them.

Overfeeding the body with saturated fats leads to an increase in cholesterol levels (which, by the way, does not exist in palm oil itself).

The most beneficial for the body is red, as it retains vitamin A. It is the content of carotenoids (vitamin A) that gives the oil a red tint at the initial stages of pressing. Palm kernel oil contains one or two vitamins, depending on how it is obtained. EFAs - saturated fatty acids in the chemical composition - are the main thing that palm oil is harmful to the human body. Palm olein (a derivative often referred to as palm oil on food packaging in Russia) is found in many infant formula. The harm of this type of palm oil is slightly lower. It is called structured or beta palmitate. The harm of palm oil to human health is confirmed by the fact that in some developed countries the import of this component is prohibited.

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