Pedagogical theory A.S. Makarenko

1. Your own behavior is the most important thing in the upbringing.
Do not think that you raise the child only when they talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise it at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How do you dress, how do you talk to other people and about other people, as you enjoy or be sad, as you contact your friends or enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this has great importance to the child. The slightest changes in the tone of the child sees or feels, all turns of your thought reach it the invisible paths, you do not notice them.

If at home you are rude, or boastful, or get drunk, and even worse, if you insult your mother, you no longer need to think about the upbringing: you already raise your children and raise badly, and no best tips and methods will help you.

2. Education of children requires the most serious tone, the simplest and sincere.
In these three qualities, the limit truth of your life must be concluded. And the seriousness does not mean that you must always be pompous, pompous. Be just sincere, let your mood correspond to the moment and the essence of what is happening in your family.

3. Every father and mother should be good to imagine what they want to raise in their child.
We must give yourself a clear report regarding your own parent desires. Think good over this question, and you will immediately see and many mistakes you have made, and many right paths ahead.

4. You must know well what is doing where your child is surrounded.
But you must provide him with the necessary freedom so that it is not only under your personal influence, but under many diverse influences of life. You must develop a child in a child to deal with alien and harmful people and circumstances, fight them, recognize them in a timely manner. In greenhouse education, it is impossible to work out this in an isolated survival.

5. Educational work is primarily the work of the organizer.
There is no trifles in this matter. There are no trifles in educational work. A good organization is that it does not produce the smallest details and cases. The little things operate regularly, daily, hourly, of them and there is life.
For education you need not a great time, but a reasonable use of a small time.

6. Do not impose your help, but always be prepared to help.
Parent assistance should not be intrusive, annoying, tedious. In some cases, it is absolutely necessary to grant the child to get out of the difficulty, it is necessary that he get used to overcome obstacles and resolve more complex questions.
But you need to always see how a child makes any operation, one cannot allow him to be confused and came to despair. Sometimes it is even necessary that the child see your alertness, attention and confidence in its forces.

7. Do not pay and do not punish the results of labor.
I strongly do not recommend applying any promotion or punishment in the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Labor task and its decision must themselves deliver such satisfaction to the child so that he felt joy. The recognition of his work of good work should be the best reward for his work. The same award will be your approval of his ingenuity, its resourcefulness, its ways to work.
But even with such verbal approval, it is never necessary to abuse, especially the child should not praise for the work done in the presence of your acquaintances and friends. Moreover, it is not necessary to punish it for bad work or for the work not made. The most important thing in this case is to achieve it to be fulfilled.

8. Teach a child to love is impossible without upbringing human dignity.
Teach to love, teach to recognize love, teach to be happy - it means to teach respect to yourself, to teach human dignity.

9. Never make yourself sacrificing to the child.
Usually they say: "We, Mother and Father, we all give the child, sacrifice him all, including our own happiness." This is the most terrible gift, which parents can make a child.

10. To teach a person to be happy can not, but to raise him so that he is happy, you can.

Educational system Makarenko, the basic principles of the method and the role of the tutor in the system.

Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko

Among the existing educational techniques, the system has been worth a mansion developed and practically implemented by the Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko. It surprisingly combines the humanistic principles of education with the idea of \u200b\u200bfull-fledged work, in the course of which the identity of the child is developing.

Initially, the system was created rather for re-education, rather than upbringing. Makarenko worked with children and adolescents, which today it is customary to attribute to the number of "difficult" or "hard-educated": among them there were orphans, sleepwear, juvenile offenders and even criminals.

However, the system created by the pedagogical talent and the high personal qualities of Anton Makarenko is relevant today. It allows you to build logical, simple and understandable relationship between the adult and the child, in the course of which the identity of the Chad is plump, the necessary moral and moral installations are formed, a small person gets grafting of mental health.

Basic principles of the system

Education of children in Makarenko is based on the principle of the unity of three social units: society - the team is a person. The child is not as much as the full participants of the educational process, the Creator, an adult companion.

The principle of education of children in the group is implemented in modern society from kindergarten. However, not every group can be called the team. Signs of the collective in Makarenko:

  • common goal;
  • are busy with common activities;
  • support close relationship with society;
  • observe strict discipline.

The team is not created simultaneously. Initial requirements formulates a teacher: first to the whole group, then to the asset. Based on the overall activity, a friendly team is being created, which develops a single opinion - as now it is customary to speak, a single standard of behavior. The team places some requirements for each member, and he applies these requirements on its own - to itself.

Thus, the following principles of the Makarenko system can be distinguished:

  • the leading role of the collective;
  • self management;
  • mandatory productive work for the benefit of the team and society.

The role of the teacher

According to Makarenko, no upbringing is impossible without the active inclusion of Chad into society. At the same time, the main educational environment is a children's team, part of which is a teacher teacher. The adult is not an authoritarian position, but on general reasons is included in the creative labor process. So the person is formed - active, independent, active.

Adult in the education system of Makarenko is part of the team. It is imposed on the same requirements as to the child. Between the educator and the guys there are rather friendly, friendly than mentoring and authoritarian.

The teacher is constantly next to the pupils: in the classroom, in the workplace, on vacation.

Thematic material:

At the same time, labor concept is fundamental. Everyone can choose to choose to yourself based on talents and opportunities.

Building an educational process in the family

Anton Semenovich Makarenko paid no less attention to family upbringing. The teacher believed that the kid would grow, depends entirely on parents. It is they who are their personal example, behavior of everyday life and at work, statements about the current political situation in a country or familiar people form the identity of the child.

The baby absorbs everything that his parents give him his actions, words, non-verbal means of expressing the worldview. Of course, educational conversations are needed, but the behavior of the parents themselves is even more important. Requirement and control primarily to yourself - here are the basic education.

Parents must be extremely honest with children as much as possible. No need to spend next to the child all your time, control each step. It is completely unnecessary and brings only harm: the baby will grow in a passive, who does not have his own opinion of man. In addition, the permanent society of adults can give an incorrect direction of the spiritual development of a minor.

The task of parents is to provide the child to the permissible freedom, knowing exactly where he and with whom. The influence of the environment is no less important than intra-family relationships and parental authority. The child should know what can face a hostile attitude, difficult circumstances, temptations. Children need help, advice, and sometimes protection - and these are also important elements of the correct educational process.

The third most important element is the organization of the life of the family. No trifles and trifles between adults and children happens: everything is important. Actually, life and folded life. At the same time, Makarenko is convinced: each parent should have a specific educational goal from which an educational program should be formed.

Numerous examples suggest that education on the Makarenko system and today gives wonderful results. The effectiveness of this technique allows you to actively use it in organizing the educational process in the team and family.

Purchase the book Anton Makarenko called: "Relisting children correctly. How?"

Soviet teacher and writer Anton Semenovich Makarenko recognized as one of the four outstanding teachers of the world, along with John Dewey, George Kershentesteiner and Maria Montessori. Such an honor in 1988 he was honored with UNESCO. The main merit of Makarenko is the author's methodology of education, which wonders did: in the 20s, the unprovers and juvenile criminals were not simply re-educated, but became outstanding personalities. What was the secret of Makarenko and would she apply to modern children?


The basis of the Makarenko methodology is an educational team in which children are associated with general friendly, household, business goals and this interaction serves as a comfortable environment for the development of the personality. It sounds boring and reminds of pioneers, but let's try to figure out than this principle is interesting in our time-oriented personality.

The feeling that the child is part of the team, teaches it to interact with other children. The team helps him adapt in society, feel it part of it, adopt new social roles. Development of children's relationships, conflicts and their permission, interlacing interests and relationships are in the center of the Makarenko system. At the same time, the team should develop, put new goals and stepwise to go to them, and every child is aware of its contribution to this general process.

Such education focused on natural deposits, prepares the child to life in the real world, where he will no longer be exceptional and the only one, and it will be needed to win his status. As a result, the child morally preparing to make decisions, aware of his strength and not be afraid to apply them,

In addition, children oriented not only to receive (popular "everything should me, and I have nothing to do with anyone"), but also to return - there will be an adult sense of social responsibility.

The kernel of the collective. The colonists brought up a tutor in manual control mode, and the kernel of the team in automatic mode. Authoritative colonists, internally accepting and confessional colonies, as a collective core, served as "Razvasy", which impregnated the newly arrived colonists. Children came to each other new rules of life in their own language, Makarenko only kept them so that they remain in civilized framework.

Labor, organized with a certain goal.

Makarenko did not imagine the education system without participation in productive work. In his commune, labor was carried industrial, and the children worked for 4 hours a day. This moment is one of the most difficult in the context of the modern moment, because physical work, alas, not in width.

But, speaking of the need for difficulty in childhood, Makarenko believed that such work could be an educational means, which was organized with a certain goal. When a target is set and a positive result is visible, children work with interest. And at the same time, labor without a number of education and education is a useless cutting of muscles.

By the way, the social status and self-awareness of adolescents immediately changed their social status and self-consciousness of adolescents immediately changed the participation in production work, turning them into adult citizens with all the rights and obligations hence.

A business.

The colonists had a real case, which was fed, and disciplined. Initially, the colonists have equipped their natural economy just to feed themselves, later engaged in serious production. Buing his factory (less than a year), the pupils began to produce electric drills, later mastered the production of leakage photographries. The camera "Watering" is 300 parts with an accuracy of 0.001 mm, for those times it is absolutely innovative production. Production in the commune was not just profitable, but highly profitable: the commune gave the state as its profits of 4.5 million rubles. in year. The pupils received a salary to which the younger members of the Commune were paid for themselves, paid scholarships to the former communara students who were trained in universities, put money on the savings records for the accumulation of funds by the time of exiting the commune, contained an orchestra, theater, greenhouse flowers, organized hiking and other cultural events. And the main point is that the case was formed by the person: at 16-19 years old, children had already become masters and supervisors.

Self management

If there is no case and there is no healthy kernel of the team, self-government is impossible and harmful. If the base of the collective is healthy, self-government strengthens and reaches, turning to the school of leadership and leadership.

By and large, the Makarenko Education System is the most democratic. An outstanding teacher advocated the creation of a comfortable psychological climate in the team, which will give every child a sense of security and free creative development.

So, for example, no teacher could cancel the collection decisions. It is the vote of children who determined life, leisure and work of the team. "I accepted the decision, and I answer," this is an experience of responsibility for his own actions, wonders. Anton Semenovich believed that "every child should be included in the system of real responsibility and in the role of the commander, and in the role of ordinary."

According to Makarenko, the senior group was chosen only for half a year and could take the post once, respectively, each child had a chance to try himself as a manager. Where there was no such system, I considered Makarenko, often grown inappropriate and not adapted to life people.

Makarenko was an opponent of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that the school is only a preparatory stage, and children are embodies of future personalities. After all, they do not consider themselves in this way, and therefore it is natural to consider them full citizens who can live and work as their strength and deserve respect. As much respect for the person and as much as possible requires it.

"Love needs demanding," he said. What is not the best medicine from "election"?

Teacher / Educator / Parent

"You can be dry with them to the last degree, demanding to pickyness, you may not notice them ... But if you shook work, knowledge, good luck, do not calmly look around: they are on your side. And vice versa, no matter how gentle, entertaining in a conversation, kind and friendly ... If your case is accompanied by failures and dips, if you can see anything that you do not know your business ... You never deserve anything but contempt ... ".

This quote is dedicated primarily to the teacher and the educator, but also to the parent, including. Anton Semenovich was one of the first to speak about the role of home education for children and that parents are an example that can cause both respect and criticism. He wrote about this and many other things in his "Book for Parents."

Also Makarenko more than once emphasized that the teacher should be attentive and sincere, because we all know, children are better than adults distinguish false. And in this case, "blackmail" is strictly denied, when providing confidence in the child, you remember the past flaws. "The pupil feels that the teacher came up with his focus with trust only in order to strengthen control."


According to Makarenko, discipline is not a means and not the method of education, but its result. That is, a properly educated person has a discipline as a moral category. "Our task to educate the right habits, such habits, when we would do it correctly not because they sat down and thought, but because otherwise we cannot, because we are so accustomed," said Makarenko. And he perfectly understood that it was easy to teach a person to act correctly in the presence of others, but to teach him to do the right thing when no one sees - it is very difficult and, nevertheless, he managed it.


Makarenko Anton Semenovich (1888-1939), teacher and writer. Russia, USSR.
Growth in the Family of the Malary (village. Belopolia Kharkiv province). In 1905 he graduated from the city school and pedagogical courses and was appointed teacher of a two-year railway school. And in 1914-1917. He studied in the Poltava teacher's institute. At the end, he became the head of the highest primary school in Kryukovo. Already here, Makarenko thoroughly became interested in pedagogy, looking for a new one in educational work with individual students and with a team.
Will the October Revolution played a crucial role in the pedagogical fate of Makarenko, as it was written before? Unlikely. Most likely, Makarenko with his talent would still take place as a teacher. Of course, the first years of Soviet power, its actions in the field of public education were inspired, became involved in the search. But several years have passed, and the situation changes, the period of "creativity with a loan" occurs, later tight control. It is possible that under favorable conditions, its socio-pedagogical activities would achieve even more striking results.
The phenomenon of Makarenko began since 1920, when he organized a labor colony for minor offenders. Here the teacher managed the main thing - he found a strong means of upbringing, which became the team of the pupils themselves. An important role in its creation was played by Makarenko's authority, his patience, hardness, care for adolescents, justice. It was drawn to him how to the father, were looking for truth, protection. In the colony, which received the name of Gorky, the system of structural interactions in the team was determined: an asset, division into squads, the Council of Commanders, external attributes (banner, skullpin signals, report, uniform clothing), promotion and punishment, tradition. Later Makarenko formulated the laws of the development of the team, The most important of which considered the "system of promising lines" and "the principle of parallel pedagogical impact".
Education in the Makarenko team connected with properly delivered labor education. The work of the colonists was organized by the detachments and combined with study. And life tied up all new problems. Paradoxically, it turned out that the well-established labor system can cause calmness, relaxation. Makarenko believed that it was why the internal development of the colony of the name of Gorky was suspended. He found a new task in the formulation of a new task - "conquest of smoking". About 130 colonists left their old equipped farm and voluntarily moved to a dilapidated smoking room to help become people of 280 unmanaged homemade. The risk was justified, the friendly team of Gorkovcan relatively quickly brought order in a new place, and not by force methods. The pedagogy of the Makarenko team worked another time, when in 1927 he simultaneously became the head of the Dzerzhinsky colony, translating 60 of his pupils into it. Since 1929, Makarenko reserves only the last colony, which is soon moving to complete self-sufficiency: the complex production of electric opera and cameras has been established.
Today, Makarenko, reproaches and accusations of the allegedly introduced in the colony of the barrack discipline, the authoritarianism of the teacher itself and the collective created by them, disregard for the individual, complicity in the formation of the Cults of the Party and Stalin. But are they justified? The ideas of the development of a person in the team if they did not declare Makarenko in publicly as the purpose of his pedagogical system, they were successfully implemented in practice. Communards worked daily for 4 hours, and free time was given to a good organized leisure. Under the communes were a club, library, mugs, sports sections, cinema, theater. In the summer there were tourist hiking in the Caucasus, in Crimea. Those who wish to continue were engaged in Rabafak, entered the universities. There are statistics: for 15 years of its work (1920-1935), about 8,000 offenders and street, who became worthy people who qualified specialists took place through the teams created by Makarenko. Of course, as any teacher Makarenko also did not escape errors and failures.
Since 1936, Makarenko leaves his pedagogical activities, moves B, Moscow and is engaged in literary work. Here he survived and tragic 1937 and 1938.
The experience of Makarenko is unique, as well as the teacher itself is also unique. Few in the history of pedagogy managed so successfully embody his theory into practice and achieve impressive results, dealing with such difficult pupils. The exaltation of Makarenko began in the 30th year., And for a long time, he was considered hardly the most outstanding Soviet and even the domestic teacher. We will remind, however, that neither Makarenko, nor after his death, prescribing the study of his pedagogical system, did not hurry with its introduction, although the colonies and the corresponding "human material" were in excess. By the way, the same fate has suffered a talented experiment Shacksky with the children's community. Only individual teachers were resorted to Makarenko's experience, some of them were in their time pupils. The name and works of Makarenko are widely known abroad.

Purpose of education

In the pedagogical theory, oddly enough, the goal of educational work appealed to the category almost forgotten. (...)
A worthy of our era and our revolution organizational task can only be the creation of a method that, being common and united, at the same time, allows each individual personality to develop its own characteristics, maintain its individuality.
It is obvious that, starting to solve our private pedagogical task, we should not be wise by Lukovo. We should only understand the position of the new person in a new society. Socialist society is based on the principle of collectivity. It should not have a secluded personality, then a acne appeaseed in the form of an acne, then crushed into roadside dust, and there is a member of the socialist team.
In the Soviet Union, there can be no personality outside the team and therefore cannot be a separate personal destiny and a personal path and happiness, opposed to the fate and happiness of the team.
In socialist society, many such teams:
The wide Soviet public is completely consisting of such groups, but this does not mean that the debt is removed from the teachers to search and find the perfect collective forms in their work. The school team, the cell of the Soviet children's society, must first become the object of educational work. Rising a separate person, we must think about the upbringing of the whole team. In practice, these two tasks will be solved only together and only in one general reception. At every moment of our impact on the identity, these impacts must also be influenced by the team. Conversely, every our touch to the team will necessarily be both the upbringing of each person in the team.
The team that should be the first goal of our upbringing should have completely certain qualities that seek out of its socialist nature ...
A. The team unites people not only in a common goal and in general labor, but also in the general organization of this work. The common goal here is not an accidental coincidence of private purposes, as in the tram car or in the theater, namely, the goal of the whole team. The relationship of the general and private goal we do not have the relationship of opposites, but only the relation of the general (means, and mine) to the private, which, remaining only to mine, will be a total in a special order.
Each action of a separate student, each luck or failure should be regarded as a failure against the background of a common cause, as a good luck in general matter. Such pedagogical logic should literally soak every school day, each team movement.
B. The team is part of Soviet society organically related to all other teams. It lies first responsibility to society, he carries first debt to the whole country, only through the team every member is part of society. Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bSoviet discipline. In this case, each student will become clear and the interests of the team, and the concepts of debt and honor will be understood. Only in such a tools it is possible to raise the harmony of personal and common interests, the upbringing of the feeling of honor, which does not seem to be reminded of the old gon of the coming rapist.
B. Achieving the objectives of the collective, the common work, the debt and honor of the team cannot become a game of random whims of individual people. The team is not a crowd. The team has a social organism, therefore, it has managers and coordination authorities, primarily to represent the interests of the team and society.
The experience of collective life is not only the experience of the neighborhood with other people, it is a very difficult experience of expedient collective movement, among which the most prominent place is occupied by the principles of disposal, discussion, subordination to the majority, subordination of the comrade comrade, responsibility and consistency.
For teacher work in the Soviet school, bright and wide prospects are opening. The teacher is designed to create this exemplary organization, take care of it, improve, transfer it to a new teacher. Do not steam moralization, and tactful and wise leadership of the right growth of the team - here is his vocation.
The Soviet team stands on the principal position of the world unity of labor mankind. It is not easy to consolidate people, it is part of the martial front of mankind in the era of the world revolution. All previous properties of the team will not sound if the pathos of the historical struggle will not live in his life that we experience. In this idea, all other qualities of the team should be united and brought up. Before the team, always, literally at every step, should be samples of our struggle, it should always feel a communist party ahead, leading him to genuine happiness.
From these provisions about the team flow and all the details of the development of the person. We must produce from our schools of energetic and ideological members of a socialist society capable of without hesitation, always, at every moment of their life, find the right criterion for a personal act capable of demanding from other proper behavior at the same time. Our pupil, whoever he is, never can perform in life as a carrier of some personal perfection, just like a kind or honest person. He should always perform first of all as a member of his team, as a member of the society responsible for the actions not only his own, but also his comrades.
In particular, the area of \u200b\u200bthe discipline in which we, teachers, were constant most of all. Until now, we have a look at the discipline as one of the numerous attributes of a person and sometimes only as a method, sometimes only on the form. In the socialist society, "free from any other foundations of morality, discipline becomes not a technical, but necessarily the moral category. Therefore, for our team, the braking discipline is absolutely alien to the discipline, which now for some misunderstanding was made by Alpha and Omegoic educational wisdom of many teachers. Discipline expressed only in prohibitive standards is the worst kind of moral education in the Soviet school. (...)
Makarenko A.S. About raising. - M., 1988.- P. 28-30

What does it mean to raise a child?

What does it mean to raise a child? You can raise for happiness, you can raise up for the struggle. You can raise for individual happiness, you can educate for an individual struggle. And you can raise for general happiness and for the common struggle. These are all very important and very practical questions.
We have many old ideas about human values, about his dignity.
So, the goal of education seems to be clear. What should a Soviet citizen be? Several completely clear signs: active, active, prudent, knowledgeable collectivist. But not only the ability to action, you need a great ability to brake, also other than the old ability. Very important orientation ability, a wide view and wide flair.
Ways of upbringing. Of course, in the foreground, the total amount of the right ideas, the amount of the right, Marxist of the highlighted knowledge. Knowledge come, from study and even more from the wonderful Soviet experience, from the newspaper, books, from every day. Many it seems that this is enough. This is really a lot. Our life makes the mighty impression on a person and really raises him. (...)
But we cannot stop at these achievements, we should directly say that without special care for a person, the care of pedagogical, we lose a lot. True, good results are obtained, but they are satisfied only because we do not know which grandiose they can be,
I am a supporter of a special educational discipline that has not yet been created, but that we, in the Soviet Union, will create. The basic principles of this upbringing: 1) respect and requirement; 2) sincerity and openness; 3) principle; 4) care and attention, knowledge; 5) Exercise; 6) hardening; 7) labor; 8) team; 9) Family: First Childhood, Number of Love and Combustness Measure; 10) children's joy, game; 11) Punishment and reward.
Ibid. -FROM. 35-36.

Communist Education and Behavior

Our task not only to educate the right, reasonable attitude to behavior issues, but also to educate the correct habits, i.e. Such habits when we would do correctly do not at all because they sat down and thought, but because otherwise we cannot, because we are so accustomed. And the upbringing of these habits is a much more difficult case than the upbringing of consciousness. In my work, the education of characters was very easy to organize consciousness. Yet a person understands, a person is aware of how to do. When you have to act, then it comes out otherwise, especially in cases where the deed is taken secret, without witnesses. This is a very accurate verification of consciousness - a degree in secret. As a person behaves when no one sees him, he does not hear and no one checks out? And then I should have working a lot over this issue. I realized that it was easy to teach a person to do correctly in my presence, in the presence of a team, but to teach it to do it right when no one hears, does not see anything and knows nothing - it is very difficult. (...)
This is a common belief that a person should have dignity and disadvantages. So even think young people, schoolchildren. As "conveniently" becomes to live with consciousness: I have advantages, there are still disadvantages. And then there is a detention: if there were no flaws, it would be a scheme, not a person. Disadvantages should be for colorfulness.
But why should there be flaws? And I say: no shortcomings should be. And if you have twenty advantages and ten flaws, we must stick to you, and why do you have ten flaws? Down five. When five will remain - two, let three remain. Generally, from person you need to demand, demand, demand! And every person from herself must demand. I would never have come to this conviction if I hadn't had to work in this area. Why should a person have shortcomings! I have to improve the team until there is deficiencies. And what do you think? What is the scheme? Not! It turns out a beautiful person, full of originality, with a bright personal life. Is this a person if he is a good worker if he is a wonderful engineer, but loves to lie, not always the truth to say? What is it: a wonderful engineer, but xles?
And now we will ask: what flaws can be left?
That's if you want to conduct communist upbringing in an active way and if you have to say that every shortcoming should be, you ask: what? You see what you will answer. What disadvantages can remain? To secretly take - it is impossible to sculiginate - it is impossible to steal - you can not, dishonestly do it - it is impossible. What else can you? Can I leave quick-tempered character? What is war? Among us there will be a person with a quick-tempered character, and he can wrap, and then say: Sorry, I have a hot-tempered character. That particularly in Soviet ethics should be a serious system of requirements for a person, and only this will be able to lead to what we will develop primarily the requirement for yourself. This is the hardest thing - the requirement for yourself. My "specialty" - the correct behavior, I had to be, in any case, to behave correctly in the first place. From others, it is easy to demand, and from ourselves - on some kind of rubber are encountered, everyone wants to excuse yourself. And I am very grateful to my communary team. Gorky and them. Dzerzhinsky for the fact that in response to my requirements for them they presented the requirements for me.
... We must demand, but make exceptionally worship requirements ... Any excess can only cripple ...
Our ethics should be ethical prose, business, today's, tomorrow our ordinary behavior ...
Those who believe that people may have shortcomings, sometimes thinking: if a person is used to late, then this is a little drawback.
I can be proud of - in my commune there was always such an order: anyone would have happened, it was supposed to wait three minutes after the signal. After that, the meeting was considered open. If someone from the communations came to the meeting for five minutes, the chairman said: You're late for five minutes - get five outfits. This means five hours of additional work.
Accuracy. It is labor productivity, it is productivity, these are things, it is wealth, this is respect for yourself and to comrades. We could not live in the commune without accuracy. Tenty-graders in schools say: not enough time. And in the commune there was a complete decade and the plant, which took four hours a day. But we have enough time. And walked, and rested, and having fun, and danced. And we reached the real ethical pathos: for being late - the biggest punishment. Say, the communar told me: I'm leaving for a vacation to eight hours. He himself appalrated time. But if he came to five ninth, I was sled to arrest. Who drove you in? You could say nine o'clock, and said at eight, it means that and come.
Accuracy is a big deal. And when I see, the communar lived to accuracy, I believe that a good person will come out of it. In accuracy, respect for the team is manifested, without which there can be no communist ethics. (...)
Any deed, not designed for the interests of the team, is a suicide deed, it is harmful to society, and therefore for me. And therefore, the mind and common sense should always be present in our communist ethics. Whatever you take a question, even a question of love, it is solved by the fact that all our behavior is determined. Our behavior should be the behavior of knowledgeable people who know how to people, the technicians of life that their report in every act. We can not have ethics without knowledge and skills, without an organization. This applies to love. We must be able to love, know how to love. We need to approach love as conscious, sensible people responsible for themselves, and then can not be love dramas. Love also needs to be organized, like all things. Love also loves the organization, as well as every work, and we still thought that love is a matter of talent. Nothing like this.
The ethical problem "loved - bloveled", "deceived-" or a problem "loved and I will love for life" cannot be permitted without the use of the most thorough orientation, accounting, checking and mandatory ability to plan your future. And we must learn how to love. We are obliged to be conscious citizens in love, and we are therefore you must fight the old habit and look at the love that love is one of over, this element flew out, and a person has only his "subject" and nothing else. I loved, so I'm late for work, I forget home the keys from the service cabinets, forget money on the tram. Love should enrich people with a feeling of strength, and it enriches. I taught my communations and check myself in love, think about what will happen tomorrow. (...)
There. P.38-46.

Methods of organizing the educational process
Work teacher

The work of the tutor in the detachments should be as follows: First of all, the teacher should know well the composition of his detachments, should know the life and features of the nature of each pupil, his aspiration, doubts, weakness and dignity.
A good caregiver must necessarily keep a diary of his work, in which to record individual observations on pupils, cases characterizing this or that face, conversation with him, the movement of the pupil forward, analyze the phenomena of the crisis or fracture, which are in all guys in different ages. This diary can in any case should have the nature of the official magazine.
It should be viewed only by the head of the pedagogical part and only if he wishes to get a more complete picture of a particular pupil. The maintenance of such a diary can characterize the quality of the work of the educator and serve as a famous measure of his value as an employee, but formally demand from him so that it behaves such a diary, does not follow, because in this case the most dangerous is to turn such a diary into an official report.
The diary is recommended to lead in a large notebook without sharing it into parts for individual pupils, since in this diary the educator should characterize and analyze not only individuals, but also whole groups and phenomena in units. This diary should not contact the registration of misconduct and violations. Such registration should be carried out elsewhere - the head of the pedagogical part or the Council of Commanders. The educator should be interested in intimate, officially difficult phenomena.
So that the tutor could work in this direction, he should not resemble the overseer. The educator should not have the right to punish or promoting in formal expressions, he should not give from his own behalf of the order, except the most extreme cases, and the more should not command. The leadership of the detachment with the right to dispose and demand is the commander of the detachment. The tutor in any case should not substitute it. Similarly, he should not replace the highest management of the institution.
If possible, the tutor should be avoided by complaints of students to the older leadership, to report the official "on the status of detachments transferred to him. And this duty is officially reported by the commander.
Only when the educator is released from formal, supervisory functions, he can earn complete trust of detachments and all pupils and behave as follows.
What should the educator know about every pupil?
In what condition is the health of the pupil, does he complain about anything, whether to see a doctor, is it satisfied with the doctor? Is the doctor attentive to this pupil?
How belongs to the pupil to his institution, values \u200b\u200bwhether they are ready to actively participate in improving the life of the institution or relates to it indifferent, as to the episode of their life, and maybe hostile? In the last catch, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this unhealthy relationship: whether they are in the institution itself and its orders, or the reasons lie in the pupil's desire to learn and live elsewhere, where exactly what to live, what to do?
Is it fairly fairly pupil his position, his strength, does the need for the employment path understand. Does he prevail the primitive prospects of today's satisfaction, today's pleasure, is it? Is this due to the rooted habits or due to the weakness of development?
As a pupil refers to comrades and how much stretches, whom does not like, who is friends with whom will you begone with? How strong is his inclinations towards secret antisocial groupings, fantastic and adventurous plans as he belongs to the detachment and commander? What are his inclinations to predominance and what he seeks to substantiate this prevalence: on intelligence, on development, in life experience, on personality strength, on physical strength, on aesthetic pose? Is this the desire to prevail the parallel interests of the institution or aimed against the institution, against the detachment or individuals?
As the pupil belongs to raising its qualifications, to school work, cultural work, to increasing the overall culture of behavior, culture of attitudes towards people.
Does he understand the need for his own improvement and advantage of it, or is it more attracted by the most process of study and cultural work, the pleasures, what does this work give him?
What a pupil reads whether newspapers reads, books, will they receive them in the library or reads random books, is it interested in certain topics or reads without parsing?
What talents and abilities detect a pupil, what should have it necessary to develop?
Where is the pupil in production, is it planned to work for him, does she like him? Whether the pupil does not show in its attitude to the work of the weakness of the will, does not capricious whether, does not seek to another work, as far as the desire is reasonable, what are the obstacles in such an effort, as the pupil overcomes these obstacles, is it ready to fight for a long time Does he persist?
How does the pupil refers to his workplace, to the processes of work, to the instrument, to the technological process, is it of interest in the technical development of his work, to its improvement, increase productivity, to Stakhanov's movement? What inconvenience and disadvantages slow down the work of the pupil, what measures he takes to eliminate them, is it expressed in the detachment, in which forms the pupil does all this?
Is the pupil familiar with the general production situation of the entire squad, the whole shop? Does him know the control numbers on the detachment and on the workshop whether he is interested in the success of its production, the institution, his movement forward? How much do good luck and failure failures, how much does it live them?
The material position of the house is in the family and earnings of the pupil in production, how much does he get money in the arms? How do they spend, prevail with money, is it striving to save them? Does the family helps and who exactly from family members, comrades? Does the inclination have better to dress, what does buy from clothes?
Whether culture skills are given to the pupil, does he understand their necessity, is it striving to improve, as belongs to weak, to women, children and old men?
All this data on the pupil and many others, which will arise in the process of studying the pupil, the educator must know, and a good teacher will definitely record. But never these data should be collected so that it is simple collecting. Knowledge of the pupils should come to the tutor not in the process of indifferent to study, but only in the process of joint work with him and the most active assistance to him. The educator should look at the pupil not as an object of study, but as an object of education.
From this basic situation, the forms of communication of the educator and the pupil, and the form of its study. The tutor should not simply ask the pupil about the different circumstances of his life, about his aspirations and desires in order to write down and sum up.
At the first meeting of the educator and the pupil, the first must put a practical goal: to make a boy or a girl of a real cultural Soviet person, an employee, such an employee who can be released from an institution as a useful citizen, qualified, competent, politically educated and educated, healthy Physically and mentally. This goal of his work, the teacher should never forget, literally not to forget any one minute. And only in practical movement to this purpose, the educator must have contact with his pupil.
Each recognition of something new about the pupil from the educator should immediately be implemented in a practical, action, practical advice, the desire to help the pupil.
Such assistance, such a movement to a constant goal only in rare cases can be rendered in a simple conversation with the pupil, in simple clarification of him from different truths.
Conversations in inexperienced educators seem to be the highest expression of pedagogical technology. In fact, they are the most handicraft pedagogical techniques.
The educator should always know the following well: although all pupils understand that in the children's institution they are taught and brought up, but they do not like to be exposed to special pedagogical procedures and the more likely they do not like when they are infinitely talking about the benefit of education, moralizing each value.
Therefore, the essence of the pedagogical position of the educator should be hidden from pupils and not to act on the fore. The educator, infinitely striking pupils of explicitly special conversations, boring pupils and almost always causes some opposition.
Soviet pedagogy has pedagogy not direct, but parallel pedagogical action. The pupil of our children's institution is before the whole member of the labor collective, and then the pupil is already, so he must be represented by himself. Therefore, it is officially called a pupil, but a candidate or member of the team. In his eyes and the educator should also perform primarily as a member of the same labor collective, and then as an educator, as a teacher's specialist, and therefore the contact of the educator and the pupil should occur not so much in a special pedagogical plane, but in the plane of the labor production team, Against the background of not only the interests of the narrow-country process, and the struggle for the best institution, for its wealth, prosperity and good glory, for the cultural life, for the happy life of the team, for the joy and mind of this life.
Before the team of pupils, the teacher must act as a combat comrade, fighting with them and ahead of them for all the ideals of the first-class Soviet institution. Hence the method of his pedagogical work. This teacher must remember every step.
Therefore, for example, if the educator set himself the goal to split, eradicate any harmful grouping or a company in the detachment, in the classroom or in the institution, it should do this in the form of not direct appeal to this group, but a parallel operation in the fine, class, Speaking of a breakthrough in the detachment, about the passivity of some comrades, about the harmful influence of the grouping on the detachment, about the lag of the detachment. He must mobilize the attention of the entire detachment on this grouping. The conversation with the pupils themselves should take the form of a dispute and belief not on the direct matter (upbringing), but on the issue of the life of the institution, about his work.
Educator, wanting to know the position of the pupil at school or in production, has at its disposal the only method: it happens at school, in production, performs at all production meetings, it says and actively operates in the environment of the pedagogical team, the production administration, together with the detachment fights For excellent performance, for a good tool, for feeding materials, for the best instruction and control process and improving the quality of education. He performs next to the detachment as an interested his member in all cases where the squad defends the right public position.
In all cases, when the detachment is coming to the wrong way, he fights in the squad itself, relying on its best members and protecting not its pedagogical positions, and above all the interests of pupils and the whole institution.
"Processing" of individual pupils only in rare cases should be taken by the nature of direct appeal to this pupil. First of all, the educator must mobilize some group of senior and influential comrades from his squad or even from someone else. If it does not help, he must speak himself with the pupil, but even this conversation he must do a completely simple and natural conversation about affairs in the institution or in a detachment and only gradually and naturally move towards the topic of the pupil itself. It is always necessary that the pupil himself wants to talk about himself. In some cases, it is possible to directly appeal to the pupil on his behavior, but such an appeal must be done, logically based on the general topics of the collective.
Extreme importance The question is the attitude of the guys to education. This is the area whom the tutor must pay the most serious attention. Systematic acquisition of solid knowledge at school and its timely ending determine the path of a person in life, but this is also necessary for a healthy and proper formation of character, that is, the fate of a person is also determined to a large extent. Therefore, performance and marks (and this does not always match and should also be the subject of special attention of the teacher), the actual knowledge of the pupil on separately interested items should be well and in detail known to the educator in their dynamics, development and trends. Failure in school, bad marks lower the mood and vital tone of the pupil, although it is externally, it may have a form of brewing, intake indifference, closetness or sealing. Failures in school are the usual beginning of the systematic lie guys in a wide variety of its forms. Such a pose of the pupil opposes his healthy children's and youth team, and therefore it is always more dangerous to a greater or lesser extent.
The excellent show can have another trend outside the collective position: Zazna, narcissism, egoism, covered by the most virtuous mine and pose. The average student is monotony and the grayish tone of life that children are difficult tolerated and therefore begin to look for an optimistic perspective in other areas.
School relations make up the main background of the life of the children of school age, this teacher should always remember, but also here the complete success and well-being is achieved by the clarity of personal and social promising paths of the pupil, the strength of public and collective relationships, and the less helps notation and persuasion. Real help is needed behind in increasing their civilian well-being.
The future of the pupil should stand quite especially in the presentation of the educator. The teacher should know what he wants and hopes to be a pupil, what for this he makes efforts, how real is his aspiration, whether they are forces. Choosing a life path for the young man is not so easy. Here often with great obstacles are unbelief in their strength or, on the contrary, dangerous imitation of stronger comrades.
In this difficult task, pupils usually understand difficulty, especially since we have not yet learned to thoroughly help our graduates.
Help the pupil to choose a path - a very responsible thing is not only because it is important for the future life of the pupil, but also because it is strongly reflected on the tone of his activities and life in the institution.
This work should also be carried out in the thickening of the entire squad, exciting the interest of pupils to various areas of life, leading to an example of advanced workers and collective farmers who famous for the whole country. It is important to excite the desire of the guys at every place, in every business to be ahead. It is important to prove that energy, enthusiasm, mind, the desire for high quality of work every specialty make enviable.
The forms of the educator in the detachment may be the most diverse:
participation in the work of the detachment, class;
participation in all production meetings;
participation in all meetings and general meetings;
Simple presence in the detachment behind the conversation, playing chess or domino, for a sports game;
Joint walks; Participation in circles together with the members of the detachment;
participation in the release of the detachment newspaper;
reading evenings; management reading and selection of books;
participation in the production of general cleaning in the detachment;
walks and conversations with separate groups and individual pupils;
presence in class classes;
assistance to pupils in the preparation of lessons, in the performance of drawings and drawings;
presence in all self-government bodies;
Meeting with a detachment or with all the detachments of their group;
Direct work in the device exhibitions and preparation of holidays;
active participation in solving all issues of material life;
Trips and hiking for the bow with different organizations, just to visit workers and collective farms.
Swimming, skiing, skating - direct work on the device and the establishment of all these entertainment.
The work of the tutor in the detachments requires a lot of strength, and she can fill out all the working time of the teacher.
For such a detachment, you do not need to install any regulations in time. This work cannot be duty. The educator should be with a detachment, especially at the time when the squad is not engaged in production or at school, but even at this time every hour held by the tutor with the detachment, there is already work.
The educator should avoid only one form: a simple stay in the eyes of the guys without anything and without any interest in them. The control of the tutor's detachable work should be made not by the number of hours worked, but according to the results of work, at the place occupied by the detachment in the inter-stroke competition, according to the total tone, for industrial success, by the nature of the growth of individual pupils and the entire detachment and, finally, in relation to Him the squad itself.
It is quite clear that an educator who is not authoritative cannot be an educator.
In his detachment work, as already mentioned, the tutor should not be an administrator. If negative phenomena are observed in the detachment, the educator should talk about them with the head of the pedagogical part, but organizational measures after such a conversation the agency's management can take only after the application for such disdickers in the detachment will come from the commander or the members of the detachment.
In order to queue such measures, the educator should openly demand from the meeting of the detachment or the detachment top of the message to the management of the institution. In this requirement, the tutor should always be persistent, should not be played into pupils and hide their own point of view from them. In the eyes of the pupils, the tutor should not be doubled, and his actions in the detachment should not seem to be conflict with the actions of the institution administration. A completely different position of the educator in his other work is in work throughout the team. In this case, he is no longer as a senior comrade in the group of detachments, but as the Commissioner of the whole team ...

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