The child sweats during sleep after ARVI. The child sweats during sleep: when to sound the alarm? When sweating is good

Sweating is considered normal until a certain point. When a small child sweats a lot, especially a cold sweat, parents worry about how normal this is. Cold sweats in a child sometimes appear in any condition. In this case, you should carefully follow it. This manifestation may be a consequence of any disease.

Causes of cold sweats in babies

If a child is healthy, he can sweat in 2 cases: a very soft and warm bed; high room temperature. During movement, active guys often sweat, this may be due to excess weight. Indoor temperature also affects this process.

Eliminating the causes normalizes sweating, the problem is solved by itself. The kid should be dressed according to the weather, in the room to maintain the optimal temperature regime. Choose your bed carefully, it should not create a greenhouse effect. Cold sweats are also caused by some diseases.

Diseases that lead to the production of cold sweats

If all possible factors leading to sweating have been eliminated, and the process continues, an urgent need to contact a specialist. Perhaps the reasons are much more serious, far from harmless.

Diseases that provoke the release of cold sweats:

  • rickets, as a consequence of a lack of vitamin D;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • thyroid disease;
  • colds of a viral breed.

If a child's cough joins the cold sweat, this is a sign of a viral infection. In this case, contacting a pediatrician cannot be postponed. During sleep and wakefulness, even after the cure of a cold, the baby will have cold sweat for a long time.

In some cases, the child sweats for no reason, in which case it is not worth worrying about. Active children thus show their emotions, which can be very different.

Cold sweats in babies appear for various reasons. If parents have doubts about their health, you should consult a specialist. Low body temperature often results in cold sweats. For some people, this is completely normal. In others, this phenomenon indicates the presence of diseases.

To understand why a child sweats, it is necessary to monitor his general condition. Mark when it happens, after sleep, or while playing. Is there a cough, even periodic. Sometimes in young children, respiratory disorders are a symptom of an allergic reaction.

The reasons for the appearance of sweat can be different. To exclude serious diseases, you need to pay attention to some possible accompanying points. For example:

  • During sweating, a strong smell of ammonia emanates from the body;
  • The baby does not sweat evenly;
  • Very low body temperature.

If the baby is just very active, then sweat can act as a result of overstrain. In hyperactive children, this is considered the norm. After suffering a viral, infectious disease, cold sweat indicates the weakness of the body.

The reasons can also lie in teething. There is an inflammatory process, the baby is in pain, while sweating. Heat and humidity also lead to cold sweats. In this case, you just need to normalize the climate in the room.

If the little one is hot while sleeping, his body tries to create the most comfortable conditions for itself with the help of perspiration. Another important point that can lead to a problem is heredity. In this case, it will not be possible to correct the situation, since we are talking about the Riley-Day syndrome. The disease is very rare, it does not give in to treatment, the abnormalities are at the chromosome level. Therefore, treatment is aimed only at eliminating symptoms. You should not immediately panic, since the ailment is not characterized only by cold sweat.

Concomitant symptoms will be disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, respiration, and so on. If the child feels normal while sweating, there are no other disorders - there is no need to worry.

When to see a doctor

If the baby is sweating, the following signs are present:

  • low or high temperature;
  • cough, runny nose;
  • after sleeping in a normal bed;
  • skin rashes;
  • tearing;
  • poor sleep, appetite and so on.

You should immediately contact a specialist, undergo examinations, and identify the causes of the problem. Based on the results of the examination, in most cases it is recommended to consult a neurologist and endocrinologist.

Contacting an endocrinologist is necessary if:

  1. The child is sweating in absolute calmness;
  2. Sweat has a strong unpleasant odor, often ammonia;
  3. After a day's rest, the baby is excited;
  4. Flinching is present;
  5. The child is taking any medication;
  6. The sweat is sticky.

Important: it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so, treatment! These are the functions of qualified professionals. The child can be severely hurt.

When to call an ambulance

When the child is covered with sweat unevenly, while there is a cough, a low temperature should be called an ambulance. With colds, a decrease in temperature indicators may indicate serious problems with the heart and blood vessels.

A low mark on the thermometer also, in some cases, indicates a disturbance in the nervous autonomic system. Often after suffering infectious diseases, especially with the use of strong medications. There are malfunctions of the thyroid gland. When contacting a medical institution, the doctor first of all prescribes a comprehensive examination.

Diagnostics and problem solving

There may be several diagnostic measures, depending on the condition of the child. Based on the parents' complaints, the doctor finally decides which studies to prescribe. Often they recommend passing the manipulations:

  • If there is a cough - a general analysis of blood and urine;
  • Low activity suggests an ultrasound examination of the heart;
  • Ultrasound of the brain and cervical vertebra will make it possible to identify abnormalities in the nervous system;
  • A blood test for sugar, the presence of vitamin D;
  • Glucose tolerance test;
  • Thorough visual inspection of the sweat glands.

If the child has a low body temperature almost all the time, the doctor, at his discretion, prescribes additional studies. Both laboratory and instrumental. Only after receiving the results will a diagnosis be established and appropriate treatment prescribed.

When pathologies are not found, no therapy is prescribed to the baby. You may need a course of massage, taking vitamin preparations. If a problem is found, treatment is prescribed by the appropriate specialist.

When a child sweats while sleeping, adults do not need to panic. Initially, it is required to establish the cause of what is happening. In some cases, the occurrence of sweating at night in children can be triggered by the usual harmless factors.

But even ahead of time, it is not worthwhile to exclude the threat that a nursing or grown-up baby becomes sweaty in the dark due to serious ailments.

Mom and dad, whose child is prone to sweating during sleep, should make sure that he does not have the following symptoms:

  1. Excretion of sweat accompanies intestinal obstruction;
  2. The child is excitable and anxious, he is frightened even by the usual noises and lighting;
  3. When the toddler is asleep, he begins to tremble, "twitching" with the whole body ";
  4. The baby rubbed his baldness in the back of the head due to sweating of the head;
  5. Sweat is pungent in consistency and does not smell very good. There is irritation or itching on the skin.

The most intense sweating of a child occurs at the moment of falling asleep and when he is asleep, but not during the day.

The factors that led to the sweating of the toddler when falling asleep may be safe. For example, if a baby is sweating while feeding, making every effort to get enough, or because the temperature in his room is uncomfortable.

However, if relatives have noticed the above manifestations in their child, then it is worth taking urgent measures, be sure to go with your child to an appointment with a specialist.

Thermoregulation in children and its features

Every child sweats when falling asleep, some intensely, and some not so much. The intensity of night sweat is characterized by numerous factors:

  • age;
  • physical development;
  • strength of health;
  • temperature regime in the house and children's room where the baby sleeps and lives.

Excessive sweating is also called "hyperhidrosis". Each age period has its own norms. If the baby is too sweaty while falling asleep, it is worth finding out why this is observed.

The active work of the sweat glands in young children begins from the first month of birth, but this mechanism is finally debugged up to 3-5, possibly even up to 6 years.

In infants, sweating is a protection against overheating of both the body and the brain.

Thermoregulation in children, in contrast to adults, is carried out through the respiratory function (to a greater extent), to a lesser extent - through the skin through the release of sweat droplets. This is why it is imperative that the respiratory passages are kept clean and the air in the rooms humidified.

When a child sweats regularly during sleep, the root cause should be identified, regardless of age. This must be done so that relatives can make sure that their little family member is healthy, and objective circumstances have caused excessive sweating.

If mom and dad discovered that their child is susceptible to hyperhidrosis, and manages to sweat until morning so that all his clothes and bed linen become wet, then their responsibilities include finding out what they have encountered: with a symptom of an illness or a disturbed sleep pattern, or hygiene.

Causes of sweating babies at night

The reasons that contribute to hyperhidrosis in children are divided into external and internal.

  1. Overheating, due to the fact that caring mothers wrap their own baby, fearing that he will freeze, and do not monitor the temperature indicators in the nursery. The room should not be hot. It is good if the temperature does not exceed 19-20 degrees Celsius.
  2. Synthetic textiles for pajamas and bedding. This creates the effect of a steam room, leads to disorders of heat exchange, does not allow the body to breathe.
  3. Dry air.
  4. Poor ventilation at home.
  5. Lack of fluid intake.
  6. Excessive overeating. When more food is absorbed than the body requires, more energy is expended for its assimilation and the body overheats.
  7. Emotional overstrain in the evenings.

Diseases provocateurs of profuse sweating

Internal factors are some of the health problems in children, in which there is increased sweating at night. The baby becomes sweaty when falling asleep when:

  • colds;
  • problems with the respiratory system, apnea syndrome, respiratory tract;
  • heart and vascular ailments and the presence of vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • lack of vitamins (often D);
  • imbalance of hormones, weakened immunity;
  • difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diathesis of lymphatic origin;
  • predisposition from the point of view of genetics;
  • disorders of the central nervous system.

In addition to sweating at night, each disease has its own symptoms.


When a strong discharge of sweat droplets caused ARVI, then it is accompanied by other signs: increased body temperature with a cough, rhinorrhea. Sweating decreases as the disease gets rid of, since sweat not only participates in thermoregulation, but also removes from the body harmful substances that were formed during the course of the disease.


The child coughs and sweats during sleep with bronchitis and other ailments associated with the respiratory tract, and during the inflammatory process in the lungs, he has difficulty breathing. The little patient is distinguished by a lethargic state, apathy towards others.

Pneumonia can proceed without an initial fever with a weakened immune system, which is why you should call a doctor with cumulative symptoms. An unnecessary cause for anxiety may be a condition in which profuse sweating accompanies daytime sleep, and when the child sleeps, moans, during inhalation, the nostrils are inflated.


The incidence of influenza gives symptoms, in addition to profuse sweating, including aches and joint pain, the appearance of photophobia, headaches, coughing against the background of the fact that the temperature indicator rises. Its appearance in a mild form is also characteristic after the vaccination against influenza.


Sweating in a child is one of the symptoms of apnea syndrome, characterized by short-term respiratory stops and snoring during the dark. Impaired ventilation of the lungs is accompanied by profuse sweating.

Heart ailments

Cold sweat during sleep in a child refers to the symptoms of heart ailments. Another manifestation of such diseases is the so-called "heart cough". Children with heart problems tend to wake up in the night, profusely covered with cold sweat.

In this case, the shade of the skin, mucous membranes and nail platinum becomes cyanotic. In such situations, one cannot do without consulting a doctor. An examination is required, including the passage of an electrocardiogram by the child.


Quite often, the problem of increased sweating during the day and during the night rest is provoked by the VSD. Vegetovascular dystonia is accompanied by other symptoms such as periodic severe weakness and light-headedness.


The problem of childhood sweating is also provoked by vitamin deficiency. If the child is already one year old, and the parents observe a lag in physical development and abnormal bone formation, he probably has vitamin deficiency.

Lack of vitamins often leads to sweating of the head and neck of the toddler. It is necessary to contact a pediatrician and prescribe multivitamin preparations, as well as adjustments regarding the baby's diet.

A lack of vitamin D is characterized by such an ailment as rickets. It affects children under one year of age, and can be diagnosed in older children. We are talking about neglected vitamin deficiency, which provoked deformation of the skeleton and muscle atrophy.

The manifestations of this disease in children include frequent flinching of the arms and legs, sticky and unpleasant smelling sweat of a viscous consistency, hair loss on the back of the head.

Thyroid problems

Excessive sweating is characterized by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. It affects not only children, but also adults. Violations of the hormonal background give increased sweating, and the sweat has a sticky and viscous consistency, it smells unpleasant. The sweat caused by the overactive thyroid gland tends to stand out very strongly against the background of stressful situations.

The problem of weakened immunity in children is often accompanied by profuse sweat due to constant attacks on the body of pathogens that are difficult for him to overcome.

Upset gastrointestinal tract

Baby sweating sometimes appears as a symptom of gastrointestinal disorders. In addition to ice sweat, they are characterized by the appearance of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach. Food poisoning also causes a deterioration in general health, pallor, fatigue, and a lethargic state.

Lymphatic diathesis

Age-related pathology, called lymphatic diathesis and characteristic of children who are three years old, also gives profuse night sweats. It tends to pass by the age of five on its own, however, the pediatrician can prescribe a light herbal preparation related to homeopathy to relieve the child's condition.

A soothing bath, which reduces sweating, is also good in such cases. In cases where similar symptoms are observed in children under the age of seven, a complete medical examination of the body is required. There is a possibility of having a serious pathology like tuberculosis.


Sometimes, childhood night sweats are caused by bad heredity. It is impossible to eliminate hyperhidrosis of this origin. In this situation, symptomatic treatment is recommended.

Disruption of the central nervous system

The presence of problems in the functioning of the baby's central nervous system also signals about itself with nocturnal hyperhidrosis. The sweat is sticky, strong-smelling, covering the upper body.

Taking medications

Profuse night sweats in children are triggered by taking certain medications. This phenomenon disappears as soon as the baby recovers and the medications are canceled.

Home treatment

Hyperhidrosis causes discomfort in children. Therefore, you should get rid of the problem as soon as possible, especially if it is provoked by the disease. First of all, you need to seek medical help in order to find out the reasons for what is happening.

For parents, a number of home methods are recommended to deal with the manifestations of children's night sweats, which will help solve the problem if it is caused by external factors and help get rid of it if the hyperhidrosis is triggered by a certain disease. These include the following:

  1. Normalization of temperature and air humidity in the nursery.
  2. The habit of dressing the child according to the weather, not wrapping him up.
  3. Daily bathing. It is recommended to add sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs (string, chamomile) to the water for bathing the baby. The broth on oak bark is especially good. Doctor Komarovsky advises parents to combine evening bathing with hardening of their child. It is enough each time to slightly cool the water (by half a degree) to a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius. A twenty-minute water procedure will be enough for the baby to sweat less and strengthen the body's defenses.
  4. Establishing a children's diet. To make the child less sweaty at night, fatty dishes with fried meat, sweets, smoked meats, spicy foods, coffee drinks, and strongly brewed tea are excluded from the menu. Baby food should be based on fruits and vegetables, boiled or steamed meat dishes. The evening meal should be light. Overeating is highly undesirable. Immediately before going to bed, you cannot eat, in extreme cases, you can give the baby an apple, milk or kefir. You should not get carried away with juices in the evening. You can drink some still water at night. Drinking plenty of fluids on the eve of a night's rest is fraught with an increase in the problem of hyperhidrosis.

Children tend to sweat at night due to the imperfection of the nervous system. When it is fully formed, the problem of baby night sweats will be solved by itself.

However, if this did not happen by the age of seven, and the child suffers from profuse sweating during sleep, an urgent consultation with a pediatrician is needed.

If parents notice that the baby is sweating more than usual, even in a calm state, you need to see a specialist. The condition may indicate some kind of disease or improper care of the baby.

Sweat glands begin to function as early as the third week of a child's life, but the final formation takes place before 6-7 years. Sweat cools the body and lowers the temperature, as well as getting rid of toxins. Impaired heat exchange leads to the fact that wrapping or a slight increase in air temperature leads to the active work of the sweat glands.

In infants, profuse sweating can be provoked by other factors:

  1. Hot, stuffy room where the baby is (a comfortable temperature for a full-term baby is 20 degrees, humidity is 70%).
  2. During breastfeeding, the baby can sweat due to the application of maximum forces, if the milk does not flow in an abundant stream (palms, face, neck sweat).
  3. Lack of fluid leads to increased sweating, thus the body is saved from overheating (an infant, especially an artificial baby, needs to be additionally given boiled, chilled water).
  4. Low-quality, synthetic underwear or bedding.
  5. Hot summer period.
  6. Strong, prolonged crying.
  7. Fright or other intense emotional stress.
  8. Overweight may be observed in infants.
  9. Improper nutrition of the mother, if the baby is breastfeeding (the presence of fatty, salty, fried foods, confectionery in the diet).

Premature babies are often prone to sweating. The respiratory, nervous and thermoregulatory systems are not fully developed. The body does not fully receive oxygen during respiration. The heart begins to work with a vengeance, and sweat appears.

All these harmless reasons are easy to eliminate and change, then the problem disappears. But there are also internal factors, then sweating becomes a symptom of some kind of disease.

Serious problem

In medicine, increased formation of sweat, not associated with external conditions, is called hyperhidrosis. The condition is pathological. Persistent perspiration is observed even in a calm state. After identifying the cause, treatment is aimed at eliminating it.

There are many reasons why a child's face, head, back or any other part of the body sweats:

Children's doctors pay special attention to the prevention of a disease such as rickets. If you do not recognize the disease in time and do not start treatment, then the consequences will be irreparable. The reasons are not only a lack of vitamin D. Improper nutrition of the mother, the birth of a baby in the autumn or winter, lack of physical activity of the baby and frequent colds provoke the disease.

If increased sweating is accompanied by other warning signs, then hyperhidrosis is not excluded:

  1. Wet, cold palms of the hands.
  2. Wet feet with an unpleasant odor.
  3. Wet clothes, especially in the underarm area, on the back, which have to be changed several times a day.
  4. Babies have wet hair, red face (especially during times of stress or excitement).
  5. Wet bedding after sleep.
  6. Sweat becomes sticky, can change color, and an unpleasant, repulsive odor is added.

Sweat in pathological cases appears too often, the behavior of the baby changes, sleep and appetite are disturbed. In these cases, it is imperative to undergo additional examination by an endocrinologist, cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, urologist.

Night reasons

The child may perspire at night. The reason may be a strong emotional stress in the daytime, a strong fear, or, conversely, a joyful event. An allergic reaction to bedding, tight swaddling, tight pajamas is not excluded. The room where the baby sleeps should be regularly ventilated. Stale, dry air can cause night sweats.

The reason for night sweats can be an individual characteristic of the organism. If the baby feels good during the day, eats as usual, then there is no need to worry. Perhaps with age, the problem of increased sweating will go away on its own.

Diseases that may accompany sweating during a night's sleep:

  1. Heart disease. A newborn child has difficulty breathing, a cough may join, the area around the nose and lips turns blue.
  2. If your baby sweats and wakes up several times during the night to drink, diabetes may be suspected.
  3. Rickets causes a strong production of sweat. The whole body sweats a lot in the baby. Sweat stains on bed linen. At the same time, a gradual deformation of the frontal bone of the skull is observed, the tummy increases, and a receding hairline appears on the back of the head. The kid becomes nervous, excitable, fearful.
  4. An infectious disease caused by bacteria or viruses can lead to sweating at night.

The child sweats a lot for a long time after ARVI or a cold. Especially the process of sweating increases at night.

If the baby played active, active games, laughed, crawled a lot just before bedtime, then in a dream he can shudder, cry, toss and turn. In response to poor sleep, excessive sweating occurs. Therefore, two hours before sleeping with a child, you need to stop noisy, mobile entertainment.

If the humidity and air temperature in the room meets the standards, the clothes are made of high-quality material, and certain parts of the body continue to sweat in the newborn baby, you need to be examined and tested.

Preventing the problem

To make newborn babies feel comfortable, and sweating disappears, you need to try to create all the conditions:

  1. Be sure to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room.
  2. Newborn children need to choose clothes and bedding only from natural fabrics, without bright patterns.
  3. Strictly observe hygiene, it is recommended to bathe the child daily. It is useful to add decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, string, oak bark to a bathing bath.
  4. No need to wrap up the child, swaddle tightly.
  5. Breastfeeding should take place in the most convenient and comfortable conditions, mom and baby should take a comfortable position. The baby should grip the nipple correctly.

Every tenth parent complains that the child sweats during sleep, the reasons for which he cannot determine. This can be caused by an uncomfortable environment for the child or individual characteristics of the organism. If increased sweating occurs in a baby who previously did not have this, this may be a symptom of some diseases.

Thermoregulation in children

In the first days of his life, the child sweats a lot, not only at night, but also during the day. This is due to the imperfection of the body's thermoregulation process, which is just beginning to form. Sweat glands begin to work in a baby only by the end of the first year of life. Their development ends by 4-5 years. For this reason, the temperature of children does not have the constancy of adults and can change under the influence of various factors: external temperature, crying, anxiety, illness, overexcitation.

The work of the sweat glands in babies is closely related to the activity of the nervous system and physical development. For this reason, overweight and large children and children with an easily agitated nervous system sweat more often during sleep. If a child sweats during sleep, the reasons may go away as the child grows up, strengthening his nervous system and the formation of thermoregulatory processes.

The child sweats during sleep - reasons

Most of the reasons that a child sweats during sleep are associated with healthy physiological processes in the maturing body. Only in a small proportion of excessively sweating children this phenomenon can be a symptom of the disease. Excessive sweating in a child can occur with the following diseases:

  1. Labored breathing. Holding your breath during sleep can be a sign of sleep apnea. Such breathing interruptions can lead to heart problems. Apnea is accompanied by noisy breathing and snoring.
  2. Heart diseases. In this case, sweating may be accompanied by general weakness, pale skin, blue nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Sweating will manifest itself in combination with weight loss, nervousness, and fatigue.
  4. Avitaminosis, rickets. Lack of vitamin D and calcium leads to increased sweating.
  5. Cystic fibrosis. Hereditary disease, leading to disruption of the work of all glands. This changes the amount of sweat and its composition.
  6. Phenylketonuria. A rare hereditary disease, one of the symptoms of which is increased sweating.
  7. Problems with the vegetative system, its underdevelopment and developmental disorders. It is not uncommon for a child to outgrow this problem over time.
  8. Colds. The increased temperature and exposure to toxins lead to increased sweating, which returns to normal after the child recovers.
  9. Hepatitis. If a child sweats during sleep, the reasons may be associated with the work of the liver. Viral hepatitis leads to increased activity of the sweat glands.

Night sweats in healthy children

If night sweats in a baby are not accompanied by other alarming symptoms, parents should pay attention to the following reasons:

  1. Air temperature: the baby can be hot, because many parents wrap their babies excessively.
  2. Clothes or clothes and underwear made from synthetic fabrics are too warm.
  3. The baby can sweat after noisy games, crying, stress, overexcitation.
  4. Sometimes sweating is associated with an individual characteristic of the body.

Sweating during sleep under stress

In stressful and unusual situations for a child, a small organism can react by sweating when the child sleeps. Stress for a child can be not only negative emotions, but also positive ones: communication with peers, a new toy, an excursion. A stressful situation leads to the activation of the nervous system and a surge of hormones that enhance the work of the sweat glands. If a child sweats during stressful situations and at night after them, it can be assumed that he has an emotional and sensitive nature.

Sweating in a child after an illness

It is not uncommon for a child to sweat during sleep after an illness. It is considered normal if sweating is increased within two weeks after recovery. This is due to the increased work of the sweat glands during illness in order to remove toxins and reduce fever. After an illness, it takes some time for the body to return to its normal state and the sweat glands reduce the production of sweat.

Night sweats for colds

If the child sweats at a temperature, the parents can only rejoice. This means that the baby's body is doing its job perfectly, trying to remove toxins and defeat the infection. Increased sweating leads to cleansing of the body and acceleration of recovery. Therefore, traditional medicine advises to wrap the child at and drink hot tea to induce sweating.

Sweating with rickets

Sweating, baldness of the back of the head in a child is observed with. At the same time, it is not night sweats that predominate, but sweating when cleansing the intestines and feeding the child. The secreted sweat has a sour smell, and the skin may itch. Symptoms accompanying rickets prevent the baby from sleeping properly, he becomes restless and capricious.

Parents try to understand why the child sweats during sleep, what are the reasons for this, not suspecting that it is rickets. It occurs in artificial children who have little sun exposure and live in dark rooms. Increased sun exposure is a major factor in rickets treatment and prevention.

Night sweats with anemia

It means a lack of hemoglobin in the body, which carries oxygen. Lack of this element leads to oxygen starvation, manifested by increased fatigue, nervousness, shortness of breath and sweating. In this state, the body tries to work at the limit of its capabilities in order to perform its usual functions. Parents notice that the child sweats at night, does not want to play and communicate, is naughty, often wants to sleep, the condition of the hair and nails worsens. You can get rid of this condition by correcting the diet and iron supplements.

Night sweats with oncology

One of the reasons why a child sweats during sleep is cancer. At the same time, sweat will appear, regardless of the temperature in the room, it will smell bad and sticky. The reason that the child sweats when falling asleep is the body's attempts to cleanse itself of toxins arising from the vital activity of cancer cells. Sweat is produced in such quantities that hyperhidrosis disease occurs. Increased sweating is typical for such oncological diseases:

  1. Lymphatic diathesis, in which the lymph nodes increase, nasal breathing worsens, and the immune defense decreases.
  2. Gigantism - tumors of the lower parts of the brain, leading to blurred vision, fatigue, and frequent headaches.
  3. Tumors of the nervous system increase the production of adrenaline and increase the activity of the sweat glands.
  4. Pheochromocytoma - damage to the adrenal glands, leading to severe weight loss in patients.
  5. Carcinoid - tumors localized in internal organs, manifested by edema of the extremities and redness of the skin.

Sweating in children - what to do?

  1. Maintain optimal temperature conditions. A temperature that does not exceed 22 degrees is considered comfortable for a child's sleep.
  2. Baby's clothes and bedding should be made of natural fabrics and should not be too warm.
  3. Before going to bed, the child should calm down, so for the evening you should choose quiet and calm games, reading books and listening to lullabies.
  4. Do not feed your child with spicy, salty or fatty foods before bedtime.
  5. Towards evening, reduce the amount of fluid intake.

Many parents constantly suffer from the problem of excessive sweating in their children under 12 years of age. In this article we will tell you why the child sweats a lot, how to fight. Some helpful hints will also be given.

Types of excessive sweating

Why does it sweat? The reasons may vary. First, you should learn about the characteristics of sweating in children under 10 years of age.

It is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary sweating. It is characterized by the release of a large amount of smelling sweat in accordance with the person's age due to frequent hormonal disruptions in adolescence and infancy. This phenomenon happens quite often.
  2. Secondary sweating. It arises as a result of pathological complications after an illness. May be due to obesity, diabetes, cancer, or genetic disorders.


There is also a separate term that sounds like "hyperhidrosis". It is characterized by excessive sweating and is part of the disease. Divided into 2 types:

  1. Diffuse. Covers the entire body of the child. Cause of occurrence: pathological complications after previous diseases or individual characteristics. The child is strong and in hot weather.
  2. Local. It manifests itself on different parts of the body. It is especially common on the palms, face and armpits. The cause of the occurrence is the individual characteristics of the organism.

The child is a year old

A one-year-old baby sweats a lot, what should I do? No worries. During the first months, a system of thermoregulation of the skin and glands is formed in children. The baby may also sweat a lot while sucking milk. It expends energy, thereby sweating cools the body.

In general, in the first weeks of life, the baby's skin secretes an excessive amount of sweat due to the unformed process of thermoregulation. At this age, the child sweats a lot: the head, palms and heels.

Sweating in children 2-3 years old

Why do children two to three years of age sweat?

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Excess weight. According to statistics, overweight babies sweat a lot more than normal weight babies. It is worth revising the child's daily diet. The problem can also be hidden in the wrong metabolism. Write down the baby is not a section, walk in the fresh air and play outdoor games.
  2. Active and fast children sweat much faster than their peers. This process is especially intensified in a dream.
  3. Dry air. A fairly common cause is dry air in the children's room. It is also relevant in winter. If the child sweats a lot, then to get rid of this problem, it is enough to put something wet in his room. This could be a small aquarium or a wet towel on a battery. It is worth ventilating the room more often and doing wet cleaning.
  4. Premises. The child must definitely sleep not only in a well-ventilated room, but also with a predetermined temperature not exceeding 20 degrees Celsius. It is especially worth paying attention to this factor during winter frosts. Excessive exposure to conditioner also provokes increased sweating.
  5. Insufficient air regulation. A common cause of sleep sweating is air with a lot of carbon dioxide. Ventilate the apartment often.

Why do children 4-9 years of age sweat?

Why does the problem arise in children of four to nine years old?

There may be several reasons:

  1. If the child sweats a lot during sleep, then the reason lies in the inflammation of the lymph nodes. Children can be irritable, moody, and cry often. The problem is the disease, excessive sweating is a complication. Remember, did the child suffer from infectious diseases not so long ago? Immunity is not yet strong, but you shouldn't worry. In this way, the body is protected from bacteria.
  2. Allergy to medications. To avoid a problem, it is necessary to carefully study all the components of any medication and simply stop using if complications appear.
  3. Smelling sweat may appear due to the onset of the formation of hormonal characteristics.
  4. At the age of 8-9 years, excessive sweating occurs either due to hereditary characteristics or due to hormonal disruption. Discharge can be sticky, sticky. It is advisable to consult a specialist during this period.


In adolescence, everything is much easier. Hyperhidrosis in a young child is normal. Due to the sharp and rapid formation of the hormonal system, the body releases a large amount of energy, which means a large amount of sweat.

It's time for parents to teach their teen to take care of themselves and take care of personal hygiene.

Contacting the clinic

The child sweats a lot during sleep, what should I do? This phenomenon is not uncommon. When going to a medical facility, many doctors say that the child has not yet formed sweat glands. That is why they will work intermittently for up to 5-7 years. After this time, they fully develop and operate normally.

Interestingly, in children, thermoregulation is completely different from that of an adult. Heat transfer between tissues is regulated by the lungs. Due to the fact that children are less tolerant of dry air, they very often get colds. The mucous membranes can dry out, each breath will be accompanied by coughing and pain. In adults, however, thermoregulation is carried out through the pores in the skin, which means that they are more resistant to colds.

So if your child sweats a lot while sleeping, then don't worry. After going to the doctor, wet the room, ventilate the room, or get aquarium fish.

Ways to treat the problem

For a start, you should consult with a specialist. The reason may be individual or pathological, and not due to hormonal changes.

Proceed step by step:

  1. Diagnostic treatment. It is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the baby's body by a doctor. When examining young children, a specialist may need to donate: blood for sugar (you should not exclude diabetes mellitus) and a general blood test to find out about the functioning of the system. Also, the doctor can prescribe a consultation with other specialists. She definitely does not need to disdain!
  2. The kind of problem. Once the diagnosis is established, it is time to start treatment. If the child sweats a lot, then the problem is most likely physiological. You need to do the following:
  • Try to keep the room temperature under 23 degrees Celsius.
  • Don't skimp on the baby. Buy quality clothing made from linen or cotton.
  • Change his diet. Focus on vitamins and foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins.
  • Bathe your baby often. It is advisable to carry out bath procedures every day, but no more than 1 time.

Does the child sweat a lot because of the extra weight? We urgently need to increase its activity. Get into the habit of playing sports, walking in the fresh air, gradually increasing the load.

Folk ways

If the problem lies in hormonal disruptions, then the solution can be found in the methods of traditional medicine. For example, baths can help. 30-40 g of oak bark must be poured into 1 liter of water and let it brew for several days. When bathing, add the mixture to the bathroom and stir. After 10 minutes, change the water and continue the procedure.

There is one more recipe. It is necessary to pour 25 g of sage with boiled water and let it brew. Strain after 2 hours and pour into the bath. You can take the bath in an unlimited amount of time.

Also, many traditional healers advise taking a child to the sea once every 3 weeks. Thus, his immunity and sweating are normalized, since water has long had many medicinal properties. From a medical point of view, this fact has not been confirmed. But still, the child not only takes another bath, but also breathes in fresh air.

Hormonal features

If the child sweats a lot during sleep and the reason is hormonal features, then it is worth trying treatment with cosmetic drugs. They can help relieve symptoms, itching or redness. It is worth applying a hypoallergenic deodorant with oils and herbal infusions to the area of ​​the armpits. The skin is nourished with vitamins, it will be constantly moisturized and fresh. Also, with the help of cosmetics, you can prevent skin roughness or thickening.

Surgical intervention

If sweating only increases every day, and the child feels worse and worse, then surgery will help solve the problem. But it is important to remember that it is performed only in the worst situations, when there really is no way out.

Preventive measures

In order not to catch any pathological disease or hyperhidrosis, you need to carry out constant and continuous prevention:

  1. Every evening, bathe the child or wash it in the shower. Water treatments reduce the number of bacteria on the body. In this way, skin irritation can be avoided. The child, in turn, will receive cheerful emotions from water procedures.
  2. Whenever possible, run air baths on the baby's skin (let him run naked around the apartment).
  3. Try to exclude hot coffee, dark chocolate, and spicy foods from your child's diet. They affect the normal functioning of the sweat system.
  4. Dress your baby in clothes made of natural and high quality fabrics. When buying a synthetic item, be sure to ask the seller about its properties.
  5. Buy beauty products for teens. Antiperspirants are excellent at moisturizing the skin and preventing excessive sweating and unpleasant odors. This is especially true in adolescence when the correct hormonal cycle is being formed.


Now you know why the child sweats a lot. The reasons for this phenomenon were named in the article. Sweating is not an easy problem, but it has many solutions up to surgery.

Most often it spreads until adolescence, and disappears at the age of 16. It is important to support the child during this period, to teach how to use cosmetics and take medications.

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