Summits on May 9 with Victory Day. Poems Happy Victory Day

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, their unyielding fortitude and invincibility of spirit! The caring attitude of the older generation to the fate of their Motherland should become for everyone a shining example of patriotism and the strength of the people's faith!
The veterans paid a great price for the Victory, many are no longer with us today! But we remember their military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of your loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful and the sun shine brightly!

Congratulations on May 9 for the organization

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! Today, in peacetime, we honor and remember those thanks to whom we can work in peace, enjoy life and bring up our children! Thanks to them, our heroes, who gave all their strength for Victory, we make plans for the future and can calmly think about tomorrow!
We wish your organization prosperity and success, and your employees - vigor, good health and spring mood!

May 9 Victory Day, congratulations on the holiday

With all my heart, let me congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! On this significant day for everyone, we want to wish you peace, goodness and prosperity in your home, good luck, joy and success in your endeavors, as well as love and harmony in the family.
Once again, happy holidays!

Congratulations to May 9 in prose from relatives

Dear veterans and home front workers!

I sincerely congratulate you on this significant date - the 65th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War! Years go by, but the memory of the feat of our heroes does not fade. We are delving deeper into history, learning new facts, all new facts of those tragic events that turned the lives of millions of people.
Those trials that have befallen your lot could only be endured by people who are brave and strong in spirit, brave, courageous, who love their Motherland and their people!
Low bow to you, our front-line soldiers, home front workers, widows and children of war! May the sky be cloudless, and the people around you do everything possible to keep you healthy and happy! Happy Victory Day!

Sincere congratulations to veterans on May 9

Our dear veterans,
You are an example for us for all years.
Despite age and wounds,
The soul has remained young in you.
You went through the fighting years,
Defending the honor of their country,
For your children to live in peace
So that they do not know the horrors of war.
We congratulate you on Victory Day,
And we wish you many long years
Be healthy, our grandfathers,
And live for over a hundred years!

Congratulations on Victory Day on May 9

Happy Victory Day
We wish you peace on earth.
Let the shells rumble
Only festive fireworks.
May on the solar planet
Children live happily
What the grandfathers conquered
Let them not give up!

Congratulations on Victory Day - May 9 in verse

On a spring day, on Victory Day,
We want to wish you:
More happiness, more laughter
And less to fight.
More peace in your home
And, of course, don't get sick.
More sun, bright colors
And do not grow old in soul!

Congratulation text for May 9

A terrible word is war, and a wonderful word is Victory!
It's so hard to realize that every year there are less and less of them! Our veterans ... They held out, did not break and did not surrender!
They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when on May 9 they learned about the Great Victory over fascism! Low bow to you, dear veterans and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! I wish you good health and long days of life!

Congratulations on May 9 to Vladimir Putin

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday is celebrated today by millions of our fellow citizens, remembering the events of the Great Patriotic War and paying tribute to the memory and respect of our veterans!
Victory Day is a symbol of the immortal feat of warriors and home front workers, the greatness and strength of spirit of our people, manifested on the Day of the Great Patriotic War!
All your activities are aimed at the peaceful development of our country, economic stability and a bright future for descendants! We wish you great achievements and success in government activities, prosperity and happiness in your personal life!

Congratulations on the 9th of May

Dear war veterans, home front workers! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations from the administration, the trade union committee, the council of veterans of our enterprise on the Great Victory! To you, dear veterans, - our appreciation and gratitude for your feat of arms. One cannot but admire your glorious military and labor victories. You have learned everything: the joys of victories, and the bitterness of defeats, and a high love for the Motherland, and the collapse of ideals. Today it is very difficult for you. Let the autumn of your life be long and calm, filled with attention and care.
Happy holiday, our dear veterans! Good health, peace and prosperity to you all!

Congratulations on May 9 to the team

Fireworks on Victory Day on May 9,
A magic rainbow of bright lights
Peace and happiness have a straight road,
Let's go only along it.
We wish you joy, peace, health,
The radiance of the sun, spring foliage,
Success in work, inspiration and happiness,
Good friends and high dreams

Congratulations to the labor collective from May 9

Dear Colleagues!
On behalf of the management and the trade union, let me congratulate you on a great holiday - Victory Day!
The victory in May 1945 was and remains a landmark event in the history of Russia. The feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers will forever remain in our hearts. Eternal memory to them and glory to the victorious people!
Happy Victory Day!

Congratulations from the head of the city on May 9

Dear citizens and guests of our city! Today I congratulate you on the most patriotic holiday - the Great Victory Day! This holiday is celebrated today in everyone, because there is no family that would not know what the Great Patriotic War is! On the military front and in the rear, our descendants gave all their strength so that today we live happily and freely! Alas, the years fly by, and every day our veterans are getting smaller, and therefore I ask you to remember them always and show great attention and respect! Be happy, dear citizens! Peace to you, goodness and prosperity!

Congratulations on May 9

It is easy and pleasant to congratulate the world on the occasion of the coming of peace. There is so much kindness and light, pure feeling in this holiday that it is a real joy to express it.
We congratulate on the holiday of victory in the Great Patriotic War, the war that claimed the lives of so many millions of people, in the war that left its black mark, taking a human sacrifice, in almost every family.
Let the festive fireworks thundering and coloring the sky with bright colors forever teach children not to be afraid of explosions, let explosions be only a festive fireworks for our children!

We will not forget your great feat,
Take a deep, low bow from the bottom of the heart.
And we will tell our grandchildren
About what has been done for them long ago.
Thank you for the peaceful sky above us
For the fact that we live in our native land.
We sincerely wish you many years
Stronger health and happiness in fate!

Every day we leave those years
We know more and less!
How our great-grandfather fought, grandfather,
Dreamed of our happiness!
Suffered hardships, without love,
Hungry and cold!
How he gave his LIFE, ...
So let everyone remember!
That there are old people next to us,
Still don't ask
And how much grief and longing,
Sometimes they endure!
Let's get together on this day
We will appreciate!
For the fact that there is peace on earth,
Let's go to them with flowers!
We bow low to them,
For a heroic deed, glorious!
For their hard work in the rear,
For life after devastation!
For raising the country
Do not give up!
Our dear old people,
YOU Achieved Victory!
Health, my dears,
And let the troubles recede!

Congratulations on May 1 and May 9

May is rich in big holidays,
I send congratulations to you from my heart.
Let the sorrows pass from now on
I respect and love you.
May victory be daily
Let the soul bloom like the May world.
And big changes are coming
Happiness will definitely come!

Congratulations on May 9

The worst war in the history of mankind has ended 65 years ago. On this day, I want to remember everyone who gave their lives so that we live in peace, so that our life is calm and happy. I congratulate you on the holiday of the great victory!

Congratulations to veterans on May 9

May 9 is a special day
Day of your valiant victory,
She brought peace to many people.
Please accept our greetings.
We want to congratulate all veterans
With a great, legendary victory.
You managed to protect us from trouble,
We are grateful to you with all our hearts!

Congratulations on May 9

So that orders and medals shine brightly
On the chest of veterans who went through the war
Give them the sun on May 9
And to make it happy - we will give spring.
For us a gift, let it be forever
Peaceful skies and tranquil dreams
Joy in life, happy children
And a distant tomorrow where there will be no war

May 9 congratulations on Victory Day

Victory day was so far away
That sometimes there was not enough hope.
But they got up, to spite the enemies of all,
And they moved forward in steps.
And they brought victory
Not to the country, but to their wives, children.
They saved us from devastation,
And we are all grateful for that!

Congratulations on the holiday of May 9

How few of them remained - participants in those distant heroic events who, at the cost of their lives, saved the world from the brown plague. Left alone with their loneliness, their illnesses, old aching wounds, they quietly and imperceptibly leave this life.
How many times did my heart squeeze with pain when, when the doorbell rang during a visit to the veterans, strangers opened the door and said: "He has already died", or - "Bedridden." Sometimes at the door of another apartment, when she pressed the bell button, she kept repeating in her mind: "If only I would be alive!" And how joyful it was when we met the old, but still vigorous veterans. How many questions do they usually ask about the plant! And who is the director, and how things are going, and most importantly, they convey words of gratitude with tears in their eyes for not forgetting, remembering. Our dear veterans! Sincere thanks to all of you for the Victory! Low bow to you!

Congratulations in verses for May 9

Apple and cherry trees are blooming
The whole earth is bathed in rays.
People came out to congratulate each other.
"Happy Victory Day!" - exclamations are heard.
May the joy of the soul revive
Let the songs of the past sing.
The whole country is celebrating today
The day when the fathers go home.

Congratulations on Victory Day on May 9 in verse

Lilac blooms again
Spring thunderstorms are coming
Victory day comes
Fireworks are thundering outside the window.
For children, it's just a day
When they don't go to school
In the morning they watch the parade on the TV
In the evenings, the same fireworks.
We are from them and from us from all
Low, low bow to you
For their carefree laugh
Thank you old people
Thank you veteran
That saved the country from fascism,
That you are at the cost of your wounds
Won this war.
We congratulate you
Happy May 9
Happy victory day to you
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Congratulations to the holiday on May 9

May 9th brings to hearts
Hope and light faith.
After all, big eyes saw grief,
And they also saw the victory.
And we can defeat enemies together,
Gathered for truth and peace.
Let us stand and live
Free, reliable, beautiful!

May 1 and 9 congratulations

Happy sunny spring holidays
I am sending you congratulations with love.
Let hearts sigh with love
And not from misfortune or embarrassment.
May joy fill your hearts
So that they rejoice in the spring!
And let it never be
Sorrow or sadness and sorrow.

Congratulations to May 9 beautiful in verse

We congratulate you on the Victory Anniversary.
We wish health to all veterans.
You have done an incredible work,
The enemy, in his lair, then you have defeated.
We wish you now to live comfortably.
With your military labor, you deserve everything.
Honor, respect from us young,
For you who won in the forties.
And only under a peaceful sky would you live,
And they kept the memory of the terrible war.
The fire of the obelisks - like a symbol burns,
An order - so that the world will forever preserve.

Congratulations on May 9 to veterans

The battles have died down long ago
And the cannons were silent for a long time.
The days of war are over
Leaving a place of sorrow
For those who laid down their lives
On the altar of the great victory
Who did not live to see her,
Lost in this wild war.
But joy will replace sorrow
After all, the victory was won!
No matter how sorry
Millions killed.
Thank you we
We will speak tirelessly
And congratulate from the bottom of my heart
Happy Veterans Day!

May 9 congratulations

This day does not exist without tears,
But tears bring us joy.
We all remember victories
Let the tears of happiness flow!
It doesn't matter if the years go by
What is gray hair on the temples,
And it is important that they love and remember
They want to congratulate from the heart!

Sincere congratulations to the Veterans of the Great Patriotic War on May 9

Our dear veterans. On this memorable day for you, Victory Day, we want to wish you with all our hearts. Live long and with your memory let us not forget about the days that you passed with battles and won a great Victory in this terrible war.

Congratulations to veterans on May 9

Congratulations, veterans,
Here again came the victorious May.
And, although wounds sometimes ache -
Feelings of joy are overwhelming today.
You won and overshadowed
Homeland from the enemy ...
You will accept gratitude from us -
Victory is your dear to us!

SMS congratulations on May 9 to veterans

The enemy bravely defeated
And they gave us freedom
Today is this day and hour,
We want to congratulate you!

Congratulations on May 9 (Victory Day)

The battles have died down long ago,
Silence throughout the land
The terrible one ended
And a big war.
To everyone who brought victory
On strong hands
Low bow today.
We congratulate them.
For a peaceful sky to you,
For our calm childhood,
For standing by
We will thank you!

Congratulations to veterans on May 9 in verse

Veterans, put on your medals
And put on your medals.
On this day we honor all of you
Please accept our congratulations.
We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday
The most wonderful victory
And we say thank you
Dear great-grandfathers and grandfathers.

Congratulations on May 9 in verse

Every year your ranks become less frequent,
Every year there is more and more loss
But in soul you are young as before,
You have not aged in soul.
You went through this fiery hell to the end,
You won the victory
So that we keep gratitude in our hearts,
So that your feat will not be forgotten.
I want to congratulate everyone on Victory Day,
Even those who did not know the war,
Because the sky is peaceful for everyone,
So father and grandfather bequeathed!

Congratulations to the holiday of May 9

Victory day, bright memory day,
He brought the survivors home.
From such an unreal victory
My heart is beating more and more often.
After all, a victory at a great cost
Our people got it in that war.
Do not forget the names of our heroes,
Those who survived and who survived.

Congratulations to veterans on May 9

The war ended long ago
They still remember her.
And everything should be so with us,
We all congratulate them today.
They went through death and fear
They won the victory
They keep everything in memory,
We have no right to forget.

Congratulations on May 9 to veterans of the Great Patriotic War

Once upon a fine day
Happy spring day
Infused with the spirit of lilac
The soldier returned to the house.
Once upon a time, on the same day,
In a completely different house,
The soldier did not return home
There they wept bitterly for him.
Victory Day is the day
When hearts mingled
Joy and pain of loss
Only fear is missing.
He was defeated by those
Who defended the earth for us,
Who sparing no effort
He brought the victory closer.
And so she came
And she is with us forever -
Victory spring
45th year spring.
Happy Holidays, dear,
May the years be long
Your feat all of Russia,
The whole world will always remember!

Congratulations in verse to war veterans on May 9

I dedicate this verse -
Defenders of the Fatherland.
For what you guarded,
Dreams and thoughts of childhood.
For standing proudly
Until blood in battle.
And step by step went to victory
You are in the same ranks.

We wish you health
Long, long years.
It is a pity that many in our time,
In this world, no.
I bow before you.
For all humanity,
Congratulations, heroes -
Defenders of the Fatherland.

Congratulations on May 9 to Afghan warriors

Dear Afghans! Please accept my sincere congratulations on a great day - May 9! This holiday with tears in your eyes is especially dear to you, because you, too, went through a cruel war, defending peace and giving the joy of Freedom! May Victory Day give you only joy, only happiness and only prosperity!

May 9 congratulations to veterans

No, the years did not heal the wound,
It still hurts to remember the war.
They lived in ruin and without bread,
To save the poor country.
They managed to overcome hunger,
And the enemy strong troops,
And disasters will never break them,
After all, their strength is in victory forever!

Mayor's congratulations on May 9

Dear citizens,
On this wonderful May day
Let's remember those who are above the enemies
He managed to raise the flag in his hands.
After all, they got the victory
At an exorbitant cost.
Gratitude is only left
Give us for our peace!

Congratulations to widows on May 9

Dozens of years have passed, and the widows are all waiting for them:
That their loved ones will come from the battle.
There is nothing to heal the pain of the heart.
So in anticipation they have to live.
Not just these years they lived,
During the day everything was in labor, but at night I could not sleep.
Widows can only understand
Who had to wait for someone from the front.
We congratulate all the widows on Victory Day,
We wish you health, endurance and courage.
Husbands paid their debt with interest,

Congratulations to veterans on May 9

“With a terrible victory over the army,
With a victory over a great grief,
With a huge and important victory! " -
Tell all the veterans.
Let them know that we love and remember
That we appreciate their valiant work,
That we won't allow anymore
Attack enemies if they come.

Congratulations on May 9 in verse warm

Drink combat 100 grams,
Remember the years of the front,
Remember those who are not alive
Those who did not come home.
On this day, both joy and sadness
So close, but the joy is stronger.
You went through a big war
We survived, survived in it!
Those who defended their homeland
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Remembering that we owe them
We have a happy childhood!

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

For the entire population, May 9 is a very important day - this is Victory Day. Congratulations on May 9 are the most popular on such a special day of the year. We offer you a congratulation that will express your gratitude to all those who fought and who are no longer alive, but there are people close to them. They remember and honor the memory of the defenders. They will be pleased to receive congratulations on May 9, as their loved ones have been honored with eternal memory and awards for many centuries to come. Such congratulations will remain in memory as gratitude for the sacrifice for the whole people. It will remind you that every person will never forget the gift given to us many years ago - this is confidence in the future.

Happy Victory Day! Happy date
And at the same time, an hour of bright sorrow ...
Millions died once
To redeem freedom for us!

So let us note joyfully, heartily -
Keeping Joy Through the Years:
Happiness, deserved eternal feat,
Stays with us forever!

Happy Victory Day, I congratulate you,
For courage, I bow to you,
I wish you good health,
Not from explosions, but from happiness thunder

In your life, let it be distributed with light,
Kindness, love, warmth!
Let the gentle wind blow
With grace, with your dream!

Victory Day is a great, nationwide holiday, which is commonly called a holiday with tears in our eyes. Every year fewer and fewer veterans of the Great Patriotic War remain among us, but the memory of their exploits in those terrible and terrible years will never be erased! Let's protect our peaceful sky, surround the glorious veterans with care and attention! May the salute of the Great Victory fill our hearts with joy and pride for the war heroes who defended their native land!

We celebrate Victory Day today,
And on this day I wish you peace!
May war never come to us
And the Earth always lives happily!

Let the bird noise wake us up in the morning,
And the grass pleases everyone with the freshness!
And the sun shines brighter and warmer
And the clouds weave lace in the sky!

Words are hard to come by. They are inside.
Even though that victory is far away, it burns.
Immortal flames of fire
In the soul of all living people.

Let us express our respect in silence.
And extra loud confessions.
Without pathos, without wasting words
Let us honor fathers, husbands, grandfathers.

Let's congratulate the world on a great day,
With whom we live in memory.

Victory Day was achieved as a result of inhuman stamina, efforts and efforts of millions of people. Today, on May 9, we again remember this great feat, strength of spirit and patriotism ... Let the war no longer concern future generations, and let life be filled with ordinary joys: the sincerity of loved ones, faithful friendship and incorruptible love!

Congratulations on Victory Day!
I wish you good days.
The world is always clear around,
Good news, health and warmth.

Happy Victory Day! Happy holiday!
Life is in peace, care, warmth.
May the most desirable and most victorious
Every day will be for everyone on earth!

Congratulations on Victory Day!
I want to wish peace
And to all the children on the planet
Never know war.

Glory to the defenders of our country,
May there never be a war
May Victory Day remind you of this,
Peaceful sky, goodness and health.

The victory was hard for us
And the bitterness of that misfortune remained forever,
I wish everyone to live happily
And the war never happened again!

And again spring, and on May 9
People walk along the streets with a smile.
They congratulate each other on the Victory,
They expect solar joy from the holiday!

Happy Victory Day!
Let all troubles go away.
Eternal world
And endless happiness.

Happy holiday exciting, great -
Happy Victory, courage, spring,
We wish the sky to be peaceful
We wish there was no war.

Cheers cheers! Happy Victory Day everyone!
May our life be peaceful
The planet is blooming, the sun is shining
And happiness whirls everyone like a whirlwind!

Thank you grandfather for the Victory,
For our life, for the world, for the sky,
Your feat will live for many years
Thank you for living and believing!

I wish you happiness on Victory Day,
Happy, good days,
Do not know sadness and bad weather,
Live in joy and peace for everyone.

Congratulations on Victory Day,
Peace, sun and love.
To people on the planet
They could be happy!

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole planet,
Victory Day is a memory of that spring
I wish that always under a peaceful sky
People of the whole Earth lived in happiness!

May is magical on Victory Day
Gives paints and flowers!
Our grandfathers defended
Peace for this beauty!

Victory Day is our pride,
This is a big holiday parade.
Let the country become more and more beautiful
And the native land lives without warriors!

Happy Victory Day, beautiful bright days,
To keep life calm
So that the sun always shines clearly
And the war did not break the peace!

Let the sky be blue
And bright, very clean.
So that Victory Day is the best,
Bringing you joy in life.

May is raging, lilacs are blooming,
Victory day rushes to us,
Let more of the shadow of that war
No knocking on our door!

We wish you on the brightest Victory Day,
So that there is no more war in the world!
And what our grandfathers died for
We must save today again.

Good weather in the family and in the heart,
Health and strength, beauty and goodness.
And may the sun always shine brightly.
With the Great Victory! Hurray for the heroes!

Victory Day! Victory Day!
There is a festive fireworks in the sky.
Celebrate this holiday
Everything around - here and there.

I wish everyone in the world
Peace, happiness and warmth.
Without war, under a peaceful sky,
So that we always live!

On Victory Day veterans
They dress the orders
"Thank you for the Victory!"
The country speaks loudly.

The sun is gold medals
And the eternal fire burns
Every year there are fewer of them.
Stands on the parade here.

I'll go to the veteran
He is a hero and my idol
And I will tell him: “Thank you
Peace to you, grandfather! "

Great holiday Victory Day
Celebrated by the whole country.
Victory day, victory day,
Loudly we shout hurray!

Let great grandfathers wear
Combat orders.
Let them be proud of their beauty
The whole mighty country!

Fireworks and salutes,
Joy, happiness on this day.
We will give to veterans
Fragrant lilac!

We live in love and peace
No bombing, no war.
Our grandfathers deserve
Respect for the whole country.

Congratulations to the veterans,
We say thank you to them.
Memory of the Glorious Victory
Let's keep it in our heart!

Victory Day is a glorious holiday
We cherish the memory
Congratulations to veterans,
To them - "Thank you!" talking.

Every inhabitant of our land
May he always live in love
The sky will be the purest
The days will be joyful.

Happy Victory Day, veterans,
Happy Victory Day, the whole country,
The feat of great-grandfathers and grandfathers
We will always remember.

Peace to all and understanding,
Laughter and happy days
The sky is clear above us,
Loyal, loyal friends.

Happy May Victory Day
Congratulations to our grandfathers.
"Thank you!" we say
For the peace of our country,
That we have a warm home
And nobody cries in it.
We wish veterans
Stay with us longer!

Congratulations on your victory day
I wish everyone peace.
Let the sky be clean
The family will be happy.

Thanks to all the veterans,
We all remember your feat,
Low bow to you today
For reality and dreams.

Happy Victory Day,
I wish peace to the whole country
The sky is clear, kind,
Always be one!

I'm growing up a little
And I will go to the soldiers
I will protect everyone
And to protect peace!

All people today are happy -
Joy shines in your eyes!
Victory Day is a holiday of glory,
Feast of memory in the hearts!

With dad, with mom on Victory Day
We go out to the parade.
I carry a portrait of my great-grandfather
I am very proud, very glad.

Let everyone who got
This is a sky without war
In memory of their heroes
Will be faithful forever!

Happy Victory Day!
Memory, you are alive.
Happy Victory Day!
Peace to all, kindness.

Do not forget the victory day
We will remember, we will honor.
This is my homeland
You can't help being proud of her.
Feats of the native country,
We will praise for centuries.

It stands on a hillock:
Green old tank,
He is wounded by battles,
With scars on the sides ...

He saw victories too,
And sorrow - I saw
But never guys
I did not give reverse gear ...

I hurried forward - to Victory,
Not knowing fear, evil ...
Now at the monument
And there are kids nearby!

Thank you we say in years,
Thanks for the Victory to the veterans.
Today the whole country celebrates the holiday,
And we will not get tired of wishing peace to everyone.

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