Christmas crafts from plastic spoons and forks. Crafts from plastic spoons and forks

Svetlana Kozhevnikova

In December, I took part in the competition "Kindergarten Educator of the Year 2016" and took 2nd place. I provided a job crafts from disposable spoons and forks... Created paintings and flowers from disposable spoons and forks... Often, when we go to nature and have a picnic, we take plastic spoons with us.

After that, how the rule, there are still many such spoons, and they are kept in the locker for a long time.

Don't throw away plastic spoons. Even more, buy a few more spoons so that you can make a beautiful craft or even a few crafts.

Here are some interesting handicrafts which can be easily made using plastic spoons:

for example: Plastic ladybug spoons.

You will need:

Three plastic spoons

Acrylic paint



Black button

Super glue or hot glue.

Creative people with a rich imagination and imagination can make wonderful decorative gizmos from almost any material. An example of this are.

It would seem that they are only for one- to keep us company while taking food and then, once. But it was not there, the craftsmen decided that the range of their application could be much wider and more interesting.

This is how wonderful crafts from plastic spoons and forks... You can try to create something from them yourself. And let our today's collection serve as inspiration.

Try to do something too, it's very interesting and fast.

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My creativity from disposable plastic spoons and forks Dear friends, I greet everyone who has looked at my page. Women are very.

Plastic spoons and forks are one of the most inexpensive, affordable and easy-to-process creative materials. Even babies starting from three years old will be able to cope with the manufacture of the absolute majority of crafts. Plastic spoons fold wonderfully into the petals of tulips and roses, lotuses and water lilies; they make very beautiful ladybugs and incredible lamps. And what cute figurines, including those for a homemade puppet theater, can be made from spoons by adding pieces of fabric to them! Plastic forks are folded into a ready-made frame for multi-colored fans, panels and all kinds of decorative elements.

Finding new applications for plastic spoons and forks.

Contained in sections:
  • Rubbish. Classes, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme

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After direct use or buying a new disposable tableware, you can give it a second life - make various crafts out of it with your own hands. Moreover, such an activity is suitable for both young children and adults, it all depends on the complexity of the idea.

Ladybug made of plastic spoons

Everyone remembers and loves beautiful red bugs with black dots from childhood. Any child, no doubt, will love making such crafts from disposable tableware.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Three disposable spoons;
  • Flat button without through holes;
  • White, red and black acrylic paints;
  • Paint brush;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Glue gun.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to paint the prepared spoons, apply red on two spoons, and black on one. After the paint has completely dried on red spoons, dots should be drawn in black. The button also needs to be painted black, and the eyes should be painted on the sides with white paint.

Now you need to cut off the handles from the spoons with scissors, trimming the edges for beauty.

The next step is to glue the red wing spoons by stacking them one on top of the other. This is where you need a glue gun.

Then the finished wings are glued to the black spoon-body of the ladybug.

A button-head is glued to the base of the wing spoons. If you want, you can make a mustache out of wire and glue them to an impromptu head.

A thicker wire is glued to the black spoon so that the ladybug can be seated on a flower pot. Thus, our ladybug from spoons is ready, now we can send it to flowers.

You can watch the video about how to make snowdrops from plastic spoons.

Fan of disposable forks

You can create any kind of craft from disposable tableware, even from forks. For example, you can make a beautiful and practical fan for girls.

For this we need:

  • 22 disposable forks;
  • Red and white lace;
  • Red satin ribbons;
  • Beads;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or disposable paper plate;
  • CD-ROM;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors.

Draw a CD-disk over a cardboard or paper plate with a pencil, cut a circle along the contour and cut it exactly into two halves. On the outside of the semicircle, lay out the main attribute in such a way that the heads of the forks are tightly pressed against each other. In this position, the forks are glued to the cardboard semicircle with handles, about two centimeters from the edge. And a second semicircle made of cardboard is glued on top.

Now you can start decorating the fan. Flowers are cut out of white lace and glued to each fork. You can also thread red lace between the handles of the forks at the base of the fan, and glue lace flowers with beads on the cardboard and fasten a satin ribbon bow in the very center. This craft, despite its apparent fragility, can last a long time if you use high-quality materials when creating.

Kids crafts from disposable plates

The smallest craftsmen and craftswomen can easily make crafts from disposable plates. Having at hand white paper plates, paints, brushes, colored paper and glue, you can make interesting faces of animals or fairy-tale characters from ordinary plates, as well as assorted fruits.

For this, a plate is taken, painted in the desired color and decorated with pre-cut paper elements, although you can cope with the help of some paints. Thus, a set of ordinary disposable plates turns into a whole zoo or a fairy tale.

Crafts from plastic cups

Anything can be done from disposable cups - from a children's toy to an interior detail, it all depends on the imagination of the master. For example, having a glass, a marker and tubes, you can make a funny deer, which is shown in the photo.

And with the help of colored plastic cups, scissors and rhinestones, excellent flowers are made to decorate the walls for the holiday.

With a little more effort, a whole bunch of beautiful flowers can be assembled from multi-colored cups.

You can watch a master class on making a snowman from plastic cups in the video presented.

As you can see from the above, you can make various crafts from disposable tableware with your own hands, be it forks, spoons, cups or a set of plates.

It's amazing how much fun you can create with old spoons and forks. Do not rush to throw away the boring cutlery. They can easily turn into decorations, useful household items and stylish accessories that add interest to the interior.

Photo stand

The original photo stand will turn out from a fork with curved teeth. The only tool you need is a pair of pliers.

Cabinet handles

Unusual fittings are a guarantee that the furniture will look original. Handles made from teaspoons are perfect for kitchen cabinets. If desired, they can be engraved with a hint about what is hidden behind each door.

Buffet devices

Excellent devices for a buffet table will be obtained from forks with cut off cuttings.

Bright accents for the kitchen

To revive an old cutlery set, you can use a non-toxic paint that is suitable for working with utensils. Multi-colored handles will transform appliances and hide scuffs and scratches.

Plates in flower pots

Old spoons and forks will make unusual seedling plates.

Egg stand

An impressive egg holder is easy to make from a regular fork. This will take pliers and a little time to create a stable object.

Pendants and key rings

It is easy to flatten cut spoons with a hammer. And this is a ready-made base for a keychain or pendant.

Wall decoration

It's amazing how elegant spoons can look when attached to a canvas and framed. Before this, the devices must be covered with matte paint to match the frame.

DIY panel

For a modern interior, a more perky option is suitable - devices painted in bright colors and placed on a multi-colored fabric background.

Original chandelier

A truly grand accessory is the tiered chandelier made up of a variety of cutlery. Another similar embodiment of this idea can be found in.

Ringing suspension

A smaller option for small spaces is a pendant made up of two rows of threads with forks and spoons. In the wind, it will emit a pleasant melodic chime.

Spectacular pendants

Lovers of unusual jewelry can experiment with pliers and fork teeth - so you can create many fun pendants.

Elegant forks

Creating such beautiful buffet forks will take a lot of skill. But if you manage to twist the side teeth so gracefully, the admiration of the guests is guaranteed.

Sign holder

And it is convenient to fix the plates with the names of guests directly in the teeth of the fork.

Bindings for notes

Forks can act as note holders instead of boring buttons.

Tie-back for curtains

An ordinary bent fork will become an original curtain holder. The main thing is to dull the teeth well so as not to get hurt.


A stylish lampshade will turn out from dessert knives, spoons and forks. To do this, you need to free the old lampshade from the fabric and hang the devices on thin chains.

Small items baskets

Very original baskets for small things will be obtained from spoons with curved cuttings nailed to the wall.

Napkin clip

If you wrap a spoon handle in a loop, you get an excellent holder for tissue napkins.

In this article, you will learn how to make wall panels with your own hands. Disposable clock... It would seem a disposable spoon and forks, but when all finished watches look amazing and unusual, I will ideally fit for the dining room, kitchen, as an unusual element of the interior.

Materials and tools:

  1. 6 disposable spoons and forks;
  2. clockwork;
  3. glue (super glue or glue gun);
  4. drill, scissors;
  5. polystyrene sheet at least 5 mm thick (or other material for the base).

Step 1

Take spoons and forks and wash them to clean and degrease.

Step 2

Take a sheet of polystyrene, mark the center. Using a compass to outline a circle with a diameter of 12 cm. Then, using a knife, scissors, cut out a circle. Sand the edges lightly with fine sandpaper to make them smoother.

Step 3

Take a drill and drill a hole in the center for the clock shaft.

Step 4

Glue the forks and spoons alternately to the base using super glue or a hot glue gun. Before gluing, it is better to mark the base so that everything works out neatly. There should be enough space in the center for the clockwork.

Step 5

After the spoons and forks are glued to the base, let's start painting (choose the paint color you like best). We paint from a spray can, it is better to apply the paint in thin layers and in several layers.

We glue the clockwork and put the hands in place, glue the ring to the clockwork to hang them on the wall.

We insert the battery, set the time, hang it on the wall and enjoy the result.

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