Awesome crafts made from plastic packaging. What to do with egg boxes? What can be made from egg packs

Actually, the author of Rosi Jo "used plastic egg trays to create a wedding bouquet) It turned out very delicate, unusual and beautiful, a wonderful combination of plastic with wildflowers, ferns and pearls, but I don't think that using junk material can be useful for a wedding) It's like -that is frivolous and too cheap. Therefore, I just call the publication a flower bouquet that you can put in a vase and decorate the interior of your home. Many thanks to the author for the idea and master class!

To create a flower bouquet, we need fern leaves, wild white flowers, pearl beads, wire and ribbons

We will make flowers from such a plastic container for chicken eggs. They, containers, are different: white, transparent, yellowish, etc., in our version we used transparent matte. And one more usefulness, since we are talking about products and goods for the home). I suggest you take a look at the site of the Kiev store, here you can buy pots - enameled, heat-resistant, glass, stainless steel, Teflon and so on. In the assortment of the store, you will find a large selection of household and electrical goods from leading manufacturers at reasonable prices, by the way, the prices for pots are the lowest here. You can call by phone and purchase a set of pots that perfectly match your kitchen interior)

Here is such a wonderful flower we should get:

For work we need scissors and silicone glue

We need several cells for the main center of the flowers, cut them out as shown in the photo below:

Cut out other cells in one strip with a rounded side, see photo

We twist into a tube

Glue with hot silicone glue

You can also make a wreath, a very stylish combination of white plastic flowers with red

Eggs are one of the staples in our diet. An average family of 3-4 people can consume up to two or even three dozen eggs per week (if used in baking). And what to do with the packaging? If you still think egg boxes are only good for seedlings, here are some alternative uses for them.

Container for birds

Egg boxes can make wonderful bird feeders. Autumn is gaining momentum, and birds will soon need our support. Even a child can make feeders. It is enough to thread the threads along the edges, fill the grooves with food and hang this simple structure on a tree branch.

Cardboard soundproofing

Often, our peace is disturbed by external noises, including neighbor repairs, from which our ears simply get tired. Why not go into soundproofing? And you don't have to spend money on materials - used egg boxes are suitable for these purposes. They are sheathed with walls and a ceiling. So one rock music lover set up his home recording studio.

Part of the compost

If you started to form a compost pit and have already thrown food waste and weeds there, then be sure to add some dry ingredients there, including dry leaves, grass and crushed egg boxes. For an optimal compost composition, it is recommended to combine dry and wet waste in a ratio of 50x50.

Children for joy

Most egg boxes are made from recycled cardboard or paper, which is a great craft material for kids. From it you can create a lot of funny things that will not only delight your children, but will also contribute to the development of their imagination and stimulate creativity.

Bright palette

Mini egg containers are also good as a paint palette. Plastic containers work best - they are more practical. In each of the cells, you can dilute a different paint. After practicing creativity, the egg box can be easily closed and neatly removed until next time.

New Year's little thing

New Year's holidays are not far off, which must be met with an elegant Christmas tree. If you store large jewelry for a forest beauty in large boxes or containers, then egg cells are quite suitable for small balls and beads. They are lightweight and easy to handle. In them, small decorations will be kept in order and will not get confused.

Treasure chest

In addition to New Year's trinkets, it is convenient to store all kinds of household trifles in egg boxes - whether it be construction gadgets (nails, screws, screws, etc.) or sewing accessories (threads, needles, thimbles, etc.). For aesthetics, the box can be painted and decorated. And on the cells it is useful to write or attach the necessary notes with numbers or letters.

Serious crafts

This is a way for the most patient and creative - to make furniture or even a house out of egg boxes. For example, one Australian contractor Tom Silva built a small Lego-style dwelling out of egg boxes and called his project The Original Dream. But there is one catch - a lot of material will be required. It is unlikely that you have saved up enough boxes for such large crafts. You can solicit them in warehouses or shops, or order from a wholesale manufacturer.

New art

Contemporary artists love to embrace unconventional materials as the basis for their masterpieces. They did not pass by the side and egg boxes. One Dutch painter Enno de Kroon even invented a whole trend - "egg cubism". Instead of canvas, he uses egg containers, painting them in a special way and resulting in an interesting, voluminous work. Looking at it from different angles, each time you can see new images.

Cardboard light

An original and practical use for egg boxes was invented by the Spanish designer Federico Oterino. He created stylish lamps and floor lamps from them. It is quite simple to do this: it is enough to connect two or three boxes in a round, volumetric shape.


If you have something to grow seedlings in, try to breed mini-gardens of small plants in egg boxes. It will become an unusual and stylish accessory for your home, as well as a fun and educational activity for your children. In such small containers, it is convenient to breed healthy watercress, onions or special grass for cats.

Tree protection

A voluminous, high fence made of egg containers, designed for young seedlings, looks great. Practical and aesthetic design. But again, there is a lot of material here.

Bottomless vase

If you like simple homemade crafts, make a regular vase out of an egg box. Fold a large container of 30 eggs into three to four equal pieces and glue the edges together. You can put dried flowers in such a vase without a bottom.

Do you have any ideas for using egg boxes? Share!

If your family lives in a private house and keeps their laying hens (beauty! ..), then the question does not arise: what to do with empty cardboard trays? Most city dwellers, on the other hand, have the opportunity to add egg containers to their business - after all, this is an excellent material for children's creativity (and not only)! They are easy to cut, easy to paint, easy to make holes or make into papier-mâché gruel. Today we will review interesting crafts that you can easily make with your child.

Flowers, bouquets, wreaths

Bright artificial flowers are useful for creating a festive mood: decorative bouquets, wreaths, panels, postcards - choose what you like. Cardboard roses, daffodils, cyclamens, daisies and other flowers are quite simple to make: we need egg trays, scissors, glue, wire, corrugated paper, paints (gouache, watercolor, acrylic), optionally buttons, beads or beads.

Rosettes: separate the single segments from the tray, carefully trim the edges and cut out the petals. Bend the edges outward with your fingers. We make the inner petals - cut one container, round the edges and roll up into a tube. Then we connect the core and outer petals with glue. For the splendor of the rose, you can add separate petals. After the workpiece is dry, paint it with paints. We pass the wire through the bottom and wrap it with colored paper. You can cut leaves from the back of the package or from any cardboard (and do not forget to paint them).

To make an open flower like a chamomile, simply cut the sides of the cardboard segment into eight pieces and decorate them beautifully. In this case, you can string a button or bead on the wire - you get a beautiful core of the flower.

Cockerel candy bowl

We again disassemble the tray into separate cells: cut 5-6 like "chamomile" into eight feathers (up to the middle of the side of the cell). Slightly bend the edges outward: for a couple of cells weaker (for the head), for the rest - more puffy (this will be the neck). Then we take glue in our hands and make a pyramid slightly inclined to the side out of the cells. We make a scallop, beard and beak from the lid of the egg tray - and attach it to the head.

Now we inflate a balloon and wrap it with strips of newspaper dipped in glue. Add the last layer of white paper, and after drying, blow off the ball (and remove). Trim the edges carefully to create a roomy cup. We glue a cardboard ring-stand to it at the bottom. We attach the head and tail feathers from cardboard. It remains only to color the candy bowl.

Hedgehogs from egg trays

We take the cardboard and twist it into a cone about 15 cm long.Cut the egg packaging and make the hedgehog's face: remove the bottom from one cell, cut one of the side folds and fold the cardboard so that one of the four walls is under the other edge (in the cut - triangle).

We glue the muzzle to the cone-base, add round ears from two bottoms of the cells, a nose from the tip at the junction of the cells and beady eyes (or buttons - but you can just draw). Cut out needles from the rest of the tray (exactly the same as flower petals or rooster feathers).

We glue them one at a time so that the needles of the new row fall into the gaps of the previous one (like seats in a cinema). We draw paws on the egg cell, cut out and glue. Well, now - for the paints!

Funny insects

Caterpillar, butterfly, ladybugs, spiders - you can't make anyone from egg trays! For the caterpillar, cut off one row of trays, paint, add small details - and you're done. In addition to everything else, a butterfly will need wings made of paper or cardboard - every kid will probably want to paint them with patterns. We make spider bugs from separate cells of trays.

Ladybugs will need six cardboard legs each, and spiders will need eight - ideally made of wire wrapped in papyrus paper - but why not experiment with the materials at hand?

Jellyfish from egg trays

Everything is quite simple here: individual cardboard cells turn into the heads of sea inhabitants, and anything can act as tentacles: from knitted ribbons to a banal serpentine. We select the appropriate color for each jellyfish, make eyes and a "smile" - and you can hang it even on a garland, even on a Christmas tree, even on some accidentally empty lonely nail.

Toy men

Many progressive designers and artists today give preference to projects that reuse unnecessary materials. Among them is the artist Michelle Pacey, who is not afraid to professionally deal with such a banal thing as egg trays. So, toy men, outwardly reminiscent of "Lego" and characters of old computer games, are glued from a pair of cardboard cells, and hairstyles and clothes - from scraps of fabric. It looks like Michelle is giving us a good idea: why not create with the children a whole collection of fairy-tale heroes and characters with different professions?

Paintings on an unusual canvas

Why not take a large square tray, paints, brushes - and turn it into something derived from painting and sculpture? Individual cells can be painted so that they will resemble, for example, the tops of bananas and various vegetables and fruits, flower petals, and other details of the picture. This new style of "eggcubism" (egg cubism) was founded by the Dutch artist Enno de Kroon.

The painter says that he always liked to play with the distortion of the image, which confuses the beholder, makes him think about the very manner of viewing the picture and look at the environment from different perspectives.

The main highlight of such caricatured "canvases" is that the appearance of the picture changes depending on the viewing angle. Try to paint a couple of trays yourself - at least this activity will give you and your children an evening of unbridled fun.

Well, we don't end there: we have a second portion of interesting crafts from egg trays ahead of us - so don't rush to throw away such valuable creative raw materials!

If you have accumulated a large amount of cells for eggs, and you don't know what to do with them, but you don't want to throw them away, we offer you an overview of interesting ideas for crafts from such boxes.

1. Egg boxes can be used to create a working mass in papier-mâché (more in this article), from which you can do it yourself interesting figures and sculptures. You can place them not only at home, but also on the street, having previously processed them with special means that protect against external influences. An example of such a sculpture is shown in Fig. 1.

Oil, tempera or alkyd paint is used as such a protective agent. Gouache and watercolors are not recommended for use due to the fact that these types of paints are erased and dirty. But if you add a little PVA glue to these paints, then this is permissible. For greater durability, it is desirable to cover the product with colorless acrylic or parquet varnish in two or three layers. It is also recommended to prime and sand the product with fine sandpaper before painting.

Fig. 1 A papier-mâché figure using egg boxes

2. You can do a lot. They themselves will prompt you ideas, so you can safely connect them to the creative process.

Fig. 2 Children's crafts from egg trays

3. You can make long burning firelighters for a fire or fireplace. To do this, you need to cut the grooves from egg boxes and fill them with dry straw, sawdust, waste cloth and anything that quickly ignites. After that, fill it with liquid wax or regular paraffin. Store in a dry place away from children.

Fig. 3 Firelight from egg trays

4. Good craft from egg boxes there will be a bird feeder. There are a lot of options on how to do it, about which.

Fig. 4 Bird feeder from egg boxes

5. Try to plant in egg cells seedlings. It is very convenient to do this. And when the time comes to transplant it, there will be no need to pull out the sprout from the cells. Can be planted with the cell. Thus, the roots of the seedlings will remain intact and a healthy plant will grow from them.

Fig. 5 Container for seedlings from egg boxes

6. There is another good idea how you can use egg cells c. They can simply be painted in a beautiful color and decorated with various accessories in the form of beads, colored sand (how to make it yourself, read this article), ruffle, buttons and much more, and put some trifle inside. For example, threads with needles, toys from the Christmas tree, buttons of different sizes, children's crayons and much more.

Fig. 6 Containers from egg cartons

7. Well, if you have gathered a lot egg cartons, then almost any object of large size can be constructed from them. Try to make an interesting Christmas tree that can be decorated with artificial snow, which you can also make yourself (more) or a large table that will become an interesting interior detail


Fig. 7 Egg box table

Fig. 8 Christmas tree made of egg cartons

If you have any other interesting ideas how you can use egg cells, write comments. We will be very grateful to you.

In order to create a beautiful craft, a decorative item, as well as get rid of old and unnecessary, accumulated egg trays, you can use a wonderful technique - papier-mâché. Crafts made in this way are increasingly gaining popularity in educational institutions and not only.

Products created in this way are of very high quality, they can withstand almost any weather conditions, therefore they can be placed both indoors and outdoors. Check out the photo of the egg tray crafts to find out what they are.

Technique for creating papier-mâché from egg trays

For implementation, you can use two methods: the first is pasting with pieces of old newspapers, and the second is stucco molding from a specialized mass. In this case, you can use egg boxes here. If you have a large amount of such an object lying around, then with the help of only water and glue you can create truly huge works of art.

It is recommended to use PVA glue as an adhesive. Its positive qualities are water resistance and ease of use in work. PVA glue will allow not to process the final result with varnishes, but to immediately expose it to the street under any weather conditions.

You can also use wallpaper glue, but for papier-mâché it is recommended to dilute it with water in small amounts. In case you cannot or do not want to buy glue in the store, you can always weld and use homemade glue.

Interior items created using this technique are no worse than expensive decorations, and the cheapness of the original elements will not hit your pocket. You can decorate any part of your apartment with papier-mâché figures, from the bedroom to the kitchen.

Think about the idea of ​​what can be made from trays, and your imagination will have no boundaries. Very often you can find elements of lighting or sets that are made using the papier-mâché technique.

The main trait you should have is neatness. All the elements that you create must be well dried, this is how the resulting figures will remain strong, and time will not affect them in any way.

Flowers from trays

Let's consider an example of detailed instructions on how to make a craft from trays in the form of flowers.

Required components

  • 5-6 egg cartons
  • PVA or paste
  • Scissors
  • Gouache or acrylic paint
  • Wire
  • Thermal gun
  • Paints of various colors
  • Colorless varnish

For each stem of the flower, it is necessary to allocate one wire. In advance, it will be necessary to soak the egg boxes in warm water, then drain the water and add glue, stir everything until smooth. From the resulting mass, you need to mold the stem, where the wire will play the role of the frame, after which the product must be given time to dry.

Further, a master class on crafts from egg trays involves the creation of the flowers and leaves themselves, which are created by sculpting. Show courage and imagination and create something unique. The modeling technique is 100% similar to modeling from plasticine, so this should not cause any special problems.

When the product is finished, it is necessary to cover the entire area of ​​the flower with white paint - gouache or acrylic, since a layer of colored paint will need to be applied on top.

When the flower is completely dried, you can start painting: paint the stem green, flowers with any other colors.

The flower bud must be glued to the stem with thermal paste. It is important to do this carefully, but properly so that it does not fall off in the future. Upon completion of this process, it is important to cover the entire product with a colorless varnish to maintain its shape and color.

Making crafts from egg trays with your own hands for the garden

You can mold an animal, such as a hedgehog, to decorate your garden. This will require the same components that we used to create the flower.

The body of a hedgehog can be sculpted either entirely from a mixture for papier-mâché, or using a light bulb, which must first be greased with oil for subsequent easy removal from the base. Next, the muzzle is molded, as well as the needles. It is important to properly glue all the parts of the "animal" so that the structure does not fall apart in the future.

Elements of the eyes, nose and mouth can be drawn with a regular marker, or use multi-colored markers to add color.

The process of making papier-mâché mass from egg boxes

It is very easy and simple to prepare the mixture from which the figure is made. To create quality material, it is recommended to take the following proportion: 14 egg trays versus 14 liters of warm water.

It is better to grind the boxes beforehand into small elements, so the mixture will turn out faster and much more homogeneous, without unnecessary lumps. Keep in water for at least 10 hours, and it will be better to keep it for about a day.

After soaking up the water, the residues must be drained, and the resulting mixture must be rubbed with your hands to a state of sour cream of medium density using glue.

The most experienced masters of their craft give advice that it is better to mix the resulting consistency not with your hands, but with a mixer, so the mixture is of the best quality.

Kids crafts from egg trays

The main advantage here is that the egg box can be simply thrown away if nothing works out, moreover, sculpting figures with children develops their imagination and skills.

A few ideas that you can bring to life with your child, they are not very difficult, but also not too easy to keep the children interested:

A garland of beautiful roses. We need a New Year's garland, since on top of the lights it will be necessary to make figures in the form of papier-mâché roses, which will charmingly complement the multi-colored lights.

Unique frames for family photos. Decorate a regular frame with papier-mâché flowers. This is a great way to update your old frame and give it new life and more color.

Using egg boxes for home and garden

Papier-mâché is far from the last use of unnecessary egg trays. They can be used as bird feeders in winter, stands for artificial flowers and various little things, a container for seedlings in which sprouts feel great, as well as boxes in which you can put handicraft items.

Photo of crafts from egg trays

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