Congratulations on the Sunny wedding (31 years old). Sunny or dark wedding (31 years old) Congratulations 31 wedding years

May it be fulfilled what you dreamed
Anything that inspires you
To make happiness populate
In a dear house now,
So you don't get lost
Your happiness is accidental.
So that they trust each other
They drove away the sadness-sorrow!

On a sunny wedding day, we wish

On a sunny wedding day, we wish you
So that life is sunny
So that she is not overshadowed
Clouds, winds and thunderstorms.

So that you live comfortably
In such a joyful life
Above you so that the sky is clear
Happiness carried and peace!

Thirty years and one -

Thirty years and one -
There will be thirty one
You yourself know all this.
This date of your immense love,
It doesn't count for years.

There was happiness and there were hardships
But you boldly walked forward,
Because we loved each other
And they wanted to be together forever.

You are not twenty today, of course,
But you are still young at heart.
So live like you did before
Let hearts beat in unison.

On a sunny wedding, we wish you only sunny days

On a sunny wedding, we wish you only sunny days, may the clouds never rise on the horizon, and your life will be filled with light. Let the children not forget to please you with their grandchildren, and the grandchildren with their achievements.

With a dark tan from the bright sun

With a dark tan from the bright sun
You are proud of your anniversary.
Burns fiery from the heat of the hot
Love is a beauty. Pour the wine!

Like southern beaches, with loud music,
Let life come off with fun ...
May it not always turn out to have a snack,
But one warmth reigns in the soul!

Thirty-first sunny and dark anniversary

Thirty-first sunny and dark anniversary,
We congratulate you heartily and sincerely,
Your union is now even more beautiful and stronger
I wish you happiness and understanding every day.

We wish you very good health, peace,
Good luck, cheerfulness, kindness, patience.
Life is sweet, like candy, like marshmallows,
So that there is no doubt in each other.

Years are given for love for love

For love, love is given years
Happiness is a very rare, priceless ore.
Let the days run by the days, the sun to the sunset,
And let your life be like a blooming garden!

My dear little wedding, a miracle is good.
The heart rests and the soul sings.
Sunny date, dark time,
Congratulations together, we have a great rest!

Today is a special, wonderful day

Today is a special, wonderful day,
Today is the red day of the calendar
Today you are 31 years old
And these years have not been lived in vain.

May your feelings only grow stronger
Let the sun shine on you alone
May the colors of life not fade
So that your union is not destroyed.

We wish you to walk through life
In love, harmony, kindness.
I'm not afraid to say no
Happiest couple on Earth!

Thirty-one years since you got married

You have been married thirty-one years ago
Today is a special day - wedding date,
It's nice that they leaned towards each other,
How affectionate, as then - once ...

May your days be forever sunny
Not only outside the window - let the soul warm,
May they be filled with joy,
And they do not dare to let sadness on the threshold.

Congratulations on the dark-skinned wedding -

Congratulations on the dark-skinned wedding -
We are talking about your happiness.
Let the sun shine brighter
And you just keep warm with them.

Love as the sun loves -
Caressing delicate flowers ...
After all, the years rushed as best they could.
But you are together - you are near!

And there is no happier date
She is deservedly bright.
It's nice to look at you now -
You are as beautiful ... as yesterday.

The 31st anniversary of the family is a sunny wedding. May the sunshine shine over marriage for many more decades, and there will always be harmony between loving hearts. Endless love and all the joys of married life!

On a sunny wedding, we wish you only sunny days, may the clouds never rise on the horizon, and your life will be filled with light. Let the children not forget to please you with their grandchildren, and the grandchildren with their achievements.

Dear ones, congratulations on the 31st anniversary of your life together, on your dark-skinned wedding. I wish you a bright and warm sun in your family, bright joy and good hopes, mutual respect and strong support, strong and sincere feelings, good health and good in your home.

The wedding took place 31 years ago,
But love, like then, shines in the eyes,
Only you are given attention today,
Let the family bask in the bright rays!

It's not for nothing that this anniversary is called swarthy,
May only happiness surround the family
And the marriage will achieve unprecedented prosperity,
To be proud of your eternal love!

Thirty-one years is a long time for a family
Our senses are like the flame of an unburning candle
So mesmerizing, bright and tender
So quivering, strong, rebellious.

We have experienced and passed a lot together
They found harmony and understanding ...
Let our family grow and prosper,
Love for each other, strength, happiness gives!

With a dark tan from the bright sun
You are proud of your anniversary.
Burns fiery from the heat of the hot
Love is a beauty. Pour the wine!

Like southern beaches, with loud music,
Let life come off with fun ...
May it not always turn out to have a snack,
But one warmth reigns in the soul!

May it be fulfilled what you dreamed
Anything that inspires you
To make happiness populate
In a dear house now,
So you don't get lost
Your happiness is accidental.
So that they trust each other
They drove away the sadness-sorrow!

Sometimes everything happened in life,
And quarrels, and resentments, and longing,
But this couple endured everything.
Today we are especially pleased
Gather here for your wedding anniversary,
That the sun is called for a reason,
I wish them wholeheartedly health,
May life give you joy and fun,
That they were always happy together.

The clear sun is rising
The new wedding will clear up.
The ruinous raven will not flap its wing,
There will be happiness for you and prosperity in the house.

Russian wedding, unassuming,
Beware of the belated sorrow
And offenses away, quarrels in the corners.
Grief and misfortune - do not bother us!

And the daughter-in-law is painfully good!
The groom is so young that the soul sings.
We lived together for thirty-one years,
And on your wedding day, you hugged the sun.

The wedding is dark, sweet to the sun
Life will be sweet, but happy.
Let the forehead be wrinkled, as if in riverbeds,
You were able to keep love forever.

And who said that the sun cannot be reached?
Today we were able to do that too,
You know honey I ordered a bed
Bed until dawn.

We will meet him as then,
When, yes they said to each other,
All morning we will dream
About an endless, long summer ...

Thirty-one celebrated your marriage,
And we, friends, cannot believe in any way,
That quickly passed the days of happiness.
You are happy when you are not alone
You are happy when your family is near
Able to understand by gestures, looks,
Anyone capable of forgiving sins.
May the "young" be together forever,
Let their dark wedding star shine,
Shows the way and helps
To everyone who follows the path of Love,
And we, as usual, are proud of you.

What an interesting name is the wedding, which is celebrated on the thirty-first anniversary of the marriage. It is called the Swarthy Wedding, but sometimes it is also called the Sunshine Wedding. After the thirtieth round anniversary, few people dare to celebrate the thirty-first, because it is not of particular interest, but they are mistaken, because any anniversary is important for a married couple. Show your attention and congratulate your friends or relatives on the date of an important and significant date, which, by the way, also happens only once in a lifetime. They will be very pleased to hear such words from you, because your congratulations will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. After all, you would also be pleased, so why not please those who deserve it. After all, living together for so many years is a lot of work and a great responsibility.

A sunny wedding is a special celebration
We are very glad to congratulate you,
Let the wine sparkle in the glasses
Let life be a joy to you.
We will drink to your health to the bottom,
May fate generously reward you in full,
Let luck not pass by
Let life be long and beautiful.

Congratulations on your dark wedding,
May all your days be bright
May success be with you in everything,
We sincerely wish you all the best.
Live in happiness and health always,
Let a bright star illuminate the path
Let your home be a full cup,
Let joy and good luck settle in it.

You are in a great mood today
After all, the family celebrates 31st birthday,
You are only worthy of admiration
Let life give you inspiration.
Respect and value each other,
Keep faithfulness like the apple of your eye,
Live in happiness and love until you are a hundred years old,
Never know sorrows and troubles.

Everything was forever: both roses and frosts,
After all, 31 years is not a short period,
Let there be only joy, tears in life,
Let your family island be paradise.
We sincerely congratulate you on a sunny wedding,
We wish that all cherished dreams come true,
So that every day pleases you,
May everything be excellent with you.

Today is your wedding anniversary,
Receive guests as soon as possible,
You've been together for 31 years
Love leads you through life.
Congratulations on a sunny wedding
I sincerely wish you great success,
Always be happy, don't get sick
And never regret the past.

Sunny wedding is a solemn date,
You can't be prejudiced against her,
You have been living in happiness for 31 years
Keep faithfulness and cherish love.
Congratulations on a sunny wedding,
We sincerely wish you all the best, prosperity,
May the family weather always be warm
Let the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.

The wedding is sunny so bright
And your love is very hot,
Family experience - 31 years,
Let your life flow like a river.
We wish you good luck, happiness and goodness,
So that you are close to a hundred years old,
So that you are lucky in everything, always,
So that the years do not age you for a long time.

Dear newlyweds, congratulations,
We wish you joy, fun today,
You deserve the complements and flowers,
We have lived for 31 years in happiness and love.
Sunny wedding on the doorstep
Let all troubles and worries go away
We wish you good health, endurance, patience,
And always in a great mood.

You have one road and one destiny,
You are a friendly, happy family,
31 years passed like an instant,
Your couple is admirable.
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth
Let luck always patronize
Happiness may not know boundaries
Let a good angel protect you from troubles.

On the day of a sunny wedding, congratulations,
Live in love and happiness, like doves,
Good luck may never forget you,
Let sadness never darken.
Let life be like spring water
Let health never fail,
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
Good people always surround you.

Wedding anniversaries should be celebrated
In no case should we forget about them,
After all, this is another volume of your book of life,
Let all family and friends know about him.
Congratulations on a sunny wedding,
Let your life resemble a beautiful waltz dance,
In this dance, circle together
And carry love through the years.

For you today, all the compliments and flowers,
You are the culprits of the occasion today,
We sincerely congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you all the best in your destiny.
Today you are the bride and groom again,
Though behind 31 years, lived together,
Let luck smile at you again and again
Let love be the guardian of your life.

The married couple celebrates a swarthy (or sunny) wedding 31 years after the wedding. The name of the anniversary symbolizes warmth and light in a relationship. Of course, for such a solid time, the spouses have already become dear people to each other and no minor troubles can prevent them from building their family happiness further.

An ideal gift for parents for a sunny wedding is a trip to the sea, where they can enjoy the sun and each other to their fullest. If there is no way to make such a gorgeous present, then you can limit yourself to a lamp or heater.

For friends, it is also better to choose something light and warm. For an expensive gift, you can buy a beautiful chandelier or a small biofuel fireplace. For a little surprise, use an LED candle or a beach towel.

Today is a special, wonderful day,
Today is the red day of the calendar -
You lived together for 31 years,
And these years have not been lived in vain.

Let all your feelings only grow stronger,
Let the sun shine on you alone
May the colors of life never fade
So that your union is also inviolable.

We wish you to walk through life
In love, harmony, kindness.
I'm not afraid to say that no
Happiest couple on Earth!

This wedding is called
Solar not in vain
She illuminates with light
Giving you joy.

Let it be rainy days now
You will never see
May the hours be happy now
You can't count.

Let now your radiant
Warms you with warmth
Filling with pure feeling,
Like a sweet dream!

Congratulations on the 31st year of life and love together, on a sunny wedding, or on a dark anniversary. I wish you many years of happiness, prosperity and understanding, sunshine on a common path and the right decisions, endless respect and a joyful dawn every time.

Sunny wedding - what could be brighter!
So let your love only be hotter.
Let the ardor not fade away in love joys,
Let there be more reasons for laughter.

You have lived together for 31 long years,
So may you always be lucky in everything.
May the sun always warm with warmth
And people please you only with goodness.

Congratulations on the dark-skinned wedding -
We are talking about your happiness.
Let the sun shine brighter
And you just keep warm with them.

Love as the sun loves -
Caressing delicate flowers ...
After all, the years rushed as best they could.
But you are together - you are near!

And there is no happier date
She is deservedly bright.
It's nice to look at you now -
You are as beautiful ... as yesterday.

The lady is a glorious mistress
He is an exemplary family man.
Let it be hot from love
You and your 31.

Happy anniversary
And I wish you peace.
Take care of the cozy home
From insults, reproaches, dramas.

Let the children only please you,
May life be worthy
May it support in the moment of confusion
Love and optimism.

Happy Sunny wedding, happy date!
31 years old you, dear, married,
They shared all their worries equally,
Feelings are preserved in their original form!

Let life give happiness, pleases with prosperity,
And everything will be all right in a beautiful family,
Let love sparkle like stars in the sky
Your dreams will certainly come true!

31 years is not a little
This is a third of life to go through together.
You saved love - that's the main thing
God allowed you to find each other.

The date was tanned from the sun
That I came to your house early today.
Let me remember everything that was born once,
That generously love has brought into your life.

Thirty-first sunny and dark anniversary,
We congratulate you heartily and sincerely,
Your union is now even more beautiful and stronger
I wish you happiness and understanding every day.

We wish you very good health, peace,
Good luck, cheerfulness, kindness, patience.
Life is sweet, like candy, like marshmallows,
So that there is no doubt in each other.

On a sunny wedding day, we wish you
So that life is sunny
So that she is not overshadowed
Clouds, winds and thunderstorms.

So that you live comfortably
In such a joyful life
Above you so that the sky is clear
Happiness carried and peace!

Sunny wedding, 31 years old
And tan, spouses,
The swarthy one suits you.
If there are clouds in life
They cover the sun
Light and warmth
Love is enough.
Let love be like the sun
Life shines for you
Tenderness and affection
Let him warm the family.

Congratulations: 32 in verse, 7 in prose.

A swarthy wedding is sometimes called a sunny one. Why it was called that way, there is no information in modern sources, but we know exactly how to celebrate it. It's time to get rid of all the problems and go on a long journey to the sea. It doesn't matter if you find yourself in Turkey or Mallorca, the main thing is that this sunny paradise becomes a truly memorable place for you. Since guests are not gathered for a dark-skinned wedding, they celebrate it exclusively together. Go to the best restaurant with a sea view and enjoy great food and your sincere love, which you have managed to carry through the whole 31 years.

You are the heroes of the occasion today,
A large family has already gathered at the table,
Congratulations from your children and grandchildren,
After all, a wedding is a joy, a mood.
Congratulations on your 31st anniversary,
We wish you a long life - long and happy,
Let your hearts beat in unison
Let the house be a full cup always.

31st wedding anniversary is a long time,
Your son has given you grandchildren,
Your love blooms brighter every day,
And life always inspires you.
Live in peace, joy and happiness,
Let all the bad weather fly by
Let the sun give you a ray of light and warmth,
Let your destiny be amazing.

You have lived in harmony and love for a long time,
Your whole life is like a color movie,
Celebrate your 31st anniversary today,
And you accept congratulations from all your friends.
Congratulations on a sunny wedding,
We wish you love and good health,
Let the ship of fate sail without hindrance
Let dreams always come true.

The 31st anniversary is illuminated with light and warmth,
This wedding is called sunny for a reason,
Over the years, you have become the most dear people,
And they made their cherished dreams come true.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
May your feelings be always strong
May fate give you generously
All the best to you, happiness, smiles and kindness.

We shout "Bitterly" to you again,
We want to congratulate from the bottom of our hearts,
It seemed that the wedding anniversary was still yesterday,
And today the thirty-first came to you.
Let your life flow like a honey river,
We wish all cherished dreams come true,
Let the house be a full bowl
Let wealth and love live in it.

The dark wedding is knocking at the gate,
She brings warmth and happiness
You have been together for 31 years,
You live in joy, without hassle.
Happy to congratulate you,
May life become a joy for you,
May every day bring inspiration
Let the mood always be excellent.

Today you are celebrating 31 years of the family's birth,
You are the best couple without a doubt
Let life give you only inspiration,
You are only worthy of admiration.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations,
Live happily ever after
Let a bright star illuminate your path,
Let the sun give a lot of light and warmth.

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