How to become an iron lady. The Iron Lady

How to become an "iron lady" and build a perfect career ladder? We learn from the experience of the most famous female politician Margaret Thatcher, who is admired by the whole world and who turned 85 on October 13.

1. Dispel Myths The first rule of a strong woman is to be confident enough to build a career on your own. Employment through friendships or family ties is not a suitable option for those who are going to occupy a high position and climb the career ladder higher and higher. Minister of the most conservative country in the world, Great Britain, and in 1992 she was awarded a personal nobility with the title of Baroness.

2. Get a good education We have written more than once: in order to achieve certain heights in a career, it is not at all necessary to have a red diploma. However, there are professions that cannot be mastered without the help of specialists. Politicians, economists, lawyers, top managers of large companies, despite their excellent higher education, learn throughout their lives, constantly improving their qualifications to be the best in their field. From early childhood, Margaret and her father were the most frequent visitors to the local library in Grantham ... The girl read two books a week! It is not at all surprising that she brilliantly passed the exams at Oxford University, from which she graduated in 1950.

3. Have an iron character. Often a lot of obstacles prevent the achievement of career goals: personal life, weak character, inability to take risks. However, it is always important to prioritize. For those who cherish the daring idea of ​​conquering the world, it is imperative that work comes first. While in school, Margaret Thatcher never went to the theaters or dances, preferring to take piano lessons or attend school discussion club meetings. Another example of her determination and perseverance was studying Latin for four years in order to qualify for a scholarship at Oxford. In 1985, in an interview with the Daily Mail, Margaret, already the prime minister of Great Britain, defined her attitude to work as follows: “I never slept more than four or five hours a day. One way or another, my life is my job. Some people work to live. I live to work. " But the most famous phrase of Thatcher was another: "When a woman shows character, they say about her" bitch. "When a man shows character, they say about him" a great guy. "

5. Find like-minded people and make influential friends. One is not a warrior in the field, therefore, in order to become successful, you need to surround yourself with people who would be fiercely rooting for your common cause. It would also not hurt to enlist the support of those who have already achieved some success in your field and can suggest something or give valuable advice. The ability to maintain warm relationships with colleagues and partners is essential in building business communications. Margaret Thatcher, being the only influential woman politician during her years in power, knew how to find a common language with men, but at the same time keep the necessary political distance. Her friendship with many heads of state undoubtedly contributed to the end of the Cold War and the arrival of democracy in the countries of the socialist camp. Thatcher also maintained good relations with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. By the way, it was Soviet journalists who came up with the nickname "iron lady", which she really liked.

6. Monitor your reputation Gossip and rumors are not the best companions of an influential person. Try to distinguish between private life and work: do not talk too much about yourself to colleagues, solve family matters at home. Remember: any personal information can be used against you. Despite the fact that constant employment did not allow to devote much time to the family, Margaret Thatcher managed to create the image of a happy mother of two twins and a beautiful wife. She was able to combine family and work at the same time, becoming a living example of the fact that a woman can reach the top, while not sacrificing her maternal instincts for a career. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, she admitted: “I hope that in the future we will see more and more women combining marriage and career. After all, you can continue to work, then take a short vacation when the family is expected to be added, and then return to work again. "

7. Do not be afraid of change If you do not have the will to change the situation by taking the courage to make a revolution in your own life or the company you manage, consider that you will not be in the leadership position for long. Ambition and unbending spirit should be your true friends on the road to success. Margaret Thatcher possessed a powerful spirit of reform. After becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, she completely took on the burden of the problems of her native country, which in the mid-70s was on the verge of economic collapse. Its tough measures in the fight against the trade union movement, the capitalization of the economy, the introduction of new taxes led to a loss of popularity. However, she persisted in embodying her belief system, leading the country to change, which made her the most popular politician in England.

8. Engage in education and charity Participating in charities, lecturing at universities, donating funds for science and combating incurable diseases will not only help you build a positive image, but also serve as an excellent example for others. In addition, saluting the humanitarian direction, you will be able to raise a clan of people who are in solidarity with you, who will continue your work.

9. Do not forget that you are a woman You are strong, but still a woman - this should always be remembered and skillfully used. Plunging into work with your head, there is a great risk of turning into an unhappy and always tired heroine of "Office Romance" performed by actress Alisa Freindlich. Perfect business makeup, perfectly matched office dress code and a little coquetry will help you convey the necessary information to your male colleagues during business negotiations and remain forever in the memory of your female partners. Margaret Thatcher was a pioneer woman in big politics, so she always tried to look great: dress tastefully and look after her appearance. And once she confessed: "I often sleep only an hour and a half, preferring to sacrifice sleep time in order to have a decent hairstyle."

4. Formulate a goal and gradually move towards it One of the simple techniques for achieving success is to clearly imagine what you want and break the path to having it into several specific steps. The dreamer will not be able to realize his goal if he does not perform specific actions. If you are planning to take up a high position, get yourself a notebook in which you write down a detailed plan of how you are going to do it and what you need for this - do self-marketing. Margaret Thatcher's heart has always belonged to politics and the law. At the age of 23, she ran in parliamentary elections from the Conservative Party, which was nonsense: female politicians were not allowed to power. Margaret's daring attempt was unsuccessful, but she was not upset and continued to go towards the goal. She received her law degree in 1953 and worked as a lawyer for five years, specializing in taxes, an unusual profession for a woman at the time. A few years later, she became Minister of Education, later - the leader of the Conservative Party, and in 1979 - Prime Minister of England. So a middle-class woman made her dream come true as head of state.

Having a sense of style. As a rule, this quality is innate, but it can be cultivated. If from the very childhood you try to give the girl a deep aesthetic education and show an example of real elegance, it is possible to raise a real lady from her. At the same time, do not forget that style is not only the ability to dress well, but also the ability to surround yourself with beautiful things, radiate a special charm and attract admiring glances from others.

Second rule: great manners

A lady always behaves with her inherent grace and knows how to behave in any situation. She does not allow herself to relax, even when she is alone. The easiest way to recognize her is the way she speaks. No wonder in the famous play by George Bernard Shaw "Pygmalion" professor of phonetics Higgins, having decided to turn the street flower girl Eliza Dolittle into a real lady, first of all, teaches her impeccable pronunciation.

Third rule: education

A lady must be fluent in several foreign languages. It will not be difficult for her to keep up a conversation on any topic. At the same time, she will never stop on the path of self-improvement.

Fourth rule: creative giftedness

Music accompanies a true lady from childhood. She should be able to move beautifully and gracefully, play a musical instrument and not be afraid to sing for her guests. A lady must be able to dance. She should be rhythmic and graceful, confidently holding herself during any dance. Once upon a time, a lady had to adequately present herself in society during balls.

Fifth rule: etiquette

And this applies not only to the rules of behavior at the table, but also to the ability to behave in society. A lady should be able to adequately receive guests, know what to say and to whom, when to smile, and when to show equanimity.

Sixth rule: hard work

Although today there is an idea of ​​aristocrats as bored loafers, a real lady is an excellent hostess at all times. She must be inherent in the ability to perfectly cook, set the table, manage the household. A modern lady always has cleanliness and order in her house.

Seventh rule: a sense of beauty

A true lady should be able to grow flowers and make beautiful and exquisite bouquets from them. Flowers accompany her throughout her life, she decorates her home with them. At the same time, it is impossible to see a single faded bouquet in her house.

Eighth rule: sewing skills

Even if a lady purchases her outfits in the best stores, she needs to be able to sew. Such skills will allow her to tastefully compose her wardrobe and always keep it in perfect order.

Ninth rule: physical health

Once upon a time in English high society, a lady had to be able to ride a horse, because she had to participate in the hunt and attend the races. Today, many girls are also fond of equestrian sports, but this skill is no longer required. However, a lady can ride an "iron horse" by learning to drive a car.

Tenth rule: work on yourself

Being a true lady is not an easy art, however, if you wish, you can master it. It is worth working for this, because a real lady cannot but cause universal admiration.

Complexes and internal problems often prevent them from revealing their talents and feminine qualities. What to do about it? We exercise with a psychologist, watch a video tutorial!

Any girl, if asked, dreams of a prince on a white horse or. Well, are you really worthy of a prince yourself? If you want men to respect you and treat you like a real lady, start by staring in the mirror. Be realistic.

Any woman can become a real lady who will appeal to the prince if she wants. But, it is likely that for young people to treat you like a beautiful lady, it is worth making small changes to your image.

  1. Stop drinking, smoking and swearing. The maximum amount of alcohol allowed by a lady is 1 glass of champagne, dry (unsweetened) wine, or 1 cocktail. It is best to limit yourself to non-alcoholic cocktails, mineral water or juice when meeting and first meeting. This will allow you to maintain control over yourself and the situation.
  2. Do not wear provocative clothes or act provocatively... Don't create problems for the people around you. A real lady is always dressed appropriately for the situation, elegantly and simply. She won't wear a super mini with a cleavage for a romantic dinner or a first date. If you don't have knee-length dresses and simple stiletto pumps in your wardrobe, it's time to get them.
  3. Do not be flirtatious, do not flirt and do not be capricious... You are a grown woman, not a small one. Talk to a man in the same tone you would talk to your boss or an interviewee at your company. Emotional immaturity is not attractive to smart men.
  4. Call a spade a spade... Do not whisper or pretend. If you really like a guy, tell him about it as soon as you are sure that he is. If he is a bad person, stop communicating. Bad people will bring bad events into your life. If you don't like him very physically, also tell him about it as soon as possible: you do not think that you are suitable for each other. If he asks for more specificity as to why, say you don't feel "chemistry" or "sparkle." You only make life difficult for yourself if you hide your feelings or pretend. A man is looking for a woman to whom he can entrust his heart. He will not trust the pretender and the deceiver. A real lady does not deceive, but she also does not cut the truth in the eyes; she is diplomatic.
  5. Treat everything a man says as true.- even if you doubt it. People who constantly suspect others tend to lie a lot themselves. Until you know for certain that this is a lie, consider it the complete truth. But if you caught a man in a lie once, let him know that another lie - and your relationship will cease to exist. This is the only way to build trust in a relationship.
  6. If a man has done something for you, do not forget to thank him.... Even if he just handed you a napkin or opened the door. Gratitude for the smallest services is a sign of a real lady. Not necessarily with words - a kind look and a smile are more precious than words. It is important for a man to know that you do not take his care of you for granted, that you notice and appreciate her. Then he will take even more care of you.
  7. Treat your service personnel with respect- be sure to thank for the services rendered, at least with a nod of your head and a smile. Stop the conversation if the waiter approached: he is at work, he still has a lot to do, let him do his job. This shows respect for others.
  8. Know how to control your emotions... Do not get angry, do not raise your voice or shout, speak in an even and restrained tone. Even if the interlocutor raises his voice, a real lady will be able to put him in his place and return the conversation to a positive direction. Use the smallest degree of the given emotion. If you are shocked, express mild surprise. A real lady is always in a pleasant mood.
  9. Do not let even the smallest violations of your... If you notice any disrespect or disregard, react right away. Sometimes it is enough just to stop and look closely at a person like a teacher at school, and if he does not notice this and does not improve, slightly distance himself from him and get cold, and say what exactly you did not like and what you would prefer instead. For example, if a man raised his voice: why are you talking to me in that tone? Whatever he replies (for example, because you don't understand), just notice, looking into his eyes: if you speak in a raised voice, I better not understand it. A real lady will never tolerate even the slightest disrespect - she is not used to it.
  10. Do not gossip or condemn, do not give unsolicited advice and instructions... If you can do something better, do it, do not criticize. If asked for your opinion, be discreet, gentle, and fair. Follow the rule: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything... Trying to be like everyone else is the biggest mistake. Be yourself - all other people already exist!
  11. Never rush or be late... Get out 15 minutes early. If you arrive early, go to the toilet, tidy yourself up. If this is the first date, send an SMS to the man that you will be 5 minutes late, after that be exactly 5 minutes late. In this case, you are not trying too hard, but you still arrive on time and show respect for your partner. If the man is delayed more than 5 minutes, call him and find out what is the matter. If he doesn't answer, send a message that you are in such and such a cafe, have a cup of coffee and then send a message that you are leaving, because you do not know where he is. Sometimes there are circumstances that a young man may forget about a date or confuse the time. This does not mean that he does not care about you and your relationship. But next time, do not forget to jokingly tell him that he owes him a favor - and see how he tries. If he's not trying hard, he may not really be very interested in the relationship.
  12. Make eye contact when talking to them- even if it's just a cashier in a supermarket. Treat service personnel as individuals, not official functions. Each of them has family, friends and acquaintances, dreams and goals in life. We all love our parents and children. A student cashier serving you can become a bank manager in a couple of years, where you apply for a loan, or even take a major position in a company where you come to be hired.
  13. Imagine yourself as something other than a figure and a pretty face in terms of human and professional qualities... Fat girls usually have a more affable character, because they have to compensate for the shortcomings of their appearance with a good character. But you can be (or become) both slim and pleasant. Decide what you want, and start doing it and improve professionally. Within 3-5 years, you will be able to make a good career in what you really enjoy doing. If you do what you love, you don't have to work anymore in life! It will be a hobby that you get paid for. Start working 1-2 days a week for a charity helping those less fortunate in life. A real lady is always trying to really improve the lives of other people.
  14. Watch yourself- personal hygiene, weight, natural looking hair and makeup, athletic uniform, posture, neat and stylish clothing that does not have to be expensive, but should fit you well. A real lady is always smart and smiling, it is pleasant to look at her. Beauty is largely about grooming, not genetic data. Elegance is a lifestyle.
  15. Learn how to communicate... Communication is a skill that will be useful to you throughout your life. Start talking to female cashiers, waitresses, and other employees. Ask where they are from, if they have family and children, and when you see them again, ask about the affairs of the family and children, how they spent the weekend. If you know how to communicate, you can find friends and respect always and everywhere, and not only among men.

It is not difficult to become a real lady. To do this, you just need to be a good person. A real lady is not a shy shy woman, she is sociable and open, but she knows what she is worth, and she does not need to advertise herself with defiant behavior and clothes.

Hello dear readers. Every woman wants to become self-confident Self-confidence is an important adequate behavior, which is the key to success and effective achievement of the set goals. Today I want to bring up the topic of how to become a strong woman and a confident woman. These are just simple tips and it is everyone's right to follow them or not. Remember that a woman's strength lies in her weakness. To be more precise, a woman's strength is in her wisdom, in the ability to be herself, but at the same time showing strength when necessary, as well as weakness.

It is very important to be able to love life in all its manifestations, to enjoy every new day.

1 It is necessary to be able to prioritize in life, but only after yourself. We put ourselves and our needs in the foreground.

2. You need to know your own worth. Be able to filter your environment. Pay attention to your surroundings, and in no case do not allow yourself to communicate with people who take energy from you.

3. To learn in life understanding, patience, wisdom (to understand something, to accept, if necessary, to adapt to someone and finally to solve their situations).

4. Solve questions as they come, no need to think up and invent anything for yourself.

5. Be able to be honest, first of all with yourself. And if a woman is honest with a failure, then she will be honest with others.

6. Realize that you are a beautiful, confident, wise woman, lucky and happy. You do not need to be like someone, or to adjust to someone. Nobody will be you and you will not wake up to anyone. Don't lose yourself and your identity. Discover new facets of yourself every day.

7. If you broke up with a loved one, this item is for you. Don't hold on to past and past relationships. It was an experience and a life story. Do not scold yourself, because growth, in life, without mistakes is not possible. Take everything as a life lesson, and be sure to benefit from it all.

8. A strong woman is not afraid to make mistakes. All of us are not perfect. We all want a better life. And as we walk this road, we need to remember. Life teaches us situations (lessons), not problems.

9. Happiness of a woman is not outwardly, it is inside, in thoughts, in the heart ... Therefore, every day you need to be filled with positive thoughts and "cultivate" love within yourself.

10. The most important thing is not to see competitors in other people (women). Do not compare yourself with others, compare yourself with yourself yesterday, what successes you have achieved, what tasks you have solved. Most importantly, praise yourself every day.

11. It is necessary to learn to rejoice at the success of other people (envy and anger are not appropriate here). Let other people's successes become an incentive for your achievements and victories for you.

12. It is imperative to develop, life does not stand still, it is not appropriate here. Self-development is very important.

13. Stop complaining that everything that happens to you is for “good”. Think that you are stronger today than you were yesterday.

14. Learn to forgive, because it is very beneficial. But from the beginning, be sure to forgive yourself, forgiving yourself, it will be easier to forgive other people. Learn from situations and move on.

15. People can make your dreams come true, in no case let us do it. As you develop, you improve the quality of your life every day. Don't let your efforts be canceled out.

16. Periodically take an observant position, this will allow you to abstract and look at yourself and your achievements from the outside.

17. When choosing growth and development, do not strive for perfectionism. Choosing ways to become a strong woman, it is important not to lose your valuable moments.

18. A sign of strength is open emotions. If you feel like crying, you can afford to do it.

19. Do not take the opinions of the people around you as the ultimate truth. It is important to listen to other people's opinions, but do as your heart tells you.

20. Dream, translate dreams into goals and objectives. Always be confident in yourself.

21. It is very important to take responsibility for your life once and for all. Therefore, you need to stop blaming everyone. It takes a lot of energy. Understand, your life, only yours. No one can live your life for you.

22. Learn to focus on the main thing, do not try to grasp the immensity.

23. Life surprises us every day. The main motto of life is belief in the best. "For me everything will work out in the best way."

24. Protect yourself with prayers and positive attitudes. Remember to thank God.

25. Lightness, softness, airiness are characteristic of women, remember this. A woman's strength lies in her weakness.

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