How to return a guy with the help of prayers and the powers of heaven. Happy valentine's day to ex-boyfriend

Despite the fact that we are no longer together, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day. I am grateful that you were in my life. I sincerely wish that everything will work out in the best possible way, that you love passionately and be dearly loved!

And even if the holiday is no longer for us, even if our relationship is in the past, I still congratulate you on Valentine's Day and I want to wish you great and mutual love in your heart, and that this love be versatile: love for life and for this world, love for your chosen one and your friends, love for family and friends, love for an important cause and cherished dream. Love and be loved.

I wish you will fall in love one day. I fell in love so that the ground swayed under my feet. But from good memory, I wish not to crash, not to fall, as I once fell with you. I wish you to learn to hear not only your own heart, but also what is happening around, because the blind can pass by the valuable, the deaf may not hear the important, and the stupid may miss the necessary. Happy Valentine's Day!

This holiday is so difficult for me
Congratulations to you today
But so I want on Valentine's Day
Wish you good and happiness.

We are no longer together with you,
But I thank you for everything
Thank you for your love and tenderness, -
I tell you from my heart.

Happy Valentine's Day! I wish that true sincere love will finally meet on your path in life. I am glad that you were in my life. Let all adversity be forgotten and the path illuminate with real feelings and reciprocity. Be happy!

I am sending a message for the last time
May wishes come true.
On Valentine's Day I will say:
"I still love you."

Even if these are just words
And you cannot be returned.
Just remember that I am
And that I love you.

Expensive! Despite the fact that our relationship is in the past, I sincerely congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I wish you to be able to maintain love and loyalty in your new life, so that your feelings do not fade away, that your feelings are long, emotional and rich in vivid impressions!

There was love and passion, but sometime everything passes. My ex-lover, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day. You know, I often remember your smile, your kind inviting eyes. I sincerely wish you to be a happy person, to be loved by a man and a great fellow.

Valentine's Day
I send my impulse anyway.
So what if we're out of place,
I keep you in my heart.

I want to wish you happiness
After all, it's all the same to me
So that in love and friendship for you
I was certainly lucky.

I would be glad, honestly, to see
If you smile
I wish all your dreams
Be sure to incarnate.

Happy Holidays! May this day be full of love and warmth, there will be sunny weather outside the window, and it will be clear and warm in the soul. I want to wish you sincere love to support you and help you overcome any difficulties and conquer any peaks.

Why are love rituals most effective on this day? The atmosphere is literally saturated with positive energy and the energy of love, it can be felt even at the physical level. Rituals performed on the night or day of February 14 are considered special. After all, their orientation is associated with the approaching meeting of a person with his soul mate, destined for him by fate itself. The impact of these rituals is ten times more powerful, since they are supported by positive energy flows of the holy martyr - Valentine.

Valentine spirit help

There are quite a few rituals to attract love that are held on this day. However, they all have a characteristic that makes them the most effective. The fact is that Valentine was a kind and bright person, he helped all people in need. Thanks to these qualities, he was elevated to the rank of a saint. Since then, Saint Valentine has been the talisman and patron saint of all lovers. He helps single people find a companion and find happiness in their personal lives. In addition, Valentine protects lovers from quarrels, brings them closer, makes it possible to better understand each other.

Love rituals on February 14, which will help to find a life partner

Rite of passage "Heart"

On the eve of the holiday, buy:

  • ... a new red candle;
  • ... a needle;
  • ... a spool of red thread;
  • ... a small piece of red cloth (preferably velvet or velor).

Also prepare scissors, any glue, a ballpoint pen with red ink, and two identical small pieces of paper. The shape of the leaves is a heart. Perform the ceremony alone.

Light a candle anytime during the day. Cut out two identical hearts from the fabric, sew them along the edges, leaving a small hole on top. On one of the leaves, write your own name, on the second - list the qualities that your life partner should have. Place the leaves inside the heart bag, sew the hole. Now say the following words over the heart 3 times:

“The heart lies under the pillow, it does not sleep, but stands on guard. Valentine, please, give me love, prepare the long-awaited meeting soon. For my beloved to be rich and smart, to be conquered by my beauty forever. "

Leave the candle to burn out. Place the pouch under your pillow. One night (February 14-15) it should lie under your head. Then hide it away from prying eyes and do not show it to anyone.

Love ritual "Socks"

In the market, without bargaining, buy a pair of men's socks (any color except black). Experts recommend buying high-quality socks, it is believed that the more expensive they are, the richer the life partner will be. Also get a church candle, new red thread (you can sew). In addition, you will need your own socks (at least once worn). They can also be of any color (except black).

At 15-00 on February 14, place a lighted candle on the table, place two pairs of socks and two short red threads next to it. Next, start reading the hex:

“Beloved, come into my life forever, go through all the rivers, bridges, cities. Find me in the midnight silence, light a ray of light on my porch. I am waiting for a worthy groom, handsome face, calm character. Magic socks are at the head of the bed, I am beautiful, young and affectionate. "

Then, inside the left men's sock, place your left sock, in the right men's sock, respectively, your right sock. Additionally, you can put some millet, rice, buckwheat, wheat and peas into men's socks. This means that the companion you will soon meet will be a successful, wealthy, kind, intelligent and sympathetic person. Pull the hole of each men's sock with a red thread, forming three knots. Place your socks under the bed (at the headboard) where you sleep. Keep it there until you meet your betrothed.

Magic rite "Flower"

You will need things like this:

  • church candle;
  • small flower pot;
  • sprout of a flower symbolizing love. You can buy, for example, orchid, hoya, spathiphyllum, anthurium, violet. When choosing a flower, pay attention to its appearance. Get the plant that you like the most outwardly;
  • appropriate fertilizers and soil for planting a flower;
  • a stone or mineral that represents love. You can choose moonstone, jasper, tiger's eye, turquoise, aquamarine, carnelian. The size of the stone does not matter.

On the night of February 13-14 (before sunrise), light a candle and start planting the sprout in the prepared pot. Learn in advance the rules and procedures for planting and fertilizing a flower. Place the selected stone (mineral) inside the pot. During planting, say the words 3 times:

“Scarlet flower, delicate petal, live, grow and grow strong. A magical pebble, a healing mineral, I will provide you with warmth, and you grant me a fateful meeting. With my beloved man, with whom I will be happy forever. "

If, at the end of the planting process, the candle did not have time to burn out, leave it near the pot, let it burn out completely. Keep the pot with the plant in the room where you sleep. This could be your bedroom window sill or an open cabinet in your room. Take care of the flower carefully, imagine that you are cultivating your love. The thoroughness of caring for the plant will determine how soon you get to know your soul mate.

The described rituals are able to give a person the opportunity to love and enjoy the love of the second half. The main feature of the rituals held on February 14 is that it will definitely not be possible to harm a person with their help, even with the wrong actions. After all, the magical effect is extremely light. Love and goodness!

Valentine's Day for many is one of the saddest holidays, as they have to spend it alone. But do not get upset, but take advantage of the peculiarity of this day and spend it with benefit, especially since there are magical recipes for love for Valentine's Day that will help fix the situation and find your soul mate in the near future.

Attraction bath

Many girls suffer from loneliness, as they do not consider themselves attractive and charming. Just a bath of charm will help them. It is necessary to collect some running water, for this it is advisable to go to a stream or river, but if this is not possible, then you can take untapped water early in the morning from the tap. Say the following words to her: “Cold water, you are like me - one, I will warm you and bring love to you. Help me - to find the only one! " With these words, it must be warmed up and poured into a previously prepared bath, in which flower petals are already floating, it would be nice to have a red and pink rose, and drops of vanilla essential oil are also added. You need to lie in it for half an hour to feel how the smell of oil is absorbed in you, and the petals of lovely flowers are enveloped, and along with them, faith in its beauty and attractiveness enters the body. After getting out of the bath, wipe off with a white towel and smear yourself with a body tonic. Let it soak in. As soon as you do all these procedures, you can put on beautiful underwear and go about your business - already on the way to work, study or to a meeting with your girlfriends, you will more than once catch the admiring glances of men.

A ritual of confidence

Most pretty girls can go without a pair, as more lively girlfriends, when meeting guys, take the reins into their own hands and the whole conversation revolves around them. To gain confidence and courage, you need to perform a certain ritual. Buy chocolate on women's day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday) - milk or black, and treat it to a man or woman named Valentine (a) on February 14, you can drink coffee or tea together, but you need to eat it together so that he shares his power , inherent in anyone on the day of his angel. After that, be sure to visit an entertainment place - a restaurant, cafe, nightclub, etc., where there will be an opportunity to meet an attractive young man, whose attention you can suddenly win. The main thing is to believe in yourself and act.

Rite of love

If you are already in love with someone, but he does not reciprocate, then on February 14, you can hold a rite of love. To do this, you need to have his photo, which you put in the middle of the heart, laid out from 14 candles for an aroma lamp, and next to place your photo where you like yourself. Then say these words: “As this fire burns and does not go out, so let our love light up and never go out. These are my strong words. Key. Lock"... Then imagine yourself walking holding hands and kissing. In this rite, visualization is important, it is she who will help to realize the plan. After the candle, you need to extinguish and hide it along with the photographs in a secluded place. Now you need to light one candle every day, let it burn. Once all the candles have been used up, you will notice the result.

The fabric of the world

It is sad when the lovers had a falling out on the eve of February 14, since the holiday will have to be celebrated separately from each other. In no case - love must be preserved. And this will help the red fabric, which the girl will wrap around its axis three times, saying the following words: "As the fabric hugged me, so the beloved will hug me"... After that, you need to put his thing on the fabric and imagine how you are building relationships. This should be done on the night of February 13-14, so that you can spend the night with a cloth. In the morning, your loved one will make itself felt with a gift or a simple call, which means you will spend Valentine's Day together.

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Conspiracies for Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day (February 14) are always love conspiracies. The energy of this holiday is such that neither financial, nor family, nor any other magic, except love, will not be effective on this day. A huge number of people all over the world experience strong feelings on this day - for some it is happiness that a loved one is near, for others - the bitterness of loneliness and despair of unrequited love, for others - the hope on this day to win the heart of a loved one. All these feelings, somehow connected with love and passion, create a huge amount of spiritual energy. And this energy with the help of a magical conspiracy can be used to achieve your love goals.

For those who suffer from unrequited love, conspiracies for Valentine's Day with the transfer of a "secret valentine" can help. If a person reads an ordinary valentine with his eyes and analyzes, first of all, his mind, then a "secret valentine", with the help of magic, is addressed directly to his feelings. To carry out such a conspiracy, you first need to draw up the valentine itself, that is, a small postcard (or even a simple sheet of paper) on which you must express your feelings. When writing a valentine, think all the time about your loved one and how you feel about him. The "charge" of the valentine and the success of the conspiracy depends on your sincerity and the strength of your feelings. Light the finished valentine from the flame of a candle and say the following slander:

"The letter of love will burn -
Will fly to the beloved.
It will upset his soul,
He will turn his gaze on me. "

Place the glowing valentine on a white saucer and let it burn to ashes. If the valentine's only charred and blackened, rub it into powder by hand. Mix this ash with a handful of grain. Spread this grain in the yard in front of the flock of pigeons and say:

“Doves of heaven!
Swallow the sweet grain
Yes, fly to the darling soon.
Fly up to his window
Give my news. "

If the pigeons, after pecking at the grain, fly away, this is a good sign. This means that your conspiracy succeeds and soon your loved one, subconsciously catching your message, will pay attention to you and give you a chance.

For those who are already dating or married with their loved one, and want to consolidate and preserve their happiness, conspiracies for Valentine's Day at the festive table may be useful. To do this, invite your loved one to a festive romantic dinner (if he has not already done this himself). Do not be afraid to be active - after all, it is about your love. Make sure your dinner is by candlelight, because fire is a powerful source of energy. Whisper quietly when the candles are lit.

In this article, in honor of Valentine's Day it will be about rituals and rituals that you can easily carry out on your own to attract love into your life.

We have already written about the ways love fortune-telling, signs, history, customs this most romantic holiday of the year. This time we will bring several rites from White love magic that are suitable for holding on this particular day - The 14th of February and we will tell you what, in addition to standard presentations, you can give to your loved one.

Valentine's Day is the only day of the year that is literally saturated with love, kindness and happiness. Many lovers are looking forward to this holiday in order to give each other nice gifts, confess their feelings and spend time romantically together. After all, gifts on this day are extremely symbolic and charged with special energy and strength, so much so that they can serve talisman, amulet and talisman straightaway!

What special gifts can you give?

According to tradition, on this day, it is customary to give sweets, postcards with confessions, toys, etc. But, also, you can give your soul mate something unusual and even truly magical, for example, personal amulet, talisman or amulet.

Amulets and talismans are of various orientations and intended for any vital needs.

About, what is an amulet and how it differs from the mascot, you can read on our website. And if you already know their fundamental difference, then you can read the article about how to choose the right mascot.

Some individuals who are particularly biased about the usefulness of a gift give each other lucky charms, talismans for money and antique coins-amulets.

For example, here's another interesting product - Soap-amulet according to the recipe of King Solomon.Soap with special magic ingredients and coin inside, it will be an excellent talisman gift for your chosen one. Washing every time the soap of King Solomon, the aura of your chosen one will be filled with magical energy, attract good luck, prosperity and, of course, often remember you! Such a gift will be an amazing and unexpected surprise for your significant other!


But a reasonable question arises: should lonely people really be sad and bored on this bright day, or should they completely ignore this holiday? Of course not!

Since this day is filled with love and magically charged for its execution, this must be taken advantage of by applying White love magic!

No wonder there is a legend that on this holiday Saint Valentine descends from heaven and helps lonely and people in love to find happiness in love. The main thing is to believe in it and hope for it with all your heart.

Ritual "Talisman - the scent of love"

To do this, simply rite for love, you will need your favorite perfume (or any perfume you are using at the moment).

Take perfume, sit down at the table in the evening and light a candle. It is advisable to conduct this ceremony alone and with complete confidence in the intention to attract love into your life.

After you have tuned in to the ceremony and retired, put your favorite bottle of perfume in front of you and start mentally and with all your senses to send to it energy of love... Remember the feelings that you felt while in love euphoria, and transmit this energy to the perfume. Now, no matter how strange it may seem, stroke the bottle of perfume, like your favorite animal, while saying conspiracy:

“There were simple perfumes, they stood on the shelf, but they collected dust. Now these spirits are my helpers forever! I fill them with love - I attract love into my life! May it be so! Amen!"

Thus, you create from your ordinary spirits a powerful talisman for love, which will attract her to you every time you smother them. But, with each use of this perfume, say:

“Love is coming to me! Love is always with me. "

Your personal mascot for love ready. Now, as you use the talisman perfume, incredible waves of love will emanate from you, which are also often called fluids or pheromones.


Rite of passage "Queen of love"

This rite of passage to attract love is very strong, although it is performed quite easily and even pleasantly. It is recommended to be used by those who have lost their hands completely, and have lost hope of meeting their love, as well as those who often treat themselves with discontent and self-criticism. The power of this rite is in self-affirmation and faith in oneself and one's attractiveness.

So, for this ceremony you will need:

Bath foam and rose-scented soap;

Several buds of red or pink roses;

Red or pink candle;

Red or rose wine.

The process of conducting a love ceremony:

1 - Warm the wine to room temperature.

2 - Get into the bath, having undressed, and slowly start pouring this wine over yourself, starting from the head. Say the following words. conspiracy:

“As this wine is washed off me, so all the sadness, longing and loneliness is washed off me! Henceforth, everyone will love and respect me, and I can bind anyone to me with love! "

3 - After that, take a bath, add foam with a rose scent there, light candle and place it in front of the bathroom mirror.

4 - Immerse yourself in the bath, relax, let go of any negative thoughts and start visualizing what you want to have and see in your future life. Do not be shy about your desires! This rite not named for nothing "Queen of Love". Imagine even how you would like to see yourself outwardly, how you would like to change, what your personal life will be, etc.

5 - After the water in the bathroom has cooled, come out of it and wash your hands with soap (rose scent). Look in the mirror, over which there is a candle, and say another conspiracy:

“As the excess is washed off my hands, so let the pain, disappointment, fatigue and external imperfections be washed away from my life. From now on, grace, happiness, health and mutual love will enter my life! May it be so! Amen".

6 - Now, after taking a bath, shower your bed with rosebud petals and go to bed with the words full of confidence: "I am the queen of love!"

After these pleasant and uncomplicated rites, wonders and luck in love will be attracted to you like a magnet! The main thing is to believe in yourself and in the magic of Valentine's Day!

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