Dialogue on the topic of friend. Dialogue "preparing for the holiday" Several interesting compositions

Celebrating New Year's Day

Hello, Peter! Happy New Year! How are you doing?

Oh thanks, Nora! The same to you and your family! I'm fine. What about you?

I'm great too. I saw you before the New Year's Eve. I was so excited but you looked quite sad. You didn’t have any plans and you were going to see the New Year in sitting at home alone, before your TV.

Yeah. But finally I made up my mind to call over my friends and celebrate at my place.

Wow! That was a fantastic idea! I am sure you enjoyed the party.

We really had much fun.

What did you do?

There were 12 of us altogether. We ate, drank and danced till midnight. Then when the clock struck 12 we drank a toast to the new year.

Did you make any New Year's resolutions for the coming year?

Sure. It's a good tradition for me. I wanna study hard and become the best student in our group. What about your resolution by the way?

Well. I decided to start jogging every morning to lose some weight.

Wow! That's nice. I’m sure you will succeed in it and you won’t give up your jogging.

Thanks, Peter. So what did you do after midnight? Did you go to bed?

Oh no! After midnight we packed some food and had a great picnic in the park. It was so crowded there. We almost lost each other among the people. Anyway it was awesome. We watched colorful fireworks, went skating on the ice rink and played funny games.

That sounds super. I will definitely go there next year.

We should go together, Nora.

O.K. And let’s just hope that the year goes well.

New Year's Eve

Hi Peter! Happy New Year! How are you?

Oh thank you Nora! You and your family too! Everything is fine with me. And you have?

Great too. I saw you on New Year's Eve. I was so excited and you looked very sad. You had no plans, and you were going to celebrate the New Year, sitting at home alone in front of the TV.

Yes. But in the end, I made the decision to call friends and celebrate at my home.

Wow! Fantastic! I'm sure you enjoyed the party.

We had a lot of fun.

What did you do?

There were 12 of us in total. We ate and drank and danced until midnight. Then, when the clock struck 12, we raised a toast to the new year.

Have you made New Year's promises for the coming year?

Of course. This is a good tradition for me. I want to study a lot and become the best student in the group. By the way, what about your promise?

Well, I decided to start running every morning to lose some weight.

Wow! Great. I am sure that you will succeed in this and will not give up running.

Thanks, Peter. What did you do after midnight? Let's go sleep?

Oh no! After midnight we packed some food and had a cool picnic in the park. There were so many people there. We almost lost each other in the crowd. Anyway, it was first class. We saw colorful fireworks, went ice skating to the ice rink and played fun games.

Sounds great. I will definitely go there next year.

We need to go there together, Nora.

OK. And let's hope the year goes well.

I would like to devote our today's lesson to fun, holidays, thereby creating a festive mood in English! Probably, there is not a single person who does not like holidays and vacations. Everyone likes such days, because the holiday is fun, fireworks, joy, good mood. How to talk about holidays, vacations and recreation in English?

Today we want to talk about how to build and conduct an English lesson on the Holidays theme. This is a very important topic, as it is quite common in the school English curriculum.

Let's deal with the word Holidays!

The curious thing about the English language is that the same word can have several meanings. So in this case. And really, what is that interesting word? And it is curious in that it has two meanings:

  • Holidays - holidays
  • Holidays

However, the English language allows you to distinguish the meaning of a word depending on the context. Compare the following sentences in English for the meaning of their translation:

  • I wait my winter holidays with a great impatience, because I want to go to the mountains. - I am looking forward to my winter holidays with great impatience, because I want to go to the mountains.
  • How are you going to celebrate winter holidays? - How are you going to celebrate the winter holidays?

As you can see, both sentences are winter holidays, but the meaning changes depending on the meaning and context of the sentence.

English is rich in synonyms. And this word has synonyms if it means "vacation, rest, vacation": vacation, recess.

  • Where are you going to spend your summer vacation? - Where are you going to spend your summer holidays?

What kind of holidays are there?

Fortunately, there are a lot of holidays throughout the year. Therefore, we have the opportunity to have fun, meet friends, celebrate some dates, just relax.

As you know, there are a wide variety of holidays: religious, state, professional, secular, winter, summer, autumn, spring. Let's take a look at a few of the most basic universal holidays and see how their names introduce us to the English language.


  • New Year's Day - New Year
  • Christmas - Christmas
  • Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day
  • The 23 of February - Men's Day (Defender of the Fatherland Day)


  • Easter - Easter
  • The 8 of March - March 8
  • Victory's Day - Victory Day


  • Children’s Day - Children's Day
  • Father’s Day - Father's Day (in the USA)


  • The 1st of September - Knowledge Day (September 1st)
  • Halloween - Halloween
  • Thanksgiving Day - Thanksgiving Day

Besides these holidays, there are various professional holidays such as T eacher's Day, Doctor's Day, etc. In addition, each country celebrates public holidays such as Independence Day, Constitution Day, Language Day, etc.

Apart from this, there are also personal and family celebrations. This category includes: Birthday, Wedding Day, Anniversary, Jubilee, etс.

Examples of sentences in English with holidays in English:

  • My favorite winter holidays are Christmas and New Year's Day. - My favorite winter holidays are Christmas and New Year.
  • My congratulations with your birthday! - Accept my congratulations on your birthday!
  • How are you going to celebrate teacher's day in your family? - How are you going to celebrate Teacher's Day in your family?

In general, you see that the festive variety is great. Choose any taste!
Tips on how to teach the "holidays" lesson

How to teach a lesson about the holidays?

We would like to offer you some tips about English lessons, friends. If you devote an English lesson to the topic "Holidays" or "Vacations", then the topic itself requires a festive, bright, fun lesson.

  • First, decorate the class

This, of course, depends on your desire, but it will be much more interesting if the class is decorated with balloons and confetti so that the atmosphere of the holiday is felt.

  • Second, visibility

The theme of holidays and vacations allows the use of a large amount of didactic material. Here, let your imagination run wild. All kinds of pictures, posters, posters, slides, audio and video materials will help diversify your English lessons. Let them be bright and colorful!

  • Third, the technique

Try to dilute the English lesson with interesting methods. More game moments and active participation of children in the lesson process!

  • Fourth, vocabulary work

Do not forget about this important point. No English lesson is complete without this. You can read a text about holidays or vacations with the children, translate it and work on unfamiliar words or keywords of the lesson / topic. Let the guys make sentences and dialogues with them, let them use them in speech. Do not forget about the active participation of all children in the lesson process, let everyone be involved.

Talking about the holidays in English

Children can learn to compose short stories or dialogues about how they spend their holidays or celebrate the holidays. This is especially true when children are asked to write an essay about how they spent their holidays. Our task is to help them in this.

Give the children five to seven words on the topic of vacations and ask them to talk about their vacations or holidays using those words. For example:

  • Holidays - vacations, holidays
  • Summer - summer
  • Have a rest - rest
  • Lake - lake
  • Forest - forest
  • Seaside - sea
  • Joyful - cheerful

The story might look something like this:

I spent very well my summer holidays. It was very interesting and exciting. We had a rest with our family. We went to the village with our friends. There we went to the lake, after that we went to the forest. In July we went to the seaside. It was joyful. Summer is great!

I spent my summer holidays very well. It was very interesting and exciting. We rested with the whole family. We went to the village with our friends. There we went to the lake, and then to the forest. In July we went to the sea. It was fun. Summer is wonderful!

Also, a dialogue can be devoted to this topic, but already about the holiday, with the following words:

  • Celebrate - celebrate, celebrate
  • Present - gift
  • Congratulate - congratulate
  • Favorite - favorite

- Tell me, please, what is your family’s favorite holiday?
- Oh, it is the New Year’s Day.
- Great! How do you celebrate it?
- We decorate Christmas tree, give presents to each other, invite friends, prepare holiday table, sing songs and congratulate each other.
- Oh, it is very interesting and joyful!
- Oh, yes!

- Tell me, please, what is your family's favorite holiday?
- Oh, it's New Years.
- Fine! How do you celebrate it?
- We decorate the Christmas tree, give each other gifts, invite friends, prepare a festive table, sing songs and congratulate each other.
- Oh, this is very interesting and fun!
- Oh yeah!

Bénédicte: Hortense, je cherche le grand plat bleu. Où est-ce qu "il est? Benedict: Hortense, I'm looking for a blue tray. Where is it?

Hortense: Je crois qu "il est dans le placard, sur l" étagère de droite. Hortense: I think it's in the closet, on the shelf on the right.

Bénédicte: Où est-ce que je mets les fleurs? Benedict: Where to put the flowers?

Hortense: Dans un vase! Il y a un grand vase dans le salon. Hortense: Into the vase! There is a large vase in the living room.

Bénédicte: Je pose le bouquet sur quelle table? Benedict: On which table should you put the bouquet?

Hortense: Sur la petite table, là-bas, contre le mur. Bon, maintenant, je dois prendre les assiettes. Hortense: On a small table over there along the wall. So now, I need plates.

Bénédicte: Elles sont belles, ces assiettes! Benedict: They are beautiful, these plates!

Hortense: Oui, je les ai achetées en Italie, à Florence. Elles sont jolies, non? Hortense: Yes, I bought them in Italy, in Florence. They are beautiful, aren't they?

Bénédicte: Oui, superbes! Et ces verres? Ils viennent de Florence, aussi? Benedict: Yes, super! And these glasses? Are they from Florence too?

Hortense: Non, ils me viennent de ma grand-mère. Hortense: No, they are from my grandmother.

Bénédicte: Tiens, c "est curieux, il y a les mêmes chez mes parents. Je ne sais pas d" où ils viennent. Benedict: Wow, my parents have the same. I don't know where they got them from.

Hortense: Maintenant, les serviettes. Qu "est-ce que je fais? Je les mets sur les assiettes ou dans les verres? Hortense: Now, towels. How about them? Put them on plates or glasses?"

Bénédicte: Sur les assiettes, c "est plus joli, non? Est-ce qu" on met des bougies? Benedict: On the plates, so prettier, no? Let's decorate the table with candles?

Hortense: Ah oui! Bonne idée! Hortense: Oh yes! Good idea!

Bénédicte: Elles sont dans la salle à manger? Benedict: Are they in the dining room?

Hortense: Non, j "ai mis les bougies dans la cuisine, dans le deuxième tiroir à droite. Hortense: No, candles in the kitchen, in the second drawer on the right.

Bénédicte: Au fait, est-ce que tu penses que Félix va venir? Benedict: By the way, do you think Felix is ​​coming?

Hortense: Oui, j "espère! Il est allé en Irlande pour son travail. Il arrive de Dublin ce soir. Normalement, il passe d" abord chez lui, puis il va chercher Blandine. Ils viennent ensemble. Hortense: Yes, I hope! He was in Ireland for work. He's coming from Dublin tonight. Most likely, he will first go to his place, then he will go for Blandina. They will come together.

Bénédicte: Blandine habite loin de chez Félix? Benedict: Does Blandina live far from Felix?

Hortense: Non, elle habite à Vincennes aussi, dans le même quartier. Hortense: No, she also lives in Vincennes, in the same quarter.

(Le téléphone sonne.) (The phone rings).

Hortense: Allô? Oui, Félix! Ah, tu es encore à l "aéroport? À Paris? Non? À Dublin! Oh là là! Oui, je comprends, tu ne peux pas être là ce soir ... Quel dommage! Tu téléphones à Blandine? Oui, d" accord! Elle est chez elle, je crois. Bon ... Je t "embrasse! Bon courage! Hortense: Hello? Yes, Felix! Ah, are you still at the airport? In Paris? No? In Dublin! Oh la la! Yes, I understand, you can't be tonight ... What a shame! Will you call Blandina? Yes, okay! I think she's at her place. Okay ... I'll hug you! Good luck!

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