Child development in the eleventh month of life. Child development in the eleventh month of life Child 11 months development and nutrition growth

The child's first anniversary is ahead. If you think about it, a newborn 4 weeks after birth and a baby at 11 months are almost the same age. But how tangible the difference! What about the development of a child at 11 months? How can he please his parents and himself? His activity, natural curiosity, improvement of the skills acquired over these months and something new.

The physical state

The main point that can cause anxiety for overly suspicious parents is that in recent months the child has begun to grow less and gain weight. But this is completely normal, given that it now looks like a small battery-powered all-terrain vehicle: physical activity from the moment the baby got on all fours has increased significantly. So by 11 months the baby has grown by only 1 cm and gained about 300 grams. Now its height can be from 66 to 80 cm, weight - between 7 and 12 kg.

Physical activity has now reached such a level that parents constantly need to be on the alert: the baby can endlessly fall, stumble, lose balance, "not fit" in the door. Therefore, it is necessary to maximally secure the territory accessible to the baby for the crumbs, equipping with closers, holders and plugs everything that is possible, removing everything dangerous, small from the child's path, all electrical cords, "driving" rugs, glass objects.

What can an 11 month old baby do?

  • Sit confidently and for a long time with a flat back without support.
  • Sit down, get up from a sitting position, lying down, on all fours.
  • Crawling a lot and confidently is now the kid's favorite pastime.
  • Climb the stairs, holding on to the support.
  • Climb onto a bed or sofa, get down from them correctly, reaching the floor with your legs.
  • Walk near the support, sometimes break away from it and stand on your own for a while.
  • Coordination has become much better: now, in order to pick up a fallen toy from the floor, the baby does not have to flop on the bottom: he can bend over or sit down, and to take the toy, he opens his palm to the size of this toy.
  • Large motor skills have become more perfect: the baby himself holds the cup, can assemble a pyramid, a turret of 2-3 cubes, transfer various objects from one container to another.
  • Progress has also taken place in the development of fine motor skills: the child already independently holds a spoon, knows how to take objects with his fingers, so he can pick up, for example, a barely noticeable crumb from the floor. Can tear off pieces from a sheet of paper, pinch off small pieces of plasticine.

During such activities, do not leave the crumbs alone so that they do not swallow harmful particles.

If we talked about the daily routine, there were no visible changes in the last 2 months. The baby sleeps about 13-14 hours a day, eats 5 times, as it was in the 9th month. His diet is increasingly similar to that of an adult.

There are 2 important points to keep in mind here.

  1. For full development, the child must spend at least 4 hours in the air daily. If the weather does not allow, you can ventilate the room.
  2. 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, it is important to stop all stormy and noisy amusements, active, emotional games, so that by nightfall the psyche of the crumbs has time to tune in to sleep.

Mental development

A real breakthrough has also taken place in this area. For example, now a baby can repeat the same action many times, achieving a result (say, string a naughty pyramid ring on a rod or climb up and down from a stool). This ability to concentrate attests to the correct development of the psyche.

The development of an 11-month-old baby in psycho-emotional terms is truly impressive.

  • Now the baby trusts more people to whom the parents show affection.
  • Can fulfill a variety of simple requests (give, lift, show, give, bring, wave your hand, say something, do it like mom).
  • Finds and brings the named toy.
  • Actively imitates adults in everything, copying not only their sounds or intonations, but also patterns of behavior. In their games, which are already becoming role-based, 11-month-old children imitate the stereotypes of the behavior of a father or mother, which they already have. Now these are not just babies, but small members of society: boys try to behave like a man, girls - like a woman (although they do not yet realize their belonging to a particular gender). The former drive cars, carry loads, build or repair something, show strength and dexterity by climbing chairs or bedside tables; the second - they cook, pump and feed the dolls, clean the toy house, dress up in mother's things, paint her face with makeup.
  • Imitating adults, the kid is happy to play finger games with them ("okay", "magpie-crow"). The child claps his hands, bends his fingers, thereby developing fine motor skills that contribute to the development of speech.

Now is the time to take advantage of the imitative stage in the development of the child's psyche, in order to teach the child by his example, for example, to wash and brush his teeth every morning, to greet and say goodbye (while at an accessible level).

  • Memory is also improving. The child can now remember people who come to visit less often; remembers that this toy broke yesterday, and after lunch it's time to go for a walk; remembers and recognizes his relatives in the photo; remembers that if you take the button, you will prick.
  • Also, the baby has become more attentive. He can choose the named toy out of three, understand which of the three toys is gone (mom removed). In general, the game of "hide and seek" has become one of the most beloved. The kid will look for the hidden object, realizing that he is still there, and having found the hidden mother, he will come to indescribable delight.
  • A leap has also taken place in the development of logical thinking. At 11 months, the little man is already able to perform such complex mental operations as concretization and generalization. That is, he has an idea of ​​a similar set and can single out a separate object from it according to a specific criterion: for example, from all cars - a fire one, while realizing that all the others are also cars. But if you do not name a specific sign ("give a bird"), he can submit any toy or picture, which in his understanding is a bird (chicken, hen, magpie, sparrow).
  • The main and most important incentive to achieve any goal for a baby of this age is parental praise. If he did something wrong or violated any prohibition, the parents should calmly and amiably explain to him why it is wrong or not, and help him do everything right. But when he succeeds - sincerely and emotionally praise him for it.

Offline speech on the road to excellence

Who would argue that a child of this age is not just an energizer, but also an incessant chatterbox? Now he does not just babble, but knows how to explain to his mother what he wants, so that she understands him. Although it can be difficult for outsiders to understand their "dialogues". This "autonomous speech", understandable only to members of one family, is an essential step towards the development of full-fledged speaking skills.

Already now there is obvious progress on this path.

  • In the active vocabulary of crumbs, there are a few simple words: na, give, am, bye-bye, yes. Perhaps the baby is already pronouncing "mom" and "dad".
  • Its passive vocabulary is much broader (something that the child cannot yet pronounce, but already understands). The baby understands the appeal to him, simple requests, knows the names of many objects and actions, animals, plants, toys. The development of a passive vocabulary is a necessary condition for improving his spoken language, because gradually, as the speech apparatus develops, all these words will pass into the child's speech activity.
  • Onomatopoeia is actively developing. The kid reproduces many sounds: the voices of birds, animals, the sound of different types of transport, the noise of the wind, rain, etc. Without this, the development of speech skills is also impossible. You can help your child in a playful way, asking to depict a particular sound. After all, children love to play most of all.
  • Speech gestures are a sure sign that the baby's brain is already ready to learn to speak. If, while communicating with others, he demandingly stretches the pen forward, then everything goes as it should. Now it is still difficult for him to express everything he wants, and active gesticulation somewhat compensates for speech imperfection. Therefore, even if the baby does not speak yet, but during "communication" with adults makes specific hand gestures, he is ready to learn. He only needs help.

How can you help to speak?

There are several things you can do to help your child develop their speech skills.

How can you help your baby to develop?

In order for the child to develop harmoniously, it is important at each age stage to help him in this, paying attention to his motor skills, manipulation with objects, logic, speech, thinking, socialization. The next block of tips will help you place the right accents.

  1. Physical form. Maximum mobility contributes to its strengthening. Let the baby push his stroller in front of him for a walk, and when he returns, he climbs the steps, holding the hand of an adult or the railing. Let him overcome feasible obstacles on the playground. In addition, it is important to carry out strengthening exercises with the child, consisting of exercises for lifting the body from a prone position, flexion-extension of arms and legs with their circular movements; as well as bends, turns, squats.
  2. Socialization. It is facilitated by communication with peers, older children and adults, for example, on a walk. Let the baby learn to interact without conflict (parents should help with this).
    Promote social behavior skills and role-playing games in which different roles of women and men are played. For this, it is useful to purchase the missing toys: a set of children's furniture, dishes, tools.
  3. Large motor skills develop with various manipulations with large objects: cubes, pyramids, balls.
  4. The development of logical thinking, memory, fine motor skills is facilitated by toy-sorts, nesting dolls, inserts, drawing, modeling, mosaic.

At this stage, it is very important to establish a trusting, friendly relationship with your baby. Avoid shouts, unreasonable prohibitions, punishments. More often emotionally praise, hug, show your love, despite some oversights of the crumbs. In the near future, the child will need support and understanding of the parents. After all, ahead of him - not only the first anniversary, but also the first age crisis in his life: he will learn to accept himself as an independent person, with his personal territory, rights and desires.

Normal weight by 11 months for girls ranges from 7 to 11.2 kg, for boys - 7.6-11.7 kg. This variation is due to differences in height. The more the child's height, the greater the norm of his body weight.

Other parameters of physical development by 11 months of age.

  • 1 to 4 teeth. Ideally, the two lower incisors are the first to grow. Occasionally, the upper incisors grow first. The upper incisors are pecked behind the lower ones. If there are already four teeth, then they are located two on each jaw. However, if there are more teeth or no teeth at all, this is not considered a deviation. Your doctor may recommend nutritional adjustments. Much depends on the genetic predisposition.
  • Head circumference - 44-46 cm.Depending on the height, this parameter varies.
  • The circumference of the chest is 48-49 cm. Weight is also taken into account here. It is important to make sure that all parts of the body develop in proportion.

What a baby should be able to do by 11 months

At this time, the child is already confidently standing on his feet, holding an adult's hand or support. Most toddlers, especially boys, walk short distances using walls, furniture, or a rolling toy. Some take several steps in a row without support. Sometimes they need to hold the toy in their hands to maintain balance. With difficulty, the child sits up from a standing position.

The crawl is confident and fast thanks to well-developed muscles. An eleven-month-old child sits for a long time, confidently, without using support under his back.

The child's arms are well developed. Wanting to grab an object, he opens his palm according to its size. It is not difficult to pick up small objects. Many kids point out things that are interesting to them with their finger. During the game, they put cubes one on top of the other, build the simplest figures from toys.

Self-feeding skills are gradually formed. The kid already holds the cup with both hands and drinks from it. Holding the spoon in one hand, he scoops up the food and brings it to his mouth. Even in the absence of teeth, eleven-month-old babies can eat some dishes from the common table. They chew easily and swallow soft food and food cut into small pieces.

The level of mental and intellectual development

At this age, boys and girls say the first simple words of one or two syllables: "give", "mom", etc. They learn new words by listening to adults and repeating after them. The child understands speech well, responds adequately to requests and questions. Can answer monosyllabically, nod or twist his head. Speech is mostly indistinct, understandable only to relatives. Over time, it will become cleaner, but so far the main task is not the purity of pronunciation, but the development of new words. In addition to speech, onomatopoeia appears. The child, as best he can, copies the barking of a dog, the meow of a cat and other sounds that he hears every day.

Games become more complicated, a storyline appears: motion sickness of a doll, feeding a teddy bear, transporting toys on a truck, etc. It is important to pay maximum attention to this moment. Through role-playing games, kids learn to interact with other people, learn the rules of communication. Differences appear in the behavior of boys and girls. Therefore, it is necessary to play with a child already at the age of eleven months. In games with parents, violent fun is manifested, a desire to play along with an adult.

The relationship of the child with the mother is significantly enriched with emotions, the first attempts to manipulate the parents are made. Some fake crying to appease their mom, get what they want, or just chat. It is easy to understand by the absence of tears on the face.

Closer to the year, the character is formed. The child persistently repeats what does not work out, and upon achieving success, he expects praise. Mom may notice that he is trying to make her laugh during the game, to inspire approval and please. By this age, ingenuity is also manifested, the child with the help of one object pushes other things off the chair or table, turns the box over, shaking out the toys.

By eleven months, the ability to concretize and generalize information becomes noticeable. So, at the request to bring the ball, the child will choose any of several lying nearby. But if the kid is asked to choose a large ball of a certain color, he completes the task. Sometimes information processing occurs according to its own logic, incomprehensible to adults.

An eleven month old baby can already be potty trained. Some people get used to this procedure in one to two months. But if the child does not want to go to the potty, you cannot force him - perhaps the necessary changes in the brain have not yet occurred.


By 11 months, the child's daily routine has been formed. If necessary, it can be adjusted, but this should be done gently, without stress for a small organism. It is already possible to determine the biorhythms: a lark or an owl.

Baby? At 11 months, the child can already stand, pronounce a word with two syllables with understanding, and his sleep rhythm begins to change.

Physical development of the child at 11 months

An eleven-month-old baby is increasingly trying to stand on straight legs. It's obvious that upright he feels better and better... Sometimes he even manages to stand for some time without using his hands. The kid really wants to take the first independent step, but, most likely, it will have to wait a few more weeks. According to statistics, this moment occurs, as a rule, at the age of thirteen to fourteen months.

To pick up a toy on the floor, baby can bend over or crouch down holding on to some piece of furniture. Unfortunately, it is not so easy for him to return to a standing position, most children still do not know how to do this. They get on all fours and, holding on to a table leg or other support, try to get up.

The baby already has pretty nimble hands. A child can grab a button with his thumb and forefinger - this is the so-called tweezers... You may also notice that your toddler is holding objects by the handle or the tip. The child easily manages to open the lockers with a magnet, he pulls out the drawers without any problems, opens the cardboard boxes, pouring their contents onto the floor. So make sure your home is safe for your baby.

The child's vision is sharpened and he is able to focus his vision, track moving objects and analyze the image.

By the end of the first year of life sleep pattern changed... While newborns sleep an average of 16 hours a day, an eleven month old only needs 13 hours. Most children at this age sleep continuously for at least six hours at night, and also for some time during the day - in one or two visits.

  • If you haven't already, stop giving your baby a bottle. Using it for too long can cause a malocclusion.
  • If the baby is "lazy" and does not move much, invite him to roll over from his back to his stomach, sit down, put him on the floor as often as possible, putting toys on both sides so that they serve as an incentive for him to roll over.

Height and weight at 11 months

The eleven month old baby grew by 1.5 cm and gained about 400 g in weight. 11 month old boys now weigh 9.5-9.7 kg and girls 8.9 - 9.2 kg. Height 72-73 cm.

Emotional development of a child at 11 months

At 11 months of age, the child's awareness of himself as an independent, separate person is still growing. He wants to decide for himself what to do. This gives him a sense of power and control over himself and his life, and is also the basis for future decision-making skills (an eleven month old may already say no!). As the child grows awareness of one's own independent self, he begins to participate in simple procedures such as changing clothes or washing, begins to take the first attempts at independent travel, although he still feels insecure a few steps away. On the one hand, he wants security, on the other, freedom. You can notice how he moves away from you, in order to return back after a while.

The kid loves laughter and jokes, can initiate them.

Laughter has a huge impact on the formation of his character and personality.

Remember that the mother is still the most important and dear person for the child. No toy can compare to you. It is you that awaken all the feelings of the child, teach him, play, engage with him. You are the starting point in any incomprehensible situation, when determining your own feelings. Observing your facial expression helps your little one evaluate whether an activity is safe or not.

  • Develop a sense of humor in your child. Try to make him laugh as often as possible, make grimaces, change your voice, suggest trying on funny hats.
  • Teach your child to be polite by saying thank you, sorry, please, etc.
  • Let your child make choices so that he understands that you respect his wishes and opinions.
  • Remember that you have unlimited opportunities for communication with your baby. In many cases, you can do without toys. Every time you play with an infant, it develops socially, mentally, physically and intellectually.

Work with your child, developing his feelings.

Intellectual development of a child at 11 months

An eleven month old baby already knows how to insert and remove small objects from large ones. While it seems childishly simple to adults, learning this skill is a milestone in a child's development. And not the only one. The next is speech training. Child deliberately pronounces the first two-syllable words and simulates sounds. He understands more and more words and probably already knows well the words "mom", "dad", "baba", "sleep" and "not".

The kid becomes decisive and strong-willed. He knows exactly what he wants and knows how to express it. When the baby wants you to give him a toy, he pulls the arms in the direction of the object of desire. When he doesn't want to eat, he shakes his head resolutely. He can resist putting on and changing diapers and sometimes even directly says: "No!" When he hears "no" from you, the reaction can be different. The kid can retreat, stop what he is doing, or vice versa - continue the action, despite the prohibition. Thus, he checks how far he can go. Doing something "forbidden" looks at how you react. This is proof that he is aware of the rules you set.

The kid already knows his name, he is learning to memorize the names of household members. Try to use names and pronouns - this helps him identify people close to him and organize his world.

The kid shows more interest in books. He focuses vision on pictures illustrating the text you are reading. Knows how to distinguish objects by temperature, shape, weight and consistency. A baby can recognize in a picture a dog, a cat, a bird, a house, a car (best of all, of course, he determines what he comes into contact with every day). The kid knows the names of body parts and can already answer questions on this topic. He is able to point to his nose, mouth, ears, navel, legs and head.

The development of a child at 11 months is characterized by the emergence of new individual character traits, as well as the acceleration of physiological growth. At this age, the baby can already say the first word or take the first independent step.

In addition to acquiring new skills, the information already acquired is consolidated. The development process for each child is individual, but there are some common features.

Physiological features of the baby

The average weight of a child at 11 months is 9-10 kg,

and the baby's height is 72-74 cm.

In a month, the baby will add about 250-400 gr. and will grow by 1.5-2 cm.

In addition, at this stage, the baby manages to grow 5-8 teeth (in some cases, 3-4 teeth or they are absent altogether). The digestive system is fully formed and ready to eat rough food. The child can be given to try the foods that adult family members eat (vegetables, fruits, various cereals). Hard food, such as apples or dried food, is given only if at least 4 teeth have erupted. Eating coarser foods in moderation will help form the correct bite.

If the mother plans to curtail breastfeeding in the near future, then it is worth giving regular food more often, and breast milk only once a day. The child is still not allowed to cook fried, fatty, spicy, salty food. Products that can cause allergies are introduced with caution into complementary foods. Most often these are: oranges; honey; tomatoes; cow's milk; nuts and mushrooms.

The muscular system has strengthened and the child is already trying to move independently, slightly holding the adult's hand. In addition, the baby often already knows how to sit down from any position and rises to his feet himself. For some children, these skills appear a little later.

Lack of confident walking skills is considered the norm up to 1.5 years. If, after this period, the child does not walk on his own, parents should contact a pediatrician or orthopedist.

The development of any child takes place at an individual pace, so not all fit into the established framework.

Psycho-emotional behavior of the child

At 11 months, in almost all children, curiosity becomes the main character trait. Babies explore the world around them with the help of touch and sight. The stage when the child was afraid of strangers is gradually coming to an end. Now he is more willing to make contact with other children and adults. When an 11 month old baby is in the company of his peers, he may begin to unconsciously copy their behavior and habits. He begins to recognize people who often come to visit and quickly gets used to strangers who have just appeared.

The child can already express his desires with the help of simple sounds and words. In addition, he becomes able to respond to the requests of others (show, drop, let, see). Having done something, he can expect praise from his parents.

The child becomes more persistent. If some action does not work the first time, he tries again until he reaches the result.

Closer to the year, the baby is already able to perceive the words of others and react to them accordingly. And although many words still remain a mystery to him, he captures the tone of voice perfectly. The emotional palette of feelings of the child himself is also expanding. A good mood quickly changes to a bad one and vice versa. If the baby is forbidden something, he may start to be capricious.

Sometimes crying and whims can be manipulative. The child notices that one has only to cry - the mother immediately appears. However, it is important to understand that a bad mood can signal poor health and learn to distinguish between common moods and illness.

What a baby should be able to do at 11 months

At the age of 11 months, children are becoming more independent every day and are good at different tasks. For example:

  • with ease climb small hills(armchair, sofa, step);
  • trying to walk on their own, without anyone's help;
  • confidently move by the hand with adults;
  • nod in agreement or shake their head in denial;
  • know how to drink from a bottle on their own or drinking cup;
  • trying to eat with a spoon or with a fork;
  • designate some of their actions with sounds;
  • move quickly on all fours;
  • trying to pronounce words;
  • are able to grab small objects or, at the request of parents or other adults, point a finger at them;
  • carefully examine illustrations in books and have page turning;
  • distinguish their favorite toys from the rest;
  • put together a small turret from cubes or collect a pyramid;
  • turn around at the sound of their name.

Although it is believed that boys lag behind in development and begin to speak a little later than girls, scientists have proven that the development of children physically and emotionally at this age does not depend on gender and is practically at the same level.

With some children this is true, but there are always exceptions to the rule. The main difference between boys and girls at this age lies in the manner of communication with peers, activity and in the choice of favorite toys.

Girls are calmer and can get carried away with playing with cubes or collecting a pyramid for a long time. In addition, girls are more willing to contact adults and play with other children. But boys prefer more energetic games, rarely sit in one place and are often shy when they first meet their peers.

Examination by doctors and vaccination of the baby

In the first months of life, the foundations of a child's health are laid. Therefore, if you have any complaints, you should immediately make an appointment and get the advice of a pediatrician. Visits to the clinic can reveal congenital diseases or a tendency to them, as well as the early stage of an emerging disease.

At the age of 11 months, the baby needs to visit a pediatrician for a preventive examination. The doctor conducts a general examination, assesses the health of the child, checks whether the baby has gained weight. In addition, you can consult a specialist about hardening and physiotherapy exercises.

According to the vaccination calendar, at the age of 11 months, no vaccinations are given to the baby. An exception is possible only in a situation that is provided for by the individual vaccination schedule.

Baby care

At 11 months of age, potty training is in full swing. This process is different for all babies. One child quickly gets used to it, while the other ignores the pot and cries.

The child's daily routine is also changing. A little less time is devoted to daytime sleep. Some babies sleep only 1 instead of 2 times during the day. Most of the day is now spent on learning about the world around them. However, the baby should still sleep at least 10-12 hours per day. Sleep becomes calmer at night. A child for night feeding wakes up less often (2-3 times per night).

You should go for a walk at least twice a day. Moreover, it is better if one exit is active (sandbox, games with other children), and the other completely takes up lunchtime.

If you have trouble laying down for the night or your child is too excited emotionally, simple bedtime rituals can help: a quiet lullaby, reading a bedtime story, calm music, or a relaxing massage.

To make the process of laying down at night a little easier, outdoor games are excluded 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. The best activity for this period of time will be swimming.

For a small child, general developmental gymnastics or light massage are very useful. Correctly performed exercises strengthen the child's body and develop the child. As a massage, stroking, rubbing the muscles and light tingling are suitable.

Hardening is very useful for strengthening the body. The child can walk barefoot on warm sand, carpet with soft pile, cool tiles. In addition, the stores sell special orthopedic mats that mimic various surfaces. At the age of 11 months, it is better to purchase an option for babies just starting to walk.

At 11 months, the child can already be taught to take care of himself. For example, put on socks or a panama hat, fasten your sandals.

Development games and exercises

The main task of parents in the period up to a year is to help the baby as much as possible in consolidating motor, speech and play skills and direct his formation in the right direction.

First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to take the child in your arms. This also applies to those babies who already know how to crawl or even walk. Physical contact will help maintain a sense of closeness with your mother. In addition, psychologists recommend sitting on the floor next to the baby during the game. Seeing the expression on the face of an adult, it is easier for a child to learn to adopt emotions and communicate.

At this age, it is important to develop the vocal apparatus. The main assistants in this matter are speech games. One of the simplest is to get different toys out of the box and try to name them together with the baby. If a child during the game uttered a word denoting some thing, you can search for this object with him.

Reading fairy tales together will be a great activity. Fairy tales can be read aloud, or you can use audio fairy tales.

For the development of speech, it is important to constantly talk with the child. You can do this without interrupting your household chores. For example, describe your actions while cooking or cleaning.

Communication with peers is very important at this stage of life. Interactive rugs, children's musical toys, or a TV are no longer enough to satisfy a child's need for play. Walking in the playground or playing in the sandbox can help you make new friends.

The development of the vocal apparatus is closely related to fine motor skills. Active games with kinetic sand, plasticine, salt dough or clay develop dexterity and stimulate speech. Almost all children at this age love to spend time with their mother in the kitchen. The kid can pour cereals from one plate to another or paint on a smooth surface sprinkled with fine cereals.

However, do not lose your vigilance, do not leave the child alone with small details, it will be interesting for the baby to take it in his mouth or stick it in his nose or ear. This is not the only danger that exists for a child of this age. We talked more about home security in.

At this age, while playing with the child, you can begin to act out mini-scenes with a plot. The easiest option is to put the doll to bed or change it, feed the toy dog. During the game, the child with his behavior may try to make adults laugh or surprise.

There are many developing techniques for children. One of the most popular is Doman's cards. Objects and words are depicted on special cards. All images are united by a common theme. For example, "Animals", "Transport", "Products". Mom or Dad show the card for a few seconds, while pronouncing the name of the depicted object. During the lesson, several points are taken into account:

  • you can not interfere with the baby to view the image;
  • one card is shown no more than 3 times a day;
  • you need to try to stop the lesson before the baby loses interest;
  • old sets must be replaced with new ones as they are studied;
  • classes should be systematic.

To strengthen the legs and develop walking skills, it is necessary to abandon the walker as much as possible. Instead, it is better to use toys that the child can roll on their own. A toy wheelchair with a handle or a small stroller with a doll inside is a great option for an 11 month old baby.

Perhaps the first time, some of the tasks will seem too difficult for the child. However, do not forget that children do not stop developing for a minute. And what seemed difficult today will be a fun game tomorrow.

The child at 11 months continues to develop physically and mentally. The baby already knows a lot, some babies can please their parents with the first words or steps. The formation of personal qualities continues, the range of available emotions expands. Children at 11 months have good control over their bodies, so their actions become more confident. For the normal development of a child at 11 months, parents need to work with the baby, help him in mastering new and consolidating the acquired skills.

Photo from the site

The weight gain of a child at 11 months slows down noticeably. On average, he manages to gain only 300-400 g, but this does not prevent him from developing physically. The muscular apparatus is sufficiently developed to carry out complex movements. The average body weight, regardless of gender, is 8.5-10.5 kg, of course, a girl should weigh less than a boy. The normal weight for a girl at 11 months is 8.5-9 kg. For a boy, these figures are higher - 9.5-10.5 kg. However, all children are individual, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of development.

The growth gain of a child at 11 months also slows down a bit. The baby grows 1-1.5 cm.The average height of a child at this age is 72-76 cm.

The proportions of the child's body are already more reminiscent of adults, since the volume of the chest exceeds the size of the head.

Table with the norms of height, weight, circumferences

The table shows the normal values ​​for circumference, weight and height.

The table shows the lower and upper limits.

Mental and emotional development

Thanks to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers of a child at 11 months, sensory perception, which is important for cognition of the world around, is improved. The kid feels objects, studies their shape, texture and size. In addition, the baby will definitely try them on the tooth.

During the eleventh month, there is a leap in emotional development, personality traits are formed, and demeanor continues to develop. A wide range of emotions is available to the child, he actively uses them, so crying is heard less and less.

The baby knows how to be cunning, knows how to attract the attention of parents.

The intellectual development of the child at 11 months progresses along with the emotional and mental development. The baby understands adults, imitates their actions, uses ingenuity if he needs to get around an obstacle in order to get to the goal.

A baby at 11 months old is characterized by persistence and determination. Girls and boys alike love to be praised for their accomplishments and enjoy attention from their parents. Caring is essential for the normal development of children. Eleven-month-olds are still very attached to their parents.

What can

What can a child do at 11 months:

  • accurately indicates the subject of interest;
  • knows the command "no", but does not always accept it;
  • understands the speech of parents;
  • fulfills some requests, for example, come with me, go to the pens, give me a toy;
  • knows the names of most items;
  • pronounces 2-3 words (mom, dad) or is expressed in syllables;
  • voices animal voices.

It is easier for a child at 11 months to communicate with parents, since he can voice his requests. If he wants to eat, he can say "am-am".

How to develop

During the eleventh month of the child, it is necessary to study the following information:

  • to acquaint with the objects that surround him, with their purpose;
  • talk about natural phenomena, animals;
  • continue to study colors;
  • to train the teams "can" and "not".

It is necessary to train the child's memory. Developing activities, nursery rhymes, songs, rhymes are suitable for this. Sorters are indispensable at this age, thanks to them logical thinking develops, children try to choose an object that is suitable in shape and size. For games, you can also purchase buckets of different sizes, boxes and other containers, balls.

A baby at 11 months develops when he looks at books with bright pictures. Let him turn the pages himself. Search games are useful for developing attention and intelligence. For example, you might ask the baby to find and serve the ball that is in the toy box.

You should teach your child to talk at 11 months. It is at this age that not only passive, but also active speech is formed. In no case should you lisp and distort words. You need to express yourself clearly and slowly, communicate with the baby as much as possible.

Physical activity

The physical development of the child at 11 months progresses along with the emotional and mental. The baby's arms and legs become more coordinated and precise. Tweezers develop when the child can grasp grains or bread crumbs with his fingers.

The kid skillfully manages his body, his skills are improved, for example, crawling, sitting. Some children take their first independent steps.

What can

What a baby should do at 11 months of age:

  • squeeze rubber toys;
  • hold small objects with two fingers;
  • roll the ball on the floor;
  • put small items into large ones;
  • stand without support;
  • stand on legs, holding on and pulling up on the support;
  • sit or crawl for a long time;
  • sit down or go down on all fours from a standing position;
  • bend over, squat, or squat
  • climb into a chair and get the desired item;
  • perform different movements with both hands, for example, hold on to the bed with one, and take a toy with the other.

Some know how to take the first steps. They keep their balance by balancing the arms. The child knows how to build a turret out of cubes, but after that he will surely ruin it. He also collects a pyramid with 4-5 rings.

A child at 11 months old knows how to unlace shoes, pull off tights, remove and pull on socks. Because of this, it can be difficult for parents to dress the baby on the street. He can drink from a cup and use a spoon while eating. Thanks to this, the child can be taught independence at 11 months.

How to develop

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The physical development of the baby will be more progressive if you help him. It is necessary to improve the child's skills, in particular, to encourage him to walk. To make the baby forget about fear, you can use a toy, a ball, a ball. It is necessary to lure the baby. After taking a few steps on his own, he will understand how great it is.

To train the vestibular apparatus and develop a sense of balance, you can purchase a rocking horse or a jumping donkey. The child will try not to fall.

You can play the game: get to the goal by going through all the obstacles. In the process of passing the distance, it is important that the child not only crawls, but also gets up on his legs and avoids obstacles.

Medical issues

If all vaccines are administered according to the vaccination schedule, then vaccinations are not given at 11 months. Otherwise, you need to complete the missing ones. If the child does not walk or does not stand, then it is worth showing him to an orthopedist in order to exclude pathology.


For normal development, parents are required to maintain a healthy lifestyle and daily routine for an 11 month old baby.


An 11-month-old child is characterized by a change in the daily routine. He sleeps less, is more awake. The child switches to a one-time nap, but for some children this rest is not enough, so they go to bed twice.

It is harder to put a baby to bed at 11 months. It is worth playing with him until he gets tired.

It is impossible to forcefully put to sleep, but also to delay sleep too. Overexcitement is fraught with vagaries and a poor night's rest.


A baby at 11 months has 6 teeth, so he can chew. It is necessary to reduce the amount of ground food. You don't have to grind the food in a blender, but crush it with a fork.

The child's food should still be prepared separately, it is too early to switch to an adult table. The baby should be fed 5-6 times a day, 2 feedings should be breast milk or formula.

The volume of food eaten, excluding liquid, is 1-1.2 liters.

In the diet of an infant at 11 months, cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products, as well as buns, cookies, bread should be present. As for milk and egg yolk, their presence is also desirable if the child does not have allergies.


Sleep patterns may vary. If a child at 11 months sleeps once, then the duration of rest is up to 3-4 hours. A two-day nap lasts for 1.5-2 hours. At night, the baby sleeps for about 10 hours, he may wake up to have a snack.


Childcare at 11 months remains the same. These are water procedures, exercise, washing clothes. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of footwear. Better to get an orthopedic one. It is not only comfortable, but also maintains the anatomically correct position.

Intimate hygiene is also important. The amount of urination decreases, but the volume of urine excreted increases. It is necessary to monitor the fullness of the diaper so that the child is not wet for a long time. It is better if he stays without a diaper for 3-4 hours a day. At 11 months, you can plant it on a pot.


The child at 11 months sits confidently. To make bathing fun, you can add toys to the bath. Parents need to support the baby's chest. After such an intense bath, it will be easier for him to fall asleep.


The baby is ready for long walks. He is interested in looking at everything around him. Babies as young as 11 months may be asked to walk. They want to run, not sit in a wheelchair.

You need to walk with your child 2 times a day for 1.5-2 hours.

Massage, gymnastics

Massage and gymnastics are integral parts of a child's development at 11 months. They help to develop physically, get rid of unnecessary stress and overexcitement.

While swimming, you can do water massage, after kneading your legs, arms, feet, fingers. In the morning, it is advisable to do exercises. It is necessary to practice sitting, walking, leaning forward, reaching for the toy.


Role-playing games are interesting for girls and boys aged 11 months. Children of this age are also willing to study with Doman cards. With their help, you can develop speech. Fairy tales and songs have a good effect on development.

You can play the following games with your child:

  • "Who is this?". You can show pictures in a book, or take items out of a box by saying their names.
  • "Guess what's hidden." You need to show the closed box, shake it, get the object and say what it is.
  • "How does the animal speak?" You can work with both Doman's cards and the pictures in the book. Show the animal and pronounce how it speaks.

A girl at 11 months old will be interested in drawing with her fingers or pencils, making cakes in the sandbox using molds.

Possible problems

At 11 months, such developmental pathologies are possible:

  • the child does not crawl on all fours, he does not sit down, sits only with support under his back, does not stand on his legs - the reason is neurological disorders or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you need to consult a neurologist and orthopedist;
  • the baby does not understand the speech of the parents, does not fulfill requests, have a low concentration of attention, for example, cannot find the toy hidden with him - mental deviations, it is necessary to consult a psychologist;
  • the child uses objects for other purposes (for example, the rattle does not shake, but rolls like a ball), does not know the use of ordinary household items (spoons, cups), does not know how to assemble a pyramid, put cubes on top of each other - most likely, mental disorders are to blame.

In order to identify developmental problems in time, you need to know about the skills that an eleven-month-old child must master. For any deviations, specialist advice is needed.

The development of a child at 11 months largely depends on heredity and temperament. Calm kids learn new skills more slowly. Nimble and agile babies outrun their peers.

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