What kind of ribbon is included with tulle. How to hang tulle on a curtain tape: basic rules

If you plan to hang the curtain or tulle yourself on the curtain tape, then you need to know several very important factors from them and the final result will depend.

More recently, the process of hanging new or just washed curtains turned into a real torment, because you need not only to hang, but also to drape the fabric beautifully, otherwise it will completely lose its aesthetic function. Therefore, I had to suffer pretty much, calculating the necessary intervals and fixing the curtains.

But with the advent of curtain tape, this process has become much easier, because this accessory allows you to completely prepare the canvas, all that remains is just to put it on the curtain rod. In order to save ourselves the trouble and forget forever about long standing with our head and arms held high, we will try to understand as much as possible the specifics of the choice, and also tell you how to hang the curtains on the curtain tape.

Varieties of mounting tape

The process of installing the curtain fabric is preceded by a long period of choosing all the necessary accessories, including curtain tape, the variety of models of which can lead to a dead end for beginner designers. You can already visually understand what kind of fabric this or that tape is intended for: transparent is used on light curtains (mesh, veil, organza, silk), where dense will be noticeable, while white, in turn, is suitable for curtains made of dense, non-translucent fabrics ...

The width is also important, which can range from 2.5 to 10 centimeters. As a rule, narrow (2.5-4 cm) braids are used on curtains where drapery is not needed: with a baguette cornice or a niche built into the ceiling, they are also suitable for thin fabrics that can be easily draped. Tapes from 5 centimeters wide have not only the function of fixing, but also decorative, since they can be used to create various types of folds, which become more complicated as the width of the tape increases.

Wide ribbons are used on dense fabrics to create a beautiful pattern, and they can also be used to hide an unprepossessing cornice by simply moving the hooks one level below. Thus, the stable upper part of the curtain will simply hide the pipe behind it, and there will be no need to purchase it along with new curtains. Depending on the width and complexity of the pattern, there can be 2, 3, or 4 rows of pockets for hooks, with which the height of the curtain is varied.

The tapes also differ in the method of fixing, depending on the type of curtains and cornices on which they need to be hung. Having purchased a tape that does not fit your curtain rod, you will never be able to figure out how to hang curtains on this type of curtain tape. For example, for pipe cornices, a model with built-in eyelets is suitable, for strings there is also a special type that has loops into which the string is stretched, there are Velcro that allow you to fix both hard gangs and soft lambrequins, as well as options for curtains with vertical assembly, where special rings are sewn through which a lifting cable is passed that lifts the Roman curtains. A similar model can be used on blinds.

Build ratio

This term denotes the ratio of an even fabric for a curtain to that already assembled with a tape. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, there are 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3. That is, when you buy a tape with a build factor of 2, you will get 2 meters of a draped curtain from a 4-meter wide fabric cloth.

As a rule, this indicator is initially indicated on the package. It must be taken into account not only when calculating the required amount of fabric, but also when buying the braid itself, because it is sewn onto a flat fabric and pulled together only before attaching the curtains to the curtain tape. You can find out the required length by multiplying the width of the cornice by the assembly factor + 6-8 centimeters at the edges.

For example, for a curtain rod 3 meters wide, we buy a tape with a build ratio of 2. We calculate the required amount as follows: 2 * 3 + 0.8 = 6.8 meters of tape we need, and the curtains, respectively, 2 * 3 = 6 meters.

Build options

Depending on the width and density of the tape, it can be used to create a number of different patterns from the most ordinary waves to real masterpieces. The most popular are the following:

  1. The simplest option is for even folds. Typically, the build factor in this model is 1.5. The most simple and uncomplicated pattern, moreover, does not require a large consumption of fabric. To create such a drapery, even the narrowest ribbon is suitable. It will be most convenient to hang tulle on such a curtain tape;
  2. Bow fold. It looks like single or double bows, located close to each other. The minimum coefficient in this case is 2.5, sometimes it can reach 3;
  3. Glasses. A very sophisticated and sophisticated pleat look. The fabric gathered from the bottom by a triple pint, forms a kind of a glass at the top. To create them, you need a tape with two rows of cords and a coefficient of 2.5;
  4. Puffs. A rather lush and original pattern in the form of several rows of rhombuses can be formed only with a wide ribbon with at least 4 rows of cords. Looks beautiful on dense expensive fabrics. The build factor also starts at 2.5;
  5. The most expensive fabrics, but incredibly elegant and sophisticated - French or triple folds. Here the coefficient is 3, that is, to get 1 meter of curtain, draped in this way, we must purchase 3 meters of fabric. It is used, as a rule, on dense curtains. Has several rows of pockets for adjusting the landing height;
  6. Waffles or ruffles add splendor and airiness to the interior; counter folds resembling small water ripples have a similar effect. To create them, you need a thick and wide tape with a coefficient of 2.

Assembly and installation of curtains

It doesn't matter if you purchased a curtain with a built-in ribbon or chose every detail on your own, the question of how to assemble curtains on a ribbon will certainly arise before you, because not everyone knows the intricacies of this process. So how do we create a beautiful drape with tape? Let's describe this process in stages.

  1. Check the cords in the already sewn ribbon. They must be tied, otherwise, when pulled, they will simply pull out and will only add to you a headache. We pull loose cords (cords) into a tight knot and check its tightness.
  2. Now let's start assembling. It is necessary to take into account the width at which we will collect, accordingly adjusting the density of the pattern. As a rule, curtains, which often move apart, either do not collect at all, or the amount of folds on them is minimal. It is most convenient to do the tie with an assistant to pull from both sides. If there are no such in the house, then, having fastened the threads at both edges, we begin to form the most dense folds, moving them gradually to the opposite edge.
  3. Having collected the tape in this way, we check the uniformity and density of the resulting pattern, after which you can already proceed with the installation. We advise you to pay attention to the stiffness of the folds when buying a tape, pulling it right in the store. It is better not to purchase an insufficiently strong model, since it will not be able to hold the drawing normally.
  4. And the last step is to fix our folds, because the unsecured thread will certainly fall into place, nullifying all our efforts. Having received the desired pattern, we fix the edge with a knot. To prevent the rest of the thread from hanging along the curtain, we wind it around several fingers in a neat hank, the middle of which is tied with a free edge. It turns out a kind of thread bow. We can also “securely” hide it, hiding it from prying eyes, simply passing the upper edge under the upper cord, and the lower one - under the lower one.

Not knowing how to properly hang the curtains on the curtain tape , many try to put hooks on the cords. This step is fundamentally wrong, because under the weight of the canvas, the threads will begin to sag, thereby completely ruining the appearance of the curtain. Hooks and other fixing elements are threaded only into special fabric pockets, of which there can be several rows.

Such a device is very convenient in that it allows you to adjust the height of the curtain. For example, if you have not guessed a little with the height of the curtain or curtain, you just need to rearrange the hooks on the top row, you can hide the unsightly cornice with the same manipulation, but using the bottom row of pockets. It is better to place the hooks at a distance of 5-6 centimeters, so you protect yourself from the sagging of the canvas.

In this article, we will look at the features of the curtain tape assembly. You will learn what the build ratio is, what it affects and how this value is calculated. We will also study in detail the technology of attaching the curtain tape and the formation of decorative folds, which will allow you to drape the curtains with your own hands.

What is curtain tape

The technology of draping curtains is quite complicated; without proper experience, it is almost impossible to give the fabric the desired appearance. It greatly facilitates this process - when using it, you can create folds of any density and shape, moreover, any needlewoman can calculate and sew the ribbon to the canvas without any problems.

All braids on the market can be roughly divided into the following groups:

  • Opaque - designed for heavy curtain fabrics, and transparent - used to decorate tulle and curtains made of lightweight materials such as organza and polyester;
  • Narrow - width from 2.5 to 5 centimeters, and wide - from 6 to 15 centimeters;
  • Sew-on - attached to the fabric with the help of, and tapes glued with a hot iron;
  • Depending on the method of fixing on the cornice, tapes with Velcro or loops are distinguished.

Also, the braids differ in the number of gathering cords and compartments with hooks, the configuration of which determines the appearance of the formed folds.

The most popular are ribbons that create the following forms of drapery:

  • Vertical pencil folds;
  • Puffy rhomboid folds;
  • Fan (French) folds;
  • Bell folds.

Pencil folds can be collected with the simplest two-cord tape without fixing hooks. All draperies of complex shape belong to the category of shaped, for their formation, braids with a rather complex design are used, in which there are hooks-limiters that prevent the straightening of the fabric.

Build factor and its calculation

The curtain assembly factor is the value of the ratio between the dimensions of the canvas and the curtain tape, on which the initial length of the tape depends, which is necessary for the formation of a certain type of drapery on the finished product.

The shrinkage factor is determined based on the shape of the folds you want:

  1. To form a pencil assembly - from 2.5 to 3;
  2. For bow folds - from 2.5 to 3;
  3. Buffer assembly - 2.5;
  4. French folds - 2.5;
  5. Flemish assembly - 2;
  6. Glasses folds - from 2 to 2.5.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the assembly factor for the curtains on the eyelets - it is equal to 1.6-2.5. To drape curtains fixed with eyelets, a braid is used, the design of which differs from standard ribbons - it has special holes for ring fasteners.

The higher the gathering factor for curtains you use, the tighter the pleats will be in relation to each other. The above coefficients are optional, if desired, they can be increased by 0.5-1 and get a thicker drapery.

First of all, you need to do the assembly on the fabric:

  1. Tuck the upper edge of the curtain on the wrong side to a width equal to the width of the braid, then iron and attach the fabric;
  2. We put the braid on the curtain, bend its side edges inward by 2-3 centimeters. so that it recedes 1 cm from the top of the canvas and 3-4 centimeters from its extreme sides;
  3. We attach the upper and lower contour of the braid to the entire length of the curtain. We also make a longitudinal stitch near each inner thread of the tape;
  4. We fold and attach the side sections of the fabric twice in the places where the tape is indent from the edges of the canvas.

It is better to do this with an assistant, since it is quite difficult for one to evenly distribute the folds on a large canvas. If you are working alone, securing one end of the curtain to the doorknob will make the whole process a lot easier.

It is extremely important not to allow the tape to sag during operation, since after hanging the curtain on the cornice, it will straighten and the resulting folds are deformed.

To begin with, fix one edge of the braid - there are tightening strings on its sides, which need to be tied so as to restrict the movement of the fabric on the opposite side of the fabric.

The pleats on the curtain are defined by offsetting the fabric along the laces. In the process of drapery, due to a decrease in the width of the canvas, the side strings will be exposed, wrap them on a piece of cardboard.

When the folds in the fabric begin to interfere with its further movement, slide the fabric towards the fixed edge of the tape. The degree of assembly increases until the curtain gets the required width; it must be regularly checked during operation using a tape measure or meter.

Upon reaching the required level, evenly distribute the resulting folds and fix the strings of the braid. Do not cut them, as in the future you will need to wash and iron the curtain repeatedly, which is much more convenient to do with the fabric straightened out. Now all that remains is to hang the fixing hooks on the braid and fix the curtain to the cornice.

Curtain tape is an indispensable tool for modern curtains, without which the drapery process would cost a lot of money for buyers and a lot of work for a master.

Even the choice of expensive and high-quality fabric for curtains does not at all guarantee obtaining the perfect window decor, because the final touch for creating a special aesthetics is the drapery. Until recently, this process was quite laborious and painful, because each fold had to be done by hand. However, technologies do not stand still, and they even affected this area. The curtain tape, the types of which we will now consider, greatly accelerated and simplified this process, allowing you to create a spectacular decor in just a few strokes.

Types of tape

The variety of design of modern curtains is directly related to a fairly wide range of curtain tapes, however, in order to understand them in more detail, let's divide them into categories.

According to the type of fabric, the following are distinguished:

  • Transparent. It is made of fishing line and is used for draping tulle and other transparent fabrics, against which it is practically invisible. Combining it with denser types does not make much sense, since it will not withstand their weight and will not be able to fully keep the folds;
  • Dense. This option can be made both from cotton fabric and from polyester. White, much denser in structure, it is used for draping curtains.

In width, the tape also has various formats, ranging from 2.5 to 10 centimeters wide. The greatest demand is for the narrowest and tape, the width of which is in the range from 4 to 6 centimeters. A narrow tape is most convenient to use in cases where exquisite draperies are not needed: for country curtains, closed cornices or under a lambrequin, when the top of the curtain is completely hidden behind decorative elements.

The larger format is used when there are decorative draperies, and also if there is a need to compensate for some of the shortcomings of the cornice itself, for example, the insufficient number of hooks that are not able to keep the shape of the curtain or the low height of the cornice itself. The wider the ribbon, the more intricate draperies you can create with it, but we'll talk about this a little later.

They are also distinguished by the type of fixation:

  • Standard. The looped curtain tape is used on curtain rods with regular hooks. May have several rows for planting them;
  • For string cornices. Has special pockets that allow you to thread a curtain thread through them, thereby fixing the curtain;
  • For eaves-pipes. With the same shape, they have different widths, which makes it possible to use them on pipes of different diameters;
  • With eyelets. This type has already built-in eyelets through which the cornice is passed;
  • 2 in 1. Combines the standard method of fastening with hooks + Velcro;
  • Velcro tape. The best option for fixing curtains with vertical assembly (French, London, Roman);
  • Magnetic tape for curtains. A modified version of the Velcro. Recently, it can be often found on mosquito curtains, however, in this model, it is used not to fix it on the cornice, but to securely fasten the mesh sections.

Build Factor or How to Calculate Belt Length

It's not a secret for anyone that in the process of draping, the width of the canvas decreases in proportion to the number of folds formed. It is this ratio that is commonly called the assembly factor, which allows you to calculate the required width of the curtain so that it does not lose its beauty when draped. Depending on the type of folds, this figure can vary from 1.5 to 3. That is, to obtain a assembled curtain with a width of 1 meter, we need to purchase fabric with a width of 1.5 to 3 meters.

Since the tape is sewn onto a flat fabric, it is very important to calculate the required length. The initial parameters that we need for such calculations are the width of the cornice (CC) and the assembly factor (KC). in the form of a formula, it looks like this:

ШК * КС + 8 cm = tape length

This extra 8 centimeters is needed for hemming to the fabric.

Fold options

It is possible to form decorative folds only with a wide enough curtain tape, usually at least 5 centimeters in diameter. The most popular among them are the following types of draperies:

  • Bows. Such patterns are best used on a solid canvas, since they look less impressive on sliding curtains, it will look good on frills. The width of such a tape is 5 cm, while the CS starts from 2.5. On each individual model, it is indicated initially and sometimes reaches 3.
  • Glasses. They look elegant on long curtains, since the shape of several tucks, smoothly turning into a round, glass-like fold, adds aristocracy and elegance to them. To create such a masterpiece at home, you need to use a tape with KS 2 or 2.5;
  • Wave. Already from the name it is clear what pattern is formed when draped with such a ribbon. Wavy folds look best on long curtains or curtains, adding lightness and airiness to them. The COP of such a model is equal to two, and the width is 10 centimeters;
  • Counter fold or "waffles". This option is ideal for dense, perhaps even coarse fabrics. COP 1 to 2, and the width is 7-7.5 centimeters;
  • "Accordion" - the simplest version of the drapery in the form of thin folds. It is used on thin transparent fabrics, ideally such an organza, silk or tulle ribbon drapes. The COP here is only 1.5 with a width of about 6 centimeters;
  • Double pleats are called draperies in the form of triple rows of folds, arranged according to a checkerboard pattern. The width of such a braid is quite large and amounts to 10 centimeters at COP 2;
  • A diamond fold is understood as several varieties: checkerboard, butterfly or waffle. All of them have a rather complex pattern, because the COP is as much as 2.5 with a width of 7.5 centimeters.
  • The most expensive fabric is triple or "French", as this tape for curtains is also called. Here the COP is 3. It is used on all types of fabric, but it is very important not to make extra efforts when creating the drapery, since the overtightened ribbon will completely ruin the original pattern.

How to drape a curtain yourself

When all the work associated with the choice and hemming of the braid is left behind, a new question appears “How to assemble the curtains on the ribbon?”, Because this stage is no less important than all the previous ones. The drapery process itself is not complicated, but it requires great care and accuracy.

Correctly selected drapery can transform any, even the most nondescript curtains, sewn from plain fabric. Curtain tape is a product that greatly facilitates the process of forming folds on the curtain canvas, which is what we will talk about in this article.

The material will consider in detail the types of curtain tapes and their application. You will learn how different types of ribbons differ from each other, what you need to pay attention to when choosing them, and how best of all with your own hands.

What is curtain tape

Polyester, as a material of manufacture, was not chosen by chance. Unlike any textile fabrics, it does not lose its functional properties during operation - during washing, the braid does not shrink, which is dangerous due to its narrowing and, as a result, deformation of the folds and patterns on the canvas.

In addition to the decorative purpose, the braid also plays a functional role - there are loops on it, which are used to fasten curtains on the eaves.

Features and types

Types of curtain tapes are classified based on several factors - the density of the material, the way the product is attached to the curtain and cornice, the configuration and shape of the folds that it creates.

According to the density, tapes are distinguished:

  • Transparent - are used, the fabric of which is made of light fabrics - organza, satin, tulle. The transparent tape sewn to the seamy side of the curtain will not be visible even on the curtains made of translucent textiles;
  • Opaque - an option for heavy fabrics: jacquard, velvet, brocade.

Depending on the method of attachment:

  • Sew-on - attached to the curtain fabric with longitudinal stitches using a sewing machine;
  • Adhesive - applied to the fabric and ironed through parchment paper. Such products are used for draping light curtains, since their fixation is less reliable than that of sewn-on options.

Based on the build configuration:

  • For horizontal assembly - a classic version used to create longitudinal folds on curtains, curtains, Italian-type curtains and lambrequins;
  • For vertical gathering - used to form a transverse drapery on lifting Roman and French curtains.

The types of folds that the finished curtain will be draped with depends on the type of tape used. There is a uniform tape that forms ordinary pencil folds, the density of which you can set yourself, and shaped products - the scheme of their assembly is fixed with hook stoppers, such a tape drapes curtains with folds of complex geometric shapes.

Consider the main types of curtain tape folds:

Let's take a closer look at the assembly factor. This is a fixed value that determines the length of the tape and fabric for the canvas, which you will have to use to sew the draped curtain for a specific width of the cornice.

By the way, the folds on the curtains can be formed without the braid. In an industrial setting, a special pleat foot is used for this, but such a device is not cheap, and it makes no sense to buy it for one-time use at home.

Sewing is performed in the following sequence:

It remains only to iron the fabric at the sewing site and you can start tightening.

Pulling tape

Ideally, you need to do the contraction together. An assistant will be required to hold the opposite edge of the curtain so that there are no deflections along the entire length of the canvas, which can lead to deformation of the folds after hanging the curtain on the eaves.

If you're doing this alone, secure one edge of the curtain to the door or cabinet handle. Pulling is simple: with one hand, grab the strings of the braid, and with the other, with your free hand, move the fabric to the middle of the curtain.

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If in the process the fabric gathers tightly and does not want to move on, move the pleat array to the fixed edge of the curtain and continue draping until the pleats evenly fill the entire length of the tape.

The process ends when the width of the curtain is exactly adjusted to the width of the cornice on which it will be located.

The dream of every hostess is to make her apartment comfortable, and the interior beautiful and original. And this depends not only on modern furniture, its arrangement and combination, but also to a large extent on stylishly decorated windows. An important role in this is played by curtains, which take up a large space of the window and take in the walls. Not only the beauty of the fabric of the curtains, but also the way they fall down, forming soft, even folds, decides a lot.

What it is?

There are many accessories that help you quickly and easily hang curtains on the window, and at the same time give them original and graceful assemblies. Such an important detail is the curtain tape. It represents fabric strips of different widths, along the entire length of which thin strings or laces are stretched in one or several parallel rows. In the middle of the tape there is a denser layer with loops designed to hang curtains from a baguette, and strings are used to create gathers of the desired shape and size.

The material for the curtain tape can be both natural and synthetic fabrics of different densities. The ribbons made of hard fabrics hold their shape very well.

Application of tape for curtains:

  • processing of the upper edge of curtains or tulle;
  • hanging them from the cornice without the help of metal clothespins;
  • obtaining assemblies of various configurations.

In addition, it can be sewn on to another place on the curtain. After pulling the laces, folds form on the surface of the curtain, they can be given the desired shape. And to remove the curtains, you just need to untie the laces and straighten the ribbon. The curtain tape makes it much easier to decorate the window, especially since you can easily sew it on yourself. With the help of curtain tapes, you can create various patterns on the curtain or tulle fabric using soft draperies.

The value of the curtain tape also lies in the fact that it is not necessary to sew on the loops by hand, and this greatly facilitates the sewing of curtains, the process of pulling the assemblies takes place quickly, while forming even and desired folds. At the same time, fabric of any density drapes beautifully. With the help of tapes, you can change the length of the curtains without cutting them, fastening the hooks on another row (higher or lower).


The variety of curtain tapes is great, there are about 70 types of them. They differ:

  • the shape of the resulting folds;
  • fastening means;
  • material of manufacture;
  • size (width).

Tapes can be transparent or opaque. The material of manufacture for them can be:

  • fishing line - a tape made of fishing line is used to drape light tulle, as well as organza and veils (such a transparent tape is not visible through light fabrics);
  • cotton, polyester, sometimes even paper - these tapes are used for heavy fabrics.

By the method of attachment there are:

  • braid with fastening loops for hooks;
  • braid with eyelets;
  • tape that combines the loops for hooks and Velcro for fixing to fabric;
  • braid for string cornices;
  • curtain tape for pipe curtain rods.

Tape with fastening loops for hooks can have not one, but several rows with loops. Simple pleats are created with ribbons with two rows of loops, while ribbons with 3 or 4 rows are used to create a decorative top of the curtain. According to the method of attachment to the curtain fabric, the curtain tape can be sewn on and adhesive. Adhesive tape is a strip with a layer of hot melt glue. It comes with one layer of glue located on one side of the tape, and two-layer - with hot glue on both sides. It is fixed on the curtain fabric by processing with an iron. At the same time, the fabric acquires some stiffness.

The widths of the tapes are also different. The braid is considered standard from 1.5 to 10 cm. The most popular is the ribbon of 2.5 and 6 cm.

A tape of 1.5-4 cm is considered narrow. It is necessary with a covered cornice, when the hooks are covered with a special decorative rail, if the top of the curtain rests against the ceiling, the cornice is located in a niche or the lambrequin covers the top of the curtain. Narrow tape is also used for short curtains made of light fabrics.

A wide tape - 5-17 cm, is used for drapery on a non-standard or uncovered cornice and is necessary with a small number of hooks for fastening. It holds the top of the fabric well without sagging. With its help, you can form folds of different types. It is indispensable for curtains made of dense fabrics for the formation of decorative folds in large quantities and forms a special beautiful drapery on the upper edge.

According to the formation of various types of assemblies, curtain tape is:

  • forming horizontal folds - used for traditional curtains, lambrequins, as well as for Italian curtains;
  • forming vertical folds - this type of tape is used in Italian and French windows with lifting mechanisms.

There are also such types of ribbons as a column that forms assemblies 1 to 2, and an Austrian ribbon that forms various patterns and forms folds into "puffs", "butterflies", "glasses".

Types of folds

As there are many types of curtain tapes, there are also many options for decorative types of folds. Tulle and curtains, assembled in a certain way with the help of folds, give originality to the interior of the room. Their types can be from the simplest, in which the curtains are lowered by soft assemblies, to the most intricate.

Types of curtain folds:

  • "Harmonic"- the simplest type of gathering for light tulle and curtain fabrics, which is achieved by using a wide curtain tape with a gathering factor of 1.5. Parallel narrow folds form, and a string and a narrow crossbar are best for the cornice.
  • Traditional Pencil folds are also simple and convenient to use, besides, such curtains can be hung very quickly. The gathering factor for this type is 2.5, and the folds are narrow. The tape should be 7.5 cm wide.

  • Unilateral folds, in which the fabric web is wrapped in one direction in even waves.
  • Counter folds- for their formation, a paired number of folds is determined, which are laid towards each other.

  • "Butterfly", or puff folds that look like lush rhombuses. Only a ribbon with four stitched along the rows allows you to form a "butterfly".
  • French fan assemblies, consisting of three folds and two pockets, the depth of which is 14 cm.

  • Volumetric assembly-glasses formed by braid with 4 ropes.
  • Counter assembly or "trellis" has two pins overlapping each other. Achieved by using a tape with three rows of laces stitched along the rows.

  • "Sleeves"- rounded folds, formed on curtains and curtains with a wide braid. The build factor is 2.
  • "Bows" consist of flat folds, turned in opposite directions, forming a bow.

  • "Tulip" is formed when the bottom of the tape is gathered together, as a result of which a tulip-like volumetric shape is obtained in the upper part. To maintain the shape, some kind of filler is placed inside.
  • French assembly consists of several folds, tightening in the middle in an X-shape.
  • "Chicken feet"- several folds, gathered at one point at the bottom of the tape and diverging in different directions and up.

There are also types of assemblies in the form of a zigzag, a tube, and also "triplets". Each type of curtain tape has its own assembly factor. This is the ratio of the original width of the curtain or tulle fabric to the width gathered in folds, and it is usually equal to 1.5; 2; 2.5 and 3. The coefficient is often indicated on the packaging of the curtain tape.

How to sew to tulle correctly?

First of all, you need to correctly calculate the length of the tulle and curtain tape. It is determined by multiplying the length of the curtain rod by the assembly factor of the tulle plus 15-25 cm for the shrinkage and folds. With a factor of 2, two meters will go into folds from the initial width of the fabric of 4 meters. A thin polyester curtain tape is suitable for tulle. When working with tulle, one should avoid making unnecessary punctures with needles, since light fabric is very easy to deform.

The method of sewing on a wide and narrow tape is slightly different. A wide tape is sewn as follows:

  • Tulle is processed on the sides and bottom. When using loose organza and veils, you additionally need to sweep them on an overlock or process them, stepping back a little from the edge, pull out three threads from the fabric, and then cut them in a straight line.
  • The tulle is folded from above to the wrong side to the width of the curtain tape and ironed with an iron.
  • The curtain tape is applied to this fold, stepping 5-15 mm from the upper fold. The more complex the folds, the greater the distance from the edge. But in no case should the braid protrude over the edge of the tulle.
  • The tape should not reach the side edges of the tulle by about 1.5 cm.

  • The braid is fixed with pins in several places or it is swept from above and below to the tulle.
  • The tape is attached on a typewriter. The number of lines corresponds to the number of rows of strings on the braid, sometimes more, if, for example, the width of the braid is more than 6 cm. When sewing, the tulle with the braid is pulled slightly to prevent wrinkles. So that there are no puffs on the tulle, you need to stitch in the same direction.
  • Then the side edges are processed. The tulle is twisted twice, grabbing the braid at the second turn, the strings are released, and then the tulle is sewn. The strings must not be allowed to get under the stitching when sewing.
  • Basting threads or pins are removed.

A narrow curtain tape is sewn like this:

  • the side edges and bottom of the tulle are processed with an overlock or on a typewriter;
  • fold the upper edge of the tulle inside out by 2 centimeters and sweep;
  • the curtain tape is fixed with pins, 5 mm back from the upper edge of the tulle;
  • then it is sewn on a typewriter or by hand from the top and bottom, after which the pins are removed.

It must be remembered that the loops on the braid should be on the outside, otherwise there will be nothing to attach the hooks or rings to.

How to assemble and hang?

Before proceeding with the formation of folds, the tulle or curtain must be carefully ironed with an iron. Step-by-step instructions for the formation of the simplest folds-assemblies on a tulle or curtain:

  • First, the footage of the fabric required to form folds is calculated, determining their density.
  • On one side of the curtain, you need to tie the strings well at the base of the sewn ribbon so that they do not pull out when pulled. To do this, they are pulled out of the tape, stepping back from the edge a few centimeters.
  • This side of the curtain is attached, for example, to the door handle. This will make the fabric easier to pull together and help prevent sagging.
  • Then you need to gradually pull the fabric, moving it to the fixed side, evenly distributing the folds along the entire length of the curtain.

  • When forming assemblies, the released cords are wound into a ball so that they do not interfere.
  • The folds are pulled together and evenly distributed until the width of the curtain matches the length of the cornice.
  • On the finished curtain, control the evenness of the pattern and its density.
  • Having obtained the desired result, the released strings are also fixed at the base of the tape. Experienced housewives sew small pockets from the inside out where the cords are hidden.
  • The loops of the curtain tape are hooked onto the hooks with an interval of 8-12 cm, after which the curtain can be hung on the cornice.

In no case should the hooks be hooked to the cords, as stretching, they will create a sagging curtain. Lashing hooks or other fixing parts only attach to the pockets on the strap.

There is another way to form folds with hooks:

  • Having retreated from the side edge of the tulle (curtain) by 10 cm, the extreme first hook is attached to the loop.
  • The side edge of the tulle is tucked along the first hook, and the second hook clings to two loops - the next and the opposite one. The result is a so-called technical turnaround.
  • The third hook also clings to two loops - next to the fold and a loop through an interval of 5 cm. Thus, a small fold was formed.
  • Further, the process of forming folds occurs in the same way: there is a 10 cm gap between the hooks and 5 cm between the loops on the hook.
  • On the opposite side of the curtain, another technical turn is made.

As a result, small folds have formed on the canvas, and the tulle can be hung on the cornice.

Beautiful examples in the interior

The selection of curtains with the subsequent decoration of the window is the final touch in creating the harmony of the interior of the apartment. When decorating the interior and selecting types of curtains, professional designers prefer laconic styles such as minimalism or hi-tech. Although weightless and airy, shabby chic and provence are very popular.

Color patterns, lightness and washed out shades are characteristic features of the shabby chic style. An original way to decorate tulle is to use floral decor - flowers made of nylon ribbons, decorated with beads or beads and sewn at the bottom of the tulle.

For Provence, airiness of fabrics, floral or striped checkered patterns are also acceptable. For example, white cotton curtains decorated with cross-stitch or satin stitching are harmoniously suitable for the kitchen. Patterns of medium-sized flowers, butterflies or birds are preferred. White curtains will be decorated with bright checkered ruffles or frills, bows fixed on top near the cornice. Modern blinds and Roman shades will look much more beautiful and original if they are decorated with multi-colored bows 8-10 cm wide.

Cotton curtains will look great for the children's room. Ordinary curtains can be tied up with the help of soft toys; for this, a button is sewn to them and a loop is made. Favorite toys, affectionately covering the curtain, will slightly open the window.

Do-it-yourself curtain hooks from any dense material: cardboard, plastic. A ring of the required (desired) diameter is cut out. Then it must be wrapped with ribbons (nylon, satin) or some kind of fabric, decorated with bows with flowers, small soft toys. To fix the pick-up ring on the curtain, Japanese sticks are used, which are also decorated.

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