Onyx is a unique mineral: properties, meaning and influence on different signs of the zodiac. Onyx - magic and healing properties of the stone Show onyx stone

The semi-precious stone onyx made itself known in antiquity. The first biblical essays tell that it was from this beautiful mineral that the legendary Temple of Solomon was built. Many argued that these are marble walls so they can shine and shimmer, and even let the sun's rays pass through themselves. It turned out that this is not marble at all, but an amazing stone - a kind of quartz - onyx.

A kind of quartz is also the gemstone agate, therefore onyx is often called a kind of agate.

Application of onyx

The history of many peoples is associated with this stone. It was used as a finishing building material in the erection of royal chambers and tombs, as an adornment of clothing, crowns, and attire of clergy. In modern times, attractive trifles are made from it in the form of candlesticks (very often they are decorated with fireplaces), animal figurines (they are used to emphasize the luxury of furniture), ashtrays, stands for stationery gift sets, cups, the price of which is affordable to everyone. Due to the wide variety of small art objects, onyx is considered by many to be a middle-class stone rather than precious.

However, it has not completely lost its value over the years. On the one hand, it is used as a material for small crafts, on the other, for creating expensive interior items - lampshades, lamps, fireplace counters, countertops, wall panels and mosaics, stained glass windows, flowerpots, glasses and wine glasses, caskets, lining of pools and baths.

If we consider onyx from a jewelry point of view, then this stone is equated with jasper, lapis lazuli and obsidian, which replenish the second class of colored ornamental stones. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, hairpins, cufflinks and necklaces are made from it.

Industrial onyx is currently mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan.

Colors and varieties

  • Oral cavity diseases were treated with onyx powder.
  • Onyx infused water helped fight obesity.
  • Onyx powder accelerated wound healing.

These methods of treatment today have their confirmation, modern doctors use in practice the so-called onyx preparations.

Onyx is a charm gem. It expels most ailments from the body.

  • With colic and kidney pain, liver ailments, onyx is placed on painful places, it is believed that it draws out pain from the inside with its positive charge.
  • Onyx is able to cool, it is applicable for fevers, inflammations.
  • The gem drives away depression.
  • He is afraid of insomnia and stress.
  • He is able to ward off suicidal thoughts, to breathe positive vital energy into a person.
  • Onyx is very useful for men, especially those suffering from genital ailments, this stone improves potency.
  • Onyx is used for rheumatism.
  • The multi-colored mineral improves hearing, vision and memory, increases concentration.
  • The stone is also useful for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Do not forget about it and with tumors of varying complexity.
  • Onyx is an immunostimulant.
  • It is believed that the ornamental stone is able to harmonize the work of all organs and thus improve the general physical condition of the human body.
  • He fights laziness and fatigue very well.

It also normalizes the work of the digestive system, it can both improve appetite and suppress it.

  • The most severe brain diseases can be overcome thanks to the power of onyx.
  • The mineral soothes headaches and dizziness.
  • Onyx is recommended for asthmatics and people who often suffer from ENT diseases and suffer from migraines.
  • The stone has a beneficial effect on mood.
  • There are even known cases of healing with the help of a gem from drug addiction.
  • Onyx prolongs life, because, having a beneficial effect on human health, it improves its quality.

A semi-precious mineral increases its positive effect on a person if worn in a silver frame, which is why jewelry stores often offer silver sets with this gem.

Since onyx takes on all the negative energy and gives off positive energy, it needs to be cleaned periodically. You can wash off all energy impurities from the stone under running cold water.

The magical properties of Onyx

Since ancient times, people have noticed the magical features of onyx. Strong-willed and courageous people - kings, military commanders, leaders always had this cold stone with them. It was believed that a beautiful solar gem is able to sober up thoughts, tune them in the right way, evoke decisiveness, insight, courage, self-confidence, kill fear, suspiciousness, and protect enemies and ill-wishers from misfortune.

It was onyx that helped many heroes leave their mark in history. After all, this stone attracts the respect of other people to its owner, helps to cool the ardor, focus on the most important, curb violent emotions, take a sober look at the situation and thereby achieve victory and success in the business started.

Onyx helped not only the leaders and heroes, but also the orators. The gem is capable of developing eloquence. Those who wanted to become famous for their oratory skills wore onyx beads or put a faceted stone under their tongues.

Modern people wear onyx jewelry either on the middle finger or on the solar plexus. The effect of the stone is enhanced by its setting - a round and oval cabochon. The noble metal, in combination with which onyx shows its best properties, is silver. Since onyx is a cold stone, it is recommended to wear it more in the cold season.

Onyx is also called a life talisman - it protects its owner from accidents, illnesses, major life losses, sudden death, betrayal of the inner circle, and lies.

Onyx is considered the stone of wise elderly people. He is able to protect them from loneliness, sadness, troubles, bring them out of depression, promotes the upbringing of endurance, brings harmony into their lives, and with it, calming the soul, pacification.

A properly consecrated mineral allows you to discover psychic abilities in yourself. Onyx is a talisman that protects against all kinds of magic spells, slander, damage. Its owner cannot be bewitched.

Onyx is a noble stone, it strengthens the spirit, helps to achieve set goals, attracts luck, leads to wealth, drives away evil spirits and evil spirits.

Onyx is a stone of harmony - spiritual and family. He promotes peace in the house, eradicates scandals, helps to find peace with oneself and the people around him, to find mutual understanding, to open in oneself wonderful feelings of love.

Signs of the zodiac

A beautiful gem is very picky about people. He first gets used to his new owner, tests his energy, and then only begins to make good changes in his life. This stone is very positive, it reads negative instantly.

The energy aura of not every person is capable of discovering the most useful properties in a stone. Aries gem is most suitable. The energetic Aries in many cases wastes its ardor, not reaching the goal. Onyx helps to direct his energy in the right direction, not to waste energy and achieve success.

It is recommended to wear onyx for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. For Taurus and Capricorns, the mineral promises a fight against laziness, gives them an impetus for action, which helps them not to sit still in life, but to keep up with the times. He teaches them to be independent.

Onyx will give a modest and shy Virgo decisiveness, relieve her of suspiciousness, help her take off the mask of restraint, be more open and happy.

Onyx is contraindicated for Gemini, this zodiac sign has the opposite energy to the stone. Gemini are very vulnerable and creative natures, they cannot concentrate their attention on one thing. They need to satisfy the versatility of their interests, and onyx will suppress this desire.

How much is onyx worth?

Today, the most variegated varieties of onyx are valued. The brighter and more numerous its palette, and the thinner the multi-colored layers that create the striping of the stone, the higher the price of onyx itself and products made from it.
The most expensive onyx is the black stone, it is the rarest and most often used for the production of jewelry.

If we are talking about the cost of jewelry with onyx, then the setting is more valued in them - gold or silver, and not the stone itself. If we talk about a natural material for finishing the interior of a house, then the thickness of the stone and its color are taken into account. For example, the price of 1 sq. m. of an 18 mm thick onyx slab will cost about four hundred US dollars.

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/chernyj-oniks-1.jpg" alt = "(! LANG: black ball onyx" width="220" height="237">!} Black onyx is a mystical beautiful stone. Jewelry and other products with it radiate an attractive force, and for good reason. The gem of deep dark color has absorbed the energy of all the rays of the rainbow and willingly shares its magical and healing power with those who wear it. At the same time, the mineral is considered an inexpensive ornamental material, which determines its availability for everyone. But does black onyx benefit everyone?

Description and properties of the stone

Onyx is a multifaceted gem: both in color and in origin. Black is a type of stone that is mined from agate. Refers to chalcedony fibrous quartz. It can be monochromatic, or it can have whitish layers. The best specimens are isolated from agate rocks of the "zebra" variety, where the pattern is made up of contrasting stripes.

In its original form, the gem is inconspicuous and unremarkable. But after it has been in the hands of a master cutter, a wonderful metamorphosis takes place with the stone. The gem seems to come to life, the facets acquire a characteristic playing glass luster, which is inherent in minerals with considerable hardness. In black onyx, it is above average, about 7 units on a special Mohs scale. The stone is quite dense, has an uneven matte fracture.

Jewelry made of onyx is amazingly good: the charcoal color favorably refreshes the skin color, emphasizes the beautiful oval and regular facial features. Also popular are all kinds of cameos, figurines, souvenir crafts, interior decorations made of black onyx.

Png "alt =" "width =" 80 "height =" 68 "> The best stones are mined in the Arabian Peninsula. The deposits of the USA, India, Uruguay, Brazil are also rich in minerals.

Gem Legends

The stone has been familiar to man since ancient times. There are biblical references, descriptions of the mineral in ancient manuscripts. The throne of King Solomon himself was inlaid with processed black onyx. The Egyptians were very fond of this stone, which is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. They used it more for aesthetic purposes.

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But the South American tribes of the Aztecs were imbued with the magical properties of black onyx - it served as an attribute of sacred rituals. Hindus revered black onyx as a stone of financial growth and luck.

But still, in many Eastern cultures, the black gem was demonized. Preserved Arab sources, where onyx of the most mystical color is called "eljazo", which means "grief", "sorrow", "sorrow". In the Yemeni quarries, it was believed that the extracted black onyxes needed to be sold faster, since the pebbles resemble the eyes of a deceased woman.

In ancient China, it was believed that disturbing the onyx mines unnecessarily was a global misfortune. Nevertheless, everywhere they believed in the healing and magical power of the gem.

Black healer: onyx in lithotherapy

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The energy of the stone is of a concentrating nature and can literally "pull" ailments from the human body. Onyx copes well with pain, you just need to apply it to the area of ​​discomfort: with intestinal colic - on the stomach, with headaches - in the forehead, etc.

The therapeutic properties of the stone are more pronounced when it comes to diseases of the nervous system. Depression, stress, emotional stress, panic attacks, apathy retreat in front of a powerful positive energy message of the mineral. Also, onyx is recommended to be worn for heart disease. Separately, the positive effect of onyx on the organs of hearing, speech and vision was noted. The gem is also believed to enhance memory.

The magical power of black onyx

Black onyx has unique magical properties. Since the stone absorbs and accumulates the energy of the entire light spectrum, it is a powerful stimulant for its owner. The gem forms leadership qualities, helps to emerge victorious from most life situations.

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: black onyx earrings" width="150" height="231">!} An interesting belief is associated with this ability: a husband should not give his wife a piece of jewelry with a black mineral if he does not want his wife to rule in family life.

The stone also perfectly removes complexes and suspiciousness, increases self-confidence, gives decisiveness. The owner of a talisman made of this black stone is, as a rule, a person capable of defending his own interests, showing the necessary timely perseverance. He is persistent in achieving results. At the same time, the gem helps the owner to control outbursts of emotions, gives clarity of mind and concentrates his strength on the main thing.

The energetic magnetism of the mineral is gradually transferred to its owner, this is manifested in signs of attention and respect from the people around him. Therefore, the amulet should be worn by directors, representatives of the political and business spheres. It is also believed that the gem stimulates the thirst for enrichment and endows the owner with activity and enterprise.

The uniqueness of amulets made of black onyx is not only in the fact that it is reliably able to protect from the evil eye by bad people and induced damage. This mineral is almost the only talisman from love addictions. It is believed that a person who possesses it cannot be bewitched. Even if the love spell ritual has already been completed, the stone will help remove its unwanted effects. And as a love talisman, a black gem is not suitable, it cools amorous passions and ardor.

Black stone in astrology

The mineral can be safely worn by almost all signs of the zodiac. The black gem affects each of them with a certain ability:

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/lev-.jpg" alt = "(! LANG: Lion" width="50" height="50"> Львы. Они уже лидеры от природы, поэтому минерал дополняет это качество уверенностью в своей правоте и в силах.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Gemini" width="50" height="48"> Близнецы. Представителей этого зодиакального созвездия амулет из оникса наделяет творческим энтузиазмом и защищает от дурного влияния со стороны.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Cancer" width="50" height="38"> Раки. Мнительные и неуверенные, они получат от чёрного талисмана защиту от негатива и чувство самодостаточности.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Scorpio" width="50" height="50"> Скорпионы. Люди-загадки, рождённые под этим знаком, станут более открытыми миру. Также самоцвет поможет им справиться с апатией и меланхолией.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Aquarius" width="50" height="50"> Водолеи. Увлекающимся и быстро остывающим натурам волшебный камень поможет довести начатое дело до конца.!}

Jpg "alt =" "width =" 50 "height =" 50 "> Taurus This sign will help this sign get rid of bad passions and cravings for bad things.

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овен. Упрямых носителей этого знака камень сделает более уступчивыми. А заодно повысит интеллектуальные способности.!}

Jpg "alt =" "width =" 50 "height =" 50 "> Virgo is the only sign that the gem has a positive influence on in the sphere of love and relationships, but to a greater extent it concerns married life.

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Libra" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50"> Весы, Стрельцы и Козероги прекрасно гармонируют с энергетикой камня. Им талисман показано не только носить на себе, но и окружать фигурками и другими вещами из оникса в бытовой и рабочей обстановке.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Pisces" width="50" height="50"> Рыбам чёрный минерал носить нежелательно. Всё отрицательное от камня достаётся именно этому знаку: амулет создает условия для неблагоприятных событий.!}

The mineral concentrates not only positive energy, but also negative energy. Therefore, black onyx must be washed with running water - this is how its aura is purified. Then the gem will serve not only as a spectacular decoration, but also as a reliable amulet.

Onyx stone is a fibrous variety of chalcedony. It was formed by the deposition of rocks with a high quartz content. A distinctive feature of the mineral is the presence of parallel colored stripes. It is used as an ornamental stone for the manufacture of dishes, jewelry, expensive cladding. Unique onyx stone properties studied by magicians, jewelers and geologists, contribute to changes in human life.

Basic properties

The mineral appeared as a result of sedimentary processes followed by crystallization of the rock. The layers painted in different colors were formed due to the inclusion of impurities - iron, chlorides, magnesium, calcium and other elements. Sometimes in one sample you can find areas with concentric (like agate) and parallel layers. The density and composition of the bands depends on the conditions and temperature conditions in which the rock was formed.

Characteristics of the main physical and chemical properties of onyx stone:

  • Chemical formula - SiO2
  • Glass luster
  • Pronounced layering
  • Mohs scale hardness - 6.5-7 points
  • Density value - 2.6g / cmᶾ
  • Maximum compressive strength - 50-110 MPa
  • Porosity percentage - 0.35% - 0.95%
  • Water absorption - 0.1% - 0.38%
  • High resistance to low temperatures (frost resistance)
  • Cleavage is absent

For the decoration of buildings, the so-called Mexican, Algerian or marble onyx is sometimes used. In fact, it has nothing to do with the described mineral, but is a marble with a striped structure. Its formula is CaCO3.

The oldest deposits of onyx were located in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt (Nile Valley). Until now, unique black samples are found there. Also, minerals were mined in India, on the territory of ancient Rome, in Greece.

The most beautiful specimens are now found in Brazil, India, Arabia, Uruguay. There are small deposits, but with very high quality material, in the USA (states of Colorado, Arizona, California, Virginia, Utah). Pink Argentinean onyx is highly prized. Quite good samples are supplied by Australia, Pakistan. Russian deposits are located in Chukotka, Kolyma, in Primorye.

Onyx colors

Many varieties of onyx stone are known by people under completely different names. The most common colors are:

  • Sardonyx. This mineral combines red or bright orange stripes with brown ones. Sometimes white layers are also present in the rock. The red color was provided by iron inclusions, brown - these are aluminosilicates, white - oxides of non-ferrous metals.
  • Green onyx. The main color of the stone ranges from pale green to deep emerald, it arose due to the inclusion of chlorides in the composition. Dark red, brown and white stripes stand out against the background of the green tone.
  • Black or Arabic onyx. It happens completely black or dark gray, has white stripes, translucent.
  • Carnelian. Similar to sardonyx, but it only combines red and white lines, no brown.
  • Ordinary. So called gems of pink, blue, blue, yellow.
  • White. A completely white mineral is rare, usually pale pink, pale blue, or pale aquamarine.
  • Three-layer. Combination of white, brownish-red and blue stripes.
  • Cornelian. This mineral is characterized by a combination of white and brown lines.
  • onyx agate. A white-gray striped pebble that looks rather inconspicuous.

The value of stones may vary depending on their color. A kind of standard is the red type of onyx. A black or Arabian gem is very rare, and therefore is very expensive. White looks delicate and sophisticated, almost like a precious stone.

Onyx products

Archaeologists find items from a colored mineral in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Rome and Greece. Jewelry with this gem was worn by both men and women in the ancient world. According to legend, the walls of Solomon's Temple were made of onyx. They had no windows, but sunlight penetrated through a translucent decoration stone.

In the Roman Empire, stone was often used for mosaics, decoration of baths and houses, making figures and statues. Temple utensils were made in Greece. In India, one of the most popular onyx figurines is still the elephant. And in Medieval Europe, rosaries, rosaries were made from this material, and church bowls were decorated.

The stone has not lost its relevance now. It is rarely used for decoration. Most often, panels are made of marble resembling onyx. Polymeric materials with a similar pattern are often used. The main direction of the modern application of the gem is the manufacture of dishes, jewelry, furniture inlay, and the manufacture of lamps.

Product prices

The cost of products depends on the size, design and quality of the stones. The setting also affects the price of jewelry. We have already said that the black gem is valued above all. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find natural stones of this shade, most of the samples are tinted. Specimens with thin stripes are expensive.

The price for processed semi-precious stones of small size (about 3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 10-20 g) ranges from 200-300 rubles. Samples of 200-400 g will cost 3000-5000 rubles. A rare translucent moonstone, black onyx can be estimated at up to 6000-7000 rubles per 100-200 grams. Pakistani onyx of different colors is sold inexpensively.

Dishes can cost from 800 to 10,000 rubles and more. For example, wine glasses can be bought for 1500-3000 rubles apiece. A glass will cost 600-800 rubles, a plate - 1000-2000 rubles. The dishes will cost a little cheaper if you buy them in a set. Stone boxes, an ashtray, depending on the size, can cost 3000-9000 rubles. Various figurines (for example, an elephant, a turtle, a flower) - from 800 to 3000 rubles.

Ornaments are often made from white, black, pink gems, but other types are also used. Yellow onyx is set in silver, and black Arabian - in gold. Jewelry also looks good - minerals set in bronze, cupronickel, TsAM.

A gold ring, ring or earrings with such a stone cost 10,000-15,000 rubles. Silver jewelry - 3000-7000 rubles. A bracelet can be bought for 3000-4000 rubles if it is made only of pebbles. Gold will cost about 10,000-12,000 rubles, silver - 2 times less. Onyx beads can be purchased for 2000-3000 rubles, a necklace for 4000-6000 rubles.

The gem is not too expensive, it is often found in nature. However, it can also be faked. First of all, this applies to finishing materials.

Most often they are imitations and are sold at an appropriate price. Artificial ornamental material is made from polymers (this can be a panel on a wall, a countertop, a tile, etc.). Onyx is sometimes called striped marble, which is actually carbonite and not silicate.

Some not entirely honest entrepreneurs want to sell imitations at the cost of natural stone to their buyers. It is quite simple to distinguish a polymer; it is easily scratched with metal and ceramic knives and nails.

It is rather difficult to distinguish marble imitation. Here you need to carry out a chemical analysis of the material. It is important to remember that nowadays large slabs of real gem are rarely found. Most of the materials are marble onyx.

For fake jewelry, real stones are used, which are artificially tinted. Dyes easily penetrate the pores, but such specimens quickly lose color under the influence of grease, sweat and even ordinary water, fade in the sun.

Sometimes glass or ceramics are sold under the guise of onyx stone. Jewelry can easily break at the slightest impact, which will never happen with a real gem. Onyx is often used to counterfeit more expensive precious and semi-precious stones.

The healing properties of the stone

The mineral affects all systems of the human body. The main power of the stone is concentrated in the area of ​​the solar plexus. From here, energy is transmitted through nerve endings to various organs. Due to a certain electrical charge, the mineral can relieve pain and inflammation.

Description of the healing properties of the mineral onyx:

  • Relieves stress, treats depression, can even prevent suicide.
  • Improves memory and helps focus.
  • It is very useful for meteorological people, they will stop responding to the weather.
  • Effectively eliminates headaches and dizziness, if you apply a gem to the forehead or temples of the stone pyramid.
  • Useful for renal colic, pyelonephritis, cystitis, liver pathologies. The stone must be applied to the sore spot.
  • Sharpens a person's hearing, relieves eye fatigue, improves vision.
  • A silver pendant with a red gem helps to treat heart disease, improves blood circulation.
  • For rheumatism, it is recommended to wear a black mineral. You can wear bracelets, beads, apply balls or pyramids to sore joints.
  • Prevents respiratory problems.
  • It is useful for male and female potency, increases libido.
  • A variety of green that fights aging.
  • Water, infused with onyx, treats obesity, as it reduces appetite.
  • The powdered mineral helps to treat diseases of the oral mucosa and also accelerates wound healing.
  • The gem can lower body temperature, treat fever.
  • The mineral is used to prevent colds and other infections, as it enhances immunity.

It is best used for healing a green, red, and black mineral. White is able to consolidate the effect of lithotherapy. No matter how strong the healing properties of onyx are, in case of serious diseases, you should consult a doctor, use it only as an auxiliary way to get rid of ailments.

The magic of the gem, its ability to protect from evil influences, to charge with energy, people discovered a long time ago. The stone was used to decorate shrines. It was worn by ancient warriors, kings, emperors.

It was believed that the onyx stone reveals its magical properties only in those cases when a person has a pure soul and good intentions. If you try to harm someone with the power of the mineral, it will turn against the attacker himself.

The mineral is able to harmonize the mind and feelings. It is considered useful for the elderly, saving them from loneliness and abandonment. It is recommended to be worn by businessmen in order to achieve success, to avoid the intrigues of competitors.

The gem is very useful for people of extreme professions. They say that the stone develops eloquence, helps to convince others. It is also useful for family people, able to provide peace and harmony in the house.

It is best to set amulets and talismans in silver. The ideal shape for a talisman is an oval or an egg. From time to time they need to be cleaned by hand, washed under running water and charged in the sun. You cannot wear magic jewelry all the time, they are removed at night. The ideal time of the year to use talismans is autumn and spring.

Now let's take a closer look at how color affects onyx and who is suitable for talismans with a mineral of one shade or another.


It is considered a talisman for family well-being. It should be presented to newlyweds, expectant mothers. This gem brings peace and harmony to the house. If green onyx jewelry is worn by old people, they will be provided with the attention and care of loved ones.

The green mineral helps to direct energy in the right direction, to pacify your passions. It becomes easier for managers to find a common language with subordinates. The specimens with numerous thin stripes are considered more valuable.


This variety has the greatest magical power. It effectively protects its owner from enemies, intruders, damage and evil eye. In India, the white gem is used to separate lovers and return them to their families. Mineral helps speakers hone their eloquence, choose persuasive words and phrases. It will come in handy for students and pupils, as it promotes concentration of attention, improves memory.


Not everyone can wear this mineral. It enhances insight, intuition, weak people cannot cope with new abilities. The stone is considered the talisman of leaders and ambitious personalities.

He helps to develop analytical and intellectual abilities, to find and correct their own mistakes. In the old days, magicians and sorcerers wore a black onyx ring on their fingers to ward off the intrigues of "competitors".

Red sardonyx

The red onyx stone or sardonyx is the stone of travelers and philosophers. It gives courage, energy, strengthens health, and gives longevity. Such properties are very necessary for people who wander the world and learn the secrets of human souls.

In addition, the red gem can become a family charm. He will help the spouses to remain faithful, interested in each other, even if they have been together for many years. The family amulet protects the husband and wife from quarrels, conflicts, betrayals.

How does onyx and the zodiac signs interact? The element of this mineral is Earth (like Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn), its planets are Saturn and Mercury. Astrologers believe it is best suited to Aries, although other signs of the zodiac may benefit from it.

  • Aries amulet helps to pacify emotions, protect against enemies and envious people. The talisman enhances intellectual and creative abilities, helps to achieve personal success. You need to wear almost transparent light-colored gems.
  • Taurus needs onyx to get rid of laziness, increase efficiency, and become more sociable. He also helps the sign to cope with alcohol addiction, to quit smoking. The ideal color of the amulet is white.
  • Gemini calms down, helps to achieve harmony, strengthens leadership qualities. The property of the mineral to increase concentration of attention is very useful for this sign, because restless Gemini is so lacking in this. You should choose a white-brown carnelian.
  • For Cancer, according to the horoscope, the ability of onyx to enhance decisiveness and self-confidence will be invaluable. With the help of such a talisman, Cancer will be able to correctly set goals and achieve them. Carnelian or moonstone is best suited for the sign.
  • Leadership qualities of Lviv will be strengthened several times. They will learn to make wise decisions, be persistent and decisive, find a common language with subordinates. The ideal color for Leo is black.
  • Virgos will be able to more effectively withstand stress, anxiety and anxiety, learn to show their feelings. When making important decisions, they will be guided by reason, and not by their own suspiciousness. For a virgin, a white mineral is recommended.
  • Libra will gain self-confidence, peace of mind. If these are family people, then the relationship with the second half will reach a new level of mutual understanding and trust. For Libra, types of gem of delicate light shades - blue, pink, yellow - are suitable.
  • The Scorpio stone will protect against problems and troubles, help to cope with apathy and melancholy. Arabic onyx is best suited for this sign.
  • Sagittarius will teach you to be more consistent, to bring things to the end, not to seek change for the sake of change, to protect you from ill-wishers and envious people. Suitable color is black.
  • Capricorn will be able to overcome any obstacles in its path, gain self-confidence, build a successful business and achieve financial well-being. It is best if Capricorn wears red onyx.
  • For Aquarius, onyx will also be useful. He will teach reasonable modesty, consistency, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to quickly achieve their goal. You need to choose cold carnelian blue, gray or blue. Read more:

This mineral is contraindicated for Pisces. It enhances the intuition of the sign, which can completely tear it away from reality. Such people fall into melancholy, withdraw into themselves, sometimes it can even cause mental problems. For the rest of the zodiac signs, onyx and the magical properties of the mineral will only benefit.

Onyx is an extraordinary and mystical stone. Since ancient times, people attributed to him many magical properties, including the protection of his master from damage, accidents and even some diseases. However, as a talisman, the stone is not suitable for everyone. Read more about the magical power of the onyx stone and how to determine if it is right for you, read our article.

The sacred meaning of the stone

Onyx is mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. According to legend, the stone originated when Eros accidentally cut off Aphrodite's nails. The beautiful nails were instantly transformed into a semi-precious mineral.

The mineral is also important for world religions:

  1. In Christianity, he is twice mentioned in the Bible: as a stone that was present in Eden and as one 12 gems in the ring of the high priest Aaron.
  2. In Islam, black onyx is inserted into the wall of a mosque in the city of Kaaba.

Currently, the value of the stone is confirmed by priests, esotericists and even doctors.

Description of the stone, colors and characteristics

Onyx differs in color irregularity. The stone has many stripes of various shades. This is due to the diversity of its chemical composition.

The stone has a rich color palette: from light green to rich dark shades. Such a wide range of colors allows classification according to this criterion.

So, according to the predominant color pigment, the mineral is divided into 4 groups:

  • carneolonyx (red-white);
  • (brown-orange).
  • Arabic (black);
  • pure (white onyx).

The latter two varieties are valued higher due to their great magical potential. There are also gray onyxes. Their color is due to the high content of chalcedony in the mineral. It is because of some that onyx is confused with. The stones are really similar, but there are also differences: for example, matte and light agate, since its physical density is lower than that of onyx.

Natural onyx is highly durable due to its quartz nature. The hardness of the stone (7 on the Moss scale) allows it not to deform under external influences.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Knowing the exact characteristics of the stone, you can easily determine its authenticity.

So, to easily recognize a fake, remember that the real onyx is:

  1. Has a harmonious color and does not contain abrupt transitions. If the transition looks unnatural and too contrasted, then most likely this is a fake.
  2. It is characterized by high strength. As mentioned above, the strength of the stone allows it to avoid deformation. This means that if you run a blade over the surface of the mineral, not even a scratch will remain.
  3. Poor heat conduction. Even when exposed to temperatures, the stone heats up slowly.

Proper care of onyx

In terms of care, the stone is not finicky. To maintain a beautiful appearance, it is enough to store stone products in a box and prevent them from rubbing against hard surfaces.

You can clean the onyx with a regular medium-hard toothbrush and a mild soap solution. If the product contains jewelry other than onyx, you can use a baking soda solution for cleaning.

Onyx jewelry, combination with other stones

A wide range of onyx products are currently on sale. There are both jewelry made of pure stone (pendants and pendants) and precious items inlaid with onyx. The natural beauty of the stone allows it to look prestigious without any processing.

Onyx inserts in rings or bracelets add not only magical properties to the product, but also make them more attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

The combination of gold and onyx from an energetic point of view can also be very beneficial. Gold is considered to be a metal that evokes leadership qualities. This characteristic makes him related with onyx, so the magic of the stone with this combination will be twice as strong.


Onyx is a semi-precious stone, so the price for products made from it is very modest. The highest price per gram is for black and white onyx. This type of onyx is considered the rarest, since such a stone is mined only in Arab countries.

In addition, bright onyxes are highly prized. The cost of a stone depends on the beauty of the pattern. If the natural pattern is distinguished by a variety of stripes and layers, then the cost per gram of stone will be higher.

Onyx jewelry can be expensive. Their high cost occurs when they contain precious materials in addition to onyx.

Natural onyx for cladding costs from 100 rubles per kg. for agate and from 50 rubles for marble onyx. Same cost for onyx table slabs. On average, such a tabletop costs from 10 thousand rubles (when calculating the final cost, the weight of the finished product is taken into account).

The magical properties of onyx

Onyx is a stone with character. As a magic talisman, it is not suitable for everyone. Since ancient times, the stone was considered the patron saint of the strong-willed and the strong. It helps to reveal and nurture their leadership qualities and also sobering thoughts.

Many rulers kept onyx goblets on the table. The stone made it possible to stay sober even during the feast, not to forget about important state affairs. Traditionally, onyx is considered a "masculine" stone, but it is also suitable for women with a strong-willed character.

The times of the kings for most countries of the world are long gone, but the stone still remains a talisman for real leaders. He will become a faithful helper for a person with a strong-willed and courageous character.

The gem adjusts thoughts in the right way, helps the leader remain respected in the eyes of his subordinates. In addition, jewelry made from this stone gives the owner confidence in their abilities, removes anxiety, fears and doubts.

Onyx has been the talisman of many legendary personalities. This stone is mentioned even in the first pages of the Bible. Such popularity is easy to explain. The gem is not only very beautiful, but also energetically strong. He helps not only leaders but also speakers.

The stone is especially suitable for people whose professional success depends on their eloquence (for example, politicians or lawyers). Onyx jewelry is an irreplaceable talisman during public speaking. With the help of the mineral, you can not only cope with the excitement, but also pick up the keys to any audience. Such a speaker will be able to charm even the most pretentious listener.

Pay attention to the mineral is also worth those whose profession is associated with a constant risk to life: rescuers, firefighters, police officers, etc. The fact is that the stone is a powerful talisman. Being constantly with the owner, the stone can significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident, betrayal and the onset of other difficult life circumstances.

The black mineral is considered a talisman for entrepreneurs. He will help direct financial flows in the right direction. The owner of onyx jewelry will be able to conclude the most profitable deals and make useful contacts. The stone helps to tune in the right mood, activates an entrepreneurial vein.

At the same time, the stone will not allow its owner to turn into a greedy despot. With constant interaction with the stone, he will be able to maintain a sobriety of thoughts, which means that the thirst for profit will not completely capture him.

Onyx can be presented to a person who lacks self-confidence. For example, before being appointed to a new important post. In this case, the stone will help you feel more confident, immediately outline the boundaries at a new place of work. As he interacts with the stone, a person acquires all those qualities that the stone protects. Soon the donee will gain self-confidence, become ready for great achievements.

Students during the session will also be able to appreciate the magical properties of onyx. With the help of a stone, you can not only cope with anxiety, but also convince the teacher of your knowledge. The talisman made of this stone will be a good gift for a child before entering the university: it will help successful studies and building a career in the future.

Consider: the stone does not patronize dishonest achievement of career growth. As soon as the owner of the talisman begins to “walk over their heads”, onyx loses its magical properties.

Esotericists note that the powerful energy field of the stone can turn its weak-willed owner into a real business shark. In order that the thirst for profit does not completely take possession of a person, it is recommended not to wear jewelry with a stone all the time.

Who is suitable for the signs of the zodiac?

Astrologers also paid attention to the mineral.

According to them, the magical properties of onyx stone for various signs of the zodiac are as follows:

Water Release:

  1. Cancer. The stone has the most beneficial effect on this sign of the zodiac. Cancers are naturally sensitive and impressionable, but nevertheless they have great potential. Onyx will help them unleash their potential, as well as contribute to the promotion of their business. As for the color, these representatives of the water element are suitable for a stone of "sea" shades: blue, turquoise, blue, etc.
  2. . It is believed that Pisces should refrain from purchasing onyx. The stone can enhance their asceticism.
  3. Scorpion. The mysterious melancholic scorpion needs a guard against his sad thoughts. Black onyx will easily deal with this and drive away depression. In addition, the talisman protects against accidents and sudden shocks, the victims of which are often Scorpios.

Air Release:

  1. Twins. Representatives of this sign are often naturally endowed with leadership qualities and creativity. With such a set, Gemini can achieve great success. However, they are hampered by their inconstancy and windy nature. Onyx can easily deal with this: it will strengthen the strengths and help to muffle the weaknesses. For Gemini, choose brightly colored onyx.
  2. Aquarius. Like Gemini, Aquarius often lacks consistency on the way to their goals. Onyx will help to focus, lead the owner to success. For Aquarius, stones of green shades are suitable.
  3. Scales. The blue stone will help them stay balanced and make the right decisions. If according to your horoscope you are Libra, give preference to onyx in all shades of blue.

Fire Release:

  1. . The stone will strengthen the leadership qualities of Lions, will help to win the favor of others. The most preferable for them is black onyx. As a rule, Leos are naturally strong in character and are able to harness the energy potential of the mineral.
  2. Aries. For these hot-tempered people, onyx jewelry will help them to be more tolerant of others.
  3. Sagittarius. The powerful energy of the sign often attracts ill-wishers. Sagittarius have the ability to "infect" others with their hobbies, and as a side effect, they face jealousy. Black onyx will help protect Sagittarius from the evil eye, damage and evil tongues.

Earth Release:

  1. Taurus. These typical representatives of the earth element often suffer from self-doubt. The stone will help them to relax, and also (if necessary) to overcome bad habits. Onyx of warm shades is suitable for Taurus.
  2. Virgo. Onyx will teach pragmatic Virgins to be leaders. Often, representatives of this sign, doing all the work, undeservedly remain in the shadows. Onyx of light shades will correct the situation, teach Virgos to present themselves correctly.
  3. Capricorn. People born under the sign of Capricorn will find in onyx not only a talisman, but also an advisor in decision-making.

When choosing a patron talisman, you can take into account not only the solar, but also the natal horoscope (the position of all planets at the time of birth).

How to enhance the magic of onyx?

To make the magical properties of onyx stronger, you must:

  1. Choose a stone with a suitable setting and a suitable look. Silver is considered the most powerful activator of the energy field. Of the processing methods, cabochon is preferable.
  2. Charge stone leaving it under the moonlight.
  3. Wear the stone constantly. Keep in mind that the impact can be so strong that some character traits will become sharper and tougher. If misunderstandings with loved ones reach a critical point, limit interaction with the stone for a certain period.
  4. Wear the onyx ring on the middle finger of your right hand.

Onyx talismans

The magical properties of white onyx make it a suitable talisman for people who lack self-confidence. The stone will help develop potential, give self-confidence. It is preferable to wear white onyx as a pendant at the level of the solar plexus or as a ring.

Green onyx

The stone of family well-being. Its properties will be useful for both newlyweds and those who have been married for a long time. The most powerful family amulets are rings and beads, since their round shape symbolizes the infinity of love. It should be used as a talisman for people who lack peace of mind and peace of mind.

Yellow onyx

It is considered a patron talisman for people who are often depressed. If a decorative product made of this bright mineral is constantly kept in the room, then the atmosphere of the room will become light and cozy.

Widely used as a mascot marble onyx

This inexpensive ornamental stone consists of a dense, translucent aggregate of grains and fibers, or aragonite. The properties of marble onyx will be useful for people with a choleric personality type. A talisman with this type of stone puts the nervous system in order.

In addition, the stone has beneficial effects on overall health. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the organs of sight and hearing.

Pyramid or onyx apple

Become a talisman for sick people. Applying them to the problem area, the patient, after a few weeks, notices the positive dynamics of the course of the disease. Consider, choosing a pyramid made of onyx, you can easily run into a fake.

Onyx fish

It is a symbol of career growth. In feng shui, such a figurine is believed to attract good luck and high earnings. In addition, fish will help you successfully pass the exams.

Onyx dishes (plates, wine glasses, glasses)

It will be a great gift as a family talisman. It enhances the palatability of food and beverages and contributes to the creation of a supportive table atmosphere.

Ring with black onyx

Traditionally it is a mascot for businessmen. The stone will help you find the necessary connections, as well as avoid losses.

The healing properties of onyx

Since ancient times, people began to notice that onyx heals various ailments. Onyx powder promotes faster cell regeneration. If you treat a wound with a small amount of such powder, it will heal faster. In addition, this mineral helps fight obesity. To improve metabolism, it is enough to regularly consume water infused with crushed mineral.

Alternative medicine uses onyx for other medicinal properties of onyx. It is used as a treatment for heart failure (red or pink onyx) and as a means of restoring vision and hearing (marble onyx).

In order to cope with the disease, it is necessary to wear jewelry with a stone at the level of the problem area. So, earrings will help in the fight against diseases of the hearing organs, in the fight against arthritis - a bracelet, etc.

For therapeutic massage, lithotherapists widely use onyx egg. The procedure is carried out by lightly pressing a stone on a sore spot once a day.

The use of onyx slabs for cladding a residential building, according to esotericists, helps to improve the well-being of residents. Life in such a house will be long and full of health.

However, remember - only a real stone has all of the above properties. Artificial stone will not give magical or healing effects. Before pinning your hopes on a gem, make sure you are not fake.

You can buy goods with real onyx from our partner at reasonable prices. Happy shopping!


Our editors often receive questions about the physical and magical properties of onyx stone. To answer all the questions of our readers, we have compiled this article, in which we described in detail everything that concerns this stone. Here you will find not only a detailed description of all the properties of onyx, but the article also contains a large amount of information about the origin and history of use of this mineral.

Be careful when choosing jewelry that contains onyx. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers counterfeit an expensive mineral in one way or another, replacing it with a cheap stone. In the article, we have provided detailed instructions on how to distinguish a fake from a real onyx so that you do not get into such an unpleasant situation.

Onyx is known not only for its physical properties - strength and attractive color. Many people believe that this stone has a positive effect on the health of the person who wears the jewelry with it, and also has a magical effect, improving the general life condition of a person. Read more about these properties in this article.

Black onyx

Black onyx is of particular importance to humans. It is a valuable and very beautiful mineral; jewelry is made from such a stone. Moreover, black onyx has unique magical properties. It is able to cure bad habits and adjust to adherence to a healthy regimen.

Also, black onyx helps people understand each other's inner state, teaches them to empathize and support. If you keep this stone with you for a long time, you will notice a tendency towards introspection.


Other names

Nogat and onychion (onychium) are outdated names for onyx.


  1. Arabic onyx (or onyx itself) - layers are white and black,
  2. Chalcedonyx - gray and white,
  3. Onyx agate - layers of various shades of gray.

There are several varieties of the mineral, differing in color:

  • carnelian, combines white and rich red colors;
  • Arabian onyx - with black and white layers;
  • chalcedonyx - has a gray-white pattern;
  • sardonyx is a brown, red-orange pattern.

There is also a black mineral, but it can be called onyx rather conditionally, since the stone does not have parallel stripes. By dyeing minerals of light shades in black, an imitation of a stone is obtained - artificial onyx.

  1. Real pure onyx; Arabic black and white, with pronounced stripes. He is also the rarest.
  2. Minerals with a predominance of fiery shades (red, brown, red, brick, ocher) are sardonyx.
  3. The red-white stone in jewelry is called carnelian.
  4. Green and black onyx are also found.

The video provides detailed information on the types, properties. the value and use of the mineral.

How to distinguish real chalcedony onyx?

The nugget is often confused with agate, which is considered a less expensive mineral. It is also worth distinguishing the chalcedony stone referred to in this article from the marble one.

Real chalcedony onyx has the following characteristics:


As already mentioned, the mineral is cryptocrystalline quartz. Color, number and thickness of the "braid" stripes; depends on the characteristics of impurities - iron, chalcedony, chlorides and other compounds. And the thickness of the stripes depends on the temperature of the formation of the mineral. Deposits of this stone are found in Uruguay, Egypt, Pakistan, USA, India and Brazil.

In mythology, "onyxon" are the nails of Aphrodite-Venus, which Eros-Cupid, out of pampering, cut off with the tip of one of the arrows and threw them on the ground. The ancient goddess of love and beauty, apparently, loved bright manicure and bold color combinations. It was these clippings of nails that turned into onyx.

Usage history

This mineral has been known for a long time, but, according to ancient legends, the stone had different meanings among different peoples. The Arabs called it sad - al jazo, the Chinese associated bad omens with onyx. The Europeans treated this stone differently. The French believed that the person who found the onyx was sinless and sincere.

  • For a long time, this mineral has symbolized sight - stone cabochons were inserted into the eye sockets of sculptures. Gems were very popular, one of them - the Gonzaga Cameo - is known all over the world. The cameo was made in the 3rd century. BC. from a three-layer stone.
  • Onyx has been used as an ornamental material for thousands of years. Onyx in ancient Rome was used for flooring, stone was used for inlays. Pliny the Elder called onyx oriental alabaster. The stone mined in Ancient Egypt had a light amber color and a beautiful wavy pattern.
  • A greenish mineral with brown and orange layers was highly prized by the Aztecs, who used onyx to make sacrificial bowls and temple decorations.
  • Tombstones made of stone dating from the 12th century have been found in Transcaucasia. Mineral deposits in this region at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. intensively developed, but were later abandoned, and only at the present time, work at some of the fields has been resumed.

The stone was also used as a decorative facing material. The balustrades of the stairs of the Parisian Grand Opera were made of this mineral, and the interior coatings of the premises of the Gur-Emir mausoleum (Samarkand) were made. The stone was used to decorate the walls of the Belorusskaya metro station in the Russian capital.

Onyx jewelry for men and women was created using fine-striped varieties of the mineral. In the Middle Ages, a men's ring with black onyx was a popular adornment - perhaps it is from there that the tradition of decorating jewelry for men with varieties of dark-colored mineral has come down to today.

Medicinal properties

Onyx helps relieve stress, relieve pain, and promote emotional balance and self-control. It is used for disorders of the nervous system, depression, insomnia, in the treatment of heart disease.
Onyx relieves pain well and reduces inflammation.

To do this, it is applied to inflamed areas and tumors.
Onyx products increase potency, sharpen hearing, rejuvenate and strengthen memory.
Indian astrology believes that onyx is useful to any person, as it concentrates bioenergy and draws out diseases.

It is believed that if you drink water from an onyx bowl, you can overcome fatigue and relieve hunger.

Magical properties

For a long time, onyx was considered a stone of leaders and fighters. It gives the ability to rule over other people, clarifies the mind and allows you to penetrate into the plans of the enemy. Onyx strengthens memory and protects against sudden death and attempted murder.

Onyx strengthens spiritual strength, gives marital happiness. It is believed that it helps to get rid of indecision, shyness and suspiciousness.
In India, onyx has always been considered a symbol of luck and good fortune. It takes away excess energy, calms and reconciles.

How onyx helps

The impact of onyx on the human body is quite extensive. It is able to improve the functioning of all systems and organs, but most of all it helps to cope with diseases of the kidneys and liver. Also, this stone improves hearing, treats diseases of the nervous system and neutralizes depressive conditions. In any stressful situation, this wonderful mineral will help its owner to mobilize internal resources and find a state of balance.

  1. The healing properties of onyx will help meteorological people and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. Also, this mineral strengthens the spine and relieves headaches.
  2. Lithotherapists use onyx to treat impotence. Plus, onyx-infused water makes a great addition to any diet. It makes the obese person forget about sugary and fatty foods and lose weight with ease.
  3. It literally "pulls" diseases out of the body. It relieves stress especially well and reduces pain - mental and physical.

The mineral concentrates the yang energy in the body; and thus improves all his characteristics, including intelligence and memory. But onyx is not used to treat any specific disease. His path is general strengthening and protection.

Beneficial effects on health

According to lithotherapists, this mineral is able to relieve a person from many diseases. Wearing jewelry with onyx will help improve the physical condition of the body and prolong life. Earrings with onyx sharpen hearing, and a ring with a stone in a silver setting helps to heal diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Onyx is able not only to relieve stress, but also to restore the emotional balance of a person. This stone is used to treat inflammatory processes, tumors - for this, the mineral just needs to be applied to the affected area. It is also useful for the elderly - the mineral improves tone and improves mood. A pendant, a ring, earrings with onyx, when worn regularly, will help to strengthen bone tissue, to improve the work of internal organs.

Daily drinking of water infused with such a stone is beneficial for people seeking to lose weight - this helps to eliminate dependence on sweet and fatty foods, and normalizes appetite.

Influence on chakras

Onyx affects the chakras in Manipura, but depending on the color it can affect other chakras.
Projective Yang (releases energy, activates)

Relationship with names

  1. Anton,
  2. Edward,
  3. Vasilina,
  4. Vasilisa,
  5. Veronica,
  6. Helena,
  7. Claudia

Zodiac signs

  • Virgo,
  • Capricorn


  • Earth


  • Mercury,
  • Saturn

Onyx stone products

Onyx is used to make souvenirs, small household items (vases, candlesticks, ashtrays, pyramids, boxes, etc.), rings, bracelets and other jewelry, as well as inserts into rings, earrings, etc.


Today this jewelry and ornamental stone is very popular. Many varieties of the mineral are used to create bas-reliefs (cameos). The structure of the stone allows you to carve images in which contrasting stripes are used as a background. Onyx is also used for making small sculptures, watch holders, caskets, ashtrays, and vases.

Bright and light shades of stone are used in products for the fair sex of any age.

  1. Earrings with onyx are a great option for bright, charismatic women. This jewelry is suitable for special occasions as well as for everyday wear. Such products are often encrusted with precious stones, for example, diamonds.
  2. Earrings with onyx can be made in the form of studs or pendants of various shapes. When choosing a shade of a stone, one should consider how it is in harmony with the color of the eyes. The variety of shades of the mineral makes it possible to include beads, a ring, earrings with onyx in any - evening or daytime look.
  3. A ring with onyx can combine different shades, which gives the product extravagance and sophistication. Black onyx is very popular in jewelry. This mineral goes well with gold, silver and cubic zirconia. An onyx ring can be worn by both women and men. For a young girl, the best choice would be a gentle, romantic piece of jewelry, for a business lady - a large-sized ring, for a man - a product made in a conservative style.

Rings, pendants, rings, earrings with onyx can complement any style of clothing - retro, classic or business.

Application of onyx

The history of many peoples is associated with this stone. It was used as a finishing building material in the erection of royal chambers and tombs, as an adornment of clothing, crowns, and attire of clergy. In modern times, attractive trifles are made from it in the form of candlesticks (very often they are decorated with fireplaces), animal figurines (they are used to emphasize the luxury of furniture), ashtrays, stands for stationery gift sets, cups, the price of which is affordable to everyone. Due to the wide variety of small art objects, onyx is considered by many to be a middle-class stone rather than precious.

However, it has not completely lost its value over the years. On the one hand, it is used as a material for small crafts, on the other, for creating expensive interior items - lampshades, lamps, fireplace counters, countertops, wall panels and mosaics, stained glass windows, flowerpots, glasses and wine glasses, caskets, lining of pools and baths.

If we consider onyx from a jewelry point of view, then this stone is equated with jasper, lapis lazuli and obsidian, which replenish the second class of colored ornamental stones. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, hairpins, cufflinks and necklaces are made from it.

Industrial onyx is currently mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan.

Colors and varieties

The characteristic features of this anciently popular ornamental stone are its striping. There is no one-color onyx in nature. White, red, brown, black stripes create amazing ornaments.

Many stone carvers have come to love this material for the variety of its overflows. All onyxes in the world are classified into the following varieties:

  • sardonyx - characterized by a combination of brown and red stripes, or red and bright orange, brown and white;
  • Arabic onyx (aristocratic) - a combination of white and black stripes;
  • carnelian - a combination of red and white stripes;
  • chalcedony - alternation of gray and white stripes;
  • marble onyx - green stones (from bright emerald to pale light green);
  • black onyx;
  • onyx ordinary multi-colored - pink, light blue and blue.

Onyx differs from agate in that the multi-colored layers are not characterized by vague patterns, but create clear parallel lines on the cut.

Career value

Initially, it was believed that onyx is the stone of leaders, leaders, orators and high priests. Interestingly, despite some differences in the shades of attitude, this opinion was held in the Middle East (even if it was considered a stone provoking cruelty), and in ancient Greece and Rome, and in ancient Mesoamerica, and in Judea, and in India.

  1. As for the cruelty mentioned above, it can be assumed with some degree of probability that such an opinion was formed due to the characteristics of the leaders of the countries of the Middle East themselves. The stone does not impart special qualities, but enhances the existing ones, therefore, the future leader and his entourage should not blame onyx for the spoiled character of the wearer.
  2. A person who has received a talisman in his hands and wants to achieve a high position in society should remember that this mineral is not one of those who are guaranteed to bring happiness.
  3. He gives new ideas, protects against lies and infidelity, draws out diseases, gives courage and strength to resist adversity, but takes his own price for this - the owner of onyx jewelry can be happy in marriage, but he must be faithful and honest, and feelings must be mutual.

If a partner poses a threat to achieve the goals of the "leader", then he will disappear from his life. But this does not apply to interior decorations, products made from this stone will just as effectively protect the house from outside intrusion and other problems.

Physical properties of the stone

Onyx is a type of agate in which the layers are plane-parallel to each other, without twisting into circles. The following varieties of onyx are distinguished: Arabic onyx, in which black and white layers vary; onyx agate, where layers of different shades of gray stand out; chalcedonyx, in which white and gray layers are observed, sardonyx, where red-brown and white layers are combined; carneolonics has red and white stripes.

Onyx has a glassy luster. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is 7.0, its density varies from 2.5 to 2.8 g / s m³.

  • Onyx also has other names: carnelian, ribbon agate, marble onyx, jam, sardonyx, onychion, eljazo. The main modern deposits are located in Brazil, India and the United States. The best specimens come from the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Onyx stone shades are striking in their diversity. Its natural color is black, but it can be green, greenish-white, brown, beige, pink and yellowish. White onyx protects its owner from rash decisions and actions, allows you to think logically and clearly. Black onyx gives a person decisiveness and confidence in their actions, helps to achieve their goals.
  • Green onyx is quite common in jewelry stores. In fact, it is marble onyx, which is not agate in origin and composition. Although it is very beautiful and in its attractiveness is in no way inferior to natural green onyx.
  • In essence, this is a type of marble rock, which is similar in design to agate. It was widely used both in ancient times (Egypt, Assyria) and in the modern world (metro stations, halls of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin).

Since ancient times, another mysterious property of onyx has attracted the attention of people. It is able to transmit light through itself, therefore, the mineral is often used and is used to create lamps. The light that passes through the onyx begins to possess some magical qualities. It seems that the room begins to sparkle with numerous colors, and the air is saturated with its energy.

Effect on the human body

The semi-precious gem has long been appreciated not only for its beautiful palette and ability to absorb sunlight, but also for its healing properties. Ancient healing was not complete without the use of this miraculous stone.

  • Oral cavity diseases were treated with onyx powder.
  • Onyx infused water helped fight obesity.
  • Onyx powder accelerated wound healing.

These methods of treatment today have their confirmation, modern doctors use in practice the so-called onyx preparations.

Onyx is a charm gem. It expels most ailments from the body.

  1. With colic and kidney pain, liver ailments, onyx is placed on painful places, it is believed that it draws out pain from the inside with its positive charge.
  2. Onyx is able to cool, it is applicable for fevers, inflammations.
  3. The gem drives away depression.
  4. He is afraid of insomnia and stress.
  5. He is able to ward off suicidal thoughts, to breathe positive vital energy into a person.
  6. Onyx is very useful for men, especially those suffering from genital ailments, this stone improves potency.
  7. Onyx is used for rheumatism.
  8. The multi-colored mineral improves hearing, vision and memory, increases concentration.
  9. The stone is also useful for cardiovascular diseases.
  10. Do not forget about it and with tumors of varying complexity.
  11. Onyx is an immunostimulant.
  12. It is believed that the ornamental stone is able to harmonize the work of all organs and thus improve the general physical condition of the human body.
  13. He fights laziness and fatigue very well.

It also normalizes the work of the digestive system, it can both improve appetite and suppress it.

  • The most severe brain diseases can be overcome thanks to the power of onyx.
  • The mineral soothes headaches and dizziness.
  • Onyx is recommended for asthmatics and people who often suffer from ENT diseases and suffer from migraines.
  • The stone has a beneficial effect on mood.
  • There are even known cases of healing with the help of a gem from drug addiction.
  • Onyx prolongs life, because, having a beneficial effect on human health, it improves its quality.

A semi-precious mineral increases its positive effect on a person if worn in a silver frame, which is why jewelry stores often offer silver sets with this gem.

Since onyx takes on all the negative energy and gives off positive energy, it needs to be cleaned periodically. You can wash off all energy impurities from the stone under running cold water.

Has healing power

Ancient healers and healers used onyx to relieve pain in humans. It was believed that the gem "takes out" a person's physical pain, passes through itself and directs renewed energy into the human body, which is saturated with health and strength.

Modern lithotherapists use onyx and its varieties for medicinal purposes today. It is used to relieve colic, liver and kidney pain. In case of inflammation or at elevated temperatures, it is also recommended to take advantage of the beneficial qualities of onyx.

With disorders of the nervous system, the therapeutic effect of onyx lies in the fact that it perfectly helps and restores the emotional background of a person. Onyx is able to relieve nervous tension, reduce insomnia and depression, even suicidal tendencies.

If you insist on water and drink it, then such water will help a person relieve the feeling of hunger. That is, those who are about to go on a diet can use this information to reduce their appetite. Onyx is able to improve hearing and memory. It also has a positive effect on potency. For people suffering from meteosensitivity, onyx helps to reduce this quality. The beneficial qualities of onyx extend to the treatment of rheumatic and heart diseases. It gives the elderly people longevity, strengthening the body, endows them with optimism and protects them from unpleasant memories.

Application by magicians

Since ancient times, people have noticed the magical features of onyx. Strong-willed and courageous people - kings, military commanders, leaders always had this cold stone with them. It was believed that a beautiful solar gem is able to sober up thoughts, tune them in the right way, evoke decisiveness, insight, courage, self-confidence, kill fear, suspiciousness, and protect enemies and ill-wishers from misfortune.

  • It was onyx that helped many heroes leave their mark in history. After all, this stone attracts the respect of other people to its owner, helps to cool the ardor, concentrate attention on the most important, curb violent emotions, take a sober look at the situation and thereby achieve victory and success in the business started. Onyx helped not only leaders and heroes, but and speakers. The gem is capable of developing eloquence. Those who wanted to become famous for their oratory skills wore onyx beads or put a faceted stone under their tongues.
  • Modern people wear onyx jewelry either on the middle finger or on the solar plexus. The effect of the stone is enhanced by its setting - a round and oval cabochon. The noble metal, in combination with which onyx shows its best properties, is silver. Since onyx is a cold stone, it is recommended to wear it more in the cold season.
  • Onyx is also called a life talisman - it protects its owner from accidents, illnesses, major life losses, sudden death, betrayal of the inner circle, and lies.

Onyx is considered the stone of wise elderly people. He is able to protect them from loneliness, sadness, troubles, bring them out of depression, promotes the upbringing of endurance, brings harmony into their lives, and with it, calming the soul, pacification.

A properly consecrated mineral allows you to discover psychic abilities in yourself. Onyx is a talisman that protects against all kinds of magic spells, slander, damage. Its owner cannot be bewitched.

Onyx is a noble stone, it strengthens the spirit, helps to achieve set goals, attracts luck, leads to wealth, drives away evil spirits and evil spirits.

Onyx is a stone of harmony - spiritual and family. He promotes peace in the house, eradicates scandals, helps to find peace with oneself and the people around him, to find mutual understanding, to open in oneself wonderful feelings of love.

Strong amulet

This stone helps people who have good intentions in their hearts. The magical properties of onyx stone can be used in order to strengthen leadership inclinations in oneself, to develop oratory. Ancient politicians and orators placed a small stone under their tongues to make speech more convincing and sound beautiful. The owner of such a stone easily achieves what he wants and makes others listen to his opinion.

The magical properties possessed by onyx stone give its owner a sense of stability and confidence. His strength disciplines, makes him move towards his goal.

  1. In addition, the mineral makes it possible to accumulate external positive energy and use it at your own discretion. It is a stone of good mood and vigor.
  2. Also, onyx stone helps to gain patience and concentrate on solving any problems. Keeping onyx on the table is useful for students and scientists, then their long research will not be too tedious.
  3. Onyx differs from other minerals in that it does not start working immediately. He was nicknamed for this "stone-slow-witted". The magical properties of a mineral are manifested at the moment when a person does something significant to achieve a goal. For people who are loose and apathetic, onyx may be useless.
  4. In ancient times it was called the stone of leaders and military leaders. It strengthens the strength of the spirit, makes its owner invulnerable and brings good luck. The owner of this stone becomes invincible.

The magical properties of onyx stone make it one of the strongest amulets. No evil force can cope with the barrier that this stone creates. It is believed that the mineral protects the host from premature death.

Onyx talisman

Onyx is a very controversial stone with a strong masculine energy. The ancient Greeks, Aztecs, in India, it was the stone of a leader, a person who boldly goes to the goal. It gave an additional boost of energy and brought good luck. Onyx helped the leaders to curb their emotions, maintain a cold mind, and gain the respect of their subjects. It was believed that this stone is able to take on the fears of its owner, giving it courage and determination, so it was advised to wear it to insecure and timid people. The onyx talisman was able to resist the evil eye and negative energy, to protect against accidents and enemies.

Among the peoples of the Ancient East, onyx was considered, on the contrary, a stone that promises sadness, bringing bad omens. Onyx vessels were considered poisonous.

Modern esotericists believe that due to the stone's ability to accumulate and enhance not only external energy flows, but also the energy of its owner, jewelry with onyx should be worn only by kind people with a positive attitude, otherwise the power of the stone may turn against the owner.

Supernatural influence

The stone is often used as a protective amulet. The magic value of the stone is the ability to accumulate and absorb negative energy.

  • For people endowed with leadership qualities, the stone brings stability, self-confidence. Jewelry with a stone - rings, rings, earrings with onyx attract good luck and prosperity to leaders. This mineral is an excellent talisman for creative individuals, it helps to sharpen perception, strengthen memory, and develop intuitive abilities.
  • Earrings with onyx in combination with silver help to get rid of laziness, a ring with a stone set in gold gives a powerful charge of energy. Products with a black stone can make their owner entrepreneurial and successful. It is believed that a ring with onyx protects a person from early death.
  • Onyx is a conductor and generator of male yang energy, which determines its magical characteristics. The mineral itself is not hostile to humans. Moreover, in some European cultures it was believed that onyx would not allow the dishonest to find itself.

This stone is associated with the sun (it is not in vain that it allows sunlight to pass through so easily and seems to be shining itself).

How onyx affects a person

Only a kind and open person can feel the beneficial effects of the onyx stone. It is such a person that he will endow the ability to control other people, see the intrigues and designs of enemies, think clearly and logically, and foresee the future. No wonder, in ancient India the value of onyx was very high, and it was revered for the fact that it is able to take away negative energy and endow its owner with wisdom and tranquility.

For people doing business, onyx stone is extremely useful, as it can give the owner fresh ideas, physical strength, and make him more entrepreneurial. Black onyx is especially good for such purposes. White onyx protects a person from rash acts and impulsive actions.

  1. It makes the mind clear. For people of creative professions, the gem is useful in that it is able to endow a person with the gift of eloquence. Therefore, singers, statesmen, and writers can take advantage of this quality of the gem.
  2. Onyx will give family people happiness and strengthen their spiritual ties. Women who want to manage their husband can also turn to him for help.
  3. It is this gem that helps quietly manage the fairer sex in their family. If you are shy and insecure, white onyx will give you determination and confidence in your abilities and capabilities.

From an astrological point of view, onyx stone is suitable for Sagittarius, Virgo, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus and Leo. He brings good luck to these signs, success in love and deeds. The only thing to know about onyx is that he doesn't like gold. If combined with this metal, it loses its positive qualities and strength.

It is believed that natural onyx is a stone of people who have already experienced some kind of setbacks, emotions, joys in their lives. Therefore, this gem is more useful to those people who have already managed to achieve something and are in search of the meaning of life and harmony with the world and themselves.

Signs of the zodiac

A beautiful gem is very picky about people. He first gets used to his new owner, tests his energy, and then only begins to make good changes in his life. This stone is very positive, it reads negative instantly.

The energy aura of not every person is capable of discovering the most useful properties in a stone. Aries gem is most suitable. The energetic Aries in many cases wastes its ardor, not reaching the goal. Onyx helps to direct his energy in the right direction, not to waste energy and achieve success.

It is recommended to wear onyx for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. For Taurus and Capricorns, the mineral promises a fight against laziness, gives them an impetus for action, which helps them not to sit still in life, but to keep up with the times. He teaches them to be independent.

Onyx will give a modest and shy Virgo decisiveness, relieve her of suspiciousness, help her take off the mask of restraint, be more open and happy.

Onyx is contraindicated for Gemini, this zodiac sign has the opposite energy to the stone. Gemini are very vulnerable and creative natures, they cannot concentrate their attention on one thing. They need to satisfy the versatility of their interests, and onyx will suppress this desire.

How much is onyx worth?

Today, the most variegated varieties of onyx are valued. The brighter and more numerous its palette, and the thinner the multi-colored layers that create the striping of the stone, the higher the price of onyx itself and products made from it.
The most expensive onyx is the black stone, it is the rarest and most often used for the production of jewelry.

If we are talking about the cost of jewelry with onyx, then the setting is more valued in them - gold or silver, and not the stone itself. If we talk about a natural material for finishing the interior of a house, then the thickness of the stone and its color are taken into account. For example, the price of 1 sq. m. of an 18 mm thick onyx slab will cost about four hundred US dollars.


Prices for onyx jewelry vary depending on the quality of the stone and setting. The most expensive is black and white onyx. Carnelian and sardonyx are slightly cheaper. On average, bracelets will cost $ 6-50, a necklace - $ 140-300, earrings from $ 60 to $ 140.

Bowls and figurines made from this mineral cleanse the house and fill it with light, and according to legend, drinking from an onyx bowl expels longing and quenches thirst and hunger.

Onyx in astrology

Using the healing and magical properties of onyx, it should be borne in mind that this stone is not positively located to all signs of the zodiac. Black onyx is a talisman stone for Capricorn. It enhances the natural purposefulness and some rigidity in the character of this representative of the zodiacal circle.

Also, onyx will become a suitable helper for people born under the signs of Virgo, Taurus, Aries, Libra and Aquarius. It allows them to accumulate positive life energy and brings good luck both in business and in love relationships.


Who is onyx suitable for?

Onyx is ideal for insecure and suspicious Cancers. An amulet made of this mineral will help them boldly move forward, relieve them of the habit of backing away and retreating.

Pink, yellow and red onyx is suitable for earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo - it will liberate them and help in communication.

Products with black onyx will help Leo get the love of those around him, which is so important to him. Also black stone is suitable for Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aquarius.


Stone and signs of the zodiac

Patronage of the signs of the zodiac

Information about which signs of the zodiac should wear this stone, and which not, varies from source to source. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not to the date of birth, but to the qualities of the person himself.

  • Best of all, the mineral is suitable for those who seek to make a career, but who lack eloquence, courage to convey their thoughts and control others.
  • In addition, it is recommended to wear it for overly scrupulous and heavy lifting people who find it difficult to decide on a new business, as well as for those who are patronized by Venus.
  • However, natural-born leaders will also benefit from onyx jewelry, since they protect their owner from the hostility of both people and fate.

It should not be worn by frivolous and irresponsible people, as this will only lead to a large number of meaningless actions. It is also not advised to wear onyx jewelry for those who are in search of a husband or wife and overly impulsive and cruel people.


How to care for a stone?

Onyx is a beautiful but very fragile mineral that requires careful handling. Whether it's crockery or a countertop, a product made from this stone looks impressive in the kitchen, but sharp or heavy objects can damage it. As a result of exposure to water, coffee, juice, tea, stains may remain on the stone that are difficult to remove.

To protect the mineral, special impregnations are used, which create a strong film on its surface. To give the stone shine, wax-based polishes are used, they also provide additional protection for the mineral.

You should not wash this stone with ordinary detergents - their acidic and alkaline compositions will decompose the mineral. The cleanser should be neutral (pH around 7).

Store jewelry with onyx separately to avoid scratching the surface of the stone. The mineral should be protected from direct sunlight.

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