Blackened finger from the gold ring - reasons, omens. Why does the skin under the gold ring turn black? Why does the finger turn black from the wedding ring?

Many people choose gold jewelry not only because of their visual appeal, but also because gold, especially of high purity, does not come into contact with oxygen and, as a result, does not oxidize. However, cases when fingers turn black under gold rings are not so rare. What is the reason for this phenomenon, and what effect does the quality of the metal have on its appearance?

Reasons why fingers under gold rings turn black

Seeing darkened skin under the gold jewelry, its owner begins to sort out in his mind the possible reasons why such a phenomenon could occur. Obviously, initially the metal darkens, and the skin, which is in constant contact with it, only takes on the dark pigment.

It is worth knowing that gold can turn black for the following reasons:

Poor metal quality

As you know, it contains a minimum amount of impurities and, as a result, does not oxidize at all when interacting with oxygen. However, such gold is very soft and has little resistance to physical stress, deforming under slight pressure. That is why alloys of pure gold with other metals are used in the jewelry industry.

The more impurities in the alloy, the lower its fineness. So, it contains a large amount of copper, which is very susceptible to oxidative processes. That is why rings made of such metal turn black rather quickly, upsetting their owner.

Processing a product with a polishing paste

Perhaps the most harmless reason why the fingers under the gold ring can darken. After manufacturing, all products are treated with a polishing paste, and they are cleaned before being sold. In the event that traces of this substance remain on the jewelry, when interacting with the skin, they will instantly turn into black spots. It's easy to get rid of them - just wash your hands and the product.

Using hand cream

Some creams contain substances that can come into contact with gold and other metals that make up the alloy used to make the product. In order to get rid of unwanted pigmentation on the skin, it is enough to replace the used care product with another, better one.

Allergic reactions

Sometimes the finger turns black under the gold jewelry due to a banal allergy. In this case, it is worth contacting an allergist and, if the suspicion is confirmed, replace gold products with jewelry made of less allergenic metals.

Increased sweating

If a person sweats a lot for any reason, the skin under the ring may darken due to the interaction of sweat secretions with the metal of the jewelry. In the event that sweating increases due to stress or other short-term factors, no action is required - the problem will be solved by itself as soon as excess moisture disappears under the ring.


Such a commonplace reason as metal contamination can also cause darkening of the skin under the ring. Dust, mixing with natural skin secretions (fat and sweat), forms a film of an unpleasant dirty tint on the surface of the ring. To get rid of this kind of blackness is only worth

Everyone knows that gold is a noble metal. Most often, jewelry made of precious metals and their alloys does not leave marks on the skin. This property is more typical for inexpensive jewelry. Why does gold sometimes leave black spots and marks on the skin?

A little about gold

Archaeologists and historians have come to the conclusion that this precious metal appeared a very long time ago - approximately in the 5th millennium BC. It was since then that it began to enjoy popularity, and also became a kind of measure of value.

Today, this precious metal is in no less demand - a large number of jewelry made of precious metal is sold on the market, which women are happy to buy.

Jewelry is purchased not only by girls and women - men also like to adorn themselves with exquisite jewelry made of expensive metals, which require careful treatment and careful care.

Since ancient times, jewelry made of yellow metal has been preferred by both men and women.

Carefully caring for jewelry, you can keep their presentable appearance for a long time, but an expensive ring or chain does not always correspond to these qualities. It happens that jewelry and gold leave a black tint or mark on the skin. What does it depend on and why is this happening?

Causes of skin darkening from gold jewelry

Often, the darkening of the skin from gold jewelry is equated with mysterious phenomena, such as the fact that the owner has a serious illness or someone has put a curse on the owner of the ring. I am glad that this is not so.

There are many reasons why black marks from gold and jewelry from gold appear on the skin, and each of them should be considered separately.

Today, most manufacturers of certain goods are trying to save money on the manufacture of their products. This phenomenon has not been spared by the jewelry industry either. Do not trust inscriptions like: "jewelry is 60% gold." Very often, for the production of precious jewelry, various alloys are used, which contain other metals, which lead to the fact that the skin turns black from gold.

Another significant cause of skin darkening from gold jewelry is the use of cosmetics. All kinds of moisturizing hand creams that are used by representatives of the fair half of humanity very often contain a variety of impurities in their composition that are in contact with gold.

Thus, the mercury contained in cosmetics interacts with the yellow metal, thereby causing irritation and blackening of the skin.

Some believe that the skin turns black from gold due to some kind of disease. So, violations of the functionality of the kidneys or liver can cause such a reaction, however, in medical practice, there are many cases when the gold jewelry of a truly sick person did not manifest themselves in any way.

Jewelry made of yellow metal in contact with cosmetics can leave a dark mark in contact with gold.

Medical professionals tend to believe that a person's health condition can affect the so-called “behavior” of jewelry. So, a person who is often exposed to stressful situations is prone to excessive sweating, which can provoke contact with gold and entail an obvious reaction.

Why are other metals added to gold jewelry

This question worries many, only a few know the answer to it. Perhaps this is the reason why the leather turns black from gold jewelry. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is rather difficult (almost impossible) to find jewelry made of pure gold on sale. The reason is simple and obvious - gold is a very soft metal, which means that jewelry made of it is rather difficult to wear. Precisely in order for a piece of jewelry to be able to be worn without hindrance and to admire its appearance, various metals are added to the alloys, which make the item suitable for use.

Alloys of different metals not only give different shades of gold, but also often cause dark marks on the skin.

Also, the addition of various metals to the composition of gold allows you to achieve the desired color, and this is an important factor for manufacturers. So, if you add silver to gold, the product will get a slightly greenish tint, and the copper that is part of it will be pinkish. By creating alloys based on gold, jewelers can reduce the total weight of the jewelry, because gold itself is very heavy.

Possible consequences and ways to eliminate them

Why does the skin turn black under gold and its ornaments? The answer to this question may lie in the following reason - very often polishing paste is used to process jewelry. If, during further processing, the jewelry is poorly washed, then this paste can leave a mysterious dark mark on the skin for a rather long time. Do not worry - after a while, traces should not remain.

Nickel in the alloy imparts a white color to gold and often causes an allergic reaction.

Another reason why the skin turns black from gold may be the presence of allergic reactions in humans.

For example, negative reactions to the nickel alloy used to make jewelry can lead to dark spots on the skin.

Do not forget about cosmetic products for hand and nail care - they enhance the effects of electrolysis. Jewelry made from an alloy of gold and copper can leave not only black, but also green marks on the skin.

Additional reasons why skin may turn black

The low quality of jewelry making, their low cost, as well as technological violations and the use of outdated equipment - all this affects the characteristics of jewelry made of gold and its alloys. Very often this is the reason why the skin turns black from gold.

When buying jewelry, you should ask the seller for a quality certificate and pay attention to the composition of the metal and the amount of gold and other impurities it contains. Also, the presence of allergic reactions and excessive sweating can negatively affect the quality of jewelry and their use. It is possible that darkening of the skin is a serious sign to pay attention to your state of health and make a visit to the doctor on time.

Nitrogen compounds with sweat cause darkening on the skin from the jewelry.

It is believed that meat aficionados may also experience this reaction to gold jewelry. Nitrogen and sweat compounds can be the reason why the skin turns black from gold.

There are situations when the skin turns black from jewelry made of yellow precious metal not at all due to diseases and poor quality of the jewelry. People living in large cities, as well as near busy highways, may also notice the appearance of dark skin marks that form directly under the jewelry. Exhaust gases, smoke emitted from industrial plants, as well as smog and various harmful impurities can aggressively affect precious metals. So, these factors can provoke oxidation of copper, which is often included in jewelry, which is the reason why the skin darkens from jewelry gold.

How to avoid blackening of the skin?

In order to get rid of the consequences, one should be guided by the reasons for such a reaction of the precious metal. First of all, it is necessary to purchase high-quality jewelry in jewelry stores, as well as require a quality certificate from the seller and monitor the gold content in jewelry. Jewelry made of precious metal requires careful and careful care.

In order for a ring or chain to delight its owner for a long time, you should adhere to a few simple rules that will help keep the presentable appearance of products:

  • You should not do household chores (cleaning, washing dishes, etc.) with precious jewelry on your hands and fingers;
    Do not use sharp tools to clean jewelry;
  • From time to time, jewelry made of precious metals should be wiped with a soft cloth (preferably felt);
  • Jewelry with stone inserts is most often subject to contamination in the places where they are inlaid;
  • Before going to bed, it is necessary to remove all jewelry, since prolonged contact of precious metal and skin can provoke unpleasant consequences.

Simple rules will help you to buy high-quality gold jewelry, as well as enjoy their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Knowing the reasons why the skin turns black from gold, you can avoid this, and also subsequently acquire only those jewelry that will not cause such consequences.

Gold leaves black marks for many reasons, identifying which you can easily get rid of the source of this problem and not experience the discomfort of wearing jewelry. Quality jewelry, if properly cared for, will never cause black stains.

Gold is a noble precious metal. He is the cause of wars and battles, they fought to the death and killed for him. Gold can make a person rich, beautiful and elegant.

Some consider it a despicable metal, while others consider it the purest and most natural material for making jewelry.

Many people choose to wear gold jewelry. It is accepted that wedding rings are bought exclusively from this metal.

Other decorations also add elegance to the wearer, speak of his status in society, material well-being and exquisite taste.

The only disadvantage of such jewelry is the darkening of the skin.

What is the reason for this reaction, is it worth worrying about your health and how to fix the situation - the most frequent questions of jewelry owners.

It is worth understanding the causes of this problem, it is very common today.

Gold is a yellow metal. It is extracted from rocks by washing. Its density makes it easy to clean.

Real pure gold has a yellow color, it can cast green. If the jewelry has a reddish tint, copper has been added to its composition.

Today, jewelry made from this material has various impurities. In its pure form, it practically does not occur.

Jewelry stores sell products made from a mixture of precious metals: gold, silver, copper, palladium.

Influence on a person

Jewelry that a person wears close to his body every day has an effect on his body.

We are not talking about those jewelry that is worn several times a month, on holidays or weekends. These are things that are not removed from the fingers, ears or neck. More often - gold jewelry.

The effect of gold on a person:

Point of view Influence
1 Psychological The precious metal tones the nervous system. Gives confidence in actions and intentions.

When wearing gold jewelry, a person may act a little arrogant. He feels on a subconscious level that he has something that many others cannot afford.

Such jewelry gives women confidence in their beauty. They become more relaxed

2 Spiritual In ancient times, gold was considered a source of solar power and energy, it was given to soldiers to give them strength in the fight.

It was believed that taking a golden thing from home, the warrior would definitely return back.

The yellow metal was endowed with special properties: it was believed that it drives away evil spirits, gives women beauty and fertility, and promotes a strong union.

This is the origin of the tradition of putting gold rings on each other's fingers on the day of the wedding.

3 Physiological Metal tones up the work of the heart and blood vessels. It is not recommended to constantly wear such things for people suffering from hypertension.

It has a beneficial effect on brain activity: improves memory, brain function. According to unconfirmed reports, metal helps to cope with head diseases

Why does the skin turn black?

Darkening of the skin under the gold product does not mean that the person is sick. It is worth dispelling myths about this effect.

What does the darkening of the skin under the gold jewelry say?

  1. More often - about the low quality of the product. Gold does not oxidize if your jewelry causes a reaction - there are many impurities in the composition. The product may be counterfeit or of low purity.
  2. Experiments have shown that in some cases, real gold jewelry can react with sweat, which is emitted by people suffering from liver and kidney diseases.

    This happens in 50% of cases. Sweat contains substances that react with metal. Low statistics do not allow us to talk about the reliability of the data.

  3. Constant stress causes sweating. People under stress are more likely to notice dark marks from jewelry.

    Since almost all jewelry contains foreign impurities, frequent sweating causes a reaction that leaves dark marks on the skin.

  4. Finished products are treated with polishing paste, which is poorly washed off before being sold.

    It instantly reacts with the slightest manifestations of perspiration and causes browning. The decoration just needs to be cleaned.

  5. If the skin darkens under the ring, which you are not removing, pay attention to the cream. Modern creams may contain substances that react with gold.

    Clean your ring, finger, and try not to use the cream for a while. This will help determine if the skin care product is causing the browning.

  6. Frequent consumption of meat can be the cause of the problem. It adds substances to the blood that cause this effect.

What do the omens say?

Folk omens say that if the skin darkens under the gold, damage, or the evil eye, has been imposed on a person.

Since gold is a noble metal, it senses changes in the human body and gives such a reaction.

Interesting fact! If a person's cheeks are burning, someone is gossiping about him. To find out what kind of gossip it is, you need to run a gold piece across your cheek.

If there is a dark line, they speak ill of you. The light bar indicates that you are remembered with warmth, in a friendly conversation. Believe it or not - it's up to you.

Evil eye or damage?

The reliability of these data can be compared with the belief of ancient people that thunder is the wrath of the gods.

People no longer believe that the earth is round, they understand that natural disasters do not arise from the fact that the inhabitants angered Zeus. Superstitions should be discarded for a long time: there are explanations for everything.

And they also contradict the Orthodox faith: the believer does not doubt, and all superstitions come from the dark forces.

In our century, you can discard all prejudices and not worry when you see a dark trace from the ring. Try taking the piece to a jewelry store so that the craftsman can appreciate the authenticity of the piece.

If it has a lot of impurities and a lower purity, try returning the product. Exchange the product or try not to get it wet.

Clean with ammonia - the method will help if the applied composition is the cause of the darkening.

Useful video

Indeed, what you just can't believe when a black rim appears on the finger where a gold ring flaunted during the day. One of the most common reasons is the small amount of gold in the item and the many alloys added to it. Another reason is often cited as problems caused by the condition, speaking of disease. Why does the skin turn black from gold? Maybe they jinxed its owner?

Love, ring, organism

Sometimes it is enough not to use the cream you are used to in order to get rid of this phenomenon - the black stripe from the ring. Some creams contain mercury in small amounts. Interacting with gold, it is on the skin. Either cream in a bucket, or not wearing gold, there is no third way.

There is a widespread opinion why the skin turns black from gold - from the fact that there are problems with the liver or the state of the endocrine system. There are electrical charges in the human body, they are individual for each person. In contact with the skin, gold forms a galvanic couple, a kind of micro-battery. It “works” in different ways on different parts of the hand. It happens that on one finger the skin turns black, but on others it does not.

Causal relationship

Sometimes the question of why the skin turns black from gold turns out to be very simple for verification: it is used when processing gold. If the product is poorly washed, then the paste may leave dark stripes on the skin from a ring or chain for some time. After a while, the paste will be washed off and the ring will no longer leave dark marks on the finger.

Sometimes the main reason is that a person has nickel used in precious metal alloys. The phenomenon of electrolysis (a chemical reaction caused by the skin's reaction to metals) intensifies the makeup or cream used on the hands. If the alloy contains copper, then the leather can not only turn black, but also turn green.

More reasons why the skin turns black from gold

The cheapness of items that are passed off as gold may answer the question of why gold darkens the skin. Sometimes the data indicated in the certificate does not correspond to the content that is actually in the gold jewelry. There is no need to purchase jewelry where there is no firm belief that gold jewelry really corresponds to the specified certificate.

In addition, there is a theory that a person's sweat changes its composition in the event that a disease occurs and changes its structure. Perhaps there is a rational grain in the theory and it makes sense to check your health. The practice of wearing rings suggests that the same ring can or may not leave black circles on the skin at different periods of a person's life. Poor-quality cosmetics, creams containing mercury are probably to blame for this, but it will not hurt anyone to check their health once again.

Precious metals have different effects on a person, everyone knows that there are no products of pure gold on sale, since the metal is very soft and expensive. The gold content in jewelry corresponds to such an indicator as the fineness. The higher its value, the more gold is contained in the product. It may well be that the prejudice that the skin darkens from gold is unjustified, since it darkens from the alloys that it contains.

It is believed that people who eat large amounts of meat can also become the object of gold's "dislike" for the skin, expressed in the fact that you have to ask yourself and your friends why the skin turns black from gold. It is believed that a lot is released along with the sweat and this is facilitated by contact with nickel or copper added to the alloy. Although there is no scientifically proven data on this score.

The reason for the high cost of gold jewelry is the ability of this precious metal to effectively withstand the effects of the external environment. It retains its original splendor and beauty for many years. However, quite often in life you can find cases when a black stripe appears on the skin under the ring. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, consider the main ones.

Metal quality

Pure gold is absolutely resistant to any chemical compounds. It dissolves only in aqua regia (an explosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids). The problem is that it is very soft and expensive, so it is not used for jewelry production.

To increase hardness, improve technological properties, reduce cost, copper, silver, nickel, zinc are added to the alloy. The sample of gold depends on the amount of these impurities. The lower its numerical value, the more likely it is that the finger will turn black under the ring.

The most common cases are low-quality 375-carat gold. It contains only 37.5% pure gold and a lot of copper. Such jewelry can easily leave dark marks on the skin, even with a slight effect of aggressive substances. Higher grade 585 and 750 alloys are less susceptible to this effect.

  • It's important to know:

White gold contains a large amount of nickel. For many, it causes not only blackening of the finger, but also serious allergic reactions. This does not happen immediately, since most products are rhodium-plated for protection.

Over time, the spraying is wiped off, there is a direct contact of the metal with the skin. The result is the formation of a dark plaque on the skin. By the way, the use of nickel in jewelry is prohibited in Europe; it is replaced with harmless palladium.

  • It is interesting:

Cosmetics and detergents

The use of low-quality creams, lotions can cause the finger to turn black under the ring. Many cosmetics are abrasive in structure. Friction and interaction with sweat creates a dark coating on the finger.

Cleaning agents and detergents have the same effect. Especially harmful are acidic and chlorine-containing substances. Before using them, you must wear rubber gloves or remove the gold.


We still use chlorine to purify water. It is not for nothing that people are always warned before chlorination that the use of such water is not recommended. Even if you just wash your hands under the tap at this time, darkening of the fingers under the rings may occur. It is also important to remove jewelry before going to the pool, as there is still a caustic element, although in smaller quantities.

Salty sea water is also likely to cause black toes. If you are using sea salt for your bath, be sure to remove the gold.


With the sweat of a person, most of the harmful substances are excreted from the body. Some medicines contain aggressive elements. The effect is increased at elevated temperatures, which stimulate increased sweating.

If during the treatment you notice that the skin under the rings has turned black, you should temporarily stop wearing the rings, it is better to put them in a box until you recover.

Some ointments used in medicine contain sulfur. It negatively affects the precious metal. Not only the finger can turn black, but also the gold itself. Remove products before applying these creams.

  • This is useful:

Evil eye, damage

Gold and silver have long been considered the best indicator of a negative impact on the human energy field. Attempts of such interference lead to the fact that the finger under the ring turns black almost immediately after communicating with bad people. Many may say that these are prejudices, but I happened to face a similar phenomenon in my life.

Immediately after the wedding, my wife and I rested in the same company, where there were many people from my bachelor past. Upon returning home, the spouse was surprised to find that a black stripe had formed on her finger under the wedding ring. Everything was clean under the other decorations. Interestingly, neither before nor after this has never happened again. This led me, a completely non-superstitious person, into some confusion, made me think. If you have similar situations, then try to limit your social circle to trusted people.


The high cost of gold is a great incentive for all kinds of scammers. The art of creating imitations is striking in its perfection. It is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish quality products from fakes.

The simplest and most widespread deception is the sale of gilded items. Over time, the dusting is wiped off, the cheap metal begins to come into contact with the skin, which leads to a darkening of the finger under the ring.

  • Read:

Choose reliable stores for high-value purchases. Avoid offers to buy gold cheaply, "off hand", on vacation in exotic countries. Then you are guaranteed to save yourself from frustration.

Now you know all the reasons why the finger turns black under the gold ring. Proper care of your jewelry, exclusion of all the factors stated above, will save you from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries.

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