Tune your satin to heal your heart. Georgy sytin - thoughts that create a healthy heart

2.32. Against cardiac arrhythmias

When I talk about myself, I have no doubts, I believe with boundless boldness in what I say about myself, I do my best to completely suppress absolutely all my doubts about what I say about myself, and clearly, clearly imagine already realized what I say.

Since I try to tune the body for continuous rejuvenation, continuous restoration of pristine youthful freshness, continuous restoration of youth, youth, continuous restoration of youthful beauty, this coincides with the body's natural desire for life. And therefore, when I talk about myself, my entire body mobilizes all its unlimited reserves for the fastest and most complete fulfillment of everything that I say. And therefore, everything is inevitable, with an iron necessity, becomes reality after the time during which certain biological changes in the body have time to occur. And therefore, I really, inevitably, with iron necessity, will become a young-young-healthy-strong man, full of strength for energy and I will continue to get healthy and strong and all my mental and physical abilities will continue to develop for many decades, up to a hundred years and more. , for all the future time that I can imagine.

Now I will try to assimilate as firmly as possible the idea of ​​myself as a young, healthy person with a very healthy, stable, strong heart. And my whole body will now mobilize all its forces, all its unlimited reserves in order to bring the heart into full compliance with this idea.

All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord continue to accumulate energy faster and more vigorously, to accumulate young-young vitality. All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord will now constantly-continuously increase their energy reserves, increase their energy resources. The brain-spinal cord will work more and more steadily. The brain-spinal cord will more and more steadily and correctly manage the life of the whole body. The brain-spinal cord will now more and more steadily and correctly control the heart and blood vessels. The cerebral spinal cord becomes more and more energetic, the internal stability of the entire nervous system is constantly increasing. My cheerful, cheerful mood and excellent health are becoming more and more stable. All the nerve cells and nerve centers of the brain-spinal cord that control the heart are working more and more steadily. Now I am trying to imagine as clearly as possible what is at stake. All nerve cells and nerve centers of the brain-spinal cord, which control the heart and blood vessels, work energetically, more and more steadily. The cerebral spinal cord more and more steadily and correctly controls the heart and blood vessels. The cerebral spinal cord more and more energetically, more and more steadily and correctly controls the heart and blood vessels. The brain more and more energetically does not allow any harmful influences of the external environment, any excitement into the heart. The heart constantly lives a free, full-blooded life under the eternal reliable protection of the brain. The brain more and more energetically does not let in the heart any excitement, any harmful influences of the external environment, and under the protection of the brain my heart lives a free, absolutely free, full-blooded life. And the brain-spinal cord with colossal internal stability controls the work of the heart and therefore the heart works very steadily, the pulse is steadily rhythmic. Through all the difficulties, a steadily rhythmic pulse remains unshakably and all the intervals between the beats of the pulse remain the same through any work, through any difficulties and adversities of life.

The heart works steadily steadily, steadily right. Now I am trying to learn, sincerely learn to completely overcome absolutely all my doubts that my heart is working with colossal inner stability and all the intervals between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same through all the difficulties of life.

Now I try to represent as vividly as possible all the intervals between the beats of the pulse. I try with boundless daring and unshakable belief that I have a healthy, strong, stable heart. Now my whole body is mobilizing all its strength, all its unlimited reserves for the quickest realization of my idea of ​​a young, healthy, stable heart. And therefore, literally, as in a fairy tale at the behest of a pike, everything will be exactly as I say. I have a really young, healthy, strong heart; my heart really works with tremendous, colossal inner stability; I now have a really steady rhythmic pulse, all the time intervals between the pulse beats are exactly the same, all the pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young healthy heart. Now I'm trying to imagine as clearly as possible what is at stake. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart works with tremendous, colossal inner stability. Throughout the day, from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, all the time intervals between heartbeats are exactly the same. Throughout the day, through any work, through any difficulties, all intervals of time between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same. All pulse beats are the same, normal strength of a young, healthy heart. All blood vessels within the heart itself are eternally permanently fully open along their entire length. All blood vessels inside the heart: and the largest blood trunks, and medium, and the thinnest, microscopically thin blood vessels, capillaries through which blood reaches every cell of the heart, to every muscle fiber of the heart muscle, and these thinnest blood vessels, and medium, and the largest blood vessels — all the blood vessels within the heart itself are eternally-constantly fully evenly opened along their entire length. Free, absolutely free blood circulation is unwaveringly preserved inside the heart. And my eternally rejuvenating healthy energetic blood in an eternal, fast, free, absolutely free stream flows through all blood vessels inside the heart and constantly flushes the heart clean. My eternally rejuvenating young, healthy blood washes my heart clean all the time. The heart is primordially pure, the heart is eternally newborn-pure, the blood washes the heart clean and brings full nutrition to the heart in abundance. All that the heart needs for life, work and continuous rejuvenation - all the blood carries it in excess, and the heart is continuously growing younger, continuously restoring the heart to its pristine youthful freshness and powerful, young, youthful forces are maturing in my heart, the reserve reserve force is continuously increasing, and it becomes easier and easier for the heart to work. A healthy, strong heart easily, jokingly, with valiant prowess, drives blood all over my body and fills me with more and more youthful energy. All internal organs work energetically and joyfully, the whole body lives a full-blooded, healthy, joyful life. I am all living a young-young-energetic-joyful life.

The heart is getting healthier, getting stronger, the blush on all cheeks is becoming brighter and brighter. I try to imagine as vividly as possible what it is about. The heart is getting healthier, getting stronger, a young blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter.

The heart works more and more steadily, the heart works more and more steadily through brisk running, through brisk walking, through stairs and up and down, the heart continues to work steadily. All time intervals between pulse beats remain exactly the same, all pulse beats are of the same normal strength. The brain-spinal cord continuously exerts a powerful anti-aging effect on the heart. All my hereditary mechanisms are continuously rejuvenating the heart. My ever-rejuvenating, energetic, healthy blood continuously rejuvenates the heart. And therefore the heart is constantly-continuously restoring its enormous youthful strength, becoming more and more sonorous; heart tones are high-clear-clean. Heart sounds are high-clear-clean, the pulse is steadily rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. Blood pressure is stable-stable normal young 120/80. I have a rejuvenating, healthy heart. All nerves in the region of the heart are young, healthy, strong. In the region of the heart, all the nerves are firmly healthy, firmly calm. In the region of the heart, all the nerves are firmly healthy, firmly calm. The heart works with great internal stability. And the brain, the spinal cord, very steadily and correctly controls the work of the heart. And therefore, all the intervals between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same.

I try to represent as vividly as possible all the intervals between the beats of the pulse. The heart works very steadily. The brain-spinal cord very steadily and correctly controls the work of the heart. Through all the difficulties, all the intervals between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same.

Now I will try in the most persistent way to learn to imagine that absolutely all the time intervals between the beats of the pulse are exactly the same. Now I'm trying to make every effort to suppress all my doubts that I really have all the intervals between the beats of the pulse exactly the same. I am trying now to represent as clearly as possible all the intervals between the beats of the pulse. Now I know for sure that all the intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same.

I have a healthy-stable heart, I have a young healthy-stable heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart works steadily in the same way. The heart works steadily and equally. All time intervals between pulse beats are the same, all pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young healthy heart, all pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young healthy heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. I have a young-young-healthy-strong heart, I have a very stable-strong heart. The pulse is steady-rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart continues to grow healthy and stronger. The reserve strength of the heart is continuously increasing. The reserve strength of the heart is continuously increased. And if necessary, the heart can work with very high power, the reserve strength of the heart is continuously increasing, the reserve strength of the heart is continuously increasing. Pulse is stable rhythmic 72 beats per minute, all time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young, healthy heart. I have a tireless, healthy heart, a pulse full of strong filling. I try to imagine as vividly as possible what it is about: I have a great young youthful heart. Pulse full of strong filling, pulse full of strong filling. I have a healthy, powerful heart. Pulse full of strong filling, pulse full of strong filling. All heartbeats are of the same normal strength of a healthy heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart works steadily, the heart works steadily-correctly, the heart works steadily-correctly, like in a young healthy person.

I have a healthy heroic heart. A heroic heart with valiant prowess drives blood throughout my body and fills me with even more energy. Every day, every hour I become more and more energetic person. Energy is in full swing. Gait is light-fast. I walk - as I fly on wings, without feeling the heaviness of my body.

When age "takes its toll", and health "leaves much to be desired", when you want to be young and full of energy, and medicine can no longer give what you want. POWER comes to the rescue. reserve strength of the body that you just need to wake up.

The spirit of the mood gives life.

Tune is the essence of spirit and life.

Tune in stronger than omnipotent fate.

Tune more strongly than all the elements of nature!


Many already know about the healing words of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. His own method, the development of which he devoted more than 40 years of his life, is scientifically called SOEVUS(method verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of a person's state).

SOEVUS is a complex method of managing the state of a person, which consists in verbal control of his mental and somatic state. To put it simply - tune .

They have a very wide range of effects. With the help of words, their repetition in a completely defined rhythm, a certain mood is first created, and then strengthened and consolidated. SOEVUS is a concentrate of kind words. And kind words can only do good deeds.

You have no illnesses and it seems that you do not need the method of Dr. Sytin? Then it is useful for you to know that the SOEVUS method is a unique tool for maintaining the vitality of the body for many years.

Information for thought. The head of the Moscow Center for Psychological Support, Georgy Sytin, set himself the task of rejuvenating - and he coped with it perfectly! Scientists of the Academy of Medical Sciences, having examined the professor, determined that at the age of 75, his body functions at the level of 30-40 years. At the same time, Sytin used only self-hypnosis. He sat in front of a video camera and recited the text of the mood for rejuvenating various body systems for 45 minutes. (Mirror Weekly 1998)

The principle of building moods

The basis of the method is the attitudes that were developed by Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. Their construction differs from all still known prayers, conspiracies, texts used in psychotherapy. The specifics of the structure and semantic content of individual formulas of tunes ensure their high efficiency, therefore, it is undesirable to edit them (the effectiveness of application decreases). Attitudes are based on semantic elements, first created and therefore still unknown.

The attitude, as a rule, should be based on positive statements, for example: "I have a strong will." You can not use such expressions: "My head does not hurt", "I do not have a bad heart," as they have a negative impact. The attitude should be based on suppressing doubts: "I suppress all doubts that I have a healthy young heart."

How to properly assimilate the mood

The easiest way to internalize the mood is by reading it aloud or listening to it on sound recording. The tone of the presentation should be businesslike, firm, without any pathos, very convincing. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others to read. This is as you like. While listening, you can also do something about the house. But it's best if you try not to get distracted and focus.

Regardless of whether a person knows the healing text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or speaking. This will have to be continued until the person's state is firmly aligned with the content of the mood.

When listening to the text, try to be as active as possible (it is better to walk), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases attentiveness, brightness of perception, and thereby the effectiveness of assimilation.

You need to start classes (especially in the first days) with an introductory text: "The attitude that I am now assimilating will have the strongest influence on me due to the fact that the body will strengthen ten times, a hundred times increase its influence and mobilize all its reserves for the quick and complete fulfillment of what is said in the attitude; I adjust myself for a deep, lasting assimilation of the content of the necessary, useful attitude, I will try to assimilate it as deeply and firmly as possible. "

Method description

The SOEVUS method gives results that are far superior to everything previously known in this area.

So, at the Institute of Normal Physiology. Acad. PC. Anokhin of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in the presence of Academician K.V. Sudakov, as a result of applying this method for ten minutes, a long-term sustained tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute was removed from an employee (28 years old). The control electrocardiogram was taken by senior researcher V.V. Sinichkin. After verbal-shaped exposure, the pulse rate decreased to normal (72 beats per minute), which remains to this day.

In another case, in polyclinic No. 1 of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in the presence of the head L.N. Pokrovskaya, a patient with a surgeon (68 years old) applied the method for 30 minutes, after which the extra systole, which had previously not responded to treatment, disappeared. A normal pulse has been observed to this day.

There are many such examples. At the same time, the broad possibilities of the SOEVUS method are scientifically substantiated.

The human brain stores the entire process of its healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses this very phenomenon, mainly on it, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are based.

For healing and improving the activity of any sick or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system, rinses it with a rapid flow of blood and provides it with adequate nutrition and oxygen, pours energy and strength into it. All this is done with the appropriate attitude. In the SOEVUS method, such attitudes are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that the impulses of the second signal system caused by the word come from the cerebral cortex into the internal environment of the body and rebuild the vital activity of tissues and internal organs for a long time. This explains the greater stability of the healthy vital activity of the organism, caused by the assimilation of the moods of the SOEVUS method. Studies have shown that the results of one thirty-minute session with a patient recorded by devices for a month or more.

For example, in the two cited cases, a positive result was achieved after exposure to the main fragment of the mood to improve the heart: "A healthy newborn youth is pouring into my heart (in the second case, youth), my heart is completely renewed, my new heart is born a newborn, untouched heart."

So, people of mature age use the following fragment of the mood for a young life to rejuvenate their faces: "Newborn youth flows into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born, newborn young, pristine fresh, newborn youth is born in my face."

Using the SOEVUS method, it is possible to achieve and restore the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: "Life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn-thick, newborn-healthy. Beautiful natural paint fills my hair. "

It is useful to assimilate such fragments against the background of the influence of the general mood on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions of the body and, thus, the elimination of their various disorders both in young and old age.

The construction of attitudes is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, tirelessness and beauty, enhance positive feelings, for example, the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to control the state.

The SOEVUS method does not require any preliminary special training for its application. The attitudes can be learned without any restrictions at the age of 16 and older. Only a special mindset for overcoming bedwetting is designed for children.

In essence, the method is a method of psychocorrection of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, the mucous membrane is restored not by scarring, as usual, but by epithelization, so that after healing there are no traces on the mucous membrane, etc.

This method has been repeatedly tested in various organizations on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Health. Based on the results of clinical trials, the SOEVUS method is recommended for implementation in the practice of psychotherapists.

By this method, Sytin G.N. cures schizophrenia, Miniere's disease, nervous tics and other diseases that are difficult to treat.

Some attitudes are written in two versions so that a person can choose the most suitable one.

The healing attitudes of the method cannot be edited. When translating into another language, it is very important to preserve the copyright punctuation marks.

For ease of use and assimilation, the texts of the tunes can be read to yourself, spoken aloud or listened to in a sound recording at any time of the day.

The effectiveness of the application of the SOEVUS method is great. It gives excellent results in the development of all human abilities, in enhancing his creative activity, in studies, self-education, science, art, in production.

The use of specific attitudes for various diseases.

Diseases of the nervous system.

With increased irritability, instability of mood, you should learn the mood: To overcome neurasthenia and one of the setting options: On the stability of the nervous system (first option) On the stability of the nervous system (second option).

For various diseases of the nervous system, appropriate special attitudes should be used:

  • For a healthy sleep (first option)
  • For a healthy sleep (second option)
  • For sustainability in life
  • For a healthy lifestyle
  • To improve the head
  • To remove a left-sided facial tic
  • For recovery after a stroke
  • For recovery in schizophrenia
  • For recovery with obsessive hypochondria

It is very useful in case of a disease of the nervous system to assimilate the moods:

  • For longevity (second option)
  • To improve the head
  • Healthy mind

Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • For general improvement of the heart
  • For heart rejuvenation
  • On the stability of the heart
  • For the reserve strength of the heart
  • To relieve the excitement of the heart
  • To the bliss of the heart
  • To reduce high blood pressure (first option)
  • To reduce high blood pressure (second option)
  • On the stability of blood pressure
  • Against cardiac arrhythmias

If the electrocardiogram (ECG) shows a low electrical activity of the heart (smoothed or missing P wave), you need to use the attitude: For the reserve strength of the heart... and you should also learn the mood: For general improvement of the heart.

If this is a post-infarction period, first of all, you should learn the mood: To rejuvenate the heart.

With various heart rhythm disturbances, the patient needs to learn the mood: Against cardiac arrhythmias.

In case of instability of blood pressure, one should learn the attitude: On the stability of blood pressure.

With hypertension, you should first learn the mood: To relieve the excitement of the heart, and then supplement with the assimilation of one of the mood options: To lower blood pressure.

With hypotension, you need to use the attitude:

  • For the reserve strength of the heart
  • For longevity (first option)
  • For longevity (second option),

and then supplement with the assimilation of the mood: To improve the health of the head.

For various circulatory disorders (coronary, cerebral, in the extremities), you should use the attitude: To the bliss of the heart and To rejuvenate the heart.

With neurosis of the heart - On the stability of the heart and To improve the health of the head.

Diseases of the digestive system.

With gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the attitude is very useful: For the improvement of the stomach in case of peptic ulcer disease.

With pancreatitis, the assimilation of the mood facilitates the patient's condition: Against diabetes. Simultaneously with it, you should assimilate the attitude: To improve the health of the stomach.

In case of liver diseases, it is useful to assimilate the attitude: To improve the liver.

Life-giving force. Help yourself. Sytin G.N.

M. Energoatomizdat, 1990 .-- 416 p.

For recovery, a method of verbal figurative and emotionally volitional control of a person's state is proposed, which is based on the methods of psychotherapy and some aspects of alternative medicine. The texts of healing psychological moods for various diseases are presented. The method has been tested and recommended for use by the USSR Ministry of Health. In particular, it was successfully used for the rehabilitation of patients affected by the Chernobyl accident. The method is harmless and can be used independently at home.

Chapter 1. SOEVUS method - psychocorrection method 15

1.1. General characteristics of the method 17

1.2. Theoretical principles of building moods 23

1.4. Self-change Techniques 36

Chapter 2. Healing Moods 75

2.1. On the stability of the nervous system (first option). 77

2.2. On the stability of the nervous system (second option). 84

2.3. For a healthy sleep (first option) 95

2.4. For a healthy sleep (second option) 99

2.5. To overcome neurasthenia 102

2.6. Resilience in life 105

2.7. For a healthy lifestyle 108

2.8. To improve the head of software

2.9. To remove left-sided facial teak 120

2.10. For recovery after a stroke 137

2.11. For recovery in schizophrenia 141

2.12. For recovery from obsessive hypochondria 167

2.13. For bold speech behavior 178

2.14. Anti stuttering 187

2.15. For long-term female beauty (first option). 194

2.16. For long-term female beauty (second option). 195

2.17. On female tenderness. 199

2.18. For long-term male beauty. 202

2.19. For impotence 212

2.20. For masculine strength. 224

2.21. Anti smoking 242

2.22. To improve the respiratory system 246

2.23. For general improvement of the heart 251

2.24. For heart rejuvenation 258

2.25. On the stability of the heart 262

2.26. For the reserve strength of the heart 265

2.27. To remove the excitement of the heart 273

2.28. To the bliss of the heart 274

2.29. To reduce high blood pressure (first option) 280

2.30. To reduce high blood pressure (second option) 285

2.31. On the stability of blood pressure 288

2.32. Against cardiac arrhythmias 296

2.33. To overcome overeating 302

2.34. Anti obesity 309

2.35. Against salt deposits 310

2.36. To improve the health of the fingers 324

2.37. To restore sensitivity in the fingers 326

2.38. To improve the stomach 328

2.39. For the improvement of the stomach in case of peptic ulcer 334

2.40. Against diabetes 336

2.41. To improve the liver 339

2.42. For the improvement of the kidneys 348

2.43. To overcome bedwetting in children 349

2.44. For the destruction of all infections by the body and absolute recovery 353

Speaking about a person: "He is young at heart" - we usually mean an active life position, active energy, the ability to look into the future with joy and optimism - and all this "despite the burden of past years", and possibly, "despite the severity of accumulated over the years of diseases. " But to be young at heart - at 40, and at 60, and at 80, and at 100 years old - is possible not only figuratively, but also in the most literal sense of the word! Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is convinced of this - a world-renowned scientist, academician, creator of spiritual - educational medicine, the possibilities of which are almost limitless. The purpose of this book is to restore youth and health to the heart and the entire physical body. A separate chapter is devoted to the prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke. In addition to healing attitudes (creative thoughts), the book includes the author's recommendations for the successful assimilation of creative thoughts and an article on the essence of spiritual - educational medicine. For a wide range of readers.

A series: Real life extension

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company liters.

Chapter 1. Attitudes Replacing Bypass Surgery and Preventing Myocardial Infarction and Stroke

1. Blood supply to the head

My gigantic, titanically strong spirit from God knows that God has laid in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all cells of the body, including highly differentiated cells - the retina of the eyes, brain, myocardium, - including in my heredity the revival of an 18-year-old young body, which will then continuously renew, improve, develop, remain forever young, full of health and strength. In my angelic, divine titanically strong soul of a gigantic all-conquering power, the conviction that now my 18-year-old young body is being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul, there is an all-conquering conviction that in the whole body there is Divinely free wide circulation. The whole body lives a full-blooded, cheerful, happy, joyful life. In my angelic, Divine soul, there is a constant stability of the thought that all blood vessels are Divinely free, Divinely clean, all blood supply is Divinely free, the blood supply to the whole body, all internal organs is wide, free. Through all blood vessels: through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a free, wide, cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood.

In my soul there is a constant stability of the thought that the blood supply to the head is Divinely serviceable, free, wide. In my kind angelic spiritually titanically strong soul there is an all-conquering conviction that my whole body lives a full-blooded free joyful life. In my soul there is an all-conquering conviction that the blood supply to the head is divinely free and wide.

In my kind angelic, Divine soul of a giant, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, all arterioles, all capillaries of the head are Divinely expanded along the entire length, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, blood flows wide free a merry spring stream, like a merry spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. The blood supply to the head is wide and free. All arterioles are Divinely opened, Divinely free. All capillaries of the head, all microcirculation of the head are Divinely serviceable, Divinely free. All arteries of the spine, neck, head are Divinely expanded, Divinely free. Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, blood flows in a free, wide, joyful stream.

Through all the arterioles of the head, through all the capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide free spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Capillary microcirculation of the head is Divinely free. All arterioles of the head are Divinely expanded, Divinely free. All capillaries of the head are divinely free, young, 18 years old. Capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free, wide. All blood vessels of the head - both in the center and on the periphery - are all divinely infinitely expanded, open along their entire length.

Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, blood flows in a free wide spring stream.

Through all the arterioles and capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide, free spring stream. All blood circulation in the head is wide, free, wide, free. Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide, free spring stream.

The blood supply to the head is free, wide, free, wide. All capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free, wide. The whole head is bright and bright through and through, and in the center and on the periphery, the entire head is bright through and through. All blood vessels in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head are equally Divinely dilated along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head - both in the center of the head and on the periphery - the blood flows in a free, wide stream. All arterioles, capillaries on the periphery of the head are Divinely infinitely expanded along their entire length.

On the periphery of the head, divinely free wide, cheerful spring blood circulation. Blood carries all the nerve cells of the brain, all structures of the brain, all tissues, all cells, all hairs on the head, blood carries an abundance of excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youth structure of all billions of nerves brain cells, all other cells in the head.

In my soul, the constant stability of the thought of a free wide blood supply to the head. The entire head through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - is all bright and bright through and through. The eyes are always bright, bright light.

With a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, the blood rinses and rinses the entire brain through and through - it flushes out of the brain all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products. The brain is eternally Divinely pure, perfectly pure, biologically pure. The blood rinses all the blood vessels of the head with a cheerful, joyful rush - from the walls of the blood vessels it washes all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products.

The arteries of the spine have divinely expanded, eternally Divinely pure, perfectly pure.

All blood vessels of the head are Divinely pure. All the blood vessels of the head: all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood rinses and rinses in a merry, joyful, rapid stream. From the walls of all blood vessels with an eternal, cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, the blood washes away and washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products, constantly flushes, cleans all blood vessels of the head. All blood vessels of the head: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - Divinely clean, eternally Divinely clean, perfectly clean, biologically clean.

All blood circulation in the head is free-free, wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, the blood flows in a free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood.

All blood circulation in the head is divinely free. All arterioles, all capillaries of the head are eternally free, eternally divinely expanded along their entire length. All capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free, free, wide.

All cells of the head, all cells of the brain, all cells of the retina Divinely regenerate, renew, revive their youthful structure. The head is eternally young, the head is eternally young. Eternally divinely free, wide blood circulation in all blood vessels of the head. The blood supply to the head is always free, wide, Divinely serviceable. The whole head is always bright, bright, bright through and through. The eyes are bright, bright light.

Through all the blood vessels of the head, the blood flows in a free spring wide stream. Through all the blood vessels - both in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head - blood flows in a free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. In the head it is always infinitely spacious, in the head it is always infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. The head is eternally all through and through, all through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - the entire head through and through is bright-bright-light. The eyes are bright, bright light.

The blood supply to the head is always free and wide. Capillary microcirculation of the head is always free and wide. All billions of nerve cells in the brain, all living cells, all living tissues of the head, all hair on the head always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive, constantly revive the young 18-year-old structure of all cells, all tissues , all structures of the head. The head is forever young, 18 years old, Divinely beautiful, untouched by life.

My gigantic, titanically strong spirit, my angelic, Divine spiritually titanically strong soul completely, totally control the body. My body completely, infinitely obeys my gigantic strong spirit, my Divine, angelic soul. The body is completely, totally aligned with the conviction of the soul.

All blood vessels of the spine, neck, and head are divinely expanded along their entire length by the will of God, Divinely free. Infinitely obeying the spirit, soul, all blood vessels, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins of the spine, neck, heads are Divinely expanded along their entire length, Divinely free, eternally Divinely pure. By the will of God, blood flows through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, and head in a free, cheerful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood.

In my angelic, Divine soul, there is a constant stability of thought about the eternally young free wide blood supply to the head, about the Divinely free capillary microcirculation of the head.

All structures of the head, all tissues, all cells, all nerve cells of the brain always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youth structure of my whole body.

All blood supply to the head is eternally Divinely serviceable, Divinely free, Divinely wide. The head is always all through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - bright-bright-light, always light-light, absolutely weightless. The eyes are always bright, bright light.

2. Blood circulation of the head, eyes. Healing from cataracts

My gigantic, titanically strong spirit from God knows that God has laid in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all cells of the body, including highly differentiated cells - the retina of the eyes, the brain, the myocardium. God included in my inheritance the revival of an 18-year-old young body, which will then be continuously renewed, improved, developed, and eternally youthful for many centuries.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that now my 18-year-old young body is being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength. In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that I am now a young 18-year-old handsome hero, full of health and strength. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about an eternally young 18-year-old Divinely healthy body. In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that my whole body is now young, 18 years old, that my body will remain forever young, 18 years old, Divinely healthy. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that my eternally young body is living a full-blooded young energetic and joyful life.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that in my whole body there is an 18-year-old young free wide circulation.

My gigantic strong, titanically strong spirit, my titanically spiritually strong soul completely, totally control my body. My body completely, totally, infinitely obeys my soul, constantly comes into full, total correspondence with the conviction of the soul about a Divinely healthy 18-year-old young body.

All blood circulation is divinely free, springy, fast and cheerful. All blood circulation in the head is divinely free and wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head: through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a free wide stream. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the head are Divinely opened, Divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, blood flows in a free wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Free wide blood supply to the head.

Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes, blood flows in a free wide stream. The blood brings to all the cells of the eyes, to all the tissues of the eyes, to all structures of the eyes, excellent nutritious food, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. All blood vessels of the occipital lobes of the brain, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the occipital lobes of the brain are constantly dilated, free, all the time Divinely dilated along their entire length. The blood supply to the occipital lobes of the brain is divinely free, wide. All nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of all nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain.

A gigantic divine power flows into the optic nerves. The optic nerves get healthier, get stronger, get stronger, are born strong, strong, titanically resistant. All cells of the eyes, including cells of the retina, are constantly renewed and regenerated, obeying the conviction of the soul. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes are constantly, continuously, always Divinely expanded along their entire length, always Divinely free. The blood supply to the eyes is always divinely free and wide. The blood provides all cells with adequate nutrition, oxygen for respiration, enzymes, hormones that constantly activate regeneration, renewal of all cells of the retina, all cells of the eyes. The eyes are constantly, continuously renewed, constantly reviving their 18-year-old youthful structure. The entire anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral visual apparatus is 18 years old, young, gigantic energetic.

In my soul there is a giant, titanic all-conquering Divine power, the conviction that my vision is now 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the continuous renewal of all cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral visual apparatus.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the eternally young 18-year-old gigantic strong, sharp, eagle vision. My gigantic, titanically strong spirit, my young Divine, angelic soul with the brightness of lightning know that my vision is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that the cells of the retina are constantly regenerating and renewing. The retina of the eyes is constantly renewing itself, constantly reviving its 18-year-old divinely healthy structure. In my soul, there is a constant stability of thoughts that all cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral apparatus of vision are constantly regenerating and renewing. Eyesight is constantly, eternally young, 18-year-old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle-eyed.

The vitreous body receives an abundance of excellent nutritious food, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. The lens constantly receives excellent nutritious nutrition. The lenses of the eyes remain divinely transparent, ideally transparent, forever and ever. The visual fields are always bright bright bright. The eyes are always bright, bright light.

All structures of the eyes are constantly receiving excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. All cells, all structures constantly, forever remain 18 years old, Divinely healthy, Divinely healthy. Eyesight forever remains 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, aquiline. All structures of the eyes live a full-blooded youthful joyful life. There is always a free blood supply in the eyes. The vitreous body lives forever, fully provided with excellent nutritional value, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. The lenses of the eyes are constantly receiving excellent nutritious nutrition. The lenses of the eyes always remain perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. The visual fields always remain bright bright bright. Eyesight is forever young, 18-year-old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle-eyed.

The lenses of the eyes are always perfectly transparent, divinely transparent. The visual fields are always bright bright light. My vision is forever young, 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle-eyed.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. In my angelic, Divine soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is a conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. The visual fields are always bright bright bright.

3. Free blood circulation of the head, heart

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into the soul, into the head, into the entire physical body, a bright, bright healing silver Divine light. The whole soul is filled with bright, bright Divine light. The whole soul becomes more and more bright and light. The whole soul becomes more and more bright, bright and light.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos with a purposeful stream pouring a bright, bright silver healing Divine Light into my head, into my heart. The whole head brightens through and through. The whole head becomes brighter and brighter. The whole head becomes more and more bright bright light. In the eyes it becomes bright bright light.

The cerebral circulation center of the head calms down, relaxes, relaxes deeper and deeper. All blood vessels in the head relax, dilate, expand along their entire length.

And with a purposeful stream from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into my head, into my heart a bright, bright silver healing Divine light. The head becomes more and more bright bright light. A bright, bright Divine light filled all blood circulation, all blood vessels of the head.

Bright, bright Divine light relaxes all blood vessels of the head, expands, relaxes, expands. The whole head becomes brighter and brighter through and through. The cerebral circulation center of the head calms down, relaxes, relaxes deeper and deeper. All blood vessels in the head relax, relax, expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head, blood flows more and more freely, more and more freely, in a wide stream.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, in a purposeful stream pour into my beloved heart a bright, bright healing silver Divine light. Bright, bright Divine light fills all structures of the heart. Bright, bright Divine light fills all blood circulation of the heart. All blood vessels of the heart are filled with bright, bright Divine light, all blood vessels of the heart relaxes, expands, relaxes, expands. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a free-free wide stream. The entire circulation of the heart is relaxed. All blood vessels relax, dilate, dilate along their entire length. The heart becomes brighter, brighter, brighter. Everything becomes brighter, everything becomes brighter inside the very heart.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into my heart a bright, bright silver healing Divine light with a purposeful stream. Everything becomes brighter, everything becomes brighter inside the heart. Bright, bright Divine light relaxes all blood vessels of the heart, relaxes, expands along its entire length. All blood vessels of the heart relax, dilate, relax, dilate along their entire length. Inside the heart it becomes freer, more spacious, freer, more spacious. More and more free, more and more free blood flows through all blood vessels of the heart in a wide, wide, wide stream.

And from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour in a purposeful stream into my head, into my heart a bright bright silver healing Divine light. The whole head becomes brighter and brighter through and through. The whole head becomes brighter and brighter through and through. It becomes brighter in the eyes, even brighter.

Bright, bright healing silver Divine light relaxes the cerebral circulation center of the head. All blood vessels in the head relax, dilate, relax, dilate along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head, blood flows more and more freely, more and more freely, in a wide stream. The whole head becomes brighter through and through, brighter still. The eyes are bright, bright light.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, in a purposeful stream pour into my beloved heart a bright bright silver healing Divine light. Bright, bright Divine light fills the whole heart. Bright, bright Divine light fills the entire vast area of ​​the heart. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart it becomes brighter, brighter, brighter. The whole heart becomes bright bright light.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, continue to pour into my beloved heart a bright, bright healing silver Divine light with a purposeful stream. The entire vast area of ​​the heart was filled with bright, bright healing silver Divine light. Bright, bright Divine light relaxes all blood vessels of the head, heart, relaxes, expands. Blood flows freely through all blood vessels of the heart. Even freer, even freer, blood flows in a wide, wide stream through all the blood vessels of the heart.

Inside the heart it becomes brighter, brighter still. Inside the heart it became brightly bright light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright, bright healing Divine light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright, bright Divine light. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, all blood vessels relax, relax, expand along their entire length. Throughout the vast area of ​​the heart, blood flows freely. The blood flows even more freely in a wide-wide-wide stream.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into the soul, into the head, into the heart, a bright bright silver healing Divine light. Bright, bright Divine light soothes and relaxes the entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart calms down, relaxes. All the nerves of the heart calm down, calm down. The cerebral circulation center of the heart calms down, relaxes. The cerebral center of the heart's blood circulation deeper, deeper and deeper relaxes, relaxes.

All blood vessels of the heart relax, relax deeper, expand, expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows freely, even freer - in a wide, wide, wide stream. Inside the heart it becomes more spacious, freer, more spacious. Inside the heart it became even more spacious, even freer. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows more freely, even more freely - in a wide, wide stream. My heart felt so free, light, so spacious, spacious, light. Inside the heart it became brightly bright light. Inside the heart it became even brighter, brighter, brighter, brighter.

A bright, bright Divine light filled all the structures of the heart through and through. Bright, bright healing Divine light filled the muscles of the heart through and through. In all the muscles of the heart, all blood vessels relax, dilate, relax, dilate along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels in the muscles of the heart, blood flows in a free, wide stream. Even freer, even freer, the blood flows in a wide-wide-wide stream. Inside the heart it becomes brighter, brighter, freer. Inside the heart it becomes freer, more spacious, freer, more spacious.

The cerebral circulation center continues to relax deeper, deeper and deeper, to relax. All blood vessels of the heart relax, dilate, expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels in the muscles of the heart, blood flows more and more free, more and more free, wide, wide flow. Everything becomes freer, more spacious inside the very heart.

And I from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, in a purposeful stream pour into my heart a bright, bright healing Divine light. Bright, bright healing Divine light calms and calms all the nerves of the heart. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart calms down, calms down, relaxes. The whole heart is filled with bright, bright Divine light.

The cerebral circulation center of the heart calmed down, relaxed. All blood vessels of the heart relaxed, relaxed, expanded, expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a free-free wide-wide stream.

4. On the blood supply to the heart

All blood vessels of the heart: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - divinely infinitely expanded along their entire length. The blood supply to the heart is spring, free, wide, free, wide. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a cheerful, free, free, wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. My heart blooms in full contentment. Blood brings to the heart excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of the heart. It blooms, develops comprehensively, my heart grows stronger and stronger. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a spring wide, free stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood.

Resting, resting, my heart lives in complete contentment. In full contentment, provided for everything, the heart blossoms, blooms, and grows stronger. All blood vessels of the heart: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - divinely infinitely expanded, expanded along their entire length. Blood supply to the heart is cheerful spring, cheerful spring. Wide free-free blood supply to the heart. Blood brings to the heart in abundance excellent nutritious food, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that revive youthful development. Revives, blooms, the heart grows stronger.

All blood vessels of the heart: all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - divinely infinitely expand, infinitely expand. Inside the heart it became freer, more spacious. Inside the heart it became even more spacious, even more spacious, even freer. Inside the heart is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, as in the Universe.

God pours into my heart the great power of the life of the universe. God pours into my heart the great life force of the entire universe. Blossoms, the heart grows stronger. Blossoms, the heart grows stronger.

And my dearly beloved God infuses cheerful youth into my heart. God pours youthful youth into my heart. The heart is completely renewed, the heart is reborn as an 18-year-old, young, cheerful-happy, cheerful-happy.

God has laid in my inheritance the constant strengthening of heart health. God has laid in my inheritance a constant, continuous strengthening of heart health for many centuries. Blossoms, the heart grows stronger. Now-now it is blooming, the heart is getting stronger.

All capillary microcirculation of the heart is young-young, 18-year-old, wide, free. The blood rinses through the whole heart with a cheerful, joyful rushing stream - it flushes out all salts, all slags, all metabolic products from the heart. Newborn-pure, biologically pure my 18-year-old young heart.

And all blood vessels of the heart: all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - divinely infinitely expand, infinitely expand along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart: through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a cheerful spring free wide, free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Blood brings to the heart in abundance excellent nutritious food, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of the heart.

Now-now my heart is completely renewed, my heart is re-born again. The heart is reborn as an 18-year-old, young, heroically strong, heroically strong, untouched by life. All the blood supply to the heart is now Divinely free, Divinely free, wide. Free wide blood supply to the heart.

And the Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, constantly pours into my heart a young joyful life. God infuses cheerful youth with a constant, continuous, round-the-clock, year-round flow. God is pouring into my heart a young, cheerful, joyful life. The heart is completely renewed. The heart is now-now again-born again young-cheerful, young-cheerful. The heart is born indestructiblely strong, titanically strong.

All blood vessels of the heart: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - divinely infinitely expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, the blood flows in a cheerful spring wide, wide, free wide stream. The blood rinses all the blood vessels with a cheerful, joyful rushing stream. From all walls of blood vessels, the blood washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products. All blood vessels of the heart are Divinely pure. All blood vessels of the heart are now Divinely clean. All blood vessels of the heart are now divinely clean.

All blood vessels of the heart have now-now infinitely expanded. The blood supply to the heart is cheerful spring, wide, free. Wide free blood supply to the heart. Being provided with everything, my heart blooms, gets stronger, blooms, my heart gets stronger. My heart is now reborn again, young, heroic, young, heroic. The heart is born as heroically cheerful, heroically cheerful. With the brightness of lightning I feel and feel, with the brightness of lightning I know that my heart is now blooming, getting stronger, blooming, getting stronger.

I know from God that God laid in my inheritance a constant revival of the 18-year-old youthful structure of the heart, God laid in my inheritance a constant strengthening of the heart for many centuries. My 18-year-old cheerful heart is blossoming, my heart is getting stronger, my 18-year-old cheerful heart is becoming more and more powerful.

God is pouring cheerful youth into my heart. The happiness of a new birth flows into the heart, the happiness of a new birth flows into the heart. Merry-happy, merry-happy now my heart is born. A heart is born to be cheerful, happy, young, cheerful.

And God pours into my heart with a constant round-the-clock, year-round stream of the great power of life. God pours the life force of the entire Universe into my heart. Blossoms, blooms, the heart grows stronger. The heart is born pristinely persistent, titanically persistent. All structures of the heart by the will of God are now Divinely reviving, Divinely reviving their 18-year-old youthful structure. All structures of the heart are now divinely reviving their 18-year-old structure by the will of God. The heart is now-now again-born again as an 18-year-old, young.

A heart is born happy, happy, happy. The happiness of a new birth fills the heart. The happiness of a new birth fills the heart. Cheerful happy young heart, cheerful happy young heart. The joy of life flows into my heart. The joy of life fills my heart. My heart is enjoying life in a beautiful white light. Blossoms, the heart grows stronger. My young heroic heart is enjoying life in God's wonderful white light.

God has laid in my inheritance a constant, continuous strengthening of the heart for many centuries. With the brightness of lightning I feel-feel, with the brightness of lightning I know that my heart is now-now 18-year-old, newborn-young, heroic mighty, heroic mighty, untouched by life. Merry-happy, merry-happy young heart.

The heart is now-now completely, totally renewed. The heart is reborn as an 18-year-old, newborn-young, young, cheerful-joyful, happy. The happiness of a new birth flows into the heart. The heart is so easy, good. The heart is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, as in the Universe.

Through all the blood vessels of the heart: through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a cheerful spring free-free wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Wide free cheerful spring blood supply to the heart. All capillaries of the heart are Divinely free, Divinely free. Capillary microcirculation of the heart is Divinely free, Divinely free, cheerful, springy. All structures of the heart, all tissues of the heart receive excellent nutritious nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that revive their 18-year-old healthy structure.

The heart is completely renewed. The heart is now being reborn again as an 18-year-old, cheerful, happy, heroic mighty. The heart is born to the heroic mighty. An indestructible strong, indestructible strong heroic mighty heart is born.

With the brightness of lightning I feel and feel, with the brightness of lightning I know that my heart is provided for with everything. My heart - a young, 18-year-old - enjoys life in God's wonderful white light. All worries disappeared for many centuries, all worries disappeared for many centuries. My heart lives divinely free.

I live in a wonderful white light Divinely free, Divinely happy. My heart lives divinely free. Inside the heart, blood circulation is divinely free. Divinely free, wide, cheerful spring wide blood circulation of the heart.

Through all the blood vessels of the heart: through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - now the blood is flowing in a wide free, wide free, cheerful, joyful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Free wide cheerful spring blood circulation of the heart. Being provided with everything, it blooms and blooms, the heart grows stronger, it becomes more and more strong, more and more persistent. The heart is born more and more strong, more and more steadfast.

With the brightness of lightning I feel and feel, with the brightness of lightning I know that God has removed all dead ends, all barriers, all obstacles from my life path. Before me is a divinely free path forward. Before me is a divinely free path forward.

Divinely free, Divinely free blood circulation of the heart. Divinely free my heart lives in God's wonderful white light. The heart is enjoying-enjoying a young joyful life in God's wonderful white light. It flourishes, develops comprehensively, improves comprehensively, the heart grows stronger, becomes more and more strong, more and more persistent. My young heroic heart is becoming more and more strong, more and more steadfast.

Now, now, the heart is re-born again as an 18-year-old, cheerful, happy, indestructiblely strong. An indestructiblely strong, heroic mighty heart is born. The heart is born titanically resistant, titanically resistant. The blood supply to the heart has been wide and free for many centuries; cheerful spring, cheerful spring blood supply to the heart for many centuries. Blossoms, grows stronger, blooms, my heroic mighty heart grows stronger. An indestructible strong, indestructible strong, heroic mighty happy heart.

The happiness of a new birth flows into the heart. A heart is born merry-happy, merry-happy. Joy, fun, joy, fun pour into the heart. Cheerful youth, cheerful youth filled the heart. Cheerful youth, cheerful youth filled the heart. Blossoms, the heart grows stronger. Blossoms, the heart grows stronger. For many centuries, my heroic heart has been blooming, getting stronger, blooming, getting stronger. By the will of God, for many centuries my heart has been enjoying life in God's wonderful white light. The heart blooms and grows stronger for many centuries.

In my angelic, eternally young Divine soul, the blood supply to the heart is free, wide, cheerful, springy. In my kind angelic, eternally young Divine soul, my heart is eternally young, eternally 18 years old, cheerful, happy, untouched by life. In my kind angelic, eternally young Divine soul, the blood supply to the heart is Divinely wide, free, cheerful, springy, free for many centuries. In my Divine good soul, my heart blooms, gets stronger, blooms, gets stronger for many centuries. In my soul, my heart is young, 18 years old, cheerful, happy, untouched by life. In my kind angelic, eternally youthful Divine soul, my young heart has been enjoying life in God's wonderful white light for many centuries.

I know from God - as the ultimate Divine truth that God has laid in my inheritance the all-round development and perfection of the heart for many centuries. In my kind angelic, eternally youthful Divine soul from God there is the greatest prospect of a young, happy, joyful life for many centuries. By the will of God, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in future centuries as a divinely beautiful young handsome hero, full of health and strength.

I know from God that God has laid in my inheritance Divinely free wide capillary blood circulation of the heart for many centuries. God has laid in my inheritance constant, continuous all-round development, all-round improvement of the heart for many centuries. With the brightness of lightning from God, I know that for many centuries in my heart there is a Divinely serviceable wide free capillary microcirculation of the heart.

I know from God that my heart enjoys life in God's wonderful white light, lives Divinely freely, joyfully, joyfully, happily for many centuries. I know from God that God has laid in my inheritance a divinely wide, free blood circulation for many centuries. God has laid in my inheritance a constant, continuous all-round development and improvement of a young heart for many centuries. With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel myself, with the brightness of lightning I know myself as a young handsome hero, full of health and strength for many centuries.

5. Cleansing the heart

The Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, rewarded me with an eternally all-round developing, all-round-improving soul, an all-round-developing, all-round perfecting, eternally youthful divinely healthy body. My whole body is constantly developing, all the systems of my body are being comprehensively improved. The entire cardiovascular system is constantly being improved, constantly, around the clock, all year round, the entire cardiovascular system is being comprehensively developed and improved. Continuous all-round development, all-round improvement is pouring into the entire cardiovascular system as a constant, eternal stream.

The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is eternally comprehensively developing and improving, physiologically strengthening, and increasing its stability. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system constantly and forever revives its gigantic energetic, titanically stable newborn-young work. All the billions of nerve cells in the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system are reviving their newborn-youthful structure, their gigantic energetic newborn-youthful work. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is eternally comprehensively developing and improving.

Throughout the cardiovascular system, they are forever getting healthier, getting stronger, nerves are strengthening. The titanic Divine physiological force is pouring into all the nerves of the cardiovascular system in a constant round-the-clock-year-round stream, the holy Divine steel is pouring in. Throughout the cardiovascular system, they are getting healthier, getting stronger, nerves are getting stronger. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is constantly increasing its stability. The stability of the energetically correct work of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system is constantly increasing. With a titanic all-conquering-all-conquering infinite-endless endurance, the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the cardiovascular system works Divinely correctly, energetically correctly, energetically correctly controls the work of the entire cardiovascular system.

Divine creative life force is pouring into the nerves of the heart in an eternal stream. In all the nerves of the heart, in all living tissues, in all structures of the heart, a gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round improvement is poured in a constant, eternal stream. The whole heart is constantly, forever, globally reviving its newborn-youthful structure, its energetic healthy young joyful life.

The life-giving Divine newborn youth is poured into all the blood vessels of the heart. All living cells, all living tissues of the vessels of the heart are eternally Divinely comprehensively perfected, eternally Divinely reviving their newborn structure. All blood vessels of the heart constantly, eternally revive, endlessly revive their elasticity, elasticity, indestructible strength. All blood vessels inside the heart itself are constantly, eternally Divinely expanded, expanded, opened along their entire length.

Blood in a rapid flow eternally, day and night, around the clock, all year round, forever, the blood washes all the blood vessels inside the heart itself - from all the walls of the blood vessels it washes salt deposits, all toxins, all metabolic products. The blood in a rapid stream constantly-eternally flushes-flushes the blood vessels inside the heart itself.

The blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart expand, relax, expand. Through all the blood vessels in the region of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, blood flows in a wide, more and more free, cheerful, joyful stream. The blood washes out all the blood vessels. All arteries, all capillaries, all veins of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, the blood rinses-rinses-rinses, flushes out of the blood vessels all deposited salts, all toxins, all metabolic products. With every moment, the blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle are cleared and cleared.

With each passing moment, the blood flows in an ever wider, wider, free, joyful stream through all the blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle. The posterior wall of the left ventricle immediately revives merrily. The blood carries in excess of excellent nutritious nutrition to each muscle fiber of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart. The posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart cheerfully revives and revives, comprehensively develops and improves, every moment, every moment revives and revives its newly born-young God-created structure, which has gigantic physical strength.

The posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart revives its God-created youthful structure. Blood in an ever wider stream flows through all the blood vessels of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart, it is getting better and better nourishing the muscles of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart. All the muscles of the posterior wall of the left ventricle of the heart come to life, come to life, live more fun, more fun, more cheerful, faster and faster, they revive their newborn-youth structure, which has gigantic physical strength.

All blood vessels of the left ventricle are now divinely expanding, expanding along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the left ventricle, the blood flows more and more free, more and more free, more and more wide, cheerful, joyful stream. The blood is getting better, more and more nourishing the muscles of the left ventricle of the heart. The blood rinses and flushes all the structures, all the living tissues of the left ventricle in a rapid flow, flushes out all toxins, all metabolic products. All living tissues of the left ventricle of the heart are born as newborn-clean, developing-improving, Divinely pure, Divinely pure. The entire left ventricle of the heart quickly and cheerfully revives, revives, lives more cheerfully, more cheerful.

And the blood brings excellent nutritious nutrition to all living tissues, all muscles of the left ventricle. In complete contentment, in complete contentment, provided with everything, the left ventricle of the heart comes to life with joy and joy. The left ventricle of the heart is comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, reviving and reviving the healthy structure created by God.

Titanic Divine power is pouring into all the nerves of the left ventricle, holy Divine steel is pouring in. The nerves of the left ventricle of the heart are getting stronger and stronger.

The gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round perfection is pouring into all living tissues, into all structures of the heart with a constant eternal stream, the life-giving Divine newborn youth is pouring in an eternal stream. Newborn youth fills the heart. The heart is reborn as a newborn, young, Divinely healthy, God-created young healthy structure. All living tissues, all structures of the heart come to life, come to life, live a cheerful, more and more cheerful young, happy, joyful life.

The gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round perfection is pouring into all the muscles of the heart in an eternal stream. Divine newborn youth fills all the muscles of the heart, constantly and eternally revives the youthful structure of all muscle fibers, revives the youthful structure of all the muscles of the heart, which has tremendous physical strength, and therefore every moment my heart is born more and more powerful. Every moment my heart is born more and more strong, more pure, Divinely pure.

A gigantic energy of all-round development, all-round improvement is poured into all the muscles of the heart in a constant stream. The muscles of the heart are constantly reviving their youthful structure. The young, powerful, heroic heart is constantly developing, comprehensively improving. The muscles of the heart are constantly developing, comprehensively improving, reviving their youthful structure, which has tremendous, gigantic physical strength. Every moment the heart is born more and more powerful, more and more powerful. Every moment the heart is born more and more powerful, more and more powerful.

And the blood, in a wide, cheerful, festive stream, washes continuously, washes and washes through and through all the muscles of the heart, from all the muscles of the heart it washes out all the salts, all the slags, all the metabolic products. All the muscles of the heart are eternally Divinely pure, newborn pure. The whole heart is eternally Divinely pure, newborn pure.

And the blood rinses out all the blood vessels of the heart itself with a rapid flow - from all the walls of the blood vessels, it washes away all waste, all metabolic products around the clock, all year round. There is a constant, constant cleansing of all blood vessels inside the heart itself. All blood circulation inside the heart with every moment is born more and more pure, Divinely pure. The whole heart is globally cleansed through and through, the whole heart is born through and through with Divinely pure, newborn pure. With all the forces of my mind, I believed in a newborn-young, newborn-young Divinely pure, eternally developing, comprehensively improving heart.

The mitral valve, which closes the opening between the left ventricle and the left atrium, constantly-eternally revives-revives its youthful structure, completely blocks the opening between the left ventricle and the left atrium. The valve is getting healthier, getting stronger, the valve is physically strengthening, reviving its healthy newborn-adolescent structure. The entire valve apparatus of the heart is constantly reviving, endlessly reviving its newborn-adolescent structure. Comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, improving, constantly improving the valve apparatus of the heart.

Divine constructive, creative life force is poured into the conducting system of the heart, which completely, totally revives, totally revives the newly born-young God created healthy structure of the entire conducting system of the heart. The conducting system of the heart is eternally comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving. The reserve conductive capacity of the heart is constantly increasing, increasing. The conducting system of the heart becomes capable of conducting more and more powerful, more and more powerful nerve impulses into the muscles of the left ventricle, into all the muscles of the heart. The reserve capacity of the cardiac conduction system is constantly increasing.

Every moment, day and night, the conduction system of the heart is being improved, it becomes capable of conducting more and more powerful nerve impulses into the muscles of the heart. The conducting system of the heart, day and night, constantly develops comprehensively, is comprehensively improved, eternally revives its newborn-youthful structure, constantly, forever revives its ability to conduct nerve impulses of gigantic physiological strength into the muscles of the heart. The conducting system of the heart is comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, constantly, forever reviving and reviving its newborn-youthful structure, revives its ability to conduct gigantic strong nerve impulses going from the brain to the muscles of the heart. The possibilities of the conducting system of the heart are absolutely limitless.

With all the forces of my mind, I believed in the limitless possibilities of the conducting system of the heart. Divine creative, constructive life force is pouring into the conducting system of the heart with a constant round-the-clock, year-round, eternal stream. Constantly-eternally reborn, reborn a newborn-young, God-created Divinely healthy structure of the entire conducting system of the heart. The entire conducting system of the heart is eternally, constantly-eternally, Divinely all-round develops, all-round perfected. The neonatal-adolescent ability of the cardiac conduction system to conduct nerve impulses of gigantic force into the heart muscles is constantly being revived. All structures of the heart are divinely comprehensively developed, comprehensively improved. Every moment the heart is born more and more powerful, more and more powerful.

And the blood in a cheerful, joyful rushing stream eternally flushes all the blood vessels of the heart. All blood vessels of the heart are eternally, constantly, eternally globally cleansed, every moment are born newborn-pure, Divinely pure. Within the very heart, all circulation is divinely free. In the region of the heart it is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, infinitely free.

Cheerfully, joyfully, being provided for everything, my eternally all-round developing, all-round perfecting heroic powerful healthy heart lives in complete contentment. An eternally young, cheerful, healthy heart, an eternally indestructible strong, cheerful, healthy heart. Eternally indestructible strong, indestructible strong, eternally comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, forever young, forever Divinely healthy, cheerful heart. Joy, fun pour into the heart with a constant round-the-clock, year-round flow. Joy, gaiety, joy, gaiety pour into the heart as an eternal stream. Merry-merry, joyful-joyful-joyful heart.

And the blood brings the heart in excess of excellent nutritious food, in excess of oxygen for breathing. In full contentment, being provided for everything, it eternally develops, develops all-round, all-round perfects my mighty heroic young heart. Eternally indestructible strong, indestructible strong, heroic mighty, eternally comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, Divinely healthy, heroic mighty indestructible healthy, eternally comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving heart.

The heart is always divinely free, light, free, light, free. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-light, absolutely weightless. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-light, absolutely weightless. The whole region of the heart is eternally newborn-firmly calm, firmly calm, as in childhood. In all the nerves of the heart, in all the nerves in the region of the heart, a gigantic, titanic Divine power is poured in an eternal stream, the holy Divine steel is poured in an eternal stream. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, they are always getting healthier, getting stronger, getting healthier, getting stronger, nerves get stronger. Eternally newborn-healthy, eternally strong-steel nerves throughout the vast area of ​​the heart.

The heart is always easy-good, always easy-good. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is eternally newborn-firmly calm, firmly calm, as in childhood. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is always light-light-light, absolutely weightless.

With all the forces of my mind, I believed in my eternally young, in my eternally comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving heroic mighty untouched heart. I firmly know - as a Divine truth, that my heart is eternally Divine all-round develops, all-round perfection, healthier and stronger. Every moment the heart is born more and more powerful, more and more powerful. An indestructible strong, indestructible strong heroic mighty, eternally developing, eternally improving heart.

And the blood always rinses and rinses with a cheerful, joyful rushing stream, rinsing everything through and rinsing the heart. My heart is eternally newborn pure, Divinely pure, newborn pure, Divinely pure. All structures of the heart are divinely comprehensively developed, comprehensively improved. An indestructible healthy, indestructible strong, developing, eternally comprehensively improving young healthy joyful heart.

Joy, fun pouring into the heart. Eternally new Divine joy as an eternal stream pours into the heart. Eternally new, eternally new bright Divine joy is pouring into my heart. My heart is newborn happy, newborn happy. Merry-merry, joyful-joyful-joyful heart.

In the whole vast area of ​​the heart, it is always pleasantly calm. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is eternally filled with a very pleasant, very pleasant, healthy calmness. The whole region of the heart is eternally newborn-firmly calm, firmly calm, firmly calm, as in childhood. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-light, absolutely weightless. The heart is always light-good, light-good, infinitely spacious, infinitely free inside my heart.

And the blood eternally rinses with a cheerful, joyful rushing stream, rinses and rinses through the heart, flushes out all salts, all slags, all metabolic products from the heart. Every moment my heart becomes more pure, Divinely pure. My heart is forever newborn-young, comprehensively developing, comprehensively improving, forever newborn-pure, cheerful-happy, cheerful-happy, heroic powerful, Divinely healthy untouched heart.

Eternally new light Divine joy is pouring into the heart with an eternal stream, pouring into the heart with an eternal stream. An eternally divinely happy, eternally comprehensively developing, eternally comprehensively improving Divine healthy young heart. An indestructible healthy, indestructible strong, heroic powerful cheerful heart. Young cheerful heart, young cheerful healthy heart. The heart is always so easy-good. So easy-good inside the very heart. Inside the very heart it is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. Inside the very heart, it is infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. The heart is always easy-good, easy-good. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is eternally newborn-firmly calm, as in childhood. Forever strong-healthy-steel nerves. Throughout the vast area of ​​the heart, there are strong-healthy-steel nerves, always strong-healthy-steel nerves. An eternally comprehensively developing, eternally comprehensively improving young, cheerful, healthy heart, a young healthy, cheerful heart.

Joy, fun pouring into the heart in an eternal stream, pouring into the heart in an eternal stream. The heart is eternally overflowing with joy, gaiety, eternally overflowing with a new, merry, happy, joyful life. Joy, fun pouring into the heart. Joy, joy eternally overwhelm the heart. Eternally newborn-happy, eternally newborn-happy heroic powerful young healthy untouched heart. Young, happy, happy heart, young, happy, healthy heart.

With all the forces of my mind, I believed in my heroic mighty eternally comprehensively developing, eternally comprehensively improving young heart. With all the forces of my mind, I believed in my eternally newborn, Divinely pure, Divinely pure young happy-joyful heart, joyful-joyful-joyful heart.

6. Calm heart

All blood vessels of the head, hearts have Divinely expanded, Divinely expanded along their entire length. Wide free, absolutely free blood circulation of the head and heart. All the nerves of the heart are stable, firmly calm. Steadfastly calm, firmly calm, healthy heart.

The whole soul calmed down. I was completely filled with Divine, very pleasant healthy calmness. Absolutely calm, serenely calm, completely calm. The whole vast area of ​​the heart was filled with a very pleasant, healthy calmness. Serenely calm beloved heart.

The blood washes the heart in a wide, free, cheerful stream, brings the heart excellent nutritious food. My beloved heart rests in complete contentment, provided for everything, carefree. The heart is so light, good, absolutely calm. The whole soul calmed down. I'm completely calm through and through. Quite calmly, serenely calm beloved heart.

All blood vessels of the heart have divinely expanded along their entire length. In complete contentment, everyone is provided, carefree rests, beloved heart rests carefree. At heart it is so easy, so easy-good, serenely calm, absolutely calm, completely calm, indestructiblely calm. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, it is free, light, free, light. The whole vast area of ​​the heart, the whole is bright through and through, the whole is bright through and through.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into my soul, into my beloved heart, brighter than the sun, the healing Divine light. The whole heart is filled with Divine light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with Divine light brighter than the sun. I am all through and through, absolutely calm, completely calm, serenely calm.

Healthy, correct rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. Healthy, correct rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. Titanically stable, indestructible healthy heart. The heart is so light, so light, good, absolutely calm, serenely calm. Healthy, correct rhythmic-rhythmic pulse.

The heart vividly remembers a cheerful, joyful life. The heart vividly, firmly remembers a healthy, correct rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength. Healthy, correct rhythmic pulse. Absolutely calm, indestructible calm healthy heart. Healthy, correct rhythmic-rhythmic pulse. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a firmly calm, healthy heart. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a firmly calm, healthy heart.

All blood vessels of the heart are divinely dilated, dilated along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a free, wide, cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Serenely calm, absolutely calm, completely calm beloved heart. The blood, in a wide, free, cheerful stream, brings to the heart excellent nutritious nutrition. In complete contentment, provided for everything, the beloved heart rests freely. The heart is so easy-good.

The entire vast area of ​​the heart is light-weightless. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is firmly calm. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright, bright Divine light. The whole head is bright through and through, light, calm. The eyes are bright, bright light. The eyes are bright, bright light. It's so easy on my heart, so easy, good.

7. Restoration of the nervous system, heart

I am from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, into my entire nervous system, pouring a bright healing Divine light. I fill my whole soul, my whole head with the healing bright Divine light. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into all the nerve cells of the brain, pouring into every nerve cell of the brain the great Divine energy of life, pouring the great Divine physiological power.

All blood vessels of the brain and heart expand infinitely along their entire length. Blood in a wide, free, cheerful stream washes all the blood vessels of the head and heart.

Through all the blood vessels of the head, the blood flows in a wide, free, cheerful stream. The blood of each nerve cell in the brain carries excellent nutritional value. Blood in a wide stream washes all the billions of nerve cells in the brain, washes through and through. The blood in a wide flow brings to each nerve cell an excellent nutritious nutrition. Restores the nervous system youthful strength, youthful energy. In full contentment, provided with everything, the brain restores youthful energy, restores reserve physiological strength.

And the whole brain washes, washes, cleans the whole brain with a wide free flow. Blood washes out in a cheerful wide stream from all the nerve cells of the brain, flushes out from every nerve cell of the brain all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products. Blood washes the entire brain in a cheerful, wide, free flow. The whole brain is now Divinely born as newborn-pure, Divinely pure. All physiological working intracellular processes proceed freely and freely.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour the holy Divine light, brighter than the sun, into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain. The whole soul, the whole head is filled with a bright, bright Divine light. The entire brain is filled with healing Divine light brighter than the sun. The whole brain restores youthful strength, restores youthful life energy.

And I from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain, I pour in the Divine physiological power, I pour in the Divine young power of life. All billions of nerve cells in the brain come to life, are included in an energetic, cheerful young life. Every moment more and more millions of nerve cells in the brain are included in a young, cheerful, joyful life. The whole brain comes to life, is filled with more and more new energy of life.

The nervous system restores reserve youthful strength. Restores reserve stamina to the nervous system. The entire nervous system becomes more and more stable, more and more stable.

And the blood in a wide, cheerful free flow carries the whole brain, brings to each nerve cell of the brain excellent nutritious food. Everything that the brain needs to recuperate, to restore a huge reserve energy - all the blood carries it in excess. The whole brain comes to life. Every moment more and more new nerve cells of the brain are included in a young joyful life, all new, more and more millions of nerve cells of the brain are included in a young, cheerful, joyful life.

The whole soul comes to life. The whole soul blooms. The whole soul is filled with more and more new energy of life. And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into my soul, into my head all the new, all the new energy of life. I am all alive, I am filled with all new, all new energy of life. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus that controls the life of the physical body is filled with more and more new energy of life.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour in a purposeful stream into the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart all the new, all the new energy of life. I fill all the nerve cells of the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart with all the new, all the new energy of life. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart restores reserve energy, restores reserve stamina. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart lives more and more steadily, more and more steadily correctly, energetically and correctly.

The young energy of life flows into all the nerves of the heart. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart restores youthful reserve stamina. The heart becomes more and more stable, more and more stable.

And the blood brings excellent nutritious nutrition to all structures of my heart in a wide, free, cheerful stream. The blood, in a wide, free, cheerful stream, rinses and rinses through the whole heart through and through - it flushes all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products from all structures of the heart. The whole heart is born Divinely pure, newborn pure, untouched by life. A young heart revives and blossoms. Restores youthful strength to the heart. Restores reserve strength to the heart. Restores the reserve youthful energy of life to the heart. The heart becomes more and more stable, more and more stable. The life of my heart is becoming more and more stable, more and more stable, young and cheerful.

And I, from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, pour into the entire vast area of ​​the heart, brighter than the sun, a silvery healing Divine light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright healing Divine light.

And the blood, in a wide, free, cheerful stream, brings to the heart excellent nutritional value. In full contentment, provided for everything, restores the heart's youthful strength. The heart becomes more and more powerful, more and more powerful, more and more powerful. Restores youthful strength to the heart. Restores youthful strength to the heart. The whole area of ​​the heart is filled with a very pleasant, healthy calmness. My heart felt so easy, so easy, good.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, in a purposeful stream into the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the heart, into all the nerves of the heart, pour the young Divine power of life. All structures of the heart are filled with youthful life force. The heart revives. All new, all new life energy is born in the heart. All new, all new young forces of life are born in the heart. The whole heart is filled with a very pleasant healthy strong youthful calmness.

My heart felt so easy, so easy, good. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with healing Divine light brighter than the sun.

8. Always very slow, very smooth, absolutely calm

Very slowly, very smoothly, always uniformly the same, absolutely calm, completely calm. Always-constantly homogeneous, equally, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly. Always homogeneous, equally, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly, serenely calm.

Always homogeneous, equally, serenely calm. Always homogeneous, equally, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly, absolutely calmly, uniformly, equally, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly, serenely calm.

Always homogeneous, equally, very slowly, very smoothly, absolutely calmly, completely calmly, serenely calm. Always uniform, the same, very slow, very smooth, completely calm, absolutely calm.

Always uniform, the same, very slow, very smooth, absolutely calm, completely calm. Very slowly, very smoothly, uniformly, equally, absolutely calmly, absolutely calmly, serenely calm.

9. Deepest relaxation

I fill my whole soul, my whole head, my whole body forever, for my whole life with the deepest relaxation. My whole being, through and through, is totally filled with the deepest relaxation. I fill all the cells of the brain and spinal cord with the deepest relaxation. I fill my soul through and through with the deepest relaxation.

The whole soul through and through, totally filled for life with the deepest relaxation. Nothing remains in the soul except for the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation filled my soul through and through. The deepest relaxation drove out all thoughts, all sounds from the soul. There is nothing in the soul but the deepest relaxation. All thoughts, all sounds from the soul are now gone, gone, disappeared in the distance, scattered in the space of the Universe. My whole soul through and through, to overflowing with deepest relaxation for the rest of my life.

I pour the deepest relaxation into my head in a continuous round-the-clock stream. The deepest relaxation all through and through, totally fills my head, the entire brain and spinal cord, the entire nervous system. Total deepest relaxation fills all muscles.

And I pour the deepest relaxation into all the billions of nerve cells in the frontal lobes of the brain with a constant round-the-clock flow, day and night. The deepest relaxation deeper and deeper fills all the nerve cells of the frontal lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation deeper and deeper fills the frontal lobes of the brain. In the area of ​​the forehead, head, all muscles relax, filled with the deepest relaxation.

And I continue to fill the frontal lobes of the brain through and through, fill it to capacity, fill it with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation deeper and deeper fills the frontal lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation through and through, totally fills the frontal lobes of the brain. All billions of nerve cells in the frontal lobes of the brain are filled to capacity with the deepest relaxation. The frontal lobes of the brain all through and through, all through and through were filled with the deepest relaxation.

And I continue to fill all the billions of nerve cells of the brain in the region of the crown of the head with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation deeper, deeper fills, fills the brain in the region of the crown. The deepest relaxation of all nerve cells in the region of the crown deeper, deeper and deeper fills, displaces all thoughts. The deepest relaxation penetrates deeper and deeper into the brain in the region of the crown, displaces, displaces all thoughts.

The deepest relaxation has already completely filled the entire brain in the region of the crown. Relaxation has now supplanted, completely, completely supplanted all thoughts. All thoughts are now leaving, scattering in the distance, leaving, disappearing in the distance, disappearing in the space of the Universe. Nothing remains in the brain in the region of the crown of the head, except for the deepest relaxation.

The deepest relaxation has already filled my soul through and through, to overflowing. The deepest relaxation drove all thoughts out of the soul. The deepest relaxation completely, completely displaced all thoughts from the soul. All thoughts are now leaving, disappearing in the distance, scattering in the space of the Universe. The whole soul is forever through and through, forever, for life filled with the deepest relaxation.

The entire brain in the region of the crown is completely filled to the brim with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation filled all the nerve cells in the region of the crown, filled the entire brain in the region of the crown. The deepest relaxation completely, completely supplanted all thoughts. All thoughts are now leaving, leaving, disappearing in the distance, scattering in the space of the Universe. There is nothing in the brain in the region of the crown of the head, except for the deepest relaxation.

And I continue, day and night, in a constant, continuous round-the-clock stream, pouring into the frontal lobes of the brain, pouring deep relaxation into the brain in the region of the crown of the head. The deepest relaxation forever, for life, filled the frontal lobes of the brain through and through. The deepest relaxation forever, for life, filled the entire brain in the region of the crown.

The deepest relaxation has now completely, completely supplanted all thoughts from the brain. All thoughts are gone, gone, disappeared in the distance, scattered in the space of the Universe. In the brain - in the frontal lobes, in the region of the crown - there was nothing left but the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation forever, for life, filled the frontal lobes of the brain to capacity, filled the entire area of ​​the brain in the region of the crown.

And I continue to pour the deepest relaxation into the temporal lobes of the brain. I pour the deepest relaxation into the temporal lobes of the brain with a constant, continuous stream day and night. The cerebral center of hearing, all the nerve cells that form the cerebral center of hearing, I fill through and through with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation fills, fills day and night, fills the temporal lobes of the brain through and through, fills the cerebral hearing center through and through. I fill all the auditory nerve cells through and through forever, for the rest of my life, with the deepest relaxation.

The deepest relaxation deeper and deeper fills the auditory nerve cells. The deepest relaxation deeper and deeper fills, fills the temporal lobes of the brain, the cerebral center of hearing. The deepest relaxation deeper and deeper fills all the billions of nerve cells in the temporal lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation fills the auditory nerve cells through and through, to capacity.

The deepest relaxation is now completely, completely displacing, displacing all sounds. All sounds go away, all sounds go away, go away, disappear in the distance, scatter in the space of the Universe. My ears are filling, filling with a newborn absolute silence. Newborn absolute silence-silence-silence fills my ears. Newborn silence fills, fills my ears. All sounds are gone, all sounds are gone, gone, disappeared in the distance, scattered in the space of the Universe. A newborn absolute silence-silence-silence filled my ears. A newborn absolute silence-silence filled my ears. Silence filled my ears.

My entire head is totally filled with the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation, relaxation is pouring into all the nerves of the head and brain in a constant round-the-clock stream. The deepest relaxation fills all the nerves of the head along the entire length. All the nerves of the head along the entire length are filled forever, for life, filled with the deepest relaxation, relaxation. All the muscles of the head, all the muscles of the forehead, all the muscles in the area of ​​the eyes, all the muscles in the area of ​​the face, all the muscles of the jaws are forever, for life filled with the deepest relaxation. All the nerves of the head, all the muscles continue deeper, deeper, deeper and deeper to relax, relax, relax.

And I continue to pour deep relaxation into all the billions of nerve cells in the occipital lobes of the brain day and night, in a round-the-clock stream. The deepest relaxation fills, fills, fills through all the nerve cells of the occipital lobes of the brain. The deepest relaxation deeper, deeper fills, fills the occipital lobes of the brain.

The deepest relaxation has already completely filled all the nerve cells, filled the occipital lobes of the brain through and through. Deep relaxation flows into the optic nerves in a continuous stream. Deepest relaxation fills the entire length of the optic nerves. The optic nerves along their entire length are filled, filled with the deepest relaxation for life.

Deep relaxation flows into all the nerves in the eye area in a continuous round-the-clock stream, day and night, day and night. All the nerves in the area of ​​the eyes along the entire length are filled through and through with the deepest relaxation. All muscles in the eye area continue to relax deeper, deeper and deeper, relax. All muscles in the eye area continue to relax deeper, deeper and deeper, relax. All the muscles in the forehead, in the area of ​​the eyes, continue to relax deeper, deeper, deeper and deeper. Forever, for life, the eyes are filled with a very pleasant, healthy, lasting calm. Firmly calm, firmly calm young, healthy eyes. Forever, for life, firmly calm, firmly calm young, healthy eyes.

And I continue day and night, in a continuous, continuous round-the-clock stream, to pour into all the cerebral motor centers that control the muscles, the deepest relaxation. I fill all the billions of nerve cells of the motor brain centers deeper, deeper and deeper, with the deepest relaxation.

All cerebral motor centers continue to relax deeper, deeper and deeper, relax. The deepest relaxation, already through and through, filled all the motor brain centers to overflowing. The deepest relaxation deeper, deeper fills, fills the entire motor area of ​​the brain. The deepest relaxation has already completely filled the motor zone of the brain. Forever, for life, the entire motor area of ​​the brain is filled to capacity, filled with deepest relaxation.

From the motor zone of the brain into all the nerves that go to the muscles, a continuous round-the-clock stream pours in, pours in the deepest relaxation. All the nerves that go to the muscles along the entire length are filled for life, filled with the deepest relaxation. Through all these nerves, the deepest relaxation flows into all my muscles. The deepest relaxation flows into all the muscles of the back, lower back, and all the muscles of the chest. The deepest relaxation continues to pour into all the muscles of the trunk, all the muscles of the shoulders, arms, all the muscles of the legs. All muscles are filled through and through, filled with the deepest relaxation.

All muscles continue to relax deeper, deeper and deeper, relax. My whole body continues to be filled with the deepest relaxation, filled with lightness, lightness, weightlessness.

My head is already all through and through, filled to capacity for the rest of my life with the deepest relaxation. For all my life I was filled with lightness-lightness, lightness-weightlessness. For life, the head is light, light, absolutely weightless. My whole body is filled with the deepest relaxation for life.

Forever, for all my life, my body was filled with lightness, lightness, absolute weightlessness. My legs are forever, for the rest of my life, filled with the deepest relaxation, filled with lightness, lightness, weightlessness. Forever, for all my life, my gait is light-weightless, light-light, light-fast. The legs are light, like feathers, the step is light-wide. I walk - I don't walk, I fly like a bird on my wings, my legs are as light as feathers, my whole young body is light-light, absolutely weightless. I go - I do not go, I fly as a bird on the wings.

And I continue to pour into all the brain centers that control the heart, to all the brain centers of the heart I continue to pour in, pour in the deepest relaxation in a round-the-clock stream. The deepest relaxation deeper and deeper fills, fills all the billions of nerve cells that form the brain centers that control the heart. The deepest relaxation through and through, to failure forever, for life filled all the brain centers that control the heart.

In all the nerves going to the heart, a continuous round-the-clock stream pours in, pours in the deepest relaxation, relaxation. The deepest relaxation fills through and through all the nerves going to the heart. The deepest relaxation continues to fill, fill the entire length of all the nerves going to the heart. All the nerves that go from the brain-spinal cord to the heart are filled with the deepest relaxation forever, for life along their entire length.

From the cerebral centers of the heart, along all the nerves that go to the heart, the deepest pleasant calmness flows in a continuous stream. The whole heart is filled with lightness-lightness, lightness-weightlessness. All muscles in the region of the heart continue to relax deeper, deeper and deeper, relax. All muscles in the region of the heart are filled with lightness-lightness, lightness-weightlessness. The entire vast area of ​​the heart has become light, light, absolutely weightless forever, for life. My heart lives divinely free.

My whole body is light, light, absolutely weightless, lives divinely free. Divinely free, absolutely free blood circulation throughout the body. I live divinely free, absolutely free.

Forever, for all my life, my soul is filled with the deepest relaxation. Forever, for life, my whole head is filled through and through with the deepest relaxation. Forever, for all my life, all my muscles are filled with the deepest relaxation. Forever, for all my life, my head became light, light, absolutely weightless. Forever, for all my life, my whole body is filled with lightness and lightness. Forever, for all my life, my whole body became light, light, completely weightless. Forever, for all my life, I am filled to the core with the deepest relaxation.

Forever, for all my life, I am filled through and through with an indestructible, persistent, deepest tranquility. Forever, for all my life, I am completely calm through and through, completely calm. Forever, for all my life, my whole being, my whole soul, my whole head, my whole body are filled with the deepest relaxation. For the rest of my life I have been filled to the brim with the deepest relaxation, the deepest relaxation. The deepest relaxation of all filled me through and through forever, for all time, for all my life.

10. All brain centers calm down

I am from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, pouring into the soul, into the head, a bright, bright healing silver Divine light. Bright, bright Divine light fills the whole soul. The whole soul is bright light. The whole soul calmed down. The whole soul was filled with a very pleasant healthy calmness.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour a purposeful stream into the soul, into the head with a bright, bright healing Divine light. The whole soul, the head is bright through and through. The whole head brightens through and through. The whole head brightens through and through. The eyes become brighter.

The healing Divine light penetrates into all cerebral centers of the brain-spinal cord - a bright, bright Divine light. All cerebral centers of the brain-spinal cord that control the life of the entire physical body, all cerebral centers calm down, relax, calm down, relax. Pleasant, healthy serenity of the brain and spinal cord flows into the entire physical body.

And I continue with a purposeful stream from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos to pour into the soul, into the head, a bright, bright healing silver Divine light. The whole head is filled through and through with a bright, bright Divine light. The entire brain-spinal cord is filled with bright, bright Divine light. All brain centers calm down, relax, calm down, relax. From the brain and spinal cord, a very pleasant, healthy calmness flows into the whole body.

And I continue with a purposeful stream from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos to pour into the soul, into the head, a bright, bright healing silver Divine light. The whole head brightens through. The whole head brightens through. The whole head becomes brighter. The whole head is filled with bright, bright healing Divine light. Divine healing light penetrates into all cerebral centers of the brain and spinal cord. Healing Divine light calms all brain centers, relaxes, calms, relaxes. Pleasant serenity flows from the brain-spinal cord into the entire physical body.

I calmed down forever. The whole soul calmed down. I'm completely calm through and through. I am completely calm, serenely calm.

The whole soul is bright light. The whole head is bright through and through. The eyes are bright, bright light. The whole head is bright through and through, light, calm. Young-young healthy, absolutely healthy calm eyes.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Thoughts that heal the heart and the entire circulatory system (G.N. Sytin, 2014) provided by our book partner -


Few of us think about the time in which our life takes place.

I am deeply convinced that we are living in a time of global change.

Of course, behind our daily lives, these changes are rarely seen.

Deep down, each of us often experiences mood swings and incomprehensible anxiety.

We live in a time when it is difficult to rely on anything.

The old ideas and values ​​are leaving the hearts of people. New ones imperceptibly begin to appear - but they are still too weak. Spiritual vacuum makes many callous and changeable.

Fortunately, at the same time, there are people who have exceptional spiritual strength. Their attitude and energy ignite our hearts, inspiring us to search for lost values, make efforts and experience our own life in a full and joyful way.

Our eyes begin to look at the world in a different way, the heart is experiencing a rebirth - we begin to think and act purely, simply and beautifully.

With sincere warmth I would like to introduce you to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.

Immediately, from the first telephone conversation, I understood that a close and rare person was talking to me. Warmth and sincerity slowly and joyfully poured into my soul. I cannot say that “everything is bad” in my life, but this sincere conversation made a strong impression on me. Today it is enough for me to remember the voice of Georgy Nikolaevich to feel cheerful and happy.

I sincerely hope that the Real Life Extension series prepared by our publishing house will become your reliable assistant in everyday life.


Publisher Petr Lisovsky


I heard, or rather, read this name for the first time in the early 90s. He leafed through the book and, feeling strong skepticism, put it aside: not mine. The terminology was especially unacceptable. The appeal to God and other “divine” concepts, alliance with them, and actions on their behalf, found in almost every sentence, was alarming. I confess: the atheistic worldview and occupation of that time pushed aside communication with literature, which actively uses such vocabulary, for many years. Although the very concept of mood and its effect on the body have been known to me for a long time. After all, I have been involved in sports for a long time - sambo wrestling - under the guidance of one of its founders - A. A. Kharlampiev. And he, like no one else, possessed the technique of mood. I had to tune in before each fight. And the stronger the enemy, the longer the psychological session - the attitude - leading to victory over the enemy. The more important and responsible the competition and specific fights, the more you “burn”, the more endlessly sleepless nights you spend trying to persuade yourself, in self-conviction that you are stronger and you must win. The more important your victory is for the team, the more responsible you behave and convince, set yourself up.

How many times in the corridors of the same "Wings" before going out on the carpet you met the recognized luminaries of the carpet, who, "having withdrawn into themselves," walked by detachedly, not noticing anyone. And here it was completely indecent, tactless, harmful to violate this somnambulistic detachment, to try to enter into a conversation-Attitude with them. Self-adjust. Self-conviction ... For some, it is endless nights and the danger of "burn out". For others, a few well-chosen installations. Of course, the correct attitude of the coach is of great importance to enhance the athlete's self-alignment. He has a long conversation with one, carefully adding psychological "firewood" to the firebox of the willed attention of the ward, while the other needs to introduce into the consciousness a short classical imperative: "We must, Fedya!"

How often, on the other hand, did not tune in, without taking into account all the strengths of the opponent, the stronger found himself in the position of a loser. I didn’t tune in, I considered it superfluous: ah, I’m already stronger ... And not only a lone athlete. How many times the recognized triumphant teams have not climbed to the top of the podium, the consciousness of whose members has been clouded by the former glory, who considered it beneath their dignity to analyze the current state of the enemy, to tune in to victory in a duel with him.

Going further, we can find sad analogies for underestimating opposing forces in relations between states. For example, the attitude of the Russian elite before the Russian-Japanese war at the beginning of the last century: ah, let's throw our hats! Shamefully lost. The wrong attitude has led to dire consequences. By the way, at the same time the heroic team of "Varyag" held out to the end with the mindset "not to surrender!" And, having perished, she inscribed her feat in golden letters in the tablets of history ... But why am I?

Yes, all the same: to present all explicit and implicit diseases in the form of visible, understandable images and to provide a basis for one's own awareness of the mood on the way to the method of G.N. Sytin.

A high responsible position, constant nervous overloads and the stresses caused by them, at first gradually, and then more and more sharply and more visibly began to undermine health. Insomnia, jumping blood pressure, signs of coronary heart disease, despite constant attempts to lead a healthy lifestyle in the remaining time (tempering, running, dumbbell gymnastics, striving for rational nutrition), progressed. And then arrhythmia began to prevail.

Actually, neither this word nor the very concept scared me: the bradycardia that accompanied my entire conscious life was also called arrhythmia. But this arrhythmia was mastered by me long ago. I considered it a companion, an indicator of the health of my perfectly trained heart. And I was even proud of her. And strongly reduced - up to 44-48 beats per minute, but a rhythmic filled pulse with clean, clear, booming, sonorous tones has always been one of the components of my great health and wonderful, even mood.

Now, at the age of 62, these physiological disorders were threatening to turn into organic, irreversible ones. The consultations with the doctors did little to my anxious mind. Standard diagnoses and dependence on the drug "needle" only frightened and did not stimulate their conversion to their faith. Not only were the drugs ineffective and bouncing in their price, I could not overcome the historical, perhaps, prejudices against them. After the death of my mother at the age of 55 from a whole "bunch" of diseases complicated by the last stage of diabetes mellitus, my father threw away several buckets of these same drugs, generously prescribed once by doctors and often bought by me myself, or rather, more often "taken out" in those days with the best intentions.

I myself was now bewildered by my very first attempts to use atenolol against arrhythmias. This adrenergic blocker was prescribed to me, naturally, without taking into account my respected bradycardia and in a solid dose. Feeling that something was wrong, I increased my interest in my own analytical research and realized that my already slow pulse atenolol slowed down even more, from which I felt terrible discomfort and pain in the region of the heart.

At this time, I ended up in a sanatorium. The doctor sharply reduced the dose of atenolol (and then I canceled it myself), but fixed it in the IHD card and strongly recommended to change jobs or even part with it. With deep regret (and now - especially regret) I used the last recommendation after some time, but the arrhythmia continued to haunt me more than anything else. So many things I haven't tried!

Again a bull on a string went to the doctor, predicting in advance the next entry in the card. Moreover, the "white coat effect" began to play a cruel joke on me: at home my blood pressure is normal on my blood pressure monitor, but in the doctor's office it is always high. The therapist prescribes all the new drugs. Referrals to a cardiologist. He went to a neuropathologist, a psychotherapist, and so on. And so on. And from them I come out with a bunch of recipes, intricate names of drugs in which they cause - alas! - not so much the joy of expanding my vocabulary and the possibility of recovery, but the chagrin of the upcoming devastation of my wallet and, most importantly, of the lack of hope for improvement. What hope can there be for improvement if, having come to the doctor with a complaint of heart trouble due to arrhythmia, I read in the medical file after visiting the next consultant: "There is no desire for suicide." What suicide? Why did this word even appear on my map? With hatred I ditch and throw prescriptions with seals into the urn and after a while, having saved enough patience to sit in line, I again go “to the start” - to the therapist.

But during this time, I also check my heart in my own way. True, "my" arrhythmia - bradycardia - from my youth entered into the medical record in the physical education dispensary, changed its name and became "atrial fibrillation". And this is in Latin - delirium cordis, which in translation means "madness of the heart." Of cardiac arrhythmias, this is the most common (occurs in 5% of the population). With this rhythm disorder, the atria are turned off from the coordinated work of the heart. Because of this, the heart ventricles also begin to work erratically. But my heart remained mine! .. And if you do not think about arrhythmia, then it still works properly. I apply my test: I take off through 1-2 steps to the 7th floor without rest, without feeling any changes in the rhythm. Again I donate blood for cholesterol - much lower than normal. This means that there is no clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.

Current page: 3 (total of the book has 30 pages) [available passage for reading: 20 pages]


100% +

The method of successful assimilation of moods

It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in the sound recording. You can speak the mood to the tape recorder for yourself. The tone of the presentation should be firm, business-like, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood aloud, but there are no conditions - read or speak from memory to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others to read. While listening, you can also do something about the house. But it's best if you try not to get distracted and focus.

Use wasted time to internalize attitudes, such as commuting to work and home.

Set yourself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. This will help you with the following attitude "To strengthen volitional attention", as well as the attitudes from the chapter "Healing the soul to heal the heart": "To strengthen the will", "With all the forces of my mind I believe in what I say about myself", "Materializing assimilation mood "," I activate work on myself. "

To strengthen volitional attention

The life-giving newborn life of tremendous, colossal strength is pouring into my head. The colossal energy of creation is pouring into my head. The colossal energy of creation is being poured into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain. All billions of nerve cells in the brain are infused with colossal energy of rapid development.

All my mental faculties are developing rapidly, rapidly and energetically, and my will is rapidly increasing.

The life-giving newborn life of enormous, colossal strength fills my head all through and through, all through and through. A newborn, young, healthy, cheerful, playful soul is born in me. A newborn, young, healthy, healthy, cheerful soul is born in me.

A healthy mind gives birth to a strong, healthy head. The life-giving newborn life of tremendous, colossal strength is pouring into my head. A bright, bright white light flows into my head, a bright, bright white light flows into my head. A bright, bright white light flows into the back of the head, a bright, bright white light flows into the back of the head. The whole head is bright, bright, bright, bright, bright, bright in the eyes. The eyes are bright, bright light. The entire head is bright through and through, in the eyes it is brightly bright.

The life-giving newborn life of tremendous, colossal strength is pouring into my head. The colossal energy of creation is poured into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain, and the colossal energy of creation is poured in at once. Huge, colossal energy of rapid, rapid development is poured into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain. All my mental faculties are developing rapidly. My thinking is quickly activated, faster and more energetic thinking is born. Memory is strengthening, more and more vivid, more and more powerful memory is born.

The colossal energy of creation is poured into the brain mechanisms of will. The colossal energy of rapid development is poured into the brain mechanisms of will. Will strengthens, spiritual strength increases. I am born as a man of great, tremendous spiritual strength. I am born as a man of ever stronger will. More and more firm, more and more stable volitional attention is born. More and more firm, more and more stable volitional attention is born.

During the assimilation of the moods, I completely turn off from the outside world, during the assimilation of the moods, the entire external world ceases to exist for me. I focus entirely on the content of the mood. I focus entirely on the content of the mood. In addition to the content of the mood, there is nothing in my soul. During the assimilation of the mood in my soul there is nothing but the content of the mood. The entire external world ceases to exist for me, the entire external world ceases to exist for me. I focus entirely on mood content, I focus entirely on mood content. In addition to the content of the mood, there is nothing else in my soul.

Willful attention is becoming more and more strong, more and more durable. I will mobilize all my strength to focus as deeply as possible on the content of the mood. During the whole time of assimilation of the mood in my soul there is nothing but the content of the mood. The entire external world ceases to exist for me for the entire time of assimilation of the mood. Willful attention becomes more and more powerful, more and more powerful, more and more durable.

The colossal energy of creation is poured into the brain mechanisms of will, the colossal energy of rapid development is poured into the brain mechanisms of will. The brain mechanisms of the will are sharply strengthened, the brain mechanisms of the will of great, tremendous strength are born.

Will strengthens, character strengthens. An ever stronger self-government is born, an ever stronger self-government is born. I am in complete control of all my behavior, all my thoughts, all my feelings. Complete domination of the spirit over the body is born.

The all-conquering will shines in my eyes, the enormous strength of the spirit shines in my eyes, the enormous strength of the spirit shines in my eyes.

The colossal energy of creation fills my head through and through. A colossal energy of creation is poured into all brain mechanisms, a colossal energy of rapid development is poured into all brain mechanisms. All cerebral mechanisms are born in a newborn-working, perfectly working, absolutely working. Colossal energy of rapid development is poured into all brain mechanisms. All cerebral mechanisms become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic.

My overall performance increases, my mental performance increases - I can concentrate on assimilating the mood I need for hours on end, without knowing fatigue. I can actively, actively, concentrate on assimilating the mood for hours on end, not knowing fatigue. Almost limitless mental performance is born.

Colossal energy is pouring into the brain mechanisms, colossal energy of rapid development is pouring in, colossal energy of creation is pouring in. The colossal energy of creation is poured into the brain mechanisms of will, the colossal energy of rapid development is poured into the brain mechanisms of will.

Will strengthens, will strengthens, character grows stronger. A tremendous strength of spirit is being born in me now. Forever, for all time, great strength of mind is born in me. The all-conquering will shines in my eyes. I dare everything, I can do everything. Nothing is impossible for me. Energetic, strong brain mechanisms of will are born. The all-crushing, all-conquering strength of spirit is born in my soul. Complete domination of the spirit over the body is born. I have limitless control over all my behavior, all my thoughts, all my feelings.

During the assimilation of the moods, I completely turn off from the outside world, completely concentrate on the content of the moods. My volitional attention is becoming more and more strong, more and more solid. Willful attention is becoming more and more strong, more and more durable.

The colossal energy of creation is poured into all brain mechanisms. All cerebral mechanisms are born in a newborn-working, perfectly working, absolutely working. I am on the way to complete final recovery, I am on the way to complete final recovery, and it fills me with joy in life.

A cheerful light lights up in my eyes, a sunny bright spring smile on my face. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or speaking it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes in full accordance with the content of the mood.

When assimilating the mood, try to behave as actively as possible (walk better), make efforts to memorize the text. This increases the activity of assimilation.

To assimilate the attitude means to bring yourself into full compliance with its content. (and not just memorize the text).

Those fragments of text that you like best and have a special meaning, it is useful to listen to, read or recite from memory a large number of times. It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought aloud, be sure to stop the tape recorder by pressing the "Pause" button.

It is beneficial to assimilate the mood in the morning, in which case it will heal the whole day.

Chapter 1. Attitudes Replacing Bypass Surgery and Preventing Myocardial Infarction and Stroke

1. Blood supply to the head

My gigantic, titanically strong spirit from God knows that God has laid in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all cells of the body, including highly differentiated cells - the retina of the eyes, brain, myocardium, - including in my heredity the revival of an 18-year-old young body, which will then continuously renew, improve, develop, remain forever young, full of health and strength. In my angelic, divine titanically strong soul of a gigantic all-conquering power, the conviction that now my 18-year-old young body is being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul, there is an all-conquering conviction that in the whole body there is Divinely free wide circulation. The whole body lives a full-blooded, cheerful, happy, joyful life. In my angelic, Divine soul, there is a constant stability of the thought that all blood vessels are Divinely free, Divinely clean, all blood supply is Divinely free, the blood supply to the whole body, all internal organs is wide, free. Through all blood vessels: through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a free, wide, cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood.

In my soul there is a constant stability of the thought that the blood supply to the head is Divinely serviceable, free, wide. In my kind angelic spiritually titanically strong soul there is an all-conquering conviction that my whole body lives a full-blooded free joyful life. In my soul there is an all-conquering conviction that the blood supply to the head is divinely free and wide.

In my kind angelic, Divine soul of a giant, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, all arterioles, all capillaries of the head are Divinely expanded along the entire length, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, blood flows wide free a merry spring stream, like a merry spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. The blood supply to the head is wide and free. All arterioles are Divinely opened, Divinely free. All capillaries of the head, all microcirculation of the head are Divinely serviceable, Divinely free. All arteries of the spine, neck, head are Divinely expanded, Divinely free. Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, blood flows in a free, wide, joyful stream.

Through all the arterioles of the head, through all the capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide free spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Capillary microcirculation of the head is Divinely free. All arterioles of the head are Divinely expanded, Divinely free. All capillaries of the head are divinely free, young, 18 years old. Capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free, wide. All blood vessels of the head - both in the center and on the periphery - are all divinely infinitely expanded, open along their entire length.

Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, blood flows in a free wide spring stream.

Through all the arterioles and capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide, free spring stream. All blood circulation in the head is wide, free, wide, free. Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide, free spring stream.

The blood supply to the head is free, wide, free, wide. All capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free, wide. The whole head is bright and bright through and through, and in the center and on the periphery, the entire head is bright through and through. All blood vessels in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head are equally Divinely dilated along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head - both in the center of the head and on the periphery - the blood flows in a free, wide stream. All arterioles, capillaries on the periphery of the head are Divinely infinitely expanded along their entire length.

On the periphery of the head, divinely free wide, cheerful spring blood circulation. Blood carries all the nerve cells of the brain, all structures of the brain, all tissues, all cells, all hairs on the head, blood carries an abundance of excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youth structure of all billions of nerves brain cells, all other cells in the head.

In my soul, the constant stability of the thought of a free wide blood supply to the head. The entire head through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - is all bright and bright through and through. The eyes are always bright, bright light.

With a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, the blood rinses and rinses the entire brain through and through - it flushes out of the brain all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products. The brain is eternally Divinely pure, perfectly pure, biologically pure. The blood rinses all the blood vessels of the head with a cheerful, joyful rush - from the walls of the blood vessels it washes all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products.

The arteries of the spine have divinely expanded, eternally Divinely pure, perfectly pure.

All blood vessels of the head are Divinely pure. All the blood vessels of the head: all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood rinses and rinses in a merry, joyful, rapid stream. From the walls of all blood vessels with an eternal, cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, the blood washes away and washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products, constantly flushes, cleans all blood vessels of the head. All blood vessels of the head: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - Divinely clean, eternally Divinely clean, perfectly clean, biologically clean.

All blood circulation in the head is free-free, wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, the blood flows in a free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood.

All blood circulation in the head is divinely free. All arterioles, all capillaries of the head are eternally free, eternally divinely expanded along their entire length. All capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free, free, wide.

All cells of the head, all cells of the brain, all cells of the retina Divinely regenerate, renew, revive their youthful structure. The head is eternally young, the head is eternally young. Eternally divinely free, wide blood circulation in all blood vessels of the head. The blood supply to the head is always free, wide, Divinely serviceable. The whole head is always bright, bright, bright through and through. The eyes are bright, bright light.

Through all the blood vessels of the head, the blood flows in a free spring wide stream. Through all the blood vessels - both in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head - blood flows in a free wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. In the head it is always infinitely spacious, in the head it is always infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. The head is eternally all through and through, all through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - the entire head through and through is bright-bright-light. The eyes are bright, bright light.

The blood supply to the head is always free and wide. Capillary microcirculation of the head is always free and wide. All billions of nerve cells in the brain, all living cells, all living tissues of the head, all hair on the head always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive, constantly revive the young 18-year-old structure of all cells, all tissues , all structures of the head. The head is forever young, 18 years old, Divinely beautiful, untouched by life.

My gigantic, titanically strong spirit, my angelic, Divine spiritually titanically strong soul completely, totally control the body. My body completely, infinitely obeys my gigantic strong spirit, my Divine, angelic soul. The body is completely, totally aligned with the conviction of the soul.

All blood vessels of the spine, neck, and head are divinely expanded along their entire length by the will of God, Divinely free. Infinitely obeying the spirit, soul, all blood vessels, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins of the spine, neck, heads are Divinely expanded along their entire length, Divinely free, eternally Divinely pure. By the will of God, blood flows through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, and head in a free, cheerful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood.

In my angelic, Divine soul, there is a constant stability of thought about the eternally young free wide blood supply to the head, about the Divinely free capillary microcirculation of the head.

All structures of the head, all tissues, all cells, all nerve cells of the brain always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youth structure of my whole body.

All blood supply to the head is eternally Divinely serviceable, Divinely free, Divinely wide. The head is always all through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - bright-bright-light, always light-light, absolutely weightless. The eyes are always bright, bright light.

2. Blood circulation of the head, eyes. Healing from cataracts

My gigantic, titanically strong spirit from God knows that God has laid in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all cells of the body, including highly differentiated cells - the retina of the eyes, the brain, the myocardium. God included in my inheritance the revival of an 18-year-old young body, which will then be continuously renewed, improved, developed, and eternally youthful for many centuries.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that now my 18-year-old young body is being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength. In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that I am now a young 18-year-old handsome hero, full of health and strength. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about an eternally young 18-year-old Divinely healthy body. In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that my whole body is now young, 18 years old, that my body will remain forever young, 18 years old, Divinely healthy. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that my eternally young body is living a full-blooded young energetic and joyful life.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that in my whole body there is an 18-year-old young free wide circulation.

My gigantic strong, titanically strong spirit, my titanically spiritually strong soul completely, totally control my body. My body completely, totally, infinitely obeys my soul, constantly comes into full, total correspondence with the conviction of the soul about a Divinely healthy 18-year-old young body.

All blood circulation is divinely free, springy, fast and cheerful. All blood circulation in the head is divinely free and wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head: through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood flows in a free wide stream. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the head are Divinely opened, Divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, blood flows in a free wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in a flood, in a wide flood. Free wide blood supply to the head.

Through all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes, blood flows in a free wide stream. The blood brings to all the cells of the eyes, to all the tissues of the eyes, to all structures of the eyes, excellent nutritious food, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. All blood vessels of the occipital lobes of the brain, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the occipital lobes of the brain are constantly dilated, free, all the time Divinely dilated along their entire length. The blood supply to the occipital lobes of the brain is divinely free, wide. All nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of all nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain.

A gigantic divine power flows into the optic nerves. The optic nerves get healthier, get stronger, get stronger, are born strong, strong, titanically resistant. All cells of the eyes, including cells of the retina, are constantly renewed and regenerated, obeying the conviction of the soul. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes are constantly, continuously, always Divinely expanded along their entire length, always Divinely free. The blood supply to the eyes is always divinely free and wide. The blood provides all cells with adequate nutrition, oxygen for respiration, enzymes, hormones that constantly activate regeneration, renewal of all cells of the retina, all cells of the eyes. The eyes are constantly, continuously renewed, constantly reviving their 18-year-old youthful structure. The entire anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral visual apparatus is 18 years old, young, gigantic energetic.

In my soul there is a giant, titanic all-conquering Divine power, the conviction that my vision is now 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the continuous renewal of all cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral visual apparatus.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the eternally young 18-year-old gigantic strong, sharp, eagle vision. My gigantic, titanically strong spirit, my young Divine, angelic soul with the brightness of lightning know that my vision is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that the cells of the retina are constantly regenerating and renewing. The retina of the eyes is constantly renewing itself, constantly reviving its 18-year-old divinely healthy structure. In my soul, there is a constant stability of thoughts that all cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral apparatus of vision are constantly regenerating and renewing. Eyesight is constantly, eternally young, 18-year-old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle-eyed.

The vitreous body receives an abundance of excellent nutritious food, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. The lens constantly receives excellent nutritious nutrition. The lenses of the eyes remain divinely transparent, ideally transparent, forever and ever. The visual fields are always bright bright bright. The eyes are always bright, bright light.

All structures of the eyes are constantly receiving excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. All cells, all structures constantly, forever remain 18 years old, Divinely healthy, Divinely healthy. Eyesight forever remains 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, aquiline. All structures of the eyes live a full-blooded youthful joyful life. There is always a free blood supply in the eyes. The vitreous body lives forever, fully provided with excellent nutritional value, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones of all-round development. The lenses of the eyes are constantly receiving excellent nutritious nutrition. The lenses of the eyes always remain perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. The visual fields always remain bright bright bright. Eyesight is forever young, 18-year-old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle-eyed.

The lenses of the eyes are always perfectly transparent, divinely transparent. The visual fields are always bright bright light. My vision is forever young, 18 years old, gigantic strong, sharp, eagle-eyed.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. In my angelic, Divine soul of a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is a conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. The visual fields are always bright bright bright.

Be sure to read the information below. Because this psychological trick is able to restore the heart rate and maintain it in a normal state without the use of drug therapy.

Anti-arrhythmia mood words

The words are based on the following:

  1. Doubt is completely excluded - the author applies the boundless audacity of faith. The words are aimed at making the patient imagine himself recovered.
  2. It is about the rejuvenation of the whole organism, which leads to mobilization and biological changes. It is important to tune oneself for youth, strength and excellent health, since the brain is directly interconnected with the physical data of a person. One can recall the cases when perfectly healthy people constantly complain of pain and poor health. As a result, diseases develop. But the situations were recorded in the world of official medicine when even cancer patients were healed by the power of words and faith in themselves.
  3. The text also talks about how all the cells of the body are restored, especially the brain and spinal cord. After all, it is they that promote health, increase energy reserves, and manage organs.
  4. A lot of words have been said about the steadfastness of the heart, which is an important aspect in arrhythmia. This is the stability of the time intervals between impacts, which corresponds to the norm. This cannot be influenced by stressful situations or any other factors.
  5. It is necessary to talk about the state of the circulatory system, since a common cause of arrhythmia is vascular atherosclerosis. It talks about the normal flow of blood through the veins, about their purity and free blood flow in the smallest capillaries and the largest arteries. Thanks to such sayings, the heart will be fully saturated with oxygen and nutrients, which will eliminate the risk of conditions such as heart attack.
  6. It is necessary to indicate the desired blood pressure and the number of pulse beats, saying this repeatedly.
  7. The mood ends with words about a heroic, rejuvenating heart, an easy gait and lack of heaviness.

Listen to the speech in the recording in the presented video and feel how effective the Sytin method is:

Who is Georgy Sytin?

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a world-renowned scientist who has developed an amazing method for improving the health of the whole organism.

His academic titles and achievements:

  1. G. Sytin was the President of the All-Union Methodological Scientific Center for Psychological Support of Humanity and Non-drug Therapy.
  2. He is a doctor of many sciences - medical, pedagogical, psychological, philosophical. And not only in Russia, but also in Brussels and Belgium.
  3. Commander and Commander of the Order of Science, Education and Culture.
  4. Holds the title of President of Sytin University of international importance in Moscow, Brussels and New York.
  5. At the Distributed World University, he is Vice President.
  6. He is a member of the scientific councils and the presidiums of the professions and health congresses.
  7. In psychosomatic rehabilitation, he bears the title of Honorary Professor of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, was the head of the department.

Briefly about biography

Born on 08/30/1921 in the Kyrgyz town of Osh. He is Russian by origin, but due to the prevailing circumstances of that time (they were hiding from persecution), his parents were forced to leave the capital of their homeland - Moscow.

Sytin often asked various psychological questions. For example, about the line that humanity cannot cross. He was interested in the problems of prejudice - he could not understand why the bulk of people adhere to stereotyped relationships, monotonous behavior and thoughts.

He managed to contact the psychologist Kornilov K.N. - the author of the book "Education of the Will", in which George found many answers. The professor agreed to take Sytin as an apprentice after receiving his education. Then the future scientist entered 3 higher educational institutions at the same time and successfully mastered the materials of all institutes.

But the Great Patriotic War soon began. Sytin was discharged after being wounded eight times. For 3 months he was in serious condition in the hospital, after which he was assigned 1 disability group. The attending doctor announced the verdict - life will soon end.

By virtue of his character, George decided to fight and defeated his disease, which surprised the doctors after another study. At the same time, the doctor did not take medications, but was engaged in self-tuning. And today his method is considered to be globally recognized and justified.

How the anti-arrhythmia mood works

It has been known since biblical times that the word has special power, so Sytin took advantage of this. The principle of operation was established after studying the following:

  1. Conspiracies that healers used to treat the sick.
  2. Ancient prayers that were used by believers.
  3. The spells cast by the sorcerers.
  4. Psychology based on the perception of words.
  5. A medicine that explains why arrhythmias occur and what promotes treatment.

It is the knowledge gained during the study of such aspects that made it possible to create a unique technique called SOEVUS, which means a method of managing the human condition through mental and somatic speech impact.

The technique is based on the concentration of kind words with semantic elements. These are separate formulas with high efficiency and it is not desirable to edit them. The phrases must be repeated in a certain rhythm, due to which a mood for healing arises in the human brain. Then it gets stronger and stronger.

It is known that the brain is able to store all information about a person's life, including the time of full health and the development of pathology. Therefore, SOEVUS controls all organs through the nervous system, which transmits impulses to the brain, after which the blood supply to the body increases, the cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Energy and strength appear, the person feels healthy. But most importantly, the affected organs are self-healing.

Effectiveness of the anti-arrhythmia mood

When a person utters a phrase that his heart hurts, this indirectly creates negative energy. If he says that he has a strong will, then all doubts are suppressed. This is the basis of the effectiveness of the Sytin technique, which gives excellent results. SOEVUS has the following effect:

  • there is a stimulation of the life position;
  • personality is activated;
  • volitional effort develops;
  • efficiency increases;
  • self-education is carried out;
  • purposefulness appears;
  • mood improves;
  • confidence in recovery comes;
  • one feels a revival of one's own strengths and energy reserves.

No prior preparation is required to conduct the attunement session. But there are age restrictions - up to 16 years. Children can only use the technique to overcome urinary incontinence at night.

How to properly assimilate the mood?

To get a positive result, it is important to properly internalize the attitudes. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  1. The words of the technique can be pronounced independently or listened to in a sound recording, viewed in a video. How to do this, it is up to the patient himself to decide, since one person does not perceive information when listening, and for another, this is the best way to assimilate the material.
  2. It is advisable to speak the text yourself, so that you can hear your own voice. But first, you can use the video tutorial.
  3. You need to express your "prayer" with confidence in a firm and businesslike tone. Paphos is out of the question.
  4. If you do not have the opportunity to say the text aloud or listen to it in an audio recording throughout the day, do it silently or in a whisper.
  5. Try to use any free minute for the mood (for example, instead of playing computer games or lying idle on the couch). You can listen and speak while preparing dinner, cleaning, etc. But do not lose focus on your words. If you can listen to text through headphones, do it on the way to work.
  6. Try to memorize all the words, which will help you apply the method at any time of the day and under different circumstances.
  7. But not only remember the mood, but try to merge with it in order to get complete correspondence with it. This is the only way you can increase efficiency and speed up your results.

If you do not know how to independently tune yourself to convincing assimilation of the material, use a mood that strengthens volitional attention. You can find his words in this video:

How does official medicine relate to the method?

Official medicine fully recognizes psychosomatic methods of therapy, and the method of healing according to Sytin sets patients up for positive emotions. With his good health and long life (in 2015 he turned 94, and he was full of strength and energy) Sytin proved the effectiveness of his own method.

Over the years, scientists have conducted repeated studies of patients with arrhythmia with records of all indicators and changes. As it turned out, the result exceeded the expectations of the doctors. The professor's theory was confirmed.

The effectiveness of SOEVUS is confirmed by science, however, in many cases, in addition to psychosomatics, doctors strongly recommend the use of drug therapy. Moreover, it is not known whether each person will be able to assimilate and accept the mood so effectively.

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